 * dlfcn-win32
 * Copyright (c) 2007 Ramiro Polla
 * Copyright (c) 2015 Tiancheng "Timothy" Gu
 * dlfcn-win32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * dlfcn-win32 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with dlfcn-win32; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

#ifdef _DEBUG
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <psapi.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#ifdef SHARED
#include "dlfcn.h"

#if ((defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)) && (defined(_MSC_VER)) )
#define snprintf sprintf_s

#ifdef UNICODE
#include <wchar.h>
#define CHAR	wchar_t
#define UNICODE_L(s)	L##s
#define CHAR	char
#define UNICODE_L(s)	s

/* Note:
 * MSDN says these functions are not thread-safe. We make no efforts to have
 * any kind of thread safety.

typedef struct global_object {
    HMODULE hModule;
    struct global_object *previous;
    struct global_object *next;
} global_object;

static global_object first_object;
static global_object first_automatic_object;
static int auto_ref_count = 0;

/* These functions implement a double linked list for the global objects. */
static global_object *global_search( global_object *start, HMODULE hModule )
    global_object *pobject;

    if( hModule == NULL )
        return NULL;

    for( pobject = start; pobject; pobject = pobject->next )
        if( pobject->hModule == hModule )
            return pobject;

    return NULL;

static void global_add( global_object *start, HMODULE hModule )
    global_object *pobject;
    global_object *nobject;

    if( hModule == NULL )

    pobject = global_search( start, hModule );

    /* Do not add object again if it's already on the list */
    if( pobject )

    if( start == &first_automatic_object )
        pobject = global_search( &first_object, hModule );
        if( pobject )

    for( pobject = start; pobject->next; pobject = pobject->next );

    nobject = (global_object*) malloc( sizeof( global_object ) );

    /* Should this be enough to fail global_add, and therefore also fail
     * dlopen?
    if( !nobject )

    pobject->next = nobject;
    nobject->next = NULL;
    nobject->previous = pobject;
    nobject->hModule = hModule;

static void global_rem( global_object *start, HMODULE hModule )
    global_object *pobject;

    if( hModule == NULL )

    pobject = global_search( start, hModule );

    if( !pobject )

    if( pobject->next )
        pobject->next->previous = pobject->previous;
    if( pobject->previous )
        pobject->previous->next = pobject->next;

    free( pobject );

/* POSIX says dlerror( ) doesn't have to be thread-safe, so we use one
 * static buffer.
 * MSDN says the buffer cannot be larger than 64K bytes, so we set it to
 * the limit.
static CHAR error_buffer[65535];
static CHAR *current_error;
static char dlerror_buffer[65536];

static int copy_string( CHAR *dest, int dest_size, const CHAR *src )
    int i = 0;

    /* gcc should optimize this out */
    if( !src || !dest )
        return 0;

    for( i = 0 ; i < dest_size-1 ; i++ )
        if( !src[i] )
            dest[i] = src[i];
    dest[i] = '\0';

    return i;

static void save_err_str( const CHAR *str )
    DWORD dwMessageId;
    DWORD pos;

    dwMessageId = GetLastError( );

    if( dwMessageId == 0 )

    /* Format error message to:
     * "<argument to function that failed>": <Windows localized error message>
    pos  = copy_string( error_buffer,     sizeof(error_buffer),     UNICODE_L("\"") );
    pos += copy_string( error_buffer+pos, sizeof(error_buffer)-pos, str );
    pos += copy_string( error_buffer+pos, sizeof(error_buffer)-pos, UNICODE_L("\": ") );
    pos += FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwMessageId,
        error_buffer+pos, sizeof(error_buffer)-pos, NULL );

    if( pos > 1 )
        /* POSIX says the string must not have trailing <newline> */
        if( error_buffer[pos-2] == '\r' && error_buffer[pos-1] == '\n' )
            error_buffer[pos-2] = '\0';

    current_error = error_buffer;

static void save_err_ptr_str( const void *ptr )
    CHAR ptr_buf[19]; /* 0x<pointer> up to 64 bits. */

#ifdef UNICODE

#	if ((defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)) && (defined(_MSC_VER)) )
    swprintf_s( ptr_buf, 19, UNICODE_L("0x%p"), ptr );
#	else
    swprintf(ptr_buf, 19, UNICODE_L("0x%p"), ptr);
#	endif

    snprintf( ptr_buf, 19, "0x%p", ptr );

    save_err_str( ptr_buf );

void *dlopen( const char *file, int mode )
    HMODULE hModule;
    UINT uMode;

    current_error = NULL;

    /* Do not let Windows display the critical-error-handler message box */
    uMode = SetErrorMode( SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS );

    if( file == 0 )
        HMODULE hAddtnlMods[1024]; // Already loaded modules
        HANDLE hCurrentProc = GetCurrentProcess( );
        DWORD cbNeeded;

        /* POSIX says that if the value of file is 0, a handle on a global
         * symbol object must be provided. That object must be able to access
         * all symbols from the original program file, and any objects loaded
         * with the RTLD_GLOBAL flag.
         * The return value from GetModuleHandle( ) allows us to retrieve
         * symbols only from the original program file. For objects loaded with
         * the RTLD_GLOBAL flag, we create our own list later on. For objects
         * outside of the program file but already loaded (e.g. linked DLLs)
         * they are added below.
        hModule = GetModuleHandle( NULL );

        if( !hModule )
            save_err_ptr_str( file );

        /* GetModuleHandle( NULL ) only returns the current program file. So
         * if we want to get ALL loaded module including those in linked DLLs,
         * we have to use EnumProcessModules( ).
        if( EnumProcessModules( hCurrentProc, hAddtnlMods,
            sizeof( hAddtnlMods ), &cbNeeded ) != 0 )
            DWORD i;
            for( i = 0; i < cbNeeded / sizeof( HMODULE ); i++ )
                global_add( &first_automatic_object, hAddtnlMods[i] );
        CHAR lpFileName[MAX_PATH];
        int i;

        /* MSDN says backslashes *must* be used instead of forward slashes. */
        for( i = 0 ; i < sizeof(lpFileName) - 1 ; i ++ )
            if( !file[i] )
            else if( file[i] == '/' )
                lpFileName[i] = '\\';
                lpFileName[i] = file[i];
        lpFileName[i] = '\0';

        /* POSIX says the search path is implementation-defined.
         * LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH is used to make it behave more closely
         * to UNIX's search paths (start with system folders instead of current
         * folder).
        hModule = LoadLibraryEx(lpFileName, NULL, 
                                LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH );

        /* If the object was loaded with RTLD_GLOBAL, add it to list of global
         * objects, so that its symbols may be retrieved even if the handle for
         * the original program file is passed. POSIX says that if the same
         * file is specified in multiple invocations, and any of them are
         * RTLD_GLOBAL, even if any further invocations use RTLD_LOCAL, the
         * symbols will remain global.
        if( !hModule )
            save_err_str( lpFileName );
        else if( (mode & RTLD_GLOBAL) )
            global_add( &first_object, hModule );

    /* Return to previous state of the error-mode bit flags. */
    SetErrorMode( uMode );

    return (void *) hModule;

static void free_auto( )
    global_object *pobject = first_automatic_object.next;
    if( pobject )
        global_object *next;
        for ( ; pobject; pobject = next )
            next = pobject->next;
            free( pobject );
        first_automatic_object.next = NULL;

int dlclose( void *handle )
    HMODULE hModule = (HMODULE) handle;
    BOOL ret;

    current_error = NULL;

    ret = FreeLibrary( hModule );

    /* If the object was loaded with RTLD_GLOBAL, remove it from list of global
     * objects.
    if( ret )
        HMODULE cur = GetModuleHandle( NULL );
        global_rem( &first_object, hModule );
        if( hModule == cur )
            if( auto_ref_count < 0 )
                auto_ref_count = 0;
            if( !auto_ref_count )
                free_auto( );
        save_err_ptr_str( handle );

    /* dlclose's return value in inverted in relation to FreeLibrary's. */
    ret = !ret;

    return (int) ret;

void *dlsym( void *handle, const char *name )
    FARPROC symbol;
    HMODULE hModule;

#ifdef UNICODE
    wchar_t namew[MAX_PATH];
    wmemset(namew, 0, MAX_PATH);

    current_error = NULL;

    symbol = GetProcAddress( (HMODULE) handle, name );

    if( symbol != NULL )
        goto end;

    /* If the handle for the original program file is passed, also search
     * in all globally loaded objects.

    hModule = GetModuleHandle( NULL );

    if( hModule == handle )
        global_object *pobject;

        for( pobject = &first_object; pobject; pobject = pobject->next )
            if( pobject->hModule )
                symbol = GetProcAddress( pobject->hModule, name );
                if( symbol != NULL )
                    goto end;

        for( pobject = &first_automatic_object; pobject; pobject = pobject->next )
            if( pobject->hModule )
                symbol = GetProcAddress( pobject->hModule, name );
                if( symbol != NULL )
                    goto end;

    if( symbol == NULL )
#ifdef UNICODE
        size_t converted_chars;

        size_t str_len = strlen(name) + 1;

#if ((defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)) && (defined(_MSC_VER)) )
        errno_t err = mbstowcs_s(&converted_chars, namew, str_len, name, str_len);
        if (err != 0)
            return NULL;
        mbstowcs(namew, name, str_len);

        save_err_str( namew );
        save_err_str( name );

    //  warning C4054: 'type cast' : from function pointer 'FARPROC' to data pointer 'void *'
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning( suppress: 4054 )
    return (void*) symbol;

char *dlerror( void )
    char *error_pointer = dlerror_buffer;

#ifdef UNICODE
    errno_t err = 0;
    size_t converted_chars = 0;
    size_t str_len = wcslen(current_error) + 1;
    memset(error_pointer, 0, 65535);

#	if ((defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)) && (defined(_MSC_VER)) )
    err = wcstombs_s(&converted_chars, 
        error_pointer, str_len * sizeof(char),
        current_error, str_len * sizeof(wchar_t));

    if (err != 0)
        return NULL;
#	else
    wcstombs(error_pointer, current_error, str_len);
#	endif

    memcpy(error_pointer, current_error, strlen(current_error) + 1);

    /* POSIX says that invoking dlerror( ) a second time, immediately following
     * a prior invocation, shall result in NULL being returned.
    current_error = NULL;

    return error_pointer;

#ifdef SHARED
BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved )
    (void) hinstDLL;
     * https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms682583(v=vs.85).aspx 
     *     When handling DLL_PROCESS_DETACH, a DLL should free resources such as heap
     *     memory only if the DLL is being unloaded dynamically (the lpReserved
     *     parameter is NULL).
    if( fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH && !lpvReserved )
        auto_ref_count = 0;
        free_auto( );
    return TRUE;