// PropVariantConv.cpp #include "StdAfx.h" #include "../Common/IntToString.h" #include "Defs.h" #include "PropVariantConv.h" #define UINT_TO_STR_2(c, val) { s[0] = (c); s[1] = (char)('0' + (val) / 10); s[2] = (char)('0' + (val) % 10); s += 3; } static const unsigned k_TimeStringBufferSize = 64; bool g_Timestamp_Show_UTC; #if 0 bool g_Timestamp_Show_DisableZ; bool g_Timestamp_Show_TDelimeter; bool g_Timestamp_Show_ZoneOffset; #endif Z7_NO_INLINE bool ConvertUtcFileTimeToString2(const FILETIME &utc, unsigned ns100, char *s, int level, unsigned flags) throw() { *s = 0; FILETIME ft; #if 0 Int64 bias64 = 0; #endif const bool show_utc = (flags & kTimestampPrintFlags_Force_UTC) ? true : (flags & kTimestampPrintFlags_Force_LOCAL) ? false : g_Timestamp_Show_UTC; if (show_utc) ft = utc; else { if (!FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&utc, &ft)) return false; #if 0 if (g_Timestamp_Show_ZoneOffset) { const UInt64 utc64 = (((UInt64)utc.dwHighDateTime) << 32) + utc.dwLowDateTime; const UInt64 loc64 = (((UInt64) ft.dwHighDateTime) << 32) + ft.dwLowDateTime; bias64 = (Int64)utc64 - (Int64)loc64; } #endif } SYSTEMTIME st; if (!BOOLToBool(FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &st))) { // win10 : that function doesn't work, if bit 63 of 64-bit FILETIME is set. return false; } { unsigned val = st.wYear; if (val >= 10000) { *s++ = (char)('0' + val / 10000); val %= 10000; } s[3] = (char)('0' + val % 10); val /= 10; s[2] = (char)('0' + val % 10); val /= 10; s[1] = (char)('0' + val % 10); s[0] = (char)('0' + val / 10); s += 4; } UINT_TO_STR_2('-', st.wMonth) UINT_TO_STR_2('-', st.wDay) if (level > kTimestampPrintLevel_DAY) { const char setChar = #if 0 g_Timestamp_Show_TDelimeter ? 'T' : // ISO 8601 #endif ' '; UINT_TO_STR_2(setChar, st.wHour) UINT_TO_STR_2(':', st.wMinute) if (level >= kTimestampPrintLevel_SEC) { UINT_TO_STR_2(':', st.wSecond) if (level > kTimestampPrintLevel_SEC) { *s++ = '.'; /* { unsigned val = st.wMilliseconds; s[2] = (char)('0' + val % 10); val /= 10; s[1] = (char)('0' + val % 10); s[0] = (char)('0' + val / 10); s += 3; } *s++ = ' '; */ { unsigned numDigits = 7; UInt32 val = (UInt32)((((UInt64)ft.dwHighDateTime << 32) + ft.dwLowDateTime) % 10000000); for (unsigned i = numDigits; i != 0;) { i--; s[i] = (char)('0' + val % 10); val /= 10; } if (numDigits > (unsigned)level) numDigits = (unsigned)level; s += numDigits; } if (level >= kTimestampPrintLevel_NTFS + 1) { *s++ = (char)('0' + (ns100 / 10)); if (level >= kTimestampPrintLevel_NTFS + 2) *s++ = (char)('0' + (ns100 % 10)); } } } } if (show_utc) { if ((flags & kTimestampPrintFlags_DisableZ) == 0 #if 0 && !g_Timestamp_Show_DisableZ #endif ) *s++ = 'Z'; } #if 0 else if (g_Timestamp_Show_ZoneOffset) { #if 1 { char c; if (bias64 < 0) { bias64 = -bias64; c = '+'; } else c = '-'; UInt32 bias = (UInt32)((UInt64)bias64 / (10000000 * 60)); #else TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION zi; const DWORD dw = GetTimeZoneInformation(&zi); if (dw <= TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT) // == 2 { // UTC = LOCAL + Bias Int32 bias = zi.Bias; char c; if (bias < 0) { bias = -bias; c = '+'; } else c = '-'; #endif const UInt32 hours = (UInt32)bias / 60; const UInt32 mins = (UInt32)bias % 60; UINT_TO_STR_2(c, hours) UINT_TO_STR_2(':', mins) } } #endif *s = 0; return true; } bool ConvertUtcFileTimeToString(const FILETIME &utc, char *s, int level) throw() { return ConvertUtcFileTimeToString2(utc, 0, s, level); } bool ConvertUtcFileTimeToString2(const FILETIME &ft, unsigned ns100, wchar_t *dest, int level) throw() { char s[k_TimeStringBufferSize]; const bool res = ConvertUtcFileTimeToString2(ft, ns100, s, level); for (unsigned i = 0;; i++) { const Byte c = (Byte)s[i]; dest[i] = c; if (c == 0) break; } return res; } bool ConvertUtcFileTimeToString(const FILETIME &ft, wchar_t *dest, int level) throw() { char s[k_TimeStringBufferSize]; const bool res = ConvertUtcFileTimeToString(ft, s, level); for (unsigned i = 0;; i++) { const Byte c = (Byte)s[i]; dest[i] = c; if (c == 0) break; } return res; } void ConvertPropVariantToShortString(const PROPVARIANT &prop, char *dest) throw() { *dest = 0; switch (prop.vt) { case VT_EMPTY: return; case VT_BSTR: dest[0] = '?'; dest[1] = 0; return; case VT_UI1: ConvertUInt32ToString(prop.bVal, dest); return; case VT_UI2: ConvertUInt32ToString(prop.uiVal, dest); return; case VT_UI4: ConvertUInt32ToString(prop.ulVal, dest); return; case VT_UI8: ConvertUInt64ToString(prop.uhVal.QuadPart, dest); return; case VT_FILETIME: { // const unsigned prec = prop.wReserved1; int level = 0; /* if (prec == 0) level = 7; else if (prec > 16 && prec <= 16 + 9) level = prec - 16; */ ConvertUtcFileTimeToString(prop.filetime, dest, level); return; } // case VT_I1: return ConvertInt64ToString(prop.cVal, dest); return; case VT_I2: ConvertInt64ToString(prop.iVal, dest); return; case VT_I4: ConvertInt64ToString(prop.lVal, dest); return; case VT_I8: ConvertInt64ToString(prop.hVal.QuadPart, dest); return; case VT_BOOL: dest[0] = VARIANT_BOOLToBool(prop.boolVal) ? '+' : '-'; dest[1] = 0; return; default: dest[0] = '?'; dest[1] = ':'; ConvertUInt64ToString(prop.vt, dest + 2); } } void ConvertPropVariantToShortString(const PROPVARIANT &prop, wchar_t *dest) throw() { *dest = 0; switch (prop.vt) { case VT_EMPTY: return; case VT_BSTR: dest[0] = '?'; dest[1] = 0; return; case VT_UI1: ConvertUInt32ToString(prop.bVal, dest); return; case VT_UI2: ConvertUInt32ToString(prop.uiVal, dest); return; case VT_UI4: ConvertUInt32ToString(prop.ulVal, dest); return; case VT_UI8: ConvertUInt64ToString(prop.uhVal.QuadPart, dest); return; case VT_FILETIME: { // const unsigned prec = prop.wReserved1; int level = 0; /* if (prec == 0) level = 7; else if (prec > 16 && prec <= 16 + 9) level = prec - 16; */ ConvertUtcFileTimeToString(prop.filetime, dest, level); return; } // case VT_I1: return ConvertInt64ToString(prop.cVal, dest); return; case VT_I2: ConvertInt64ToString(prop.iVal, dest); return; case VT_I4: ConvertInt64ToString(prop.lVal, dest); return; case VT_I8: ConvertInt64ToString(prop.hVal.QuadPart, dest); return; case VT_BOOL: dest[0] = VARIANT_BOOLToBool(prop.boolVal) ? (wchar_t)'+' : (wchar_t)'-'; dest[1] = 0; return; default: dest[0] = '?'; dest[1] = ':'; ConvertUInt32ToString(prop.vt, dest + 2); } }