/* PDCurses */ #include "curspriv.h" /*man-start************************************************************** window ------ ### Synopsis WINDOW *newwin(int nlines, int ncols, int begy, int begx); WINDOW *derwin(WINDOW* orig, int nlines, int ncols, int begy, int begx); WINDOW *subwin(WINDOW* orig, int nlines, int ncols, int begy, int begx); WINDOW *dupwin(WINDOW *win); int delwin(WINDOW *win); int mvwin(WINDOW *win, int y, int x); int mvderwin(WINDOW *win, int pary, int parx); int syncok(WINDOW *win, bool bf); void wsyncup(WINDOW *win); void wcursyncup(WINDOW *win); void wsyncdown(WINDOW *win); WINDOW *resize_window(WINDOW *win, int nlines, int ncols); int wresize(WINDOW *win, int nlines, int ncols); WINDOW *PDC_makelines(WINDOW *win); WINDOW *PDC_makenew(int nlines, int ncols, int begy, int begx); void PDC_sync(WINDOW *win); ### Description newwin() creates a new window with the given number of lines, nlines and columns, ncols. The upper left corner of the window is at line begy, column begx. If nlines is zero, it defaults to LINES - begy; ncols to COLS - begx. Create a new full-screen window by calling newwin(0, 0, 0, 0). delwin() deletes the named window, freeing all associated memory. In the case of overlapping windows, subwindows should be deleted before the main window. mvwin() moves the window so that the upper left-hand corner is at position (y,x). If the move would cause the window to be off the screen, it is an error and the window is not moved. Moving subwindows is allowed. subwin() creates a new subwindow within a window. The dimensions of the subwindow are nlines lines and ncols columns. The subwindow is at position (begy, begx) on the screen. This position is relative to the screen, and not to the window orig. Changes made to either window will affect both. When using this routine, you will often need to call touchwin() before calling wrefresh(). derwin() is the same as subwin(), except that begy and begx are relative to the origin of the window orig rather than the screen. There is no difference between subwindows and derived windows. mvderwin() moves a derived window (or subwindow) inside its parent window. The screen-relative parameters of the window are not changed. This routine is used to display different parts of the parent window at the same physical position on the screen. dupwin() creates an exact duplicate of the window win. wsyncup() causes a touchwin() of all of the window's parents. If wsyncok() is called with a second argument of TRUE, this causes a wsyncup() to be called every time the window is changed. wcursyncup() causes the current cursor position of all of a window's ancestors to reflect the current cursor position of the current window. wsyncdown() causes a touchwin() of the current window if any of its parent's windows have been touched. resize_window() allows the user to resize an existing window. It returns the pointer to the new window, or NULL on failure. wresize() is an ncurses-compatible wrapper for resize_window(). Note that, unlike ncurses, it will NOT process any subwindows of the window. (However, you still can call it _on_ subwindows.) It returns OK or ERR. PDC_makenew() allocates all data for a new WINDOW * except the actual lines themselves. If it's unable to allocate memory for the window structure, it will free all allocated memory and return a NULL pointer. PDC_makelines() allocates the memory for the lines. PDC_sync() handles wrefresh() and wsyncup() calls when a window is changed. ### Return Value newwin(), subwin(), derwin() and dupwin() return a pointer to the new window, or NULL on failure. delwin(), mvwin(), mvderwin() and syncok() return OK or ERR. wsyncup(), wcursyncup() and wsyncdown() return nothing. ### Errors It is an error to call resize_window() before calling initscr(). Also, an error will be generated if we fail to create a newly sized replacement window for curscr, or stdscr. This could happen when increasing the window size. NOTE: If this happens, the previously successfully allocated windows are left alone; i.e., the resize is NOT cancelled for those windows. ### Portability X/Open ncurses NetBSD newwin Y Y Y delwin Y Y Y mvwin Y Y Y subwin Y Y Y derwin Y Y Y mvderwin Y Y Y dupwin Y Y Y wsyncup Y Y Y syncok Y Y Y wcursyncup Y Y Y wsyncdown Y Y Y wresize - Y Y resize_window - - - PDC_makelines - - - PDC_makenew - - - PDC_sync - - - **man-end****************************************************************/ #include WINDOW *PDC_makenew(int nlines, int ncols, int begy, int begx) { WINDOW *win; PDC_LOG(("PDC_makenew() - called: lines %d cols %d begy %d begx %d\n", nlines, ncols, begy, begx)); /* allocate the window structure itself */ win = calloc(1, sizeof(WINDOW)); if (!win) return win; /* allocate the line pointer array */ win->_y = malloc(nlines * sizeof(chtype *)); if (!win->_y) { free(win); return (WINDOW *)NULL; } /* allocate the minchng and maxchng arrays */ win->_firstch = malloc(nlines * sizeof(int)); if (!win->_firstch) { free(win->_y); free(win); return (WINDOW *)NULL; } win->_lastch = malloc(nlines * sizeof(int)); if (!win->_lastch) { free(win->_firstch); free(win->_y); free(win); return (WINDOW *)NULL; } /* initialize window variables */ win->_maxy = nlines; /* real max screen size */ win->_maxx = ncols; /* real max screen size */ win->_begy = begy; win->_begx = begx; win->_bkgd = ' '; /* wrs 4/10/93 -- initialize background to blank */ win->_clear = (bool) ((nlines == LINES) && (ncols == COLS)); win->_bmarg = nlines - 1; win->_parx = win->_pary = -1; /* init to say window all changed */ touchwin(win); return win; } WINDOW *PDC_makelines(WINDOW *win) { int i, j, nlines, ncols; PDC_LOG(("PDC_makelines() - called\n")); if (!win) return (WINDOW *)NULL; nlines = win->_maxy; ncols = win->_maxx; for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++) { win->_y[i] = malloc(ncols * sizeof(chtype)); if (!win->_y[i]) { /* if error, free all the data */ for (j = 0; j < i; j++) free(win->_y[j]); free(win->_firstch); free(win->_lastch); free(win->_y); free(win); return (WINDOW *)NULL; } } return win; } void PDC_sync(WINDOW *win) { PDC_LOG(("PDC_sync() - called:\n")); if (win->_immed) wrefresh(win); if (win->_sync) wsyncup(win); } WINDOW *newwin(int nlines, int ncols, int begy, int begx) { WINDOW *win; PDC_LOG(("newwin() - called:lines=%d cols=%d begy=%d begx=%d\n", nlines, ncols, begy, begx)); if (!nlines) nlines = LINES - begy; if (!ncols) ncols = COLS - begx; if (!SP || begy + nlines > SP->lines || begx + ncols > SP->cols) return (WINDOW *)NULL; win = PDC_makenew(nlines, ncols, begy, begx); if (win) win = PDC_makelines(win); if (win) werase(win); return win; } int delwin(WINDOW *win) { int i; PDC_LOG(("delwin() - called\n")); if (!win) return ERR; /* subwindows use parents' lines */ if (!(win->_flags & (_SUBWIN|_SUBPAD))) for (i = 0; i < win->_maxy && win->_y[i]; i++) if (win->_y[i]) free(win->_y[i]); free(win->_firstch); free(win->_lastch); free(win->_y); free(win); return OK; } int mvwin(WINDOW *win, int y, int x) { PDC_LOG(("mvwin() - called\n")); if (!win || (y + win->_maxy > LINES || y < 0) || (x + win->_maxx > COLS || x < 0)) return ERR; win->_begy = y; win->_begx = x; touchwin(win); return OK; } WINDOW *subwin(WINDOW *orig, int nlines, int ncols, int begy, int begx) { WINDOW *win; int i, j, k; PDC_LOG(("subwin() - called: lines %d cols %d begy %d begx %d\n", nlines, ncols, begy, begx)); /* make sure window fits inside the original one */ if (!orig || (begy < orig->_begy) || (begx < orig->_begx) || (begy + nlines) > (orig->_begy + orig->_maxy) || (begx + ncols) > (orig->_begx + orig->_maxx)) return (WINDOW *)NULL; j = begy - orig->_begy; k = begx - orig->_begx; if (!nlines) nlines = orig->_maxy - 1 - j; if (!ncols) ncols = orig->_maxx - 1 - k; win = PDC_makenew(nlines, ncols, begy, begx); if (!win) return (WINDOW *)NULL; /* initialize window variables */ win->_attrs = orig->_attrs; win->_bkgd = orig->_bkgd; win->_leaveit = orig->_leaveit; win->_scroll = orig->_scroll; win->_nodelay = orig->_nodelay; win->_delayms = orig->_delayms; win->_use_keypad = orig->_use_keypad; win->_immed = orig->_immed; win->_sync = orig->_sync; win->_pary = j; win->_parx = k; win->_parent = orig; for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++, j++) win->_y[i] = orig->_y[j] + k; win->_flags |= _SUBWIN; return win; } WINDOW *derwin(WINDOW *orig, int nlines, int ncols, int begy, int begx) { return subwin(orig, nlines, ncols, begy + orig->_begy, begx + orig->_begx); } int mvderwin(WINDOW *win, int pary, int parx) { int i, j; WINDOW *mypar; if (!win || !(win->_parent)) return ERR; mypar = win->_parent; if (pary < 0 || parx < 0 || (pary + win->_maxy) > mypar->_maxy || (parx + win->_maxx) > mypar->_maxx) return ERR; j = pary; for (i = 0; i < win->_maxy; i++) win->_y[i] = (mypar->_y[j++]) + parx; win->_pary = pary; win->_parx = parx; return OK; } WINDOW *dupwin(WINDOW *win) { WINDOW *new; chtype *ptr, *ptr1; int nlines, ncols, begy, begx, i; if (!win) return (WINDOW *)NULL; nlines = win->_maxy; ncols = win->_maxx; begy = win->_begy; begx = win->_begx; new = PDC_makenew(nlines, ncols, begy, begx); if (new) new = PDC_makelines(new); if (!new) return (WINDOW *)NULL; /* copy the contents of win into new */ for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++) { for (ptr = new->_y[i], ptr1 = win->_y[i]; ptr < new->_y[i] + ncols; ptr++, ptr1++) *ptr = *ptr1; new->_firstch[i] = 0; new->_lastch[i] = ncols - 1; } new->_curx = win->_curx; new->_cury = win->_cury; new->_maxy = win->_maxy; new->_maxx = win->_maxx; new->_begy = win->_begy; new->_begx = win->_begx; new->_flags = win->_flags; new->_attrs = win->_attrs; new->_clear = win->_clear; new->_leaveit = win->_leaveit; new->_scroll = win->_scroll; new->_nodelay = win->_nodelay; new->_delayms = win->_delayms; new->_use_keypad = win->_use_keypad; new->_tmarg = win->_tmarg; new->_bmarg = win->_bmarg; new->_parx = win->_parx; new->_pary = win->_pary; new->_parent = win->_parent; new->_bkgd = win->_bkgd; new->_flags = win->_flags; return new; } WINDOW *resize_window(WINDOW *win, int nlines, int ncols) { WINDOW *new; int i, save_cury, save_curx, new_begy, new_begx; PDC_LOG(("resize_window() - called: nlines %d ncols %d\n", nlines, ncols)); if (!win || !SP) return (WINDOW *)NULL; if (win->_flags & _SUBPAD) { new = subpad(win->_parent, nlines, ncols, win->_begy, win->_begx); if (!new) return (WINDOW *)NULL; } else if (win->_flags & _SUBWIN) { new = subwin(win->_parent, nlines, ncols, win->_begy, win->_begx); if (!new) return (WINDOW *)NULL; } else { if (win == SP->slk_winptr) { new_begy = SP->lines - SP->slklines; new_begx = 0; } else { new_begy = win->_begy; new_begx = win->_begx; } new = PDC_makenew(nlines, ncols, new_begy, new_begx); if (!new) return (WINDOW *)NULL; } save_curx = min(win->_curx, (new->_maxx - 1)); save_cury = min(win->_cury, (new->_maxy - 1)); if (!(win->_flags & (_SUBPAD|_SUBWIN))) { new = PDC_makelines(new); if (!new) return (WINDOW *)NULL; werase(new); copywin(win, new, 0, 0, 0, 0, min(win->_maxy, new->_maxy) - 1, min(win->_maxx, new->_maxx) - 1, FALSE); for (i = 0; i < win->_maxy && win->_y[i]; i++) if (win->_y[i]) free(win->_y[i]); } new->_flags = win->_flags; new->_attrs = win->_attrs; new->_clear = win->_clear; new->_leaveit = win->_leaveit; new->_scroll = win->_scroll; new->_nodelay = win->_nodelay; new->_delayms = win->_delayms; new->_use_keypad = win->_use_keypad; new->_tmarg = (win->_tmarg > new->_maxy - 1) ? 0 : win->_tmarg; new->_bmarg = (win->_bmarg == win->_maxy - 1) ? new->_maxy - 1 : min(win->_bmarg, (new->_maxy - 1)); new->_parent = win->_parent; new->_immed = win->_immed; new->_sync = win->_sync; new->_bkgd = win->_bkgd; new->_curx = save_curx; new->_cury = save_cury; free(win->_firstch); free(win->_lastch); free(win->_y); *win = *new; free(new); return win; } int wresize(WINDOW *win, int nlines, int ncols) { return (resize_window(win, nlines, ncols) ? OK : ERR); } void wsyncup(WINDOW *win) { WINDOW *tmp; PDC_LOG(("wsyncup() - called\n")); for (tmp = win; tmp; tmp = tmp->_parent) touchwin(tmp); } int syncok(WINDOW *win, bool bf) { PDC_LOG(("syncok() - called\n")); if (!win) return ERR; win->_sync = bf; return OK; } void wcursyncup(WINDOW *win) { WINDOW *tmp; PDC_LOG(("wcursyncup() - called\n")); for (tmp = win; tmp && tmp->_parent; tmp = tmp->_parent) wmove(tmp->_parent, tmp->_pary + tmp->_cury, tmp->_parx + tmp->_curx); } void wsyncdown(WINDOW *win) { WINDOW *tmp; PDC_LOG(("wsyncdown() - called\n")); for (tmp = win; tmp; tmp = tmp->_parent) { if (is_wintouched(tmp)) { touchwin(win); break; } } }