| Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
askfirst when mmuless.
Looks like the -D and -H options of the adduser applet aren't handle
properly in BusyBox.
This patch fixes the masks definition for those options according to
there position in the optstring.
Patch against RC2 but should also apply cleanly against CVS.
This bug is in busybox 1.0.0-rc2. When using lash exec
builtin with redirection, the opened file fd keep increasing.
For example, please try the following command with lash.
ls -al /proc/<lash pid>/fd
exec /bin/sh 2>/dev/null
ls -al /proc/<lash pid>/fd
The last 'ls' command output will look like this. The fd
number 4 shouldn't exist.
lrwx------ 1 501 100 64 Aug 13 13:56 4 -> /dev/pts/5
l-wx------ 1 501 100 64 Aug 13 13:56 2 -> /dev/null
lrwx------ 1 501 100 64 Aug 13 13:56 1 -> /dev/pts/5
lrwx------ 1 501 100 64 Aug 13 13:56 0 -> /dev/pts/5
dr-xr-xr-x 3 501 100 0 Aug 13 13:56 ..
dr-x------ 2 501 100 0 Aug 13 13:56 .
This one-line patch fix this problem by setting CLOEXEC flag for
squirrel fd. Please apply.
with a quick conversion you will see that 132608 == 0x20600
so noticed that the elif will never be matched !
Apparently there was already a try to modify this in CVS which
was reverted (it was plain wrong).
I don't know when __kernel_old_dev_t is needed, but with a 2.6.7
or a 2.6.8 this is __kernel_dev_t wich is needed.
I corrected this with the following patch but maybe older 2.6
still need __kernel_old_dev_t ?
I think this should be corrected before 1.0.
function build_dep in modprobe.c assumes that dependencies of one module
have not more than 255 chars;
that is not sufficient in kernel 2.6.7 (alsa sound modules). - Below is
a diff that solves the problem for me.
With regards, Christian Ostheimer
coincides with upstream. Patch from debian diff.
change formatting).
Example of broken usage: ./busybox test 2147483648 -gt 2147483648
"There seems to be a slight problem with the "mod_strcmp" function in
modprobe.c, it scans for the first occurence of the module name in the
"mod_path" variable and expects it to be the last path element. ie
/lib/modules/2.4.22-debug/kernel/fs/vfat in my example. The comparison
will always fail if mod_path contains another substring matching the
module name."
Robert McQueen wrote
"Although William Barsse's patch fixed mod_strcmp for 2.4 kernels, there
was a remaining problem which prevented it from working for me. I've
just tracked it down - when you enable kernel 2.6 module support it
hard-wired the extension to .ko instead of checking at runtime like the
other places where 2.4 differs from 2.6. The attached patch fixes this
for me."
A question was posted a month ago by Mark Alamo to see if others had
problems with sourcing subscripts within msh. We asked his firm to fix the
msh.c bug he described because we didn't have enough time to do it
When msh.c is executing a compound statement and there is a . command to
source another script file, msh.c will not execute the subscript until it's
completed executing the rest of the compound statement.
His example was this:
Echo "Start" ; . ./subA; echo "mid" ; . ./subB ; echo "end"
subA and subB execute AFTER end is printed in reverse order. The same is
true if the sourced files are inside an if else fi, case esac, or any
compound statement.
Attached is a patch to msh.c. It fixes the problem. Cd to the root of your
busybox tree and execute "patch -p1 < msh.c.patch"
Unfortunately, I won't have more time to work on this so I hope that there
aren't any problems!
Michael Leibow
Senior Software Engineer
Belkin Corporation
fixes two other issues (plus the previous as well) with a 2.4 kernel :
- should be able to modprobe an already loaded module and get 0 return
code :
# modprobe <something> && modprobe <something> && echo "ok" || echo "failed"
Well, hope this helps and that I didn't screw up again,
- William
Hi to all,
This patch is useful for:
1) remove an unused var from extern char *find_real_root_device_name(const char* name)
changing it to extern char *find_real_root_device_name(void).
2) fixes include/libbb.h, coreutils/df.c, util-linux/mount.c and util-linux/umount.c accordingly.
3) fixes a bug, really a false positive, in find_real_root_device_name() that happens if
in the /dev directory exists a link named root (/dev/root) that should be skipped but
is not. This affects applets like df that display wrong results
with no value exist, i.e.
$ export BOB=''
% ./busybox awk
Segmentation fault
This patch teaches awk to not blow chunks on empty env variables.
the 'who' and 'last' applets among other things to work as expected.
create a dev_t
bootp_down() seems redundant, esp since bootp_down was a subset
of static_down, so just use that...
With the following /etc/fstab (any two or more lines of nfs), mount -a
-t nfs causes a segmentation faults.
server:/exports/aaa /mnt/aaa nfs defaults 0 0
server:/exprots/bbb /mnt/bbb nfs defaults 0 0
In util-linux/nfsmount.c, it overwrites malloc'ed pointer *mount_opts
with a static pointer. With this patch it does proper memory realloc
and data copy instead.
dev_t. This is especially important now that the user space concept of a dev_t
and the kernel concept of a dev_t are divergant. The only bit of user space
allowed to know the number of major and minor bits is include/sys/sysmacros.h
(i.e. part of libc). When used with a current C library and a 2.6.x kernel,
this fix should allow BusyBox to support wide device major/minor numbers.
With job control enabled, ash fails to tcsetpgrp back to initialpgrp
upon exit. exitshell() should call setjobctl(0) to do this.
Context: I am using a lightweight menu system (replimenu[.sf.net]) on my
console, which invokes "/bin/sh -i -c /bin/login", where /bin/sh and
/bin/login are busybox applets. /bin/sh is ash, with
CONFIG_ASH_JOB_CONTROL=y as the sole suboption. The shell of the user
concerned (nobody) is also /bin/sh (ash). When the user /bin/sh exits
(and thereby login and its parent sh), replimenu receives EIO when it
tries to read from the terminal.
the following example was broken, echo "1 1 +" | dc
increment > 0.
some trailing '\n'