#include "libbb.h" #include "strbuf.h" #include "git.h" /* * Used as the default ->buf value, so that people can always assume * buf is non NULL and ->buf is NUL terminated even for a freshly * initialized strbuf. */ char strbuf_slopbuf[1]; void strbuf_init(struct strbuf *sb, size_t hint) { sb->alloc = sb->len = 0; sb->buf = strbuf_slopbuf; if (hint) strbuf_grow(sb, hint); } void strbuf_release(struct strbuf *sb) { if (sb->alloc) { free(sb->buf); strbuf_init(sb, 0); } } char *strbuf_detach(struct strbuf *sb, size_t *sz) { char *res = sb->alloc ? sb->buf : NULL; if (sz) *sz = sb->len; strbuf_init(sb, 0); return res; } void strbuf_attach(struct strbuf *sb, void *buf, size_t len, size_t alloc) { strbuf_release(sb); sb->buf = buf; sb->len = len; sb->alloc = alloc; strbuf_grow(sb, 0); sb->buf[sb->len] = '\0'; } void strbuf_grow(struct strbuf *sb, size_t extra) { if (sb->len + extra + 1 <= sb->len) die("you want to use way too much memory"); if (!sb->alloc) sb->buf = NULL; ALLOC_GROW(sb->buf, sb->len + extra + 1, sb->alloc); } void strbuf_trim(struct strbuf *sb) { char *b = sb->buf; while (sb->len > 0 && isspace((unsigned char)sb->buf[sb->len - 1])) sb->len--; while (sb->len > 0 && isspace(*b)) { b++; sb->len--; } memmove(sb->buf, b, sb->len); sb->buf[sb->len] = '\0'; } void strbuf_rtrim(struct strbuf *sb) { while (sb->len > 0 && isspace((unsigned char)sb->buf[sb->len - 1])) sb->len--; sb->buf[sb->len] = '\0'; } void strbuf_ltrim(struct strbuf *sb) { char *b = sb->buf; while (sb->len > 0 && isspace(*b)) { b++; sb->len--; } memmove(sb->buf, b, sb->len); sb->buf[sb->len] = '\0'; } void strbuf_tolower(struct strbuf *sb) { int i; for (i = 0; i < sb->len; i++) sb->buf[i] = tolower(sb->buf[i]); } struct strbuf **strbuf_split(const struct strbuf *sb, int delim) { int alloc = 2, pos = 0; char *n, *p; struct strbuf **ret; struct strbuf *t; ret = xcalloc(alloc, sizeof(struct strbuf *)); p = n = sb->buf; while (n < sb->buf + sb->len) { int len; n = memchr(n, delim, sb->len - (n - sb->buf)); if (pos + 1 >= alloc) { alloc = alloc * 2; ret = xrealloc(ret, sizeof(struct strbuf *) * alloc); } if (!n) n = sb->buf + sb->len - 1; len = n - p + 1; t = xmalloc(sizeof(struct strbuf)); strbuf_init(t, len); strbuf_add(t, p, len); ret[pos] = t; ret[++pos] = NULL; p = ++n; } return ret; } void strbuf_list_free(struct strbuf **sbs) { struct strbuf **s = sbs; while (*s) { strbuf_release(*s); free(*s++); } free(sbs); } int strbuf_cmp(const struct strbuf *a, const struct strbuf *b) { int len = a->len < b->len ? a->len: b->len; int cmp = memcmp(a->buf, b->buf, len); if (cmp) return cmp; return a->len < b->len ? -1: a->len != b->len; } void strbuf_splice(struct strbuf *sb, size_t pos, size_t len, const void *data, size_t dlen) { if (pos + len < pos) die("you want to use way too much memory"); if (pos > sb->len) die("`pos' is too far after the end of the buffer"); if (pos + len > sb->len) die("`pos + len' is too far after the end of the buffer"); if (dlen >= len) strbuf_grow(sb, dlen - len); memmove(sb->buf + pos + dlen, sb->buf + pos + len, sb->len - pos - len); memcpy(sb->buf + pos, data, dlen); strbuf_setlen(sb, sb->len + dlen - len); } void strbuf_insert(struct strbuf *sb, size_t pos, const void *data, size_t len) { strbuf_splice(sb, pos, 0, data, len); } void strbuf_remove(struct strbuf *sb, size_t pos, size_t len) { strbuf_splice(sb, pos, len, NULL, 0); } void strbuf_add(struct strbuf *sb, const void *data, size_t len) { strbuf_grow(sb, len); memcpy(sb->buf + sb->len, data, len); strbuf_setlen(sb, sb->len + len); } void strbuf_adddup(struct strbuf *sb, size_t pos, size_t len) { strbuf_grow(sb, len); memcpy(sb->buf + sb->len, sb->buf + pos, len); strbuf_setlen(sb, sb->len + len); } void strbuf_addf(struct strbuf *sb, const char *fmt, ...) { int len; va_list ap; if (!strbuf_avail(sb)) strbuf_grow(sb, 64); va_start(ap, fmt); len = vsnprintf(sb->buf + sb->len, sb->alloc - sb->len, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (len < 0) die("your vsnprintf is broken"); if (len > strbuf_avail(sb)) { strbuf_grow(sb, len); va_start(ap, fmt); len = vsnprintf(sb->buf + sb->len, sb->alloc - sb->len, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (len > strbuf_avail(sb)) { die("this should not happen, your snprintf is broken"); } } strbuf_setlen(sb, sb->len + len); } void strbuf_expand(struct strbuf *sb, const char *format, expand_fn_t fn, void *context) { for (;;) { const char *percent; size_t consumed; percent = strchrnul(format, '%'); strbuf_add(sb, format, percent - format); if (!*percent) break; format = percent + 1; consumed = fn(sb, format, context); if (consumed) format += consumed; else strbuf_addch(sb, '%'); } } size_t strbuf_expand_dict_cb(struct strbuf *sb, const char *placeholder, void *context) { struct strbuf_expand_dict_entry *e = context; size_t len; for (; e->placeholder && (len = strlen(e->placeholder)); e++) { if (!strncmp(placeholder, e->placeholder, len)) { if (e->value) strbuf_addstr(sb, e->value); return len; } } return 0; } size_t strbuf_fread(struct strbuf *sb, size_t size, FILE *f) { size_t res; size_t oldalloc = sb->alloc; strbuf_grow(sb, size); res = fread(sb->buf + sb->len, 1, size, f); if (res > 0) strbuf_setlen(sb, sb->len + res); else if (res < 0 && oldalloc == 0) strbuf_release(sb); return res; } ssize_t strbuf_read(struct strbuf *sb, int fd, size_t hint) { size_t oldlen = sb->len; size_t oldalloc = sb->alloc; strbuf_grow(sb, hint ? hint : 8192); for (;;) { ssize_t cnt; cnt = _xread(fd, sb->buf + sb->len, sb->alloc - sb->len - 1); if (cnt < 0) { if (oldalloc == 0) strbuf_release(sb); else strbuf_setlen(sb, oldlen); return -1; } if (!cnt) break; sb->len += cnt; strbuf_grow(sb, 8192); } sb->buf[sb->len] = '\0'; return sb->len - oldlen; } #define STRBUF_MAXLINK (2*PATH_MAX) int strbuf_readlink(struct strbuf *sb, const char *path, size_t hint) { size_t oldalloc = sb->alloc; if (hint < 32) hint = 32; while (hint < STRBUF_MAXLINK) { int len; strbuf_grow(sb, hint); len = readlink(path, sb->buf, hint); if (len < 0) { if (errno != ERANGE) break; } else if (len < hint) { strbuf_setlen(sb, len); return 0; } /* .. the buffer was too small - try again */ hint *= 2; } if (oldalloc == 0) strbuf_release(sb); return -1; } int strbuf_getline(struct strbuf *sb, FILE *fp, int term) { int ch; strbuf_grow(sb, 0); if (feof(fp)) return EOF; strbuf_reset(sb); while ((ch = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) { if (ch == term) break; strbuf_grow(sb, 1); sb->buf[sb->len++] = ch; } if (ch == EOF && sb->len == 0) return EOF; sb->buf[sb->len] = '\0'; return 0; } int strbuf_read_file(struct strbuf *sb, const char *path, size_t hint) { int fd, len; fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) return -1; len = strbuf_read(sb, fd, hint); close(fd); if (len < 0) return -1; return len; }