CHANGES: CHANGE 2: BGe 27-Nov-24 * Internal changes - Lanes is implemented in C++20: thread, condition_variable, mutex, string_view, variant, lambdas, templates, and more! - Almost all platform-specific code is gone (only a small bit for thread priority and affinity remains). - Decoda support inactive by default. - Deep userdata interface fully revamped to C++20 too. * Lanes API changes - Version is now 4.0.0 - Lanes module: - lanes.register() is also available as lanes_register() in the exported C API. - lanes.sleep() accepts a new argument "indefinitely" to block forever (until hard cancellation is received). - function set_debug_threadname() available inside a Lane is renamed lane_threadname(); can now both read and write the name. - new function lanes.finally(). Installs a function that gets called at Lanes shutdown after attempting to terminate all lanes. If some lanes still run after the finalizer, Lanes with throw an exception or freeze, depending on its return value. - Configuration settings: - Boolean parameters only accept boolean values. - allocator provider function is called with a string hint to distinguish internal allocations, lane and keeper states. - demote_full_userdata removed. Use __lanesconvert instead (see below). - keepers_gc_threshold added. Controls when GC runs inside keepers. - nb_keepers changed to nb_user_keepers. limited to 100 keepers on top of the internal keeper used by the timer Linda. - strip_functions added. Only useful for Lua 5.3+. - verbose_errors removed. Use lane error_trace_level instead. - with_timers is false by default. - Non-deep full userdata are processed during module registration just like ordinary module C functions, making them valid transferable (up)values (for example: io.stdin). - Lanes: - Can no longer be "killed" by hard-stopping their thread without any resource cleanup (see lane:cancel()). - lanes.gen() settings: - stricter check of base libraries (can raise an error if it doesn't exist in the Lua flavor it's built against). - error_trace_level added. Replaces the global verbose_errors setting. - name added. Can be used to set the name early (before the lane body calls lane_threadname()). - New generator lanes.coro() to start a lane as a coroutine. - New __close metamethod that calls join(). - lane:join() - Returns nil, error in case of problem. - Forces lane function body must return a non-nil first value on success because of the above. - lane:get_debug_threadname() renamed get_threadname(). - Lindas: - lanes.linda() - Arguments can be provided in any order. - Accepts a callback to be invoked by __close (see below). - Providing "auto" as name when constructing a Linda cause Lanes to provide a name built from the source location of the construction. - Specifying a group to lanes.linda() is mandatory when Lanes is configured with user Keepers. - linda:deep() result no longer contains the raw C pointer of the Linda object. - linda :receive(), :send(), :get(), :set(), :limit() return nil, error in case of problem. Returned values in case of success change too. - linda:limit() can be used to read the value if no new limit is provided. - New __close metamethod that calls any suitable handler that was provided at Linda creation. - linda:dump() outputs .limit as 'unlimited' instead of -1 for unlimited keys. - linda:wake() can wake up threads waiting for a Linda without doing any I/O on it. - linda.status reads the cancel status of the Linda. - Deep userdata are an acceptable key to send data into (for example, another linda). - Full userdata conversion: - __lanesconvert added. - __lanesignore removed. Use __lanesconvert instead. CHANGE 1: BGe 9-Apr-24 * reset changelog, next entry will list API changes since last C-implementation. (end)