-- -- Lanes rockspec -- -- Ref: -- -- -- History: -- BGe 1-Mar-2011: 2.1.0 -- BGe 27-Jan-2011: 2.0.11 (see CHANGES) -- AKa 1-Sep-2008: 2.0-2 (NOT sent to list): fixed VC++ not finding DLL issue -- AKa 20-Aug-2008: 2.0-1 sent to luarocks-developers -- package = "Lanes" version = "3.0-beta" source= { url= "git://github.com/LuaLanes/lanes.git", branch= "v3.0-beta" } description = { summary= "Multithreading support for Lua", detailed= [[ Lua Lanes is a portable, message passing multithreading library providing the possibility to run multiple Lua states in parallel. ]], license= "MIT/X11", homepage="http://kotisivu.dnainternet.net/askok/lanes/", maintainer="Benoit Germain " } -- Q: What is the difference of "windows" and "win32"? Seems there is none; -- so should we list either one or both? -- supported_platforms= { "win32", "macosx", "linux", "freebsd", -- TBD: not tested "msys", -- TBD: not supported by LuaRocks 1.0 (or is it?) } dependencies= { "lua >= 5.1, <= 5.2", } -- -- Non-Win32: build using the Makefile -- Win32: build using 'make-vc.cmd' and "manual" copy of products -- -- TBD: How is MSYS treated? We'd like (really) it to use the Makefile. -- It should be a target like "cygwin", not defining "windows". -- "windows" should actually guarantee Visual C++ as the compiler. -- -- Q: Does "win32" guarantee we have Visual C++ 2005/2008 command line tools? -- -- Note: Cannot use the simple "module" build type, because we need to precompile -- 'src/keeper.lua' -> keeper.lch and bake it into lanes.c. -- build = { -- Win32 (Visual C++) uses 'make-vc.cmd' for building -- platforms= { windows= { type= "command", build_command= "make-vc.cmd", install= { lua = { "src/lanes.lua" }, lib = { "lua51-lanes.dll" } } } }, -- Other platforms use the Makefile -- -- LuaRocks defines CFLAGS, LIBFLAG and LUA_INCDIR for 'make rock', -- defines LIBDIR, LUADIR for 'make install' -- -- Ref: -- type = "make", build_target = "rock", build_variables= { CFLAGS= "$(CFLAGS) -I$(LUA_INCDIR)", LIBFLAG= "$(LIBFLAG)", }, install_target = "install", install_variables= { LUA_LIBDIR= "$(LIBDIR)", LUA_SHAREDIR= "$(LUADIR)", } }