/* LzFindMt.c -- multithreaded Match finder for LZ algorithms 2021-12-21 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ #include "Precomp.h" // #include <stdio.h> #include "CpuArch.h" #include "LzHash.h" #include "LzFindMt.h" // #define LOG_ITERS // #define LOG_THREAD #ifdef LOG_THREAD #include <stdio.h> #define PRF(x) x #else #define PRF(x) #endif #ifdef LOG_ITERS #include <stdio.h> extern UInt64 g_NumIters_Tree; extern UInt64 g_NumIters_Loop; extern UInt64 g_NumIters_Bytes; #define LOG_ITER(x) x #else #define LOG_ITER(x) #endif #define kMtHashBlockSize ((UInt32)1 << 17) #define kMtHashNumBlocks (1 << 1) #define GET_HASH_BLOCK_OFFSET(i) (((i) & (kMtHashNumBlocks - 1)) * kMtHashBlockSize) #define kMtBtBlockSize ((UInt32)1 << 16) #define kMtBtNumBlocks (1 << 4) #define GET_BT_BLOCK_OFFSET(i) (((i) & (kMtBtNumBlocks - 1)) * (size_t)kMtBtBlockSize) /* HASH functions: We use raw 8/16 bits from a[1] and a[2], xored with crc(a[0]) and crc(a[3]). We check a[0], a[3] only. We don't need to compare a[1] and a[2] in matches. our crc() function provides one-to-one correspondence for low 8-bit values: (crc[0...0xFF] & 0xFF) <-> [0...0xFF] */ #define MF(mt) ((mt)->MatchFinder) #define MF_CRC (p->crc) // #define MF(mt) (&(mt)->MatchFinder) // #define MF_CRC (p->MatchFinder.crc) #define MT_HASH2_CALC \ h2 = (MF_CRC[cur[0]] ^ cur[1]) & (kHash2Size - 1); #define MT_HASH3_CALC { \ UInt32 temp = MF_CRC[cur[0]] ^ cur[1]; \ h2 = temp & (kHash2Size - 1); \ h3 = (temp ^ ((UInt32)cur[2] << 8)) & (kHash3Size - 1); } /* #define MT_HASH3_CALC__NO_2 { \ UInt32 temp = p->crc[cur[0]] ^ cur[1]; \ h3 = (temp ^ ((UInt32)cur[2] << 8)) & (kHash3Size - 1); } #define __MT_HASH4_CALC { \ UInt32 temp = p->crc[cur[0]] ^ cur[1]; \ h2 = temp & (kHash2Size - 1); \ temp ^= ((UInt32)cur[2] << 8); \ h3 = temp & (kHash3Size - 1); \ h4 = (temp ^ (p->crc[cur[3]] << kLzHash_CrcShift_1)) & p->hash4Mask; } // (kHash4Size - 1); */ MY_NO_INLINE static void MtSync_Construct(CMtSync *p) { p->affinity = 0; p->wasCreated = False; p->csWasInitialized = False; p->csWasEntered = False; Thread_Construct(&p->thread); Event_Construct(&p->canStart); Event_Construct(&p->wasStopped); Semaphore_Construct(&p->freeSemaphore); Semaphore_Construct(&p->filledSemaphore); } #define DEBUG_BUFFER_LOCK // define it to debug lock state #ifdef DEBUG_BUFFER_LOCK #include <stdlib.h> #define BUFFER_MUST_BE_LOCKED(p) if (!(p)->csWasEntered) exit(1); #define BUFFER_MUST_BE_UNLOCKED(p) if ( (p)->csWasEntered) exit(1); #else #define BUFFER_MUST_BE_LOCKED(p) #define BUFFER_MUST_BE_UNLOCKED(p) #endif #define LOCK_BUFFER(p) { \ BUFFER_MUST_BE_UNLOCKED(p); \ CriticalSection_Enter(&(p)->cs); \ (p)->csWasEntered = True; } #define UNLOCK_BUFFER(p) { \ BUFFER_MUST_BE_LOCKED(p); \ CriticalSection_Leave(&(p)->cs); \ (p)->csWasEntered = False; } MY_NO_INLINE static UInt32 MtSync_GetNextBlock(CMtSync *p) { UInt32 numBlocks = 0; if (p->needStart) { BUFFER_MUST_BE_UNLOCKED(p) p->numProcessedBlocks = 1; p->needStart = False; p->stopWriting = False; p->exit = False; Event_Reset(&p->wasStopped); Event_Set(&p->canStart); } else { UNLOCK_BUFFER(p) // we free current block numBlocks = p->numProcessedBlocks++; Semaphore_Release1(&p->freeSemaphore); } // buffer is UNLOCKED here Semaphore_Wait(&p->filledSemaphore); LOCK_BUFFER(p); return numBlocks; } /* if Writing (Processing) thread was started, we must call MtSync_StopWriting() */ MY_NO_INLINE static void MtSync_StopWriting(CMtSync *p) { if (!Thread_WasCreated(&p->thread) || p->needStart) return; PRF(printf("\nMtSync_StopWriting %p\n", p)); if (p->csWasEntered) { /* we don't use buffer in this thread after StopWriting(). So we UNLOCK buffer. And we restore default UNLOCKED state for stopped thread */ UNLOCK_BUFFER(p) } /* We send (p->stopWriting) message and release freeSemaphore to free current block. So the thread will see (p->stopWriting) at some iteration after Wait(freeSemaphore). The thread doesn't need to fill all avail free blocks, so we can get fast thread stop. */ p->stopWriting = True; Semaphore_Release1(&p->freeSemaphore); // check semaphore count !!! PRF(printf("\nMtSync_StopWriting %p : Event_Wait(&p->wasStopped)\n", p)); Event_Wait(&p->wasStopped); PRF(printf("\nMtSync_StopWriting %p : Event_Wait() finsihed\n", p)); /* 21.03 : we don't restore samaphore counters here. We will recreate and reinit samaphores in next start */ p->needStart = True; } MY_NO_INLINE static void MtSync_Destruct(CMtSync *p) { PRF(printf("\nMtSync_Destruct %p\n", p)); if (Thread_WasCreated(&p->thread)) { /* we want thread to be in Stopped state before sending EXIT command. note: stop(btSync) will stop (htSync) also */ MtSync_StopWriting(p); /* thread in Stopped state here : (p->needStart == true) */ p->exit = True; // if (p->needStart) // it's (true) Event_Set(&p->canStart); // we send EXIT command to thread Thread_Wait_Close(&p->thread); // we wait thread finishing } if (p->csWasInitialized) { CriticalSection_Delete(&p->cs); p->csWasInitialized = False; } p->csWasEntered = False; Event_Close(&p->canStart); Event_Close(&p->wasStopped); Semaphore_Close(&p->freeSemaphore); Semaphore_Close(&p->filledSemaphore); p->wasCreated = False; } // #define RINOK_THREAD(x) { if ((x) != 0) return SZ_ERROR_THREAD; } // we want to get real system error codes here instead of SZ_ERROR_THREAD #define RINOK_THREAD(x) RINOK(x) // call it before each new file (when new starting is required): MY_NO_INLINE static SRes MtSync_Init(CMtSync *p, UInt32 numBlocks) { WRes wres; // BUFFER_MUST_BE_UNLOCKED(p) if (!p->needStart || p->csWasEntered) return SZ_ERROR_FAIL; wres = Semaphore_OptCreateInit(&p->freeSemaphore, numBlocks, numBlocks); if (wres == 0) wres = Semaphore_OptCreateInit(&p->filledSemaphore, 0, numBlocks); return MY_SRes_HRESULT_FROM_WRes(wres); } static WRes MtSync_Create_WRes(CMtSync *p, THREAD_FUNC_TYPE startAddress, void *obj) { WRes wres; if (p->wasCreated) return SZ_OK; RINOK_THREAD(CriticalSection_Init(&p->cs)); p->csWasInitialized = True; p->csWasEntered = False; RINOK_THREAD(AutoResetEvent_CreateNotSignaled(&p->canStart)); RINOK_THREAD(AutoResetEvent_CreateNotSignaled(&p->wasStopped)); p->needStart = True; p->exit = True; /* p->exit is unused before (canStart) Event. But in case of some unexpected code failure we will get fast exit from thread */ // return ERROR_TOO_MANY_POSTS; // for debug // return EINVAL; // for debug if (p->affinity != 0) wres = Thread_Create_With_Affinity(&p->thread, startAddress, obj, (CAffinityMask)p->affinity); else wres = Thread_Create(&p->thread, startAddress, obj); RINOK_THREAD(wres); p->wasCreated = True; return SZ_OK; } MY_NO_INLINE static SRes MtSync_Create(CMtSync *p, THREAD_FUNC_TYPE startAddress, void *obj) { const WRes wres = MtSync_Create_WRes(p, startAddress, obj); if (wres == 0) return 0; MtSync_Destruct(p); return MY_SRes_HRESULT_FROM_WRes(wres); } // ---------- HASH THREAD ---------- #define kMtMaxValForNormalize 0xFFFFFFFF // #define kMtMaxValForNormalize ((1 << 21)) // for debug // #define kNormalizeAlign (1 << 7) // alignment for speculated accesses #ifdef MY_CPU_LE_UNALIGN #define GetUi24hi_from32(p) ((UInt32)GetUi32(p) >> 8) #else #define GetUi24hi_from32(p) ((p)[1] ^ ((UInt32)(p)[2] << 8) ^ ((UInt32)(p)[3] << 16)) #endif #define GetHeads_DECL(name) \ static void GetHeads ## name(const Byte *p, UInt32 pos, \ UInt32 *hash, UInt32 hashMask, UInt32 *heads, UInt32 numHeads, const UInt32 *crc) #define GetHeads_LOOP(v) \ for (; numHeads != 0; numHeads--) { \ const UInt32 value = (v); \ p++; \ *heads++ = pos - hash[value]; \ hash[value] = pos++; } #define DEF_GetHeads2(name, v, action) \ GetHeads_DECL(name) { action \ GetHeads_LOOP(v) } #define DEF_GetHeads(name, v) DEF_GetHeads2(name, v, ;) DEF_GetHeads2(2, GetUi16(p), UNUSED_VAR(hashMask); UNUSED_VAR(crc); ) DEF_GetHeads(3, (crc[p[0]] ^ GetUi16(p + 1)) & hashMask) DEF_GetHeads2(3b, GetUi16(p) ^ ((UInt32)(p)[2] << 16), UNUSED_VAR(hashMask); UNUSED_VAR(crc); ) // BT3 is not good for crc collisions for big hashMask values. /* GetHeads_DECL(3b) { UNUSED_VAR(hashMask); UNUSED_VAR(crc); { const Byte *pLim = p + numHeads; if (numHeads == 0) return; pLim--; while (p < pLim) { UInt32 v1 = GetUi32(p); UInt32 v0 = v1 & 0xFFFFFF; UInt32 h0, h1; p += 2; v1 >>= 8; h0 = hash[v0]; hash[v0] = pos; heads[0] = pos - h0; pos++; h1 = hash[v1]; hash[v1] = pos; heads[1] = pos - h1; pos++; heads += 2; } if (p == pLim) { UInt32 v0 = GetUi16(p) ^ ((UInt32)(p)[2] << 16); *heads = pos - hash[v0]; hash[v0] = pos; } } } */ /* GetHeads_DECL(4) { unsigned sh = 0; UNUSED_VAR(crc) while ((hashMask & 0x80000000) == 0) { hashMask <<= 1; sh++; } GetHeads_LOOP((GetUi32(p) * 0xa54a1) >> sh) } #define GetHeads4b GetHeads4 */ #define USE_GetHeads_LOCAL_CRC #ifdef USE_GetHeads_LOCAL_CRC GetHeads_DECL(4) { UInt32 crc0[256]; UInt32 crc1[256]; { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { UInt32 v = crc[i]; crc0[i] = v & hashMask; crc1[i] = (v << kLzHash_CrcShift_1) & hashMask; // crc1[i] = rotlFixed(v, 8) & hashMask; } } GetHeads_LOOP(crc0[p[0]] ^ crc1[p[3]] ^ (UInt32)GetUi16(p+1)) } GetHeads_DECL(4b) { UInt32 crc0[256]; { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) crc0[i] = crc[i] & hashMask; } GetHeads_LOOP(crc0[p[0]] ^ GetUi24hi_from32(p)) } GetHeads_DECL(5) { UInt32 crc0[256]; UInt32 crc1[256]; UInt32 crc2[256]; { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { UInt32 v = crc[i]; crc0[i] = v & hashMask; crc1[i] = (v << kLzHash_CrcShift_1) & hashMask; crc2[i] = (v << kLzHash_CrcShift_2) & hashMask; } } GetHeads_LOOP(crc0[p[0]] ^ crc1[p[3]] ^ crc2[p[4]] ^ (UInt32)GetUi16(p+1)) } GetHeads_DECL(5b) { UInt32 crc0[256]; UInt32 crc1[256]; { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { UInt32 v = crc[i]; crc0[i] = v & hashMask; crc1[i] = (v << kLzHash_CrcShift_1) & hashMask; } } GetHeads_LOOP(crc0[p[0]] ^ crc1[p[4]] ^ GetUi24hi_from32(p)) } #else DEF_GetHeads(4, (crc[p[0]] ^ (crc[p[3]] << kLzHash_CrcShift_1) ^ (UInt32)GetUi16(p+1)) & hashMask) DEF_GetHeads(4b, (crc[p[0]] ^ GetUi24hi_from32(p)) & hashMask) DEF_GetHeads(5, (crc[p[0]] ^ (crc[p[3]] << kLzHash_CrcShift_1) ^ (crc[p[4]] << kLzHash_CrcShift_2) ^ (UInt32)GetUi16(p + 1)) & hashMask) DEF_GetHeads(5b, (crc[p[0]] ^ (crc[p[4]] << kLzHash_CrcShift_1) ^ GetUi24hi_from32(p)) & hashMask) #endif static void HashThreadFunc(CMatchFinderMt *mt) { CMtSync *p = &mt->hashSync; PRF(printf("\nHashThreadFunc\n")); for (;;) { UInt32 blockIndex = 0; PRF(printf("\nHashThreadFunc : Event_Wait(&p->canStart)\n")); Event_Wait(&p->canStart); PRF(printf("\nHashThreadFunc : Event_Wait(&p->canStart) : after \n")); if (p->exit) { PRF(printf("\nHashThreadFunc : exit \n")); return; } MatchFinder_Init_HighHash(MF(mt)); for (;;) { PRF(printf("Hash thread block = %d pos = %d\n", (unsigned)blockIndex, mt->MatchFinder->pos)); { CMatchFinder *mf = MF(mt); if (MatchFinder_NeedMove(mf)) { CriticalSection_Enter(&mt->btSync.cs); CriticalSection_Enter(&mt->hashSync.cs); { const Byte *beforePtr = Inline_MatchFinder_GetPointerToCurrentPos(mf); ptrdiff_t offset; MatchFinder_MoveBlock(mf); offset = beforePtr - Inline_MatchFinder_GetPointerToCurrentPos(mf); mt->pointerToCurPos -= offset; mt->buffer -= offset; } CriticalSection_Leave(&mt->hashSync.cs); CriticalSection_Leave(&mt->btSync.cs); continue; } Semaphore_Wait(&p->freeSemaphore); if (p->exit) // exit is unexpected here. But we check it here for some failure case return; // for faster stop : we check (p->stopWriting) after Wait(freeSemaphore) if (p->stopWriting) break; MatchFinder_ReadIfRequired(mf); { UInt32 *heads = mt->hashBuf + GET_HASH_BLOCK_OFFSET(blockIndex++); UInt32 num = Inline_MatchFinder_GetNumAvailableBytes(mf); heads[0] = 2; heads[1] = num; /* heads[1] contains the number of avail bytes: if (avail < mf->numHashBytes) : { it means that stream was finished HASH_THREAD and BT_TREAD must move position for heads[1] (avail) bytes. HASH_THREAD doesn't stop, HASH_THREAD fills only the header (2 numbers) for all next blocks: {2, NumHashBytes - 1}, {2,0}, {2,0}, ... , {2,0} } else { HASH_THREAD and BT_TREAD must move position for (heads[0] - 2) bytes; } */ if (num >= mf->numHashBytes) { num = num - mf->numHashBytes + 1; if (num > kMtHashBlockSize - 2) num = kMtHashBlockSize - 2; if (mf->pos > (UInt32)kMtMaxValForNormalize - num) { const UInt32 subValue = (mf->pos - mf->historySize - 1); // & ~(UInt32)(kNormalizeAlign - 1); Inline_MatchFinder_ReduceOffsets(mf, subValue); MatchFinder_Normalize3(subValue, mf->hash + mf->fixedHashSize, (size_t)mf->hashMask + 1); } heads[0] = 2 + num; mt->GetHeadsFunc(mf->buffer, mf->pos, mf->hash + mf->fixedHashSize, mf->hashMask, heads + 2, num, mf->crc); } mf->pos += num; // wrap over zero is allowed at the end of stream mf->buffer += num; } } Semaphore_Release1(&p->filledSemaphore); } // for() processing end // p->numBlocks_Sent = blockIndex; Event_Set(&p->wasStopped); } // for() thread end } // ---------- BT THREAD ---------- /* we use one variable instead of two (cyclicBufferPos == pos) before CyclicBuf wrap. here we define fixed offset of (p->pos) from (p->cyclicBufferPos) */ #define CYC_TO_POS_OFFSET 0 // #define CYC_TO_POS_OFFSET 1 // for debug #define MFMT_GM_INLINE #ifdef MFMT_GM_INLINE /* we use size_t for (pos) instead of UInt32 to eliminate "movsx" BUG in old MSVC x64 compiler. */ UInt32 * MY_FAST_CALL GetMatchesSpecN_2(const Byte *lenLimit, size_t pos, const Byte *cur, CLzRef *son, UInt32 _cutValue, UInt32 *d, size_t _maxLen, const UInt32 *hash, const UInt32 *limit, const UInt32 *size, size_t _cyclicBufferPos, UInt32 _cyclicBufferSize, UInt32 *posRes); #endif static void BtGetMatches(CMatchFinderMt *p, UInt32 *d) { UInt32 numProcessed = 0; UInt32 curPos = 2; /* GetMatchesSpec() functions don't create (len = 1) in [len, dist] match pairs, if (p->numHashBytes >= 2) Also we suppose here that (matchMaxLen >= 2). So the following code for (reserve) is not required UInt32 reserve = (p->matchMaxLen * 2); const UInt32 kNumHashBytes_Max = 5; // BT_HASH_BYTES_MAX if (reserve < kNumHashBytes_Max - 1) reserve = kNumHashBytes_Max - 1; const UInt32 limit = kMtBtBlockSize - (reserve); */ const UInt32 limit = kMtBtBlockSize - (p->matchMaxLen * 2); d[1] = p->hashNumAvail; if (p->failure_BT) { // printf("\n == 1 BtGetMatches() p->failure_BT\n"); d[0] = 0; // d[1] = 0; return; } while (curPos < limit) { if (p->hashBufPos == p->hashBufPosLimit) { // MatchFinderMt_GetNextBlock_Hash(p); UInt32 avail; { const UInt32 bi = MtSync_GetNextBlock(&p->hashSync); const UInt32 k = GET_HASH_BLOCK_OFFSET(bi); const UInt32 *h = p->hashBuf + k; avail = h[1]; p->hashBufPosLimit = k + h[0]; p->hashNumAvail = avail; p->hashBufPos = k + 2; } { /* we must prevent UInt32 overflow for avail total value, if avail was increased with new hash block */ UInt32 availSum = numProcessed + avail; if (availSum < numProcessed) availSum = (UInt32)(Int32)-1; d[1] = availSum; } if (avail >= p->numHashBytes) continue; // if (p->hashBufPos != p->hashBufPosLimit) exit(1); /* (avail < p->numHashBytes) It means that stream was finished. And (avail) - is a number of remaining bytes, we fill (d) for (avail) bytes for LZ_THREAD (receiver). but we don't update (p->pos) and (p->cyclicBufferPos) here in BT_THREAD */ /* here we suppose that we have space enough: (kMtBtBlockSize - curPos >= p->hashNumAvail) */ p->hashNumAvail = 0; d[0] = curPos + avail; d += curPos; for (; avail != 0; avail--) *d++ = 0; return; } { UInt32 size = p->hashBufPosLimit - p->hashBufPos; UInt32 pos = p->pos; UInt32 cyclicBufferPos = p->cyclicBufferPos; UInt32 lenLimit = p->matchMaxLen; if (lenLimit >= p->hashNumAvail) lenLimit = p->hashNumAvail; { UInt32 size2 = p->hashNumAvail - lenLimit + 1; if (size2 < size) size = size2; size2 = p->cyclicBufferSize - cyclicBufferPos; if (size2 < size) size = size2; } if (pos > (UInt32)kMtMaxValForNormalize - size) { const UInt32 subValue = (pos - p->cyclicBufferSize); // & ~(UInt32)(kNormalizeAlign - 1); pos -= subValue; p->pos = pos; MatchFinder_Normalize3(subValue, p->son, (size_t)p->cyclicBufferSize * 2); } #ifndef MFMT_GM_INLINE while (curPos < limit && size-- != 0) { UInt32 *startDistances = d + curPos; UInt32 num = (UInt32)(GetMatchesSpec1(lenLimit, pos - p->hashBuf[p->hashBufPos++], pos, p->buffer, p->son, cyclicBufferPos, p->cyclicBufferSize, p->cutValue, startDistances + 1, p->numHashBytes - 1) - startDistances); *startDistances = num - 1; curPos += num; cyclicBufferPos++; pos++; p->buffer++; } #else { UInt32 posRes = pos; const UInt32 *d_end; { d_end = GetMatchesSpecN_2( p->buffer + lenLimit - 1, pos, p->buffer, p->son, p->cutValue, d + curPos, p->numHashBytes - 1, p->hashBuf + p->hashBufPos, d + limit, p->hashBuf + p->hashBufPos + size, cyclicBufferPos, p->cyclicBufferSize, &posRes); } { if (!d_end) { // printf("\n == 2 BtGetMatches() p->failure_BT\n"); // internal data failure p->failure_BT = True; d[0] = 0; // d[1] = 0; return; } } curPos = (UInt32)(d_end - d); { const UInt32 processed = posRes - pos; pos = posRes; p->hashBufPos += processed; cyclicBufferPos += processed; p->buffer += processed; } } #endif { const UInt32 processed = pos - p->pos; numProcessed += processed; p->hashNumAvail -= processed; p->pos = pos; } if (cyclicBufferPos == p->cyclicBufferSize) cyclicBufferPos = 0; p->cyclicBufferPos = cyclicBufferPos; } } d[0] = curPos; } static void BtFillBlock(CMatchFinderMt *p, UInt32 globalBlockIndex) { CMtSync *sync = &p->hashSync; BUFFER_MUST_BE_UNLOCKED(sync) if (!sync->needStart) { LOCK_BUFFER(sync) } BtGetMatches(p, p->btBuf + GET_BT_BLOCK_OFFSET(globalBlockIndex)); /* We suppose that we have called GetNextBlock() from start. So buffer is LOCKED */ UNLOCK_BUFFER(sync) } MY_NO_INLINE static void BtThreadFunc(CMatchFinderMt *mt) { CMtSync *p = &mt->btSync; for (;;) { UInt32 blockIndex = 0; Event_Wait(&p->canStart); for (;;) { PRF(printf(" BT thread block = %d pos = %d\n", (unsigned)blockIndex, mt->pos)); /* (p->exit == true) is possible after (p->canStart) at first loop iteration and is unexpected after more Wait(freeSemaphore) iterations */ if (p->exit) return; Semaphore_Wait(&p->freeSemaphore); // for faster stop : we check (p->stopWriting) after Wait(freeSemaphore) if (p->stopWriting) break; BtFillBlock(mt, blockIndex++); Semaphore_Release1(&p->filledSemaphore); } // we stop HASH_THREAD here MtSync_StopWriting(&mt->hashSync); // p->numBlocks_Sent = blockIndex; Event_Set(&p->wasStopped); } } void MatchFinderMt_Construct(CMatchFinderMt *p) { p->hashBuf = NULL; MtSync_Construct(&p->hashSync); MtSync_Construct(&p->btSync); } static void MatchFinderMt_FreeMem(CMatchFinderMt *p, ISzAllocPtr alloc) { ISzAlloc_Free(alloc, p->hashBuf); p->hashBuf = NULL; } void MatchFinderMt_Destruct(CMatchFinderMt *p, ISzAllocPtr alloc) { /* HASH_THREAD can use CriticalSection(s) btSync.cs and hashSync.cs. So we must be sure that HASH_THREAD will not use CriticalSection(s) after deleting CriticalSection here. we call ReleaseStream(p) that calls StopWriting(btSync) that calls StopWriting(hashSync), if it's required to stop HASH_THREAD. after StopWriting() it's safe to destruct MtSync(s) in any order */ MatchFinderMt_ReleaseStream(p); MtSync_Destruct(&p->btSync); MtSync_Destruct(&p->hashSync); LOG_ITER( printf("\nTree %9d * %7d iter = %9d = sum : bytes = %9d\n", (UInt32)(g_NumIters_Tree / 1000), (UInt32)(((UInt64)g_NumIters_Loop * 1000) / (g_NumIters_Tree + 1)), (UInt32)(g_NumIters_Loop / 1000), (UInt32)(g_NumIters_Bytes / 1000) )); MatchFinderMt_FreeMem(p, alloc); } #define kHashBufferSize (kMtHashBlockSize * kMtHashNumBlocks) #define kBtBufferSize (kMtBtBlockSize * kMtBtNumBlocks) static THREAD_FUNC_DECL HashThreadFunc2(void *p) { HashThreadFunc((CMatchFinderMt *)p); return 0; } static THREAD_FUNC_DECL BtThreadFunc2(void *p) { Byte allocaDummy[0x180]; unsigned i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) allocaDummy[i] = (Byte)0; if (allocaDummy[0] == 0) BtThreadFunc((CMatchFinderMt *)p); return 0; } SRes MatchFinderMt_Create(CMatchFinderMt *p, UInt32 historySize, UInt32 keepAddBufferBefore, UInt32 matchMaxLen, UInt32 keepAddBufferAfter, ISzAllocPtr alloc) { CMatchFinder *mf = MF(p); p->historySize = historySize; if (kMtBtBlockSize <= matchMaxLen * 4) return SZ_ERROR_PARAM; if (!p->hashBuf) { p->hashBuf = (UInt32 *)ISzAlloc_Alloc(alloc, ((size_t)kHashBufferSize + (size_t)kBtBufferSize) * sizeof(UInt32)); if (!p->hashBuf) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; p->btBuf = p->hashBuf + kHashBufferSize; } keepAddBufferBefore += (kHashBufferSize + kBtBufferSize); keepAddBufferAfter += kMtHashBlockSize; if (!MatchFinder_Create(mf, historySize, keepAddBufferBefore, matchMaxLen, keepAddBufferAfter, alloc)) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; RINOK(MtSync_Create(&p->hashSync, HashThreadFunc2, p)); RINOK(MtSync_Create(&p->btSync, BtThreadFunc2, p)); return SZ_OK; } SRes MatchFinderMt_InitMt(CMatchFinderMt *p) { RINOK(MtSync_Init(&p->hashSync, kMtHashNumBlocks)); return MtSync_Init(&p->btSync, kMtBtNumBlocks); } static void MatchFinderMt_Init(CMatchFinderMt *p) { CMatchFinder *mf = MF(p); p->btBufPos = p->btBufPosLimit = NULL; p->hashBufPos = p->hashBufPosLimit = 0; p->hashNumAvail = 0; // 21.03 p->failure_BT = False; /* Init without data reading. We don't want to read data in this thread */ MatchFinder_Init_4(mf); MatchFinder_Init_LowHash(mf); p->pointerToCurPos = Inline_MatchFinder_GetPointerToCurrentPos(mf); p->btNumAvailBytes = 0; p->failure_LZ_BT = False; // p->failure_LZ_LZ = False; p->lzPos = 1; // optimal smallest value // 0; // for debug: ignores match to start // kNormalizeAlign; // for debug p->hash = mf->hash; p->fixedHashSize = mf->fixedHashSize; // p->hash4Mask = mf->hash4Mask; p->crc = mf->crc; // memcpy(p->crc, mf->crc, sizeof(mf->crc)); p->son = mf->son; p->matchMaxLen = mf->matchMaxLen; p->numHashBytes = mf->numHashBytes; /* (mf->pos) and (mf->streamPos) were already initialized to 1 in MatchFinder_Init_4() */ // mf->streamPos = mf->pos = 1; // optimal smallest value // 0; // for debug: ignores match to start // kNormalizeAlign; // for debug /* we must init (p->pos = mf->pos) for BT, because BT code needs (p->pos == delta_value_for_empty_hash_record == mf->pos) */ p->pos = mf->pos; // do not change it p->cyclicBufferPos = (p->pos - CYC_TO_POS_OFFSET); p->cyclicBufferSize = mf->cyclicBufferSize; p->buffer = mf->buffer; p->cutValue = mf->cutValue; // p->son[0] = p->son[1] = 0; // unused: to init skipped record for speculated accesses. } /* ReleaseStream is required to finish multithreading */ void MatchFinderMt_ReleaseStream(CMatchFinderMt *p) { // Sleep(1); // for debug MtSync_StopWriting(&p->btSync); // Sleep(200); // for debug /* p->MatchFinder->ReleaseStream(); */ } MY_NO_INLINE static UInt32 MatchFinderMt_GetNextBlock_Bt(CMatchFinderMt *p) { if (p->failure_LZ_BT) p->btBufPos = p->failureBuf; else { const UInt32 bi = MtSync_GetNextBlock(&p->btSync); const UInt32 *bt = p->btBuf + GET_BT_BLOCK_OFFSET(bi); { const UInt32 numItems = bt[0]; p->btBufPosLimit = bt + numItems; p->btNumAvailBytes = bt[1]; p->btBufPos = bt + 2; if (numItems < 2 || numItems > kMtBtBlockSize) { p->failureBuf[0] = 0; p->btBufPos = p->failureBuf; p->btBufPosLimit = p->failureBuf + 1; p->failure_LZ_BT = True; // p->btNumAvailBytes = 0; /* we don't want to decrease AvailBytes, that was load before. that can be unxepected for the code that have loaded anopther value before */ } } if (p->lzPos >= (UInt32)kMtMaxValForNormalize - (UInt32)kMtBtBlockSize) { /* we don't check (lzPos) over exact avail bytes in (btBuf). (fixedHashSize) is small, so normalization is fast */ const UInt32 subValue = (p->lzPos - p->historySize - 1); // & ~(UInt32)(kNormalizeAlign - 1); p->lzPos -= subValue; MatchFinder_Normalize3(subValue, p->hash, p->fixedHashSize); } } return p->btNumAvailBytes; } static const Byte * MatchFinderMt_GetPointerToCurrentPos(CMatchFinderMt *p) { return p->pointerToCurPos; } #define GET_NEXT_BLOCK_IF_REQUIRED if (p->btBufPos == p->btBufPosLimit) MatchFinderMt_GetNextBlock_Bt(p); static UInt32 MatchFinderMt_GetNumAvailableBytes(CMatchFinderMt *p) { if (p->btBufPos != p->btBufPosLimit) return p->btNumAvailBytes; return MatchFinderMt_GetNextBlock_Bt(p); } // #define CHECK_FAILURE_LZ(_match_, _pos_) if (_match_ >= _pos_) { p->failure_LZ_LZ = True; return d; } #define CHECK_FAILURE_LZ(_match_, _pos_) static UInt32 * MixMatches2(CMatchFinderMt *p, UInt32 matchMinPos, UInt32 *d) { UInt32 h2, c2; UInt32 *hash = p->hash; const Byte *cur = p->pointerToCurPos; const UInt32 m = p->lzPos; MT_HASH2_CALC c2 = hash[h2]; hash[h2] = m; if (c2 >= matchMinPos) { CHECK_FAILURE_LZ(c2, m) if (cur[(ptrdiff_t)c2 - (ptrdiff_t)m] == cur[0]) { *d++ = 2; *d++ = m - c2 - 1; } } return d; } static UInt32 * MixMatches3(CMatchFinderMt *p, UInt32 matchMinPos, UInt32 *d) { UInt32 h2, h3, c2, c3; UInt32 *hash = p->hash; const Byte *cur = p->pointerToCurPos; const UInt32 m = p->lzPos; MT_HASH3_CALC c2 = hash[h2]; c3 = (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3]; hash[h2] = m; (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3] = m; if (c2 >= matchMinPos) { CHECK_FAILURE_LZ(c2, m) if (cur[(ptrdiff_t)c2 - (ptrdiff_t)m] == cur[0]) { d[1] = m - c2 - 1; if (cur[(ptrdiff_t)c2 - (ptrdiff_t)m + 2] == cur[2]) { d[0] = 3; return d + 2; } d[0] = 2; d += 2; } } if (c3 >= matchMinPos) { CHECK_FAILURE_LZ(c3, m) if (cur[(ptrdiff_t)c3 - (ptrdiff_t)m] == cur[0]) { *d++ = 3; *d++ = m - c3 - 1; } } return d; } #define INCREASE_LZ_POS p->lzPos++; p->pointerToCurPos++; /* static UInt32* MatchFinderMt_GetMatches_Bt4(CMatchFinderMt *p, UInt32 *d) { const UInt32 *bt = p->btBufPos; const UInt32 len = *bt++; const UInt32 *btLim = bt + len; UInt32 matchMinPos; UInt32 avail = p->btNumAvailBytes - 1; p->btBufPos = btLim; { p->btNumAvailBytes = avail; #define BT_HASH_BYTES_MAX 5 matchMinPos = p->lzPos; if (len != 0) matchMinPos -= bt[1]; else if (avail < (BT_HASH_BYTES_MAX - 1) - 1) { INCREASE_LZ_POS return d; } else { const UInt32 hs = p->historySize; if (matchMinPos > hs) matchMinPos -= hs; else matchMinPos = 1; } } for (;;) { UInt32 h2, h3, c2, c3; UInt32 *hash = p->hash; const Byte *cur = p->pointerToCurPos; UInt32 m = p->lzPos; MT_HASH3_CALC c2 = hash[h2]; c3 = (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3]; hash[h2] = m; (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3] = m; if (c2 >= matchMinPos && cur[(ptrdiff_t)c2 - (ptrdiff_t)m] == cur[0]) { d[1] = m - c2 - 1; if (cur[(ptrdiff_t)c2 - (ptrdiff_t)m + 2] == cur[2]) { d[0] = 3; d += 2; break; } // else { d[0] = 2; d += 2; } } if (c3 >= matchMinPos && cur[(ptrdiff_t)c3 - (ptrdiff_t)m] == cur[0]) { *d++ = 3; *d++ = m - c3 - 1; } break; } if (len != 0) { do { const UInt32 v0 = bt[0]; const UInt32 v1 = bt[1]; bt += 2; d[0] = v0; d[1] = v1; d += 2; } while (bt != btLim); } INCREASE_LZ_POS return d; } */ static UInt32 *MixMatches4(CMatchFinderMt *p, UInt32 matchMinPos, UInt32 *d) { UInt32 h2, h3, /* h4, */ c2, c3 /* , c4 */; UInt32 *hash = p->hash; const Byte *cur = p->pointerToCurPos; const UInt32 m = p->lzPos; MT_HASH3_CALC // MT_HASH4_CALC c2 = hash[h2]; c3 = (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3]; // c4 = (hash + kFix4HashSize)[h4]; hash[h2] = m; (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3] = m; // (hash + kFix4HashSize)[h4] = m; #define _USE_H2 #ifdef _USE_H2 if (c2 >= matchMinPos && cur[(ptrdiff_t)c2 - (ptrdiff_t)m] == cur[0]) { d[1] = m - c2 - 1; if (cur[(ptrdiff_t)c2 - (ptrdiff_t)m + 2] == cur[2]) { // d[0] = (cur[(ptrdiff_t)c2 - (ptrdiff_t)m + 3] == cur[3]) ? 4 : 3; // return d + 2; if (cur[(ptrdiff_t)c2 - (ptrdiff_t)m + 3] == cur[3]) { d[0] = 4; return d + 2; } d[0] = 3; d += 2; #ifdef _USE_H4 if (c4 >= matchMinPos) if ( cur[(ptrdiff_t)c4 - (ptrdiff_t)m] == cur[0] && cur[(ptrdiff_t)c4 - (ptrdiff_t)m + 3] == cur[3] ) { *d++ = 4; *d++ = m - c4 - 1; } #endif return d; } d[0] = 2; d += 2; } #endif if (c3 >= matchMinPos && cur[(ptrdiff_t)c3 - (ptrdiff_t)m] == cur[0]) { d[1] = m - c3 - 1; if (cur[(ptrdiff_t)c3 - (ptrdiff_t)m + 3] == cur[3]) { d[0] = 4; return d + 2; } d[0] = 3; d += 2; } #ifdef _USE_H4 if (c4 >= matchMinPos) if ( cur[(ptrdiff_t)c4 - (ptrdiff_t)m] == cur[0] && cur[(ptrdiff_t)c4 - (ptrdiff_t)m + 3] == cur[3] ) { *d++ = 4; *d++ = m - c4 - 1; } #endif return d; } static UInt32* MatchFinderMt2_GetMatches(CMatchFinderMt *p, UInt32 *d) { const UInt32 *bt = p->btBufPos; const UInt32 len = *bt++; const UInt32 *btLim = bt + len; p->btBufPos = btLim; p->btNumAvailBytes--; INCREASE_LZ_POS { while (bt != btLim) { const UInt32 v0 = bt[0]; const UInt32 v1 = bt[1]; bt += 2; d[0] = v0; d[1] = v1; d += 2; } } return d; } static UInt32* MatchFinderMt_GetMatches(CMatchFinderMt *p, UInt32 *d) { const UInt32 *bt = p->btBufPos; UInt32 len = *bt++; const UInt32 avail = p->btNumAvailBytes - 1; p->btNumAvailBytes = avail; p->btBufPos = bt + len; if (len == 0) { #define BT_HASH_BYTES_MAX 5 if (avail >= (BT_HASH_BYTES_MAX - 1) - 1) { UInt32 m = p->lzPos; if (m > p->historySize) m -= p->historySize; else m = 1; d = p->MixMatchesFunc(p, m, d); } } else { /* first match pair from BinTree: (match_len, match_dist), (match_len >= numHashBytes). MixMatchesFunc() inserts only hash matches that are nearer than (match_dist) */ d = p->MixMatchesFunc(p, p->lzPos - bt[1], d); // if (d) // check for failure do { const UInt32 v0 = bt[0]; const UInt32 v1 = bt[1]; bt += 2; d[0] = v0; d[1] = v1; d += 2; } while (len -= 2); } INCREASE_LZ_POS return d; } #define SKIP_HEADER2_MT do { GET_NEXT_BLOCK_IF_REQUIRED #define SKIP_HEADER_MT(n) SKIP_HEADER2_MT if (p->btNumAvailBytes-- >= (n)) { const Byte *cur = p->pointerToCurPos; UInt32 *hash = p->hash; #define SKIP_FOOTER_MT } INCREASE_LZ_POS p->btBufPos += (size_t)*p->btBufPos + 1; } while (--num != 0); static void MatchFinderMt0_Skip(CMatchFinderMt *p, UInt32 num) { SKIP_HEADER2_MT { p->btNumAvailBytes--; SKIP_FOOTER_MT } static void MatchFinderMt2_Skip(CMatchFinderMt *p, UInt32 num) { SKIP_HEADER_MT(2) UInt32 h2; MT_HASH2_CALC hash[h2] = p->lzPos; SKIP_FOOTER_MT } static void MatchFinderMt3_Skip(CMatchFinderMt *p, UInt32 num) { SKIP_HEADER_MT(3) UInt32 h2, h3; MT_HASH3_CALC (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3] = hash[ h2] = p->lzPos; SKIP_FOOTER_MT } /* // MatchFinderMt4_Skip() is similar to MatchFinderMt3_Skip(). // The difference is that MatchFinderMt3_Skip() updates hash for last 3 bytes of stream. static void MatchFinderMt4_Skip(CMatchFinderMt *p, UInt32 num) { SKIP_HEADER_MT(4) UInt32 h2, h3; // h4 MT_HASH3_CALC // MT_HASH4_CALC // (hash + kFix4HashSize)[h4] = (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3] = hash[ h2] = p->lzPos; SKIP_FOOTER_MT } */ void MatchFinderMt_CreateVTable(CMatchFinderMt *p, IMatchFinder2 *vTable) { vTable->Init = (Mf_Init_Func)MatchFinderMt_Init; vTable->GetNumAvailableBytes = (Mf_GetNumAvailableBytes_Func)MatchFinderMt_GetNumAvailableBytes; vTable->GetPointerToCurrentPos = (Mf_GetPointerToCurrentPos_Func)MatchFinderMt_GetPointerToCurrentPos; vTable->GetMatches = (Mf_GetMatches_Func)MatchFinderMt_GetMatches; switch (MF(p)->numHashBytes) { case 2: p->GetHeadsFunc = GetHeads2; p->MixMatchesFunc = (Mf_Mix_Matches)NULL; vTable->Skip = (Mf_Skip_Func)MatchFinderMt0_Skip; vTable->GetMatches = (Mf_GetMatches_Func)MatchFinderMt2_GetMatches; break; case 3: p->GetHeadsFunc = MF(p)->bigHash ? GetHeads3b : GetHeads3; p->MixMatchesFunc = (Mf_Mix_Matches)MixMatches2; vTable->Skip = (Mf_Skip_Func)MatchFinderMt2_Skip; break; case 4: p->GetHeadsFunc = MF(p)->bigHash ? GetHeads4b : GetHeads4; // it's fast inline version of GetMatches() // vTable->GetMatches = (Mf_GetMatches_Func)MatchFinderMt_GetMatches_Bt4; p->MixMatchesFunc = (Mf_Mix_Matches)MixMatches3; vTable->Skip = (Mf_Skip_Func)MatchFinderMt3_Skip; break; default: p->GetHeadsFunc = MF(p)->bigHash ? GetHeads5b : GetHeads5; p->MixMatchesFunc = (Mf_Mix_Matches)MixMatches4; vTable->Skip = (Mf_Skip_Func)MatchFinderMt3_Skip; // (Mf_Skip_Func)MatchFinderMt4_Skip; break; } }