-- -- Lanes rockspec -- -- Ref: -- -- package = "Lanes" version = "4.0.0-0" source= { url= "git+https://github.com/LuaLanes/lanes.git", branch= "v4.0.0" } description = { summary= "Multithreading support for Lua", detailed= [[ Lua Lanes is a portable, message passing multithreading library providing the possibility to run multiple Lua states in parallel. ]], license= "MIT/X11", homepage="https://github.com/LuaLanes/lanes", maintainer="Benoit Germain " } -- Q: What is the difference of "windows" and "win32"? Seems there is none; -- so should we list either one or both? -- supported_platforms= { "win32", "macosx", "linux", "freebsd", -- TBD: not tested "msys", -- TBD: not supported by LuaRocks 1.0 (or is it?) } dependencies= { "lua >= 5.1", -- builds with either 5.1/LuaJIT, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 } build = { type = "builtin", platforms = { linux = { modules = { ["lanes_core"] = { libraries = "pthread" }, } } }, modules = { ["lanes.core"] = { sources = { "src/_pch.cpp", "src/allocator.cpp", "src/cancel.cpp", "src/compat.cpp", "src/deep.cpp", "src/intercopycontext.cpp", "src/keeper.cpp", "src/lane.cpp", "src/lanes.cpp", "src/linda.cpp", "src/lindafactory.cpp", "src/nameof.cpp", "src/state.cpp", "src/threading.cpp", "src/tools.cpp", "src/tracker.cpp", "src/universe.cpp" }, incdirs = { "src"}, }, lanes = "src/lanes.lua" } }