/* SfxSetup.c - 7z SFX Setup 2024-01-24 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ #include "Precomp.h" #ifndef UNICODE #define UNICODE #endif #ifndef _UNICODE #define _UNICODE #endif #ifdef _CONSOLE #include #endif #include "../../7z.h" #include "../../7zAlloc.h" #include "../../7zCrc.h" #include "../../7zFile.h" #include "../../CpuArch.h" #include "../../DllSecur.h" #define k_EXE_ExtIndex 2 #define kInputBufSize ((size_t)1 << 18) #define wcscat lstrcatW #define wcslen (size_t)lstrlenW #define wcscpy lstrcpyW // wcsncpy() and lstrcpynW() work differently. We don't use them. static const char * const kExts[] = { "bat" , "cmd" , "exe" , "inf" , "msi" #ifdef UNDER_CE , "cab" #endif , "html" , "htm" }; static const char * const kNames[] = { "setup" , "install" , "run" , "start" }; static unsigned FindExt(const wchar_t *s, unsigned *extLen) { unsigned len = (unsigned)wcslen(s); unsigned i; for (i = len; i > 0; i--) { if (s[i - 1] == '.') { *extLen = len - i; return i - 1; } } *extLen = 0; return len; } #define MAKE_CHAR_UPPER(c) ((((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'z') ? (c) - 0x20 : (c))) static unsigned FindItem(const char * const *items, unsigned num, const wchar_t *s, unsigned len) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { const char *item = items[i]; const unsigned itemLen = (unsigned)strlen(item); unsigned j; if (len != itemLen) continue; for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { const unsigned c = (Byte)item[j]; if (c != s[j] && MAKE_CHAR_UPPER(c) != s[j]) break; } if (j == len) return i; } return i; } #ifdef _CONSOLE static BOOL WINAPI HandlerRoutine(DWORD ctrlType) { UNUSED_VAR(ctrlType); return TRUE; } #endif #ifdef _CONSOLE static void PrintStr(const char *s) { fputs(s, stdout); } #endif static void PrintErrorMessage(const char *message) { #ifdef _CONSOLE PrintStr("\n7-Zip Error: "); PrintStr(message); PrintStr("\n"); #else #ifdef UNDER_CE WCHAR messageW[256 + 4]; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < 256 && message[i] != 0; i++) messageW[i] = message[i]; messageW[i] = 0; MessageBoxW(0, messageW, L"7-Zip Error", MB_ICONERROR); #else MessageBoxA(0, message, "7-Zip Error", MB_ICONERROR); #endif #endif } static WRes MyCreateDir(const WCHAR *name) { return CreateDirectoryW(name, NULL) ? 0 : GetLastError(); } #ifdef UNDER_CE #define kBufferSize (1 << 13) #else #define kBufferSize (1 << 15) #endif #define kSignatureSearchLimit (1 << 22) static BoolInt FindSignature(CSzFile *stream, UInt64 *resPos) { Byte buf[kBufferSize]; size_t numPrevBytes = 0; *resPos = 0; for (;;) { size_t processed, pos; if (*resPos > kSignatureSearchLimit) return False; processed = kBufferSize - numPrevBytes; if (File_Read(stream, buf + numPrevBytes, &processed) != 0) return False; processed += numPrevBytes; if (processed < k7zStartHeaderSize || (processed == k7zStartHeaderSize && numPrevBytes != 0)) return False; processed -= k7zStartHeaderSize; for (pos = 0; pos <= processed; pos++) { for (; pos <= processed && buf[pos] != '7'; pos++); if (pos > processed) break; if (memcmp(buf + pos, k7zSignature, k7zSignatureSize) == 0) if (CrcCalc(buf + pos + 12, 20) == GetUi32(buf + pos + 8)) { *resPos += pos; return True; } } *resPos += processed; numPrevBytes = k7zStartHeaderSize; memmove(buf, buf + processed, k7zStartHeaderSize); } } static BoolInt DoesFileOrDirExist(const WCHAR *path) { WIN32_FIND_DATAW fd; HANDLE handle; handle = FindFirstFileW(path, &fd); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return False; FindClose(handle); return True; } static WRes RemoveDirWithSubItems(WCHAR *path) { WIN32_FIND_DATAW fd; HANDLE handle; WRes res = 0; const size_t len = wcslen(path); wcscpy(path + len, L"*"); handle = FindFirstFileW(path, &fd); path[len] = L'\0'; if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return GetLastError(); for (;;) { if (wcscmp(fd.cFileName, L".") != 0 && wcscmp(fd.cFileName, L"..") != 0) { wcscpy(path + len, fd.cFileName); if ((fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) { wcscat(path, WSTRING_PATH_SEPARATOR); res = RemoveDirWithSubItems(path); } else { SetFileAttributesW(path, 0); if (DeleteFileW(path) == 0) res = GetLastError(); } if (res != 0) break; } if (!FindNextFileW(handle, &fd)) { res = GetLastError(); if (res == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) res = 0; break; } } path[len] = L'\0'; FindClose(handle); if (res == 0) { if (!RemoveDirectoryW(path)) res = GetLastError(); } return res; } #ifdef _CONSOLE int Z7_CDECL main(void) #else int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, #ifdef UNDER_CE LPWSTR #else LPSTR #endif lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) #endif { CFileInStream archiveStream; CLookToRead2 lookStream; CSzArEx db; SRes res = SZ_OK; ISzAlloc allocImp; ISzAlloc allocTempImp; WCHAR sfxPath[MAX_PATH + 2]; WCHAR path[MAX_PATH * 3 + 2]; #ifndef UNDER_CE WCHAR workCurDir[MAX_PATH + 32]; #endif size_t pathLen; DWORD winRes; const wchar_t *cmdLineParams; const char *errorMessage = NULL; BoolInt useShellExecute = True; DWORD exitCode = 0; LoadSecurityDlls(); #ifdef _CONSOLE SetConsoleCtrlHandler(HandlerRoutine, TRUE); #else UNUSED_VAR(hInstance) UNUSED_VAR(hPrevInstance) UNUSED_VAR(lpCmdLine) UNUSED_VAR(nCmdShow) #endif CrcGenerateTable(); allocImp.Alloc = SzAlloc; allocImp.Free = SzFree; allocTempImp.Alloc = SzAllocTemp; allocTempImp.Free = SzFreeTemp; FileInStream_CreateVTable(&archiveStream); LookToRead2_CreateVTable(&lookStream, False); lookStream.buf = NULL; winRes = GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, sfxPath, MAX_PATH); if (winRes == 0 || winRes > MAX_PATH) return 1; { cmdLineParams = GetCommandLineW(); #ifndef UNDER_CE { BoolInt quoteMode = False; for (;; cmdLineParams++) { const wchar_t c = *cmdLineParams; if (c == L'\"') quoteMode = !quoteMode; else if (c == 0 || (c == L' ' && !quoteMode)) break; } } #endif } { unsigned i; DWORD d; winRes = GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH, path); if (winRes == 0 || winRes > MAX_PATH) return 1; pathLen = wcslen(path); d = (GetTickCount() << 12) ^ (GetCurrentThreadId() << 14) ^ GetCurrentProcessId(); for (i = 0;; i++, d += GetTickCount()) { if (i >= 100) { res = SZ_ERROR_FAIL; break; } wcscpy(path + pathLen, L"7z"); { wchar_t *s = path + wcslen(path); UInt32 value = d; unsigned k; for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { const unsigned t = value & 0xF; value >>= 4; s[7 - k] = (wchar_t)((t < 10) ? ('0' + t) : ('A' + (t - 10))); } s[k] = '\0'; } if (DoesFileOrDirExist(path)) continue; if (CreateDirectoryW(path, NULL)) { wcscat(path, WSTRING_PATH_SEPARATOR); pathLen = wcslen(path); break; } if (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { res = SZ_ERROR_FAIL; break; } } #ifndef UNDER_CE wcscpy(workCurDir, path); #endif if (res != SZ_OK) errorMessage = "Can't create temp folder"; } if (res != SZ_OK) { if (!errorMessage) errorMessage = "Error"; PrintErrorMessage(errorMessage); return 1; } if (InFile_OpenW(&archiveStream.file, sfxPath) != 0) { errorMessage = "can not open input file"; res = SZ_ERROR_FAIL; } else { UInt64 pos = 0; if (!FindSignature(&archiveStream.file, &pos)) res = SZ_ERROR_FAIL; else if (File_Seek(&archiveStream.file, (Int64 *)&pos, SZ_SEEK_SET) != 0) res = SZ_ERROR_FAIL; if (res != 0) errorMessage = "Can't find 7z archive"; } if (res == SZ_OK) { lookStream.buf = (Byte *)ISzAlloc_Alloc(&allocImp, kInputBufSize); if (!lookStream.buf) res = SZ_ERROR_MEM; else { lookStream.bufSize = kInputBufSize; lookStream.realStream = &archiveStream.vt; LookToRead2_INIT(&lookStream) } } SzArEx_Init(&db); if (res == SZ_OK) { res = SzArEx_Open(&db, &lookStream.vt, &allocImp, &allocTempImp); } if (res == SZ_OK) { UInt32 executeFileIndex = (UInt32)(Int32)-1; UInt32 minPrice = 1 << 30; UInt32 i; UInt32 blockIndex = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* it can have any value before first call (if outBuffer = 0) */ Byte *outBuffer = 0; /* it must be 0 before first call for each new archive. */ size_t outBufferSize = 0; /* it can have any value before first call (if outBuffer = 0) */ for (i = 0; i < db.NumFiles; i++) { size_t offset = 0; size_t outSizeProcessed = 0; WCHAR *temp; if (SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(&db, i, NULL) >= MAX_PATH) { res = SZ_ERROR_FAIL; break; } temp = path + pathLen; SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(&db, i, (UInt16 *)temp); { res = SzArEx_Extract(&db, &lookStream.vt, i, &blockIndex, &outBuffer, &outBufferSize, &offset, &outSizeProcessed, &allocImp, &allocTempImp); if (res != SZ_OK) break; } { CSzFile outFile; size_t processedSize; size_t j; size_t nameStartPos = 0; for (j = 0; temp[j] != 0; j++) { if (temp[j] == '/') { temp[j] = 0; MyCreateDir(path); temp[j] = CHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR; nameStartPos = j + 1; } } if (SzArEx_IsDir(&db, i)) { MyCreateDir(path); continue; } else { unsigned extLen; const WCHAR *name = temp + nameStartPos; unsigned len = (unsigned)wcslen(name); const unsigned nameLen = FindExt(temp + nameStartPos, &extLen); const unsigned extPrice = FindItem(kExts, sizeof(kExts) / sizeof(kExts[0]), name + len - extLen, extLen); const unsigned namePrice = FindItem(kNames, sizeof(kNames) / sizeof(kNames[0]), name, nameLen); const unsigned price = namePrice + extPrice * 64 + (nameStartPos == 0 ? 0 : (1 << 12)); if (minPrice > price) { minPrice = price; executeFileIndex = i; useShellExecute = (extPrice != k_EXE_ExtIndex); } if (DoesFileOrDirExist(path)) { errorMessage = "Duplicate file"; res = SZ_ERROR_FAIL; break; } if (OutFile_OpenW(&outFile, path)) { errorMessage = "Can't open output file"; res = SZ_ERROR_FAIL; break; } } processedSize = outSizeProcessed; if (File_Write(&outFile, outBuffer + offset, &processedSize) != 0 || processedSize != outSizeProcessed) { errorMessage = "Can't write output file"; res = SZ_ERROR_FAIL; } #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_FILE if (SzBitWithVals_Check(&db.MTime, i)) { const CNtfsFileTime *t = db.MTime.Vals + i; FILETIME mTime; mTime.dwLowDateTime = t->Low; mTime.dwHighDateTime = t->High; SetFileTime(outFile.handle, NULL, NULL, &mTime); } #endif { const WRes res2 = File_Close(&outFile); if (res != SZ_OK) break; if (res2 != 0) { errorMessage = "Can't close output file"; res = SZ_ERROR_FAIL; break; } } #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_FILE if (SzBitWithVals_Check(&db.Attribs, i)) SetFileAttributesW(path, db.Attribs.Vals[i]); #endif } } if (res == SZ_OK) { if (executeFileIndex == (UInt32)(Int32)-1) { errorMessage = "There is no file to execute"; res = SZ_ERROR_FAIL; } else { WCHAR *temp = path + pathLen; UInt32 j; SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(&db, executeFileIndex, (UInt16 *)temp); for (j = 0; temp[j] != 0; j++) if (temp[j] == '/') temp[j] = CHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR; } } ISzAlloc_Free(&allocImp, outBuffer); } SzArEx_Free(&db, &allocImp); ISzAlloc_Free(&allocImp, lookStream.buf); File_Close(&archiveStream.file); if (res == SZ_OK) { HANDLE hProcess = 0; #ifndef UNDER_CE WCHAR oldCurDir[MAX_PATH + 2]; oldCurDir[0] = 0; { const DWORD needLen = GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH + 1, oldCurDir); if (needLen == 0 || needLen > MAX_PATH) oldCurDir[0] = 0; SetCurrentDirectory(workCurDir); } #endif if (useShellExecute) { SHELLEXECUTEINFO ei; UINT32 executeRes; BOOL success; memset(&ei, 0, sizeof(ei)); ei.cbSize = sizeof(ei); ei.lpFile = path; ei.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS #ifndef UNDER_CE | SEE_MASK_FLAG_DDEWAIT #endif /* | SEE_MASK_NO_CONSOLE */ ; if (wcslen(cmdLineParams) != 0) ei.lpParameters = cmdLineParams; ei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; /* SW_HIDE; */ success = ShellExecuteEx(&ei); executeRes = (UINT32)(UINT_PTR)ei.hInstApp; if (!success || (executeRes <= 32 && executeRes != 0)) /* executeRes = 0 in Windows CE */ res = SZ_ERROR_FAIL; else hProcess = ei.hProcess; } else { STARTUPINFOW si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; WCHAR cmdLine[MAX_PATH * 3]; wcscpy(cmdLine, path); wcscat(cmdLine, cmdLineParams); memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); if (CreateProcessW(NULL, cmdLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi) == 0) res = SZ_ERROR_FAIL; else { CloseHandle(pi.hThread); hProcess = pi.hProcess; } } if (hProcess != 0) { WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, INFINITE); if (!GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess, &exitCode)) exitCode = 1; CloseHandle(hProcess); } #ifndef UNDER_CE SetCurrentDirectory(oldCurDir); #endif } path[pathLen] = L'\0'; RemoveDirWithSubItems(path); if (res == SZ_OK) return (int)exitCode; { if (res == SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED) errorMessage = "Decoder doesn't support this archive"; else if (res == SZ_ERROR_MEM) errorMessage = "Can't allocate required memory"; else if (res == SZ_ERROR_CRC) errorMessage = "CRC error"; else { if (!errorMessage) errorMessage = "ERROR"; } if (errorMessage) PrintErrorMessage(errorMessage); } return 1; }