/* PDCurses */ #include "curspriv.h" /*man-start************************************************************** getch ----- ### Synopsis int getch(void); int wgetch(WINDOW *win); int mvgetch(int y, int x); int mvwgetch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x); int ungetch(int ch); int flushinp(void); int get_wch(wint_t *wch); int wget_wch(WINDOW *win, wint_t *wch); int mvget_wch(int y, int x, wint_t *wch); int mvwget_wch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, wint_t *wch); int unget_wch(const wchar_t wch); unsigned long PDC_get_key_modifiers(void); int PDC_return_key_modifiers(bool flag); ### Description With the getch(), wgetch(), mvgetch(), and mvwgetch() functions, a character is read from the terminal associated with the window. In nodelay mode, if there is no input waiting, the value ERR is returned. In delay mode, the program will hang until the system passes text through to the program. Depending on the setting of cbreak(), this will be after one character or after the first newline. Unless noecho() has been set, the character will also be echoed into the designated window. If keypad() is TRUE, and a function key is pressed, the token for that function key will be returned instead of the raw characters. Possible function keys are defined in "curses.h" with integers beginning with 0401, whose names begin with KEY_. If nodelay(win, TRUE) has been called on the window and no input is waiting, the value ERR is returned. ungetch() places ch back onto the input queue to be returned by the next call to wgetch(). flushinp() throws away any type-ahead that has been typed by the user and has not yet been read by the program. wget_wch() is the wide-character version of wgetch(), available when PDCurses is built with the PDC_WIDE option. It takes a pointer to a wint_t rather than returning the key as an int, and instead returns KEY_CODE_YES if the key is a function key. Otherwise, it returns OK or ERR. It's important to check for KEY_CODE_YES, since regular wide characters can have the same values as function key codes. unget_wch() puts a wide character on the input queue. PDC_get_key_modifiers() returns the keyboard modifiers (shift, control, alt, numlock) effective at the time of the last getch() call. Use the macros PDC_KEY_MODIFIER_* to determine which modifier(s) were set. PDC_return_key_modifiers() tells getch() to return modifier keys pressed alone as keystrokes (KEY_ALT_L, etc.). These may not work on all platforms. NOTE: getch() and ungetch() are implemented as macros, to avoid conflict with many DOS compiler's runtime libraries. ### Return Value These functions return ERR or the value of the character, meta character or function key token. ### Portability X/Open ncurses NetBSD getch Y Y Y wgetch Y Y Y mvgetch Y Y Y mvwgetch Y Y Y ungetch Y Y Y flushinp Y Y Y get_wch Y Y Y wget_wch Y Y Y mvget_wch Y Y Y mvwget_wch Y Y Y unget_wch Y Y Y PDC_get_key_modifiers - - - **man-end****************************************************************/ #include #define _INBUFSIZ 512 /* size of terminal input buffer */ #define NUNGETCH 256 /* max # chars to ungetch() */ static int c_pindex = 0; /* putter index */ static int c_gindex = 1; /* getter index */ static int c_ungind = 0; /* ungetch() push index */ static int c_ungch[NUNGETCH]; /* array of ungotten chars */ static int _get_box(int *y_start, int *y_end, int *x_start, int *x_end) { int start, end; if (SP->sel_start < SP->sel_end) { start = SP->sel_start; end = SP->sel_end; } else { start = SP->sel_end; end = SP->sel_start; } *y_start = start / COLS; *x_start = start % COLS; *y_end = end / COLS; *x_end = end % COLS; return (end - start) + (*y_end - *y_start); } static void _highlight(void) { int i, j, y_start, y_end, x_start, x_end; if (-1 == SP->sel_start) return; _get_box(&y_start, &y_end, &x_start, &x_end); for (j = y_start; j <= y_end; j++) for (i = (j == y_start ? x_start : 0); i < (j == y_end ? x_end : COLS); i++) curscr->_y[j][i] ^= A_REVERSE; wrefresh(curscr); } static void _copy(void) { #ifdef PDC_WIDE wchar_t *wtmp; # define TMP wtmp # define MASK A_CHARTEXT #else # define TMP tmp # define MASK 0xff #endif char *tmp; long pos; int i, j, y_start, y_end, x_start, x_end, len; if (-1 == SP->sel_start) return; len = _get_box(&y_start, &y_end, &x_start, &x_end); if (!len) return; #ifdef PDC_WIDE wtmp = malloc((len + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); len *= 3; #endif tmp = malloc(len + 1); for (j = y_start, pos = 0; j <= y_end; j++) { for (i = (j == y_start ? x_start : 0); i < (j == y_end ? x_end : COLS); i++) TMP[pos++] = curscr->_y[j][i] & MASK; while (y_start != y_end && pos > 0 && TMP[pos - 1] == 32) pos--; if (j < y_end) TMP[pos++] = 10; } TMP[pos] = 0; #ifdef PDC_WIDE pos = PDC_wcstombs(tmp, wtmp, len); #endif PDC_setclipboard(tmp, pos); free(tmp); #ifdef PDC_WIDE free(wtmp); #endif } static int _paste(void) { #ifdef PDC_WIDE wchar_t *wpaste; # define PASTE wpaste #else # define PASTE paste #endif char *paste; long len; int key; key = PDC_getclipboard(&paste, &len); if (PDC_CLIP_SUCCESS != key || !len) return -1; #ifdef PDC_WIDE wpaste = malloc(len * sizeof(wchar_t)); len = PDC_mbstowcs(wpaste, paste, len); #endif while (len > 1) PDC_ungetch(PASTE[--len]); key = *PASTE; #ifdef PDC_WIDE free(wpaste); #endif PDC_freeclipboard(paste); SP->key_modifiers = 0; return key; } static int _mouse_key(void) { int i, key = KEY_MOUSE, changes = SP->mouse_status.changes; unsigned long mbe = SP->_trap_mbe; /* Selection highlighting? */ if ((!mbe || SP->mouse_status.button[0] & BUTTON_SHIFT) && changes & 1) { i = SP->mouse_status.y * COLS + SP->mouse_status.x; switch (SP->mouse_status.button[0] & BUTTON_ACTION_MASK) { case BUTTON_PRESSED: _highlight(); SP->sel_start = SP->sel_end = i; return -1; case BUTTON_MOVED: _highlight(); SP->sel_end = i; _highlight(); return -1; case BUTTON_RELEASED: _copy(); return -1; } } else if ((!mbe || SP->mouse_status.button[1] & BUTTON_SHIFT) && changes & 2 && (SP->mouse_status.button[1] & BUTTON_ACTION_MASK) == BUTTON_CLICKED) { SP->key_code = FALSE; return _paste(); } /* Filter unwanted mouse events */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (changes & (1 << i)) { int shf = i * 5; short button = SP->mouse_status.button[i] & BUTTON_ACTION_MASK; if ( (!(mbe & (BUTTON1_PRESSED << shf)) && (button == BUTTON_PRESSED)) || (!(mbe & (BUTTON1_CLICKED << shf)) && (button == BUTTON_CLICKED)) || (!(mbe & (BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED << shf)) && (button == BUTTON_DOUBLE_CLICKED)) || (!(mbe & (BUTTON1_MOVED << shf)) && (button == BUTTON_MOVED)) || (!(mbe & (BUTTON1_RELEASED << shf)) && (button == BUTTON_RELEASED)) ) SP->mouse_status.changes ^= (1 << i); } } if (changes & PDC_MOUSE_MOVED) { if (!(mbe & (BUTTON1_MOVED|BUTTON2_MOVED|BUTTON3_MOVED))) SP->mouse_status.changes ^= PDC_MOUSE_MOVED; } if (changes & (PDC_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP|PDC_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN)) { if (!(mbe & MOUSE_WHEEL_SCROLL)) SP->mouse_status.changes &= ~(PDC_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP|PDC_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN); } if (!changes) return -1; /* Check for click in slk area */ i = PDC_mouse_in_slk(SP->mouse_status.y, SP->mouse_status.x); if (i) { if (SP->mouse_status.button[0] & (BUTTON_PRESSED|BUTTON_CLICKED)) key = KEY_F(i); else key = -1; } return key; } int wgetch(WINDOW *win) { static int buffer[_INBUFSIZ]; /* character buffer */ int key, waitcount; PDC_LOG(("wgetch() - called\n")); if (!win || !SP) return ERR; waitcount = 0; /* set the number of 1/20th second napms() calls */ if (SP->delaytenths) waitcount = 2 * SP->delaytenths; else if (win->_delayms) { /* Can't really do millisecond intervals, so delay in 1/20ths of a second (50ms) */ waitcount = win->_delayms / 50; if (!waitcount) waitcount = 1; } /* refresh window when wgetch is called if there have been changes to it and it is not a pad */ if (!(win->_flags & _PAD) && ((!win->_leaveit && (win->_begx + win->_curx != SP->curscol || win->_begy + win->_cury != SP->cursrow)) || is_wintouched(win))) wrefresh(win); /* if ungotten char exists, remove and return it */ if (c_ungind) return c_ungch[--c_ungind]; /* if normal and data in buffer */ if ((!SP->raw_inp && !SP->cbreak) && (c_gindex < c_pindex)) return buffer[c_gindex++]; /* prepare to buffer data */ c_pindex = 0; c_gindex = 0; /* to get here, no keys are buffered. go and get one. */ for (;;) /* loop for any buffering */ { /* is there a keystroke ready? */ if (!PDC_check_key()) { /* if not, handle timeout() and halfdelay() */ if (SP->delaytenths || win->_delayms) { if (!waitcount) return ERR; waitcount--; } else if (win->_nodelay) return ERR; napms(50); /* sleep for 1/20th second */ continue; /* then check again */ } /* if there is, fetch it */ key = PDC_get_key(); /* copy or paste? */ if (SP->key_modifiers & PDC_KEY_MODIFIER_SHIFT) { if (0x03 == key) { _copy(); continue; } else if (0x16 == key) key = _paste(); } /* filter mouse events; translate mouse clicks in the slk area to function keys */ if (SP->key_code && key == KEY_MOUSE) key = _mouse_key(); /* filter special keys if not in keypad mode */ if (SP->key_code && !win->_use_keypad) key = -1; /* unwanted key? loop back */ if (key == -1) continue; _highlight(); SP->sel_start = SP->sel_end = -1; /* translate CR */ if (key == '\r' && SP->autocr && !SP->raw_inp) key = '\n'; /* if echo is enabled */ if (SP->echo && !SP->key_code) { waddch(win, key); wrefresh(win); } /* if no buffering */ if (SP->raw_inp || SP->cbreak) return key; /* if no overflow, put data in buffer */ if (key == '\b') { if (c_pindex > c_gindex) c_pindex--; } else if (c_pindex < _INBUFSIZ - 2) buffer[c_pindex++] = key; /* if we got a line */ if (key == '\n' || key == '\r') return buffer[c_gindex++]; } } int mvgetch(int y, int x) { PDC_LOG(("mvgetch() - called\n")); if (move(y, x) == ERR) return ERR; return wgetch(stdscr); } int mvwgetch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x) { PDC_LOG(("mvwgetch() - called\n")); if (wmove(win, y, x) == ERR) return ERR; return wgetch(win); } int PDC_ungetch(int ch) { PDC_LOG(("ungetch() - called\n")); if (c_ungind >= NUNGETCH) /* pushback stack full */ return ERR; c_ungch[c_ungind++] = ch; return OK; } int flushinp(void) { PDC_LOG(("flushinp() - called\n")); PDC_flushinp(); c_gindex = 1; /* set indices to kill buffer */ c_pindex = 0; c_ungind = 0; /* clear c_ungch array */ return OK; } unsigned long PDC_get_key_modifiers(void) { PDC_LOG(("PDC_get_key_modifiers() - called\n")); if (!SP) return ERR; return SP->key_modifiers; } int PDC_return_key_modifiers(bool flag) { PDC_LOG(("PDC_return_key_modifiers() - called\n")); if (!SP) return ERR; SP->return_key_modifiers = flag; return PDC_modifiers_set(); } #ifdef PDC_WIDE int wget_wch(WINDOW *win, wint_t *wch) { int key; PDC_LOG(("wget_wch() - called\n")); if (!wch) return ERR; key = wgetch(win); if (key == ERR) return ERR; *wch = key; return SP->key_code ? KEY_CODE_YES : OK; } int get_wch(wint_t *wch) { PDC_LOG(("get_wch() - called\n")); return wget_wch(stdscr, wch); } int mvget_wch(int y, int x, wint_t *wch) { PDC_LOG(("mvget_wch() - called\n")); if (move(y, x) == ERR) return ERR; return wget_wch(stdscr, wch); } int mvwget_wch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, wint_t *wch) { PDC_LOG(("mvwget_wch() - called\n")); if (wmove(win, y, x) == ERR) return ERR; return wget_wch(win, wch); } int unget_wch(const wchar_t wch) { return PDC_ungetch(wch); } #endif