| Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Age | Files | Lines |
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Fixes crash on require under Lua 5.3 without LUA_COMPAT_5_2.
Fixes utf8 library not loaded under Lua 5.3.
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Do not strip debug info of dumped functions on Lua 5.3
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It was only applied to Lua 5.2.
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Untested, but it might just work :).
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* Postponed _G scan for function lookup database to after
on_state_create invocation
* Fixed a crash when USE_DEBUG_SPEW == 1
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* bumped version to 3.9.6
* separate deep userdata code in a dedicated file to allow external
modules to implement Lanes-compatible deep userdata without requiring a
binary dependency against the Lanes module. because of this linda_id
function(eDO_metatable) must push 2 values on the stack: a metatable and
a deep version string obtained from luaG_pushdeepversion()
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* bumped version to 3.9.2
* Internal rework: the whole Lanes engine now works "per universe" to
allow concurrent Lanes execution in more than one embedded master state
* this universe is a full userdata created in the master state,
selfdestruct_gc is the __gc for this userdata
* most of what was initialized only once is now per-universe
* Fixed potential crashes at desinit if problems occur during keeper
states initialisation
* Fixed require() not always serialized properly
* Raise an error instead of crashing on deep userdata prelude memory
allocation failure
* Added forgotten mutex desinitialisation at universe shutdown
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* raise an error instead of dereferencing a NULL pointer on deep
userdata creation and lane struct creation
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* bumped version to 3.9.1
* keeper array is allocated with master state's alloc function instead
of malloc()/free()
* prevent application crash when specifying a very large number of
keepers in the configuration options
* removed some keeper desinit legacy dead code
* any error occuring during one-time inits is raised outside the
one-time mutex protected code region
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* bumped version to 3.9.0
* keepers now require "package", receive package.path & package.cpath,
and call on_state_create() if it is a C function
* changed the deep public API (improved deep idfunc signature, renamed
luaG_deep_userdata to luaG_newdeepuserdata)
* if an error occurs while copying a deep userdata, don't raise inside
the keeper state
* fixed situations where raised errors could lead to memory leaks (deep
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* bumped version to 3.8.3
* fixed a possible Lua stack overflow when sending complex function
through lindas or as lane body
* experimental: lanes.nameof() scans the registry if a regular search
didn't yield anything interesting
* fixed lanes.nameof() misbehaving when encountering a LUA_TTHREAD
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* if config.on_state_create() is a C function, call it by direct C
closure reconstruction in newly created states
* bumped version to 3.7.6
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Actually, you shouldn't need malloc.h at all, it's obsolete; including stdlib.h should take care of what malloc.h used to handle.
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use demote_full_userdata to select between light userdata demotion or
raising an error when attempting to transfer a non-deep full userdata
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* bumped version to 3.7.3
* set pthread thread cancel type to PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS
* lane_h:cancel() accepts a 3rd timeout argument used when waiting for
actual thread termination (hitting the timeout raises an error)
* added PROPAGATE_ALLOCF macro to select state creation mode
(lua_newstate or luaL_newstate)
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Fix issue #77.
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* fix lanes.threads() not being available in a lane where
lanes.configure() settings didn't contain track_lanes although the
initial configure() call did.
* require "lanes".configure() sequence is only necessary at the first
require "lanes".
* fix a crash at application shutdown where in some situations we could
deinitialize the protected allocator mutex while a lane was still using
* fix timers broken by change 69
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list is "*"
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no longer call core.configure with dummy params when requiring lanes
more than once (fixes potential multithreading issues with LuaJIT
activated EnableCrashingOnCrashes() Win32 debug builds
fixed some comments in code
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Lanes, and send over native functions a bit faster as well
* Lanes no longer has to internally require modules inside the keeper
states because they no longer need a lookup database. the lookup name is
stored as-is and actually converted in the destination state
optimisation: bypass cache when sending native functions over
* removed
all the KEEPER_MODEL_LUA code, as it can no longer work anyway
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* lane:cancel(<negative-timeout>) only causes cancel_test() to return
true but won't interrupt execution of the lane during linda operations
* more explicit errors when trying to transfer unknown source functions
(with new configure option verbose_errors)
* default options wrap allocator around a mutex when run by LuaJIT
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* new lanes.h header and API call luaopen_lanes_embedded() for embedders
* "lanes.core" is an acceptable library in the generator libs argument
* library "*" wildcard also opens lanes.core
* tweaked code for Xbox 360 build
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* new: API lanes.require(), use it instead of regular require() for modules that export C functions you need to send over.
* new: lanes no longer require 'lanes.core' by default in every created state. Use {required={"lanes.core"}} if you need to transfer lanes functions.
* internal: because of the above, reworked the timer implementation to remove upvalue-dependency on lanes.core
* new: API lanes.timer_lane, to be able to operate on timer lane if need be
* improved: if a module is a full userdata, scan its metatable for function database population
* improved: on_state_create can be a Lua function
* changed: on_state_create is called after the base libraries are loaded
* package[loaders|searchers] is no longer transfered as function naming depends on slot order
* internal: changed separator from '.' to '/' in lookup databases to be able to distinguish search levels and dot coming from module names
* added some mode debug spew
* updated tests to reflect the above changes
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* A bit of code cosmetics
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* bugfix: take into account the fact that "coroutine" is no longer part of base library in Lua 5.2
* bugfix: if "bit32" was listed in the libraries, it wouldn't open (library list parsing failing on digits)
* bugfix: Use luaL_requiref() to open standard libraries in Lua 5.2 as we should
* bugfix: any Lua state created by Lanes reuses the allocator function of the originating state
* bugfix: don't call on_state_create() while GC is suspended during lua state initialization
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* raise an error if lane generator libs specification contains a lib more than once
* bit32 is a valid lib name in the libs specification (silently ignored by the Lua 5.1 build)
* improved lanes.nameof to search inside table- and userdata- metatables for an object's name
* fixed an unwarranted error when trying to discover a function name upon a failed transfer
* contents of package.[path,cpath,preload,loaders|searchers] are pulled *only once* inside keeper states at initialisation
* Lua function upvalues equal to the global environment aren't copied by value, but bound to the destination's global environment
especially useful for Lua 5.2 _ENV
* fixed loading of base libraries that didn't create the global tables when built for Lua 5.2
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Removed a limitation preventing Lua functions with indirect recursive upvalue references from being transferable.
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Lua 5.2 introduced a hash randomizer seed which causes table iteration to yield a different key order
on different VMs even when the tables are populated the exact same way.
When Lua is built with compatibility options (such as LUA_COMPAT_ALL),
this causes several base libraries to register functions under multiple names.
This, with the randomizer, can cause the first name of a function to be different on different VMs,
which breaks function transfer.
This means that Lua 5.2 must be built with compatibility off to be able to use Lanes.
Even under Lua 5.1, this may cause trouble (even if this would be much less frequent)
Unfortunately, this fails with string.gfind/string.gmatch when Lua 5.1 is built with LUA_COMPAT_GFIND (which is the case of LuaBinaries),
so for the time being, fail only for Lua 5.2 as the randomizer is the real show breaker here.
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