Lua Lanes

Lanes is a lightweight, native, lazy evaluating multithreading library for 
Lua 5.1 and Lua 5.2. It allows efficient use of multicore processors in Lua, by passing
function calls into separate OS threads, and separate Lua states.

No locking of the threads is needed, only launching and waiting for (with an
optional timeout) a thread to get ready. Efficient communications between the
running threads are possible either using message passing or shared state 
models. Values passed can be anything but coroutines (see detailed limitations
in the manual).

Lua Lanes has been optimized for performance, and provides around 50-60%
speed increase when running heavily threaded applications on dual core
processors (compared to running a non-threaded plain Lua implementation).

Starting with version 3.0, Lanes is compatible with LuaJIT 2.