#!/bin/bash # Script to run to prepare a new release. # It will update the release number and tell you to update the # CHANGES file and to double check everything looks before doing # the release commit and tagging. # Afterwards you probably want to run release-update.sh to upload # the release and update the website at https://sourceware.org/bzip2/ # Any error is fatal set -e # We take one argument, the version (e.g. 1.0.7) if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "$0 (e.g. 1.0.7)" exit 1 fi LANG=C VERSION="$1" DATE=$(date +"%d %B %Y") DAY=$(date +"%d") MONTH=$(date +"%B") SHORTMONTH=$(date +"%b") YEAR=$(date +"%Y") # Replace the version strings and date ranges in the comments VER_PREFIX="bzip2/libbzip2 version " sed -i -e "s@${VER_PREFIX}[0-9].*@${VER_PREFIX}${VERSION} of ${DATE}@" \ -e "s@ (C) \([0-9]\+\)-[0-9]\+ @ (C) \1-$YEAR @" \ CHANGES LICENSE Makefile* README* *.c *.h *.pl *.sh # Add an entry to the README printf "%2s %8s %s\n" "$DAY" "$MONTH" "$YEAR (bzip2, version $VERSION)" \ >> README # Update manual sed -i -e "s@ENTITY bz-version \".*\"@ENTITY bz-version \"$VERSION\"@" \ -e "s@ENTITY bz-date \".*\"@ENTITY bz-date \"$DAY $MONTH $YEAR\"@" \ -e "s@ENTITY bz-lifespan \"\([0-9]\+\)-[0-9]\+\"@ENTITY bz-lifespan \"\1-$YEAR\"@"\ entities.xml # bzip2.1 should really be generated from the manual.xml, but currently # isn't, so explicitly change it here too. sed -i -e "s@This manual page pertains to version .* of@This manual page pertains to version $VERSION of@" \ -e "s@sorting file compressor, v.*@sorting file compressor, v$VERSION@" \ bzip2.1 # Update sources. All sources, use bzlib_private. # Except bzip2recover, which embeds a version string... sed -i -e "s@^#define BZ_VERSION \".*\"@#define BZ_VERSION \"${VERSION}, ${DAY}-${SHORTMONTH}-${YEAR}\"@" \ bzlib_private.h sed -i -e "s@\"bzip2recover .*: extracts blocks from damaged@\"bzip2recover ${VERSION}: extracts blocks from damaged@" \ bzip2recover.c # And finally update the version/dist/so_name in the Makefiles. sed -i -e "s@^DISTNAME=bzip2-.*@DISTNAME=bzip2-${VERSION}@" \ Makefile sed -i -e "s@libbz2\.so\.[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]*@libbz2\.so\.${VERSION}@" \ Makefile-libbz2_so echo "Now make sure the diff looks correct:" echo " git diff" echo echo "And make sure there is a $VERSION section in the CHANGES file." echo echo "Double check:" echo " make clean && make dist && make clean && make -f Makefile-libbz2_so" echo echo "Does everything look fine?" echo echo "git commit -a -m \"Prepare for $VERSION release.\"" echo "git push" echo echo "Wait for the buildbot to give the all green!" echo "Then..." echo echo "git tag -s -m \"bzip2 $VERSION release\" bzip2-$VERSION" echo "git push --tags" echo echo "./release-update.sh"