===================== Usage on Windows: ===================== For once, Win32 thread prioritazion scheme is actually a good one, and it works. :) Windows users, feel yourself as VIP citizens!! ------------------- Windows / MSYS: ------------------- On MSYS, 'stderr' output seems to be buffered. You might want to make it auto-flush, to help you track & debug your scripts. Like this: io.stderr:setvbuf "no" Even after this, MSYS insists on linewise buffering; it will flush at each newline only. =================== Usage on Linux: =================== Linux NTPL 2.5 (Ubuntu 7.04) was used in the testing of Lua Lanes. This document (http://www.icir.org/gregor/tools/pthread-scheduling.html) describes fairly well, what (all) is wrong with Linux threading, even today. For other worthy links: http://kerneltrap.org/node/6080 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_POSIX_Thread_Library In short, you cannot use thread prioritation in Linux. Unless you run as root, and I _truly_ would not recommend that. Lobby for yet-another thread implementation for Linux, and mail -> akauppi@gmail.com about it. :) CAVEAT: Anyone sufficiently knowledgeable with pthread scheduling is free to contact me bnt DOT germain AT gmail DOT com) with a suitable edit if this no longer applies on more recent kernels. ====================== Usage on Mac OS X: ====================== No real problems in OS X, _once_ everything is set up right... In short, have your Lua core compiled with LUA_USE_DLOPEN and LUA_USE_POSIX instead of the (default as of 5.1) LUA_DL_DYLD and LUA_USE_MACOSX. This is crucial to have each module loaded only once (even if initialized separately for each thread) and for the static & global variables within the modules to actually be process-wide. Lua Lanes cannot live without... Lua 5.2 is fine in that regard (check luaconf.h to be safe). Another issue is making sure you only have _one_ Lua core. Your 'lua' binary must link dynamically to a .dylib, it must _not_ carry a personal copy of Lua core with itself. If it does, you will gain many mysterious malloc errors when entering multithreading realm. << lua-xcode2(9473,0xa000ed88) malloc: *** Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0xe9fc0; This could be a double free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated block; Try setting environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help debug << rm lua.o luac.o gcc -dynamiclib -install_name /usr/local/lib/liblua.5.1.dylib \ -compatibility_version 5.1 -current_version 5.1.2 \ -o liblua.5.1.2.dylib *.o gcc -fno-common -DLUA_USE_POSIX -DLUA_USE_DLOPEN -DLUA_USE_READLINE -lreadline -L. -llua.5.1.2 lua.c -o lua That should be it. :) Fink 'lua51' packaging has the necessary changes since 5.1.2-3. ===================== Usage on FreeBSD: ===================== Unlike in Linux, also the Lua engine used with Lanes needs to be compiled with '-lpthread'. Otherwise, the following malloc errors are received: << lua in free(): warning: recursive call PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (not enough memory) << Here are the Lua compilation steps that proved to work (FreeBSD 6.2 i386): gmake freebsd rm lua.o luac.o liblua.a gcc -shared -lm -Wl,-E -o liblua.5.1.2.so *.o gcc -O2 -Wall -DLUA_USE_LINUX -lm -Wl,-E -lpthread -lreadline -L. -llua.5.1.2 lua.c -o lua To compile Lanes, use 'gmake' or simply: cc -O2 -Wall -llua.5.1.2 -lpthread -shared -o out/bsd-x86/lua51-lanes.so \ -DGLUA_LUA51 gluax.c lanes.c To place Lua into ~/local, set the following environment variables (this is just a reminder for myself...): export CPATH=.../local/include export LIBRARY_PATH=.../local/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.../local/lib (end)