From 84294d0b5462d0a05fb5d53df5a64f7ee624a726 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benoit Germain
- timeout is an optional number >= 0 (the default if unspecified).
-stack_tbl is a table describing where the error was thrown.
- If you use :join(), make sure your lane main function returns a non-nil value so you can tell timeout and error cases apart from succesful return (using the .status property may be risky, since it might change between a timed out join and the moment you read it).
+ timeout is an optional number >= 0 (the default if unspecified).
- Waits until the lane finishes, or timeout seconds have passed.
- Returns nil, "timeout" on timeout, nil,err,stack_tbl if the lane hit an error, nil, "killed" if forcefully killed, or the return values of the lane.
- Unlike in reading the results in table fashion, errors are not propagated.
- In "extended" mode, stack_tbl is an array of tables containing info gathered with lua_getinfo() ("source","currentline","name","namewhat","what").
- In "basic" mode, stack_tbl is an array of "<filename>:<line>" strings. Use table.concat() to format it to your liking (or just ignore it).
+ Waits until the lane finishes, or timeout seconds have passed.
+ Unlike in reading the results in table fashion, errors are not propagated.
+ Possible return values are:
-- cgit v1.2.3-55-g6feb |