/* * dlfcn-win32 * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Ramiro Polla * Copyright (c) 2014 Tiancheng "Timothy" Gu * Copyright (c) 2019 Pali Rohár <pali.rohar@gmail.com> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifdef _DEBUG #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include <stdlib.h> #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <windows.h> #include <wchar.h> #include <io.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <direct.h> #include "dlfcn.h" /* If these dlclose's fails, we don't care as the handles are going to be closed eventually when the program ends. */ #define CLOSE_LIB dlclose( library ) #define CLOSE_GLOBAL dlclose( global ) #define RETURN_ERROR printf("From line %d\n", __LINE__); return 1 #define RUNFUNC do { \ ret = function (); \ if( ret != 0) { \ CLOSE_LIB; \ CLOSE_GLOBAL; \ RETURN_ERROR; \ } \ } while( 0 ) /* This is what this test does: * - Open library with RTLD_GLOBAL * - Get global object * - Get symbol from library through library object <- works * - Run function if it worked * - Get nonexistent symbol from library through library object <- fails * - Get symbol from library through global object <- works * - Run function if it worked * - Get nonexistent symbol from library through global object <- fails * - Close library * - Open library with RTLD_LOCAL * - Get symbol from library through library object <- works * - Run function if it worked * - Get nonexistent symbol from library through library object <- fails * - Get local symbol from library through global object <- fails * - Get nonexistent local symbol from library through global object <- fails * - Open library again (without closing it first) with RTLD_GLOBAL * - Get symbol from library through global object <- works * - Get nonexistent symbol from library through global object <- fails * - Close library * - Close global object * * If one test fails, the program terminates itself. */ int main() { void *global; void *library2; void *library; char *error; int (*function)( void ); int (*function2_from_library2)( void ); size_t (*fwrite_local) ( const void *, size_t, size_t, FILE * ); size_t (*fputs_default) ( const char *, FILE * ); int (*nonexistentfunction)( void ); int fd; int ret; HMODULE library3; char toolongfile[32767]; DWORD code; char nonlibraryfile[MAX_PATH]; char bytename[sizeof("testdll2.dll")+4]; WCHAR widename[sizeof("testdll2.dll")+1]; DWORD length; HANDLE tempfile; DWORD dummy; UINT uMode; #ifdef _DEBUG _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE); _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDOUT); _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE); _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDOUT); _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ASSERT, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE); _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_ASSERT, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDOUT); #endif length = GetTempPathA( sizeof( nonlibraryfile ) - sizeof( "temp.dll" ), nonlibraryfile ); if( length == 0 || length > sizeof( nonlibraryfile ) - sizeof( "temp.dll" ) ) { printf( "ERROR\tGetTempPath failed\n" ); RETURN_ERROR; } memcpy( nonlibraryfile + length, "temp.dll", sizeof( "temp.dll" ) ); tempfile = CreateFileA( (LPCSTR) nonlibraryfile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL ); if( tempfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { printf( "ERROR\tCannot create temporary file %s: %lu\n", nonlibraryfile, (unsigned long)GetLastError( ) ); RETURN_ERROR; } WriteFile( tempfile, "test content", 12, &dummy, NULL ); CloseHandle( tempfile ); uMode = SetErrorMode( SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS ); library3 = LoadLibraryA( nonlibraryfile ); code = GetLastError( ); SetErrorMode( uMode ); if( library3 ) { printf( "ERROR\tNon-library file %s was opened via WINAPI\n", nonlibraryfile ); CloseHandle( library3 ); DeleteFileA( nonlibraryfile ); RETURN_ERROR; } else if( code != ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT ) { printf( "ERROR\tNon-library file %s was processed via WINAPI: %lu\n", nonlibraryfile, (unsigned long)code ); DeleteFileA( nonlibraryfile ); RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tCould not open non-library file %s via WINAPI: %lu\n", nonlibraryfile, (unsigned long)code ); library = dlopen( nonlibraryfile, RTLD_GLOBAL ); if( library ) { printf( "ERROR\tNon-library file %s was opened via dlopen\n", nonlibraryfile ); dlclose( library ); DeleteFileA( nonlibraryfile ); RETURN_ERROR; } error = dlerror( ); if( !error ) { printf( "ERROR\tNo error from dlopen for non-library file\n" ); DeleteFileA( nonlibraryfile ); RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tCould not open non-library file %s: %s\n", nonlibraryfile, error ); DeleteFileA( nonlibraryfile ); library = dlopen( "nonexistentfile.dll", RTLD_GLOBAL ); if( library ) { printf( "ERROR\tNon-existent file nonexistentfile.dll was opened via dlopen\n" ); RETURN_ERROR; } error = dlerror( ); if( !error ) { printf( "ERROR\tNo error from dlopen for non-existent file\n" ); RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tCould not open non-existent file nonexistentfile.dll: %s\n", error ); memset( toolongfile, 'X', sizeof( toolongfile ) - 5 ); memcpy( toolongfile + sizeof( toolongfile ) - 5, ".dll", 5 ); library = dlopen( toolongfile, RTLD_GLOBAL ); if( library ) { printf( "ERROR\tFile with too long file name was opened via dlopen\n" ); RETURN_ERROR; } error = dlerror( ); if( !error ) { printf( "ERROR\tNo error from dlopen for file with too long file name\n" ); RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tCould not open file with too long file name: %s\n", error ); uMode = SetErrorMode( SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS ); library3 = LoadLibraryA( toolongfile ); code = GetLastError( ); SetErrorMode( uMode ); if( library3 ) { printf( "ERROR\tFile with too long file name was opened via WINAPI\n" ); RETURN_ERROR; } else if( code != ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE ) { printf( "ERROR\tFile with too long file name was processed via WINAPI: %lu\n", (unsigned long)code ); RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tCould not open file with too long file name via WINAPI: %lu\n", (unsigned long)code ); fd = _open( "testdll2.dll", _O_RDONLY | _O_BINARY ); if( fd < 0 ) { if( _chdir( "Debug" ) == 0 ) { fd = _open( "testdll2.dll", _O_RDONLY | _O_BINARY ); if( fd < 0 ) _chdir( ".." ); } } if( fd < 0 ) { if( _chdir( "Release" ) == 0 ) { fd = _open( "testdll2.dll", _O_RDONLY | _O_BINARY ); if( fd < 0 ) _chdir( ".." ); } } if( fd < 0 ) { printf( "ERROR\tCould not open library2 file: %s\n", strerror( errno ) ); RETURN_ERROR; } _close( fd ); library2 = dlopen( "testdll2.dll", RTLD_GLOBAL ); if( !library2 ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tCould not open library2 globally: %s\n", error ? error : "" ); RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tOpened library2 globally: %p\n", library2 ); widename[0] = 0xE1; /* wide non-ASCII character mappable to most ANSI codepages */ wcscpy( widename+1, L"testdll2.dll" ); if( !CopyFileW( L"testdll2.dll", widename, FALSE )) { printf( "ERROR\tCould not copy file testdll2.dll: %lu\n", (unsigned long)GetLastError( ) ); RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tCopied testdll2.dll to wide name %ls\n", widename ); ret = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, widename, -1, bytename, sizeof( bytename ), NULL, NULL ); /* if we cannot convert widename to current codepage (used by _open() function), skip this test */ if( ret > 0 ) { bytename[ret] = 0; fd = _wopen( widename, _O_RDONLY | _O_BINARY ); if( fd < 0 ) { printf( "ERROR\tCould not open copied wide library2 file %ls: %s\n", widename, strerror( errno ) ); DeleteFileW( widename ); RETURN_ERROR; } _close( fd ); fd = _open( bytename, _O_RDONLY | _O_BINARY ); if( fd < 0 ) { printf( "ERROR\tCould not open copied wide library2 file %s: %s\n", bytename, strerror( errno ) ); DeleteFileW( widename ); RETURN_ERROR; } _close( fd ); dlclose( library2 ); library2 = dlopen( bytename, RTLD_GLOBAL ); if( !library2 ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tCould not open copied wide library2 file %s globally: %s\n", bytename, error ? error : "" ); DeleteFileW( widename ); RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tOpened copied wide library2 file %s globally: %p\n", bytename, library2 ); dlclose( library2 ); DeleteFileW( widename ); library2 = dlopen( "testdll2.dll", RTLD_GLOBAL ); if( !library2 ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tCould not open library2 globally: %s\n", error ? error : "" ); RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tOpened library2 globally: %p\n", library2 ); } library = dlopen( "testdll.dll", RTLD_GLOBAL ); if( !library ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tCould not open library globally: %s\n", error ? error : "" ); RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tOpened library globally: %p\n", library ); global = dlopen( 0, RTLD_GLOBAL ); if( !global ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tCould not open global handle: %s\n", error ? error : "" ); CLOSE_LIB; RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tGot global handle: %p\n", global ); *(void **) (&fwrite_local) = dlsym( global, "fwrite" ); if (!fwrite_local) { error = dlerror(); printf("ERROR\tCould not get symbol from global handle: %s\n", error ? error : ""); CLOSE_LIB; CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tGot symbol from global handle: %p\n", *(void **) (&fwrite_local) ); { const char *hello_world = "Hello world from local fwrite!\n"; fwrite_local( hello_world, sizeof( char ), strlen( hello_world ), stderr ); fflush( stderr ); } *(void **) (&fputs_default) = dlsym( RTLD_DEFAULT, "fputs" ); if (!fputs_default) { error = dlerror(); printf("ERROR\tCould not get symbol from default handle: %s\n", error ? error : ""); CLOSE_LIB; CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tGot symbol from default handle: %p\n", *(void **) (&fputs_default) ); { const char *hello_world_fputs = "Hello world from default fputs!\n"; fputs_default( hello_world_fputs, stderr ); fflush( stderr ); } *(void **) (&function) = dlsym( library, "function" ); if( !function ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tCould not get symbol from library handle: %s\n", error ? error : "" ); CLOSE_LIB; CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tGot symbol from library handle: %p\n", *(void **) (&function) ); RUNFUNC; *(void **) (&function2_from_library2) = dlsym( library2, "function2" ); if( !function2_from_library2 ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tCould not get symbol from library2 handle: %s\n", error ? error : "" ); CLOSE_LIB; CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tGot symbol from library2 handle: %p\n", *(void **) (&function2_from_library2) ); ret = function2_from_library2 (); if( ret != 2 ) { CLOSE_LIB; CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } *(void **) (&nonexistentfunction) = dlsym( library, "nonexistentfunction" ); if( nonexistentfunction ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tGot nonexistent symbol from library handle: %p\n", *(void **) (&nonexistentfunction) ); CLOSE_LIB; CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } error = dlerror( ); if( !error ) { printf( "ERROR\tNo error from dlsym for nonexistent symbol\n" ); RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tCould not get nonexistent symbol from library handle: %s\n", error ); *(void **) (&function) = dlsym( global, "function" ); if( !function ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tCould not get symbol from global handle: %s\n", error ? error : "" ); CLOSE_LIB; CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tGot symbol from global handle: %p\n", *(void **) (&function) ); RUNFUNC; *(void **) (&nonexistentfunction) = dlsym( global, "nonexistentfunction" ); if( nonexistentfunction ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tGot nonexistent symbol from global handle: %p\n", *(void **) (&nonexistentfunction) ); CLOSE_LIB; CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } error = dlerror( ); if( !error ) { printf( "ERROR\tNo error from dlsym for nonexistent symbol\n" ); RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tCould not get nonexistent symbol from global handle: %s\n", error ); ret = dlclose( library ); if( ret ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tCould not close library: %s\n", error ? error : "" ); RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tClosed library.\n" ); ret = dlclose( library2 ); if( ret ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tCould not close library2: %s\n", error ? error : "" ); RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tClosed library2.\n" ); library = dlopen( "testdll.dll", RTLD_LOCAL ); if( !library ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tCould not open library locally: %s\n", error ? error : "" ); CLOSE_LIB; CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tOpened library locally: %p\n", library ); *(void **) (&function) = dlsym( library, "function" ); if( !function ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tCould not get symbol from library handle: %s\n", error ? error : "" ); CLOSE_LIB; CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tGot symbol from library handle: %p\n", *(void **) (&function) ); RUNFUNC; *(void **) (&nonexistentfunction) = dlsym( library, "nonexistentfunction" ); if( nonexistentfunction ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tGot nonexistent symbol from library handle: %p\n", *(void **) (&nonexistentfunction) ); CLOSE_LIB; CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } error = dlerror( ); if( !error ) { printf( "ERROR\tNo error from dlsym for nonexistent symbol\n" ); RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tCould not get nonexistent symbol from library handle: %s\n", error ); *(void **) (&function) = dlsym( global, "function" ); if( function ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tGot local symbol from global handle: %s @ %p\n", error ? error : "", *(void **) (&function) ); CLOSE_LIB; CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tDid not get local symbol from global handle.\n" ); *(void **) (&nonexistentfunction) = dlsym( global, "nonexistentfunction" ); if( nonexistentfunction ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tGot nonexistent local symbol from global handle: %p\n", *(void **) (&nonexistentfunction) ); CLOSE_LIB; CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } error = dlerror( ); if( !error ) { printf( "ERROR\tNo error from dlsym for nonexistent symbol\n" ); RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tDid not get nonexistent local symbol from global handle: %s\n", error ); library = dlopen( "testdll.dll", RTLD_GLOBAL ); if( !library ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tCould not open library globally without closing it first: %s\n", error ? error : "" ); CLOSE_LIB; CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tOpened library globally without closing it first: %p\n", library ); *(void **) (&function) = dlsym( global, "function" ); if( !function ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tCould not get symbol from global handle: %s\n", error ? error : "" ); CLOSE_LIB; CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tGot symbol from global handle: %p\n", *(void **) (&function) ); RUNFUNC; *(void **) (&nonexistentfunction) = dlsym( global, "nonexistentfunction" ); if( nonexistentfunction ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tGot nonexistent symbol from global handle: %p\n", *(void **) (&nonexistentfunction) ); CLOSE_LIB; CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } error = dlerror( ); if( !error ) { printf( "ERROR\tNo error from dlsym for nonexistent symbol\n" ); RETURN_ERROR; } else { printf( "SUCCESS\tCould not get nonexistent symbol from global handle: %s\n", error ); /* Test that the second call to dlerror() returns null as in the specs See https://github.com/dlfcn-win32/dlfcn-win32/issues/34 */ error = dlerror( ); if( error == NULL ) { printf( "SUCCESS\tSecond consecutive call to dlerror returned NULL\n"); } else { printf( "ERROR\tSecond consecutive call to dlerror returned a non-NULL pointer: %p\n", error ); CLOSE_LIB; CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } } *(void **) (&function) = dlsym( global, "fwrite" ); if (!function) { error = dlerror(); printf("ERROR\tCould not get symbol from global handle: %s\n", error ? error : ""); CLOSE_LIB; CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tGot symbol from global handle: %p\n", *(void **) (&function) ); uMode = SetErrorMode( SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS ); library3 = LoadLibraryA("testdll3.dll"); SetErrorMode( uMode ); if (!library3) { printf( "ERROR\tCould not open library3 via WINAPI\n" ); RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tOpened library3 via WINAPI: %p\n", (void *)library3 ); ret = dlclose( library ); if( ret ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tCould not close library: %s\n", error ? error : "" ); CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tClosed library.\n" ); *(void **) (&function) = dlsym( global, "function3" ); if (!function) { error = dlerror(); printf("ERROR\tCould not get symbol from global handle: %s\n", error ? error : ""); CLOSE_LIB; CLOSE_GLOBAL; RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tGot symbol from global handle: %p\n", *(void **) (&function) ); RUNFUNC; ret = dlclose( global ); if( ret ) { error = dlerror( ); printf( "ERROR\tCould not close global handle: %s\n", error ? error : "" ); RETURN_ERROR; } else printf( "SUCCESS\tClosed global handle.\n" ); #ifdef _DEBUG _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); #endif return 0; }