/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */ /* * Report CPU and I/O stats, based on sysstat version 9.1.2 by Sebastien Godard * * Copyright (C) 2010 Marek Polacek * * Licensed under GPLv2, see file LICENSE in this source tree. */ //config:config IOSTAT //config: bool "iostat (8 kb)" //config: default y //config: help //config: Report CPU and I/O statistics //applet:IF_IOSTAT(APPLET(iostat, BB_DIR_BIN, BB_SUID_DROP)) //kbuild:lib-$(CONFIG_IOSTAT) += iostat.o #include "libbb.h" #include /* struct utsname */ //#define debug(fmt, ...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__) #define debug(fmt, ...) ((void)0) #define MAX_DEVICE_NAME 12 #define MAX_DEVICE_NAME_STR "12" #if 1 typedef unsigned long long cputime_t; typedef long long icputime_t; # define FMT_DATA LL_FMT # define CPUTIME_MAX (~0ULL) #else typedef unsigned long cputime_t; typedef long icputime_t; # define FMT_DATA "l" # define CPUTIME_MAX (~0UL) #endif enum { STATS_CPU_USER, STATS_CPU_NICE, STATS_CPU_SYSTEM, STATS_CPU_IDLE, STATS_CPU_IOWAIT, STATS_CPU_IRQ, STATS_CPU_SOFTIRQ, STATS_CPU_STEAL, STATS_CPU_GUEST, GLOBAL_UPTIME, SMP_UPTIME, N_STATS_CPU, }; typedef struct { cputime_t vector[N_STATS_CPU]; } stats_cpu_t; typedef struct { stats_cpu_t *prev; stats_cpu_t *curr; cputime_t itv; } stats_cpu_pair_t; typedef struct { unsigned long long rd_sectors; unsigned long long wr_sectors; unsigned long rd_ops; unsigned long wr_ops; } stats_dev_data_t; typedef struct stats_dev { struct stats_dev *next; char dname[MAX_DEVICE_NAME + 1]; stats_dev_data_t prev_data; stats_dev_data_t curr_data; } stats_dev_t; /* Globals. Sort by size and access frequency. */ struct globals { smallint show_all; unsigned total_cpus; /* Number of CPUs */ unsigned clk_tck; /* Number of clock ticks per second */ llist_t *dev_name_list; /* List of devices entered on the command line */ stats_dev_t *stats_dev_list; struct tm tmtime; struct { const char *str; unsigned div; } unit; }; #define G (*ptr_to_globals) #define INIT_G() do { \ SET_PTR_TO_GLOBALS(xzalloc(sizeof(G))); \ G.unit.str = "Blk"; \ G.unit.div = 1; \ } while (0) /* Must match option string! */ enum { OPT_c = 1 << 0, OPT_d = 1 << 1, OPT_t = 1 << 2, OPT_z = 1 << 3, OPT_k = 1 << 4, OPT_m = 1 << 5, }; static ALWAYS_INLINE int this_is_smp(void) { return (G.total_cpus > 1); } static void print_header(void) { char buf[32]; struct utsname uts; uname(&uts); /* never fails */ /* Date representation for the current locale */ strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%x", &G.tmtime); printf("%s %s (%s) \t%s \t_%s_\t(%u CPU)\n\n", uts.sysname, uts.release, uts.nodename, buf, uts.machine, G.total_cpus); } static void get_localtime(struct tm *ptm) { time_t timer; time(&timer); localtime_r(&timer, ptm); } static void print_timestamp(void) { char buf[64]; /* %x: date representation for the current locale */ /* %X: time representation for the current locale */ strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%x %X", &G.tmtime); puts(buf); } static cputime_t get_smp_uptime(void) { FILE *fp; unsigned long sec, dec; fp = xfopen_for_read("/proc/uptime"); if (fscanf(fp, "%lu.%lu", &sec, &dec) != 2) bb_error_msg_and_die("can't read '%s'", "/proc/uptime"); fclose(fp); return (cputime_t)sec * G.clk_tck + dec * G.clk_tck / 100; } /* Fetch CPU statistics from /proc/stat */ static void get_cpu_statistics(stats_cpu_t *sc) { FILE *fp; char buf[1024]; fp = xfopen_for_read("/proc/stat"); memset(sc, 0, sizeof(*sc)); while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { int i; char *ibuf; /* Does the line start with "cpu "? */ if (!starts_with_cpu(buf) || buf[3] != ' ') { continue; } ibuf = buf + 4; for (i = STATS_CPU_USER; i <= STATS_CPU_GUEST; i++) { ibuf = skip_whitespace(ibuf); sscanf(ibuf, "%"FMT_DATA"u", &sc->vector[i]); if (i != STATS_CPU_GUEST) { sc->vector[GLOBAL_UPTIME] += sc->vector[i]; } ibuf = skip_non_whitespace(ibuf); } break; } if (this_is_smp()) { sc->vector[SMP_UPTIME] = get_smp_uptime(); } fclose(fp); } static ALWAYS_INLINE cputime_t get_interval(cputime_t old, cputime_t new) { cputime_t itv = new - old; return (itv == 0) ? 1 : itv; } #if CPUTIME_MAX > 0xffffffff /* * Handle overflow conditions properly for counters which can have * less bits than cputime_t, depending on the kernel version. */ /* Surprisingly, on 32bit inlining is a size win */ static ALWAYS_INLINE cputime_t overflow_safe_sub(cputime_t prev, cputime_t curr) { cputime_t v = curr - prev; if ((icputime_t)v < 0 /* curr < prev - counter overflow? */ && prev <= 0xffffffff /* kernel uses 32bit value for the counter? */ ) { /* Add 33th bit set to 1 to curr, compensating for the overflow */ /* double shift defeats "warning: left shift count >= width of type" */ v += ((cputime_t)1 << 16) << 16; } return v; } #else static ALWAYS_INLINE cputime_t overflow_safe_sub(cputime_t prev, cputime_t curr) { return curr - prev; } #endif static double percent_value(cputime_t prev, cputime_t curr, cputime_t itv) { return ((double)overflow_safe_sub(prev, curr)) / itv * 100; } static void print_stats_cpu_struct(stats_cpu_pair_t *stats) { cputime_t *p = stats->prev->vector; cputime_t *c = stats->curr->vector; printf(" %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f\n", percent_value(p[STATS_CPU_USER] , c[STATS_CPU_USER] , stats->itv), percent_value(p[STATS_CPU_NICE] , c[STATS_CPU_NICE] , stats->itv), percent_value(p[STATS_CPU_SYSTEM] + p[STATS_CPU_SOFTIRQ] + p[STATS_CPU_IRQ], c[STATS_CPU_SYSTEM] + c[STATS_CPU_SOFTIRQ] + c[STATS_CPU_IRQ], stats->itv), percent_value(p[STATS_CPU_IOWAIT], c[STATS_CPU_IOWAIT], stats->itv), percent_value(p[STATS_CPU_STEAL] , c[STATS_CPU_STEAL] , stats->itv), percent_value(p[STATS_CPU_IDLE] , c[STATS_CPU_IDLE] , stats->itv) ); } static void cpu_report(stats_cpu_pair_t *stats) { /* Always print a header */ puts("avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle"); /* Print current statistics */ print_stats_cpu_struct(stats); } static void print_stats_dev_struct(stats_dev_t *stats_dev, cputime_t itv) { stats_dev_data_t *p = &stats_dev->prev_data; stats_dev_data_t *c = &stats_dev->curr_data; if (option_mask32 & OPT_z) if (p->rd_ops == c->rd_ops && p->wr_ops == c->wr_ops) return; printf("%-13s %8.2f %12.2f %12.2f %10llu %10llu\n", stats_dev->dname, percent_value(p->rd_ops + p->wr_ops, c->rd_ops + c->wr_ops, itv), percent_value(p->rd_sectors, c->rd_sectors, itv) / G.unit.div, percent_value(p->wr_sectors, c->wr_sectors, itv) / G.unit.div, (c->rd_sectors - p->rd_sectors) / G.unit.div, (c->wr_sectors - p->wr_sectors) / G.unit.div ); } static void print_devstat_header(void) { printf("Device:%15s%6s%s/s%6s%s/s%6s%s%6s%s\n", "tps", G.unit.str, "_read", G.unit.str, "_wrtn", G.unit.str, "_read", G.unit.str, "_wrtn" ); } /* * Is input partition of format [sdaN]? */ static int is_partition(const char *dev) { /* Ok, this is naive... */ return ((dev[0] - 's') | (dev[1] - 'd') | (dev[2] - 'a')) == 0 && isdigit(dev[3]); } static stats_dev_t *stats_dev_find_or_new(const char *dev_name) { stats_dev_t **curr = &G.stats_dev_list; while (*curr != NULL) { if (strcmp((*curr)->dname, dev_name) == 0) return *curr; curr = &(*curr)->next; } *curr = xzalloc(sizeof(stats_dev_t)); strncpy((*curr)->dname, dev_name, MAX_DEVICE_NAME); return *curr; } static void stats_dev_free(stats_dev_t *stats_dev) { if (stats_dev) { stats_dev_free(stats_dev->next); free(stats_dev); } } static void do_disk_statistics(cputime_t itv) { char buf[128]; char dev_name[MAX_DEVICE_NAME + 1]; unsigned long long rd_sec_or_dummy; unsigned long long wr_sec_or_dummy; stats_dev_data_t *curr_data; stats_dev_t *stats_dev; FILE *fp; int rc; fp = xfopen_for_read("/proc/diskstats"); /* Read and possibly print stats from /proc/diskstats */ while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { sscanf(buf, "%*s %*s %"MAX_DEVICE_NAME_STR"s", dev_name); if (G.dev_name_list) { /* Is device name in list? */ if (!llist_find_str(G.dev_name_list, dev_name)) continue; } else if (is_partition(dev_name)) { continue; } stats_dev = stats_dev_find_or_new(dev_name); curr_data = &stats_dev->curr_data; rc = sscanf(buf, "%*s %*s %*s %lu %llu %llu %llu %lu %*s %llu", &curr_data->rd_ops, &rd_sec_or_dummy, &curr_data->rd_sectors, &wr_sec_or_dummy, &curr_data->wr_ops, &curr_data->wr_sectors); if (rc != 6) { curr_data->rd_sectors = rd_sec_or_dummy; curr_data->wr_sectors = wr_sec_or_dummy; //curr_data->rd_ops = ; curr_data->wr_ops = (unsigned long)curr_data->rd_sectors; } if (!G.dev_name_list /* User didn't specify device */ && !G.show_all && curr_data->rd_ops == 0 && curr_data->wr_ops == 0 ) { /* Don't print unused device */ continue; } /* Print current statistics */ print_stats_dev_struct(stats_dev, itv); stats_dev->prev_data = *curr_data; } fclose(fp); } static void dev_report(cputime_t itv) { /* Always print a header */ print_devstat_header(); /* Fetch current disk statistics */ do_disk_statistics(itv); } //usage:#define iostat_trivial_usage //usage: "[-c] [-d] [-t] [-z] [-k|-m] [ALL|BLOCKDEV...] [INTERVAL [COUNT]]" //usage:#define iostat_full_usage "\n\n" //usage: "Report CPU and I/O statistics\n" //usage: "\n -c Show CPU utilization" //usage: "\n -d Show device utilization" //usage: "\n -t Print current time" //usage: "\n -z Omit devices with no activity" //usage: "\n -k Use kb/s" //usage: "\n -m Use Mb/s" int iostat_main(int argc, char **argv) MAIN_EXTERNALLY_VISIBLE; int iostat_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv) { int opt; unsigned interval; int count; stats_cpu_t stats_data[2]; smallint current_stats; INIT_G(); memset(&stats_data, 0, sizeof(stats_data)); /* Get number of clock ticks per sec */ G.clk_tck = bb_clk_tck(); /* Determine number of CPUs */ G.total_cpus = get_cpu_count(); if (G.total_cpus == 0) G.total_cpus = 1; /* Parse and process arguments */ /* -k and -m are mutually exclusive */ opt = getopt32(argv, "^" "cdtzkm" "\0" "k--m:m--k"); if (!(opt & (OPT_c + OPT_d))) /* Default is -cd */ opt |= OPT_c + OPT_d; argv += optind; /* Store device names into device list */ while (*argv && !isdigit(*argv[0])) { if (strcmp(*argv, "ALL") != 0) { /* If not ALL, save device name */ char *dev_name = skip_dev_pfx(*argv); if (!llist_find_str(G.dev_name_list, dev_name)) { llist_add_to(&G.dev_name_list, dev_name); } } else { G.show_all = 1; } argv++; } interval = 0; count = 1; if (*argv) { /* Get interval */ interval = xatoi_positive(*argv); count = (interval != 0 ? -1 : 1); argv++; if (*argv) /* Get count value */ count = xatoi_positive(*argv); } if (opt & OPT_m) { G.unit.str = " MB"; G.unit.div = 2048; } if (opt & OPT_k) { G.unit.str = " kB"; G.unit.div = 2; } get_localtime(&G.tmtime); /* Display header */ print_header(); current_stats = 0; /* Main loop */ for (;;) { stats_cpu_pair_t stats; stats.prev = &stats_data[current_stats ^ 1]; stats.curr = &stats_data[current_stats]; /* Fill the time structure */ get_localtime(&G.tmtime); /* Fetch current CPU statistics */ get_cpu_statistics(stats.curr); /* Get interval */ stats.itv = get_interval( stats.prev->vector[GLOBAL_UPTIME], stats.curr->vector[GLOBAL_UPTIME] ); if (opt & OPT_t) print_timestamp(); if (opt & OPT_c) { cpu_report(&stats); if (opt & OPT_d) /* Separate outputs by a newline */ bb_putchar('\n'); } if (opt & OPT_d) { if (this_is_smp()) { stats.itv = get_interval( stats.prev->vector[SMP_UPTIME], stats.curr->vector[SMP_UPTIME] ); } dev_report(stats.itv); } bb_putchar('\n'); if (count > 0) { if (--count == 0) break; } /* Swap stats */ current_stats ^= 1; sleep(interval); } if (ENABLE_FEATURE_CLEAN_UP) { llist_free(G.dev_name_list, NULL); stats_dev_free(G.stats_dev_list); free(&G); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }