; LzFindOpt.asm -- ASM version of GetMatchesSpecN_2() function ; 2024-06-18: Igor Pavlov : Public domain ; ifndef x64 ; x64=1 ; .err endif include 7zAsm.asm MY_ASM_START ifndef Z7_LZ_FIND_OPT_ASM_USE_SEGMENT if (IS_LINUX gt 0) Z7_LZ_FIND_OPT_ASM_USE_SEGMENT equ 1 else Z7_LZ_FIND_OPT_ASM_USE_SEGMENT equ 1 endif endif ifdef Z7_LZ_FIND_OPT_ASM_USE_SEGMENT _TEXT$LZFINDOPT SEGMENT ALIGN(64) 'CODE' MY_ALIGN macro num:req align num ; align 16 endm else MY_ALIGN macro num:req ; We expect that ".text" is aligned for 16-bytes. ; So we don't need large alignment inside our function. align 16 endm endif MY_ALIGN_16 macro MY_ALIGN 16 endm MY_ALIGN_32 macro MY_ALIGN 32 endm MY_ALIGN_64 macro MY_ALIGN 64 endm t0_L equ x0_L t0_x equ x0 t0 equ r0 t1_x equ x3 t1 equ r3 cp_x equ t1_x cp_r equ t1 m equ x5 m_r equ r5 len_x equ x6 len equ r6 diff_x equ x7 diff equ r7 len0 equ r10 len1_x equ x11 len1 equ r11 maxLen_x equ x12 maxLen equ r12 d equ r13 ptr0 equ r14 ptr1 equ r15 d_lim equ m_r cycSize equ len_x hash_lim equ len0 delta1_x equ len1_x delta1_r equ len1 delta_x equ maxLen_x delta_r equ maxLen hash equ ptr0 src equ ptr1 if (IS_LINUX gt 0) ; r1 r2 r8 r9 : win32 ; r7 r6 r2 r1 r8 r9 : linux lenLimit equ r8 lenLimit_x equ x8 ; pos_r equ r2 pos equ x2 cur equ r1 son equ r9 else lenLimit equ REG_ABI_PARAM_2 lenLimit_x equ REG_ABI_PARAM_2_x pos equ REG_ABI_PARAM_1_x cur equ REG_ABI_PARAM_0 son equ REG_ABI_PARAM_3 endif if (IS_LINUX gt 0) maxLen_OFFS equ (REG_SIZE * (6 + 1)) else cutValue_OFFS equ (REG_SIZE * (8 + 1 + 4)) d_OFFS equ (REG_SIZE + cutValue_OFFS) maxLen_OFFS equ (REG_SIZE + d_OFFS) endif hash_OFFS equ (REG_SIZE + maxLen_OFFS) limit_OFFS equ (REG_SIZE + hash_OFFS) size_OFFS equ (REG_SIZE + limit_OFFS) cycPos_OFFS equ (REG_SIZE + size_OFFS) cycSize_OFFS equ (REG_SIZE + cycPos_OFFS) posRes_OFFS equ (REG_SIZE + cycSize_OFFS) if (IS_LINUX gt 0) else cutValue_PAR equ [r0 + cutValue_OFFS] d_PAR equ [r0 + d_OFFS] endif maxLen_PAR equ [r0 + maxLen_OFFS] hash_PAR equ [r0 + hash_OFFS] limit_PAR equ [r0 + limit_OFFS] size_PAR equ [r0 + size_OFFS] cycPos_PAR equ [r0 + cycPos_OFFS] cycSize_PAR equ [r0 + cycSize_OFFS] posRes_PAR equ [r0 + posRes_OFFS] cutValue_VAR equ DWORD PTR [r4 + 8 * 0] cutValueCur_VAR equ DWORD PTR [r4 + 8 * 0 + 4] cycPos_VAR equ DWORD PTR [r4 + 8 * 1 + 0] cycSize_VAR equ DWORD PTR [r4 + 8 * 1 + 4] hash_VAR equ QWORD PTR [r4 + 8 * 2] limit_VAR equ QWORD PTR [r4 + 8 * 3] size_VAR equ QWORD PTR [r4 + 8 * 4] distances equ QWORD PTR [r4 + 8 * 5] maxLen_VAR equ QWORD PTR [r4 + 8 * 6] Old_RSP equ QWORD PTR [r4 + 8 * 7] LOCAL_SIZE equ 8 * 8 COPY_VAR_32 macro dest_var, src_var mov x3, src_var mov dest_var, x3 endm COPY_VAR_64 macro dest_var, src_var mov r3, src_var mov dest_var, r3 endm ifdef Z7_LZ_FIND_OPT_ASM_USE_SEGMENT ; MY_ALIGN_64 else MY_ALIGN_16 endif MY_PROC GetMatchesSpecN_2, 13 MY_PUSH_PRESERVED_ABI_REGS mov r0, RSP lea r3, [r0 - LOCAL_SIZE] and r3, -64 mov RSP, r3 mov Old_RSP, r0 if (IS_LINUX gt 0) mov d, REG_ABI_PARAM_5 ; r13 = r9 mov cutValue_VAR, REG_ABI_PARAM_4_x ; = r8 mov son, REG_ABI_PARAM_3 ; r9 = r1 mov r8, REG_ABI_PARAM_2 ; r8 = r2 mov pos, REG_ABI_PARAM_1_x ; r2 = x6 mov r1, REG_ABI_PARAM_0 ; r1 = r7 else COPY_VAR_32 cutValue_VAR, cutValue_PAR mov d, d_PAR endif COPY_VAR_64 limit_VAR, limit_PAR mov hash_lim, size_PAR mov size_VAR, hash_lim mov cp_x, cycPos_PAR mov hash, hash_PAR mov cycSize, cycSize_PAR mov cycSize_VAR, cycSize ; we want cur in (rcx). So we change the cur and lenLimit variables sub lenLimit, cur neg lenLimit_x inc lenLimit_x mov t0_x, maxLen_PAR sub t0, lenLimit mov maxLen_VAR, t0 jmp main_loop MY_ALIGN_64 fill_empty: ; ptr0 = *ptr1 = kEmptyHashValue; mov QWORD PTR [ptr1], 0 inc pos inc cp_x mov DWORD PTR [d - 4], 0 cmp d, limit_VAR jae fin cmp hash, hash_lim je fin ; MY_ALIGN_64 main_loop: ; UInt32 delta = *hash++; mov diff_x, [hash] ; delta add hash, 4 ; mov cycPos_VAR, cp_x inc cur add d, 4 mov m, pos sub m, diff_x; ; matchPos ; CLzRef *ptr1 = son + ((size_t)(pos) << 1) - CYC_TO_POS_OFFSET * 2; lea ptr1, [son + 8 * cp_r] ; mov cycSize, cycSize_VAR cmp pos, cycSize jb directMode ; if (pos < cycSize_VAR) ; CYC MODE cmp diff_x, cycSize jae fill_empty ; if (delta >= cycSize_VAR) xor t0_x, t0_x mov cycPos_VAR, cp_x sub cp_x, diff_x ; jae prepare_for_tree_loop ; add cp_x, cycSize cmovb t0_x, cycSize add cp_x, t0_x ; cp_x += (cycPos < delta ? cycSize : 0) jmp prepare_for_tree_loop directMode: cmp diff_x, pos je fill_empty ; if (delta == pos) jae fin_error ; if (delta >= pos) mov cycPos_VAR, cp_x mov cp_x, m prepare_for_tree_loop: mov len0, lenLimit mov hash_VAR, hash ; CLzRef *ptr0 = son + ((size_t)(pos) << 1) - CYC_TO_POS_OFFSET * 2 + 1; lea ptr0, [ptr1 + 4] ; UInt32 *_distances = ++d; mov distances, d neg len0 mov len1, len0 mov t0_x, cutValue_VAR mov maxLen, maxLen_VAR mov cutValueCur_VAR, t0_x MY_ALIGN_32 tree_loop: neg diff mov len, len0 cmp len1, len0 cmovb len, len1 ; len = (len1 < len0 ? len1 : len0); add diff, cur mov t0_x, [son + cp_r * 8] ; prefetch movzx t0_x, BYTE PTR [diff + 1 * len] lea cp_r, [son + cp_r * 8] cmp [cur + 1 * len], t0_L je matched_1 jb left_0 mov [ptr1], m mov m, [cp_r + 4] lea ptr1, [cp_r + 4] sub diff, cur ; FIX32 jmp next_node MY_ALIGN_32 left_0: mov [ptr0], m mov m, [cp_r] mov ptr0, cp_r sub diff, cur ; FIX32 ; jmp next_node ; ------------ NEXT NODE ------------ ; MY_ALIGN_32 next_node: mov cycSize, cycSize_VAR dec cutValueCur_VAR je finish_tree add diff_x, pos ; prev_match = pos + diff cmp m, diff_x jae fin_error ; if (new_match >= prev_match) mov diff_x, pos sub diff_x, m ; delta = pos - new_match cmp pos, cycSize jae cyc_mode_2 ; if (pos >= cycSize) mov cp_x, m test m, m jne tree_loop ; if (m != 0) finish_tree: ; ptr0 = *ptr1 = kEmptyHashValue; mov DWORD PTR [ptr0], 0 mov DWORD PTR [ptr1], 0 inc pos ; _distances[-1] = (UInt32)(d - _distances); mov t0, distances mov t1, d sub t1, t0 shr t1_x, 2 mov [t0 - 4], t1_x cmp d, limit_VAR jae fin ; if (d >= limit) mov cp_x, cycPos_VAR mov hash, hash_VAR mov hash_lim, size_VAR inc cp_x cmp hash, hash_lim jne main_loop ; if (hash != size) jmp fin MY_ALIGN_32 cyc_mode_2: cmp diff_x, cycSize jae finish_tree ; if (delta >= cycSize) mov cp_x, cycPos_VAR xor t0_x, t0_x sub cp_x, diff_x ; cp_x = cycPos - delta cmovb t0_x, cycSize add cp_x, t0_x ; cp_x += (cycPos < delta ? cycSize : 0) jmp tree_loop MY_ALIGN_32 matched_1: inc len ; cmp len_x, lenLimit_x je short lenLimit_reach movzx t0_x, BYTE PTR [diff + 1 * len] cmp [cur + 1 * len], t0_L jne mismatch MY_ALIGN_32 match_loop: ; while (++len != lenLimit) (len[diff] != len[0]) ; inc len ; cmp len_x, lenLimit_x je short lenLimit_reach movzx t0_x, BYTE PTR [diff + 1 * len] cmp BYTE PTR [cur + 1 * len], t0_L je match_loop mismatch: jb left_2 mov [ptr1], m mov m, [cp_r + 4] lea ptr1, [cp_r + 4] mov len1, len jmp max_update MY_ALIGN_32 left_2: mov [ptr0], m mov m, [cp_r] mov ptr0, cp_r mov len0, len max_update: sub diff, cur ; restore diff cmp maxLen, len jae next_node mov maxLen, len add len, lenLimit mov [d], len_x mov t0_x, diff_x not t0_x mov [d + 4], t0_x add d, 8 jmp next_node MY_ALIGN_32 lenLimit_reach: mov delta_r, cur sub delta_r, diff lea delta1_r, [delta_r - 1] mov t0_x, [cp_r] mov [ptr1], t0_x mov t0_x, [cp_r + 4] mov [ptr0], t0_x mov [d], lenLimit_x mov [d + 4], delta1_x add d, 8 ; _distances[-1] = (UInt32)(d - _distances); mov t0, distances mov t1, d sub t1, t0 shr t1_x, 2 mov [t0 - 4], t1_x mov hash, hash_VAR mov hash_lim, size_VAR inc pos mov cp_x, cycPos_VAR inc cp_x mov d_lim, limit_VAR mov cycSize, cycSize_VAR ; if (hash == size || *hash != delta || lenLimit[diff] != lenLimit[0] || d >= limit) ; break; cmp hash, hash_lim je fin cmp d, d_lim jae fin cmp delta_x, [hash] jne main_loop movzx t0_x, BYTE PTR [diff] cmp [cur], t0_L jne main_loop ; jmp main_loop ; bypass for debug mov cycPos_VAR, cp_x shl len, 3 ; cycSize * 8 sub diff, cur ; restore diff xor t0_x, t0_x cmp cp_x, delta_x ; cmp (cycPos_VAR, delta) lea cp_r, [son + 8 * cp_r] ; dest lea src, [cp_r + 8 * diff] cmovb t0, len ; t0 = (cycPos_VAR < delta ? cycSize * 8 : 0) add src, t0 add len, son ; len = son + cycSize * 8 MY_ALIGN_32 long_loop: add hash, 4 ; *(UInt64 *)(void *)ptr = ((const UInt64 *)(const void *)ptr)[diff]; mov t0, [src] add src, 8 mov [cp_r], t0 add cp_r, 8 cmp src, len cmove src, son ; if end of (son) buffer is reached, we wrap to begin mov DWORD PTR [d], 2 mov [d + 4], lenLimit_x mov [d + 8], delta1_x add d, 12 inc cur cmp hash, hash_lim je long_footer cmp delta_x, [hash] jne long_footer movzx t0_x, BYTE PTR [diff + 1 * cur] cmp [cur], t0_L jne long_footer cmp d, d_lim jb long_loop long_footer: sub cp_r, son shr cp_r, 3 add pos, cp_x sub pos, cycPos_VAR mov cycSize, cycSize_VAR cmp d, d_lim jae fin cmp hash, hash_lim jne main_loop jmp fin fin_error: xor d, d fin: mov RSP, Old_RSP mov t0, [r4 + posRes_OFFS] mov [t0], pos mov r0, d MY_POP_PRESERVED_ABI_REGS MY_ENDP ifdef Z7_LZ_FIND_OPT_ASM_USE_SEGMENT _TEXT$LZFINDOPT ENDS endif end