#include #include "libbb.h" /* * Code from libguestfs (with addition of GetVolumeInformation call) */ int statfs(const char *file, struct statfs *buf) { ULONGLONG free_bytes_available; /* for user - similar to bavail */ ULONGLONG total_number_of_bytes; ULONGLONG total_number_of_free_bytes; /* for everyone - bfree */ DWORD serial, namelen, flags; char fsname[100]; struct mntent *mnt; if ( (mnt=find_mount_point(file, 0)) == NULL ) { return -1; } file = mnt->mnt_dir; if ( !GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(file, (PULARGE_INTEGER) &free_bytes_available, (PULARGE_INTEGER) &total_number_of_bytes, (PULARGE_INTEGER) &total_number_of_free_bytes) ) { errno = err_win_to_posix(); return -1; } if ( !GetVolumeInformation(file, NULL, 0, &serial, &namelen, &flags, fsname, 100) ) { errno = err_win_to_posix(); return -1; } /* XXX I couldn't determine how to get block size. MSDN has a * unhelpful hard-coded list here: * http://support.microsoft.com/kb/140365 * but this depends on the filesystem type, the size of the disk and * the version of Windows. So this code assumes the disk is NTFS * and the version of Windows is >= Win2K. */ if (total_number_of_bytes < UINT64_C(16) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) buf->f_bsize = 4096; else if (total_number_of_bytes < UINT64_C(32) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) buf->f_bsize = 8192; else if (total_number_of_bytes < UINT64_C(64) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) buf->f_bsize = 16384; else if (total_number_of_bytes < UINT64_C(128) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) buf->f_bsize = 32768; else buf->f_bsize = 65536; /* * Valid filesystem names don't seem to be documented. The following * are present in Wine (dlls/kernel32/volume.c). */ if ( strcmp(fsname, "NTFS") == 0 ) { buf->f_type = 0x5346544e; } else if ( strcmp(fsname, "FAT") == 0 || strcmp(fsname, "FAT32") == 0 ) { buf->f_type = 0x4006; } else if ( strcmp(fsname, "CDFS") == 0 ) { buf->f_type = 0x9660; } else if ( strcmp(fsname, "UDF") == 0 ) { buf->f_type = 0x15013346; } else { buf->f_type = 0; } buf->f_frsize = buf->f_bsize; buf->f_blocks = total_number_of_bytes / buf->f_bsize; buf->f_bfree = total_number_of_free_bytes / buf->f_bsize; buf->f_bavail = free_bytes_available / buf->f_bsize; buf->f_files = 0; buf->f_ffree = 0; buf->f_fsid = serial; buf->f_flag = 0; buf->f_namelen = namelen; return 0; }