From c860f557a7ba72e6a39ea5db36e293de802adea5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benoit Germain
- This document was revised on 24-Sep-24, and applies to version 4.0.0. + This document was revised on 25-Oct-24, and applies to version 4.0.0.
@@ -1405,15 +1405,25 @@void = linda_h:cancel("read"|"write"|"both"|"none") + "cancelled"|"active" = linda_h.status |
- Signals the linda so that lanes waiting for read, write, or both, wake up.
+ linda:cancel() signals the linda so that lanes waiting for read, write, or both, wake up.
All linda operations (including get() and set()) will return lanes.cancel_error as when the calling lane is soft-cancelled as long as the linda is marked as cancelled.
"none" reset the linda's cancel status, but doesn't signal it.
+ linda.status reads the current cancel status.
If not void, the lane's cancel status overrides the linda's cancel status.
+ void = linda_h:wake("read"|"write"|"both") + |
+ Signals the linda so that lanes waiting for read, write, or both, wake up. Does not change the current Linda's cancel status. Can be used to break early out of a blocking wait. +
+light userdata = h:deep() |