| Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Age | Files | Lines |
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managed by a scope object
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win32 pthread support is gone
new setting configure.shutdown_mode for cancellation of free-running threads at shutdown.
no more hard thread termination! If a thread doesn't cooperate, an error is raised.
lane.status "killed" is gone
lane:cancel can't force-kill.
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new configuration option .internal_allocator to help LuaJIT users. THIS IS YET UNTESTED, USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS.
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enough to necessitate a buffer reallocation
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is called
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don't clobber each other in the result table
In the original implementations, the debug name was used as key, which meant that several lanes using the same name would cause only the oldest non-collected one to be listed in the results. Now the result is an array of tuples.
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opt.cancelstep is gone, hook is installed by lane:cancel() if requested
lane:cancel() rework (see doc)
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Deep protocol)
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with win32 pthread
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mutex unreleased
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Don't crash when using a module that creates Lanes-compatible deep
Added a sample deep-aware module.
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OpenWRT support
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* new API function lanes.register( "name", module) to manually register
a module table after it was required
* Transfering registered module tables will link the equivalent in the
destination state instead of cloning it
* bumped version to 3.11
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* bumped version to 3.9.6
* separate deep userdata code in a dedicated file to allow external
modules to implement Lanes-compatible deep userdata without requiring a
binary dependency against the Lanes module. because of this linda_id
function(eDO_metatable) must push 2 values on the stack: a metatable and
a deep version string obtained from luaG_pushdeepversion()
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* bumped version to 3.9.4
* set_finalizer throws an error if provided finalizer isn't a function
* fix error handling when the error doesn't generate an error handler
call (IOW, all errors but LUA_ERRRUN)
* provide callstack if LUA_ERRRUN occurs inside a finalizer
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* Bumped version to 3.9.3
* new exposed variable linda.null that exposes the internal NIL_SENTINEL
* linda:send() interprets send key linda.null as authorization to
silently send a single nil when not provided with anything to send
(useful when sending results of a function that can return nothing)
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* bumped version to 3.9.2
* Internal rework: the whole Lanes engine now works "per universe" to
allow concurrent Lanes execution in more than one embedded master state
* this universe is a full userdata created in the master state,
selfdestruct_gc is the __gc for this userdata
* most of what was initialized only once is now per-universe
* Fixed potential crashes at desinit if problems occur during keeper
states initialisation
* Fixed require() not always serialized properly
* Raise an error instead of crashing on deep userdata prelude memory
allocation failure
* Added forgotten mutex desinitialisation at universe shutdown
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* bumped version to 3.9.0
* keepers now require "package", receive package.path & package.cpath,
and call on_state_create() if it is a C function
* changed the deep public API (improved deep idfunc signature, renamed
luaG_deep_userdata to luaG_newdeepuserdata)
* if an error occurs while copying a deep userdata, don't raise inside
the keeper state
* fixed situations where raised errors could lead to memory leaks (deep
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* bumped version to 3.8.5
* linda:limit() returns lanes.cancel_error on a limited linda
* lanes.genlock() and lanes.genatomic() support cancelled lindas by
returning lanes.cancel_error whenever appropriate
* fixed a possible Lua stack overflow when calling linda:dump()
* fixed cases where linda:send() and linda:receive() would not return
lanes.cancel_error when they should
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* bumped version to 3.8.4
* all linda operations return lanes.cancel_error on a cancelled linda
* raised an internal string length so that longer linda names are fully
output before truncation applies when doing tostring( linda)
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* bumped version to 3.8.3
* fixed a possible Lua stack overflow when sending complex function
through lindas or as lane body
* experimental: lanes.nameof() scans the registry if a regular search
didn't yield anything interesting
* fixed lanes.nameof() misbehaving when encountering a LUA_TTHREAD
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* bumped version to 3.8.2
* new lane launcher option gc_cb to set a callback that is invoked when
a lane is garbage collected
* Fix more invalid memory accesses when fetching the name of a joined
lane with lanes:threads() (because its lua_State is closed)