TODO: - Use of 'atexit()' is not good. It's possible to be called at "program (process) exit", when the so might already be out. Tying to OS specific so cleanup is way better. - Testing Lane killing (not cancellation, but actual killing) - Like luaproc: Lanes to have M:N relationship to kernel threads (= give a maximum number of kernel threads to run, then juggle those to run a Lane, until the lane suspends, blocks, or exits) (default could be twice the kernel threads of the CPU count, or something.) - Like luaproc: "only the basic standard library and our own library are automatically loaded into each new Lua process. The re- maining standard libraries (io, os, table, string, math, and debug) are pre-registered and can be loaded with a standard call to Lua’s require function. " - Lanes so/dll to have a second interface; C code sending data to a linda of given void*