@REM @REM make-vc.cmd to build Lanes on Visual C++ 2005/08 @REM @REM Requires: Windows XP or later (cmd.exe) @REM Visual C++ 2005/2008 (Express) @REM LuaBinaries 5.1.3 or Lua for Windows 5.1.3 @REM @setlocal @set LUA_PATH=src\?.lua;tests\?.lua @if not "%LUA51%"=="" ( @goto LUA_OK ) @REM *** Lua for Windows >= (%LUA_DEV%) *** @REM @if exist "%LUA_DEV%\lua.exe" ( @set LUA51=%LUA_DEV% @goto LUA_OK ) @REM *** Lua for Windows (default path) *** @REM @if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Lua\5.1\lua.exe" ( @set LUA51=%ProgramFiles:~0,2%\Progra~1\Lua\5.1 @goto LUA_OK ) @REM *** LuaBinaries (default path) *** @REM @if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Lua5.1\lua5.1.exe" ( @set LUA51=%ProgramFiles:~0,2%\Progra~1\Lua5.1 @goto LUA_OK ) goto ERR_NOLUA :LUA_OK @REM --- @REM %LUA_EXE% = %LUA51%\lua[5.1].exe @REM %LUAC_EXE% = %LUA51%\luac[5.1].exe @REM %LUA_LIB% = %LUA51%[\lib] @REM --- @set LUA_EXE=%LUA51%\lua5.1.exe @if exist "%LUA_EXE%" goto LUA_EXE_OK @set LUA_EXE=%LUA51%\lua.exe @if exist "%LUA_EXE%" goto LUA_EXE_OK @echo "Cannot find %LUA51%\lua[5.1].exe @goto EXIT :LUA_EXE_OK @set LUAC_EXE=%LUA51%\luac5.1.exe @if exist "%LUAC_EXE%" goto LUAC_EXE_OK @set LUAC_EXE=%LUA51%\luac.exe @if exist "%LUAC_EXE%" goto LUAC_EXE_OK @echo "Cannot find %LUA51%\luac[5.1].exe @goto EXIT :LUAC_EXE_OK @if "%1"=="" goto BUILD @if "%1"=="clean" goto CLEAN @if "%1"=="test" goto TEST @if "%1"=="launchtest" goto LAUNCHTEST @if "%1"=="perftest" goto PERFTEST @if "%1"=="perftest-plain" goto PERFTEST-PLAIN @if "%1"=="stress" goto STRESS @if "%1"=="basic" goto BASIC @if "%1"=="fifo" goto FIFO @if "%1"=="keeper" goto KEEPER @if "%1"=="atomic" goto ATOMIC @if "%1"=="cyclic" goto CYCLIC @if "%1"=="timer" goto TIMER @if "%1"=="recursive" goto RECURSIVE @if "%1"=="fibonacci" goto FIBONACCI @if "%1"=="hangtest" goto HANGTEST @if "%1"=="require" goto REQUIRE @echo Unknown target: %1 @echo. @goto EXIT :BUILD @REM LuaBinaries: @REM The current build system does not show 'lanes/core.dll' to @REM be dependent on more than 'KERNEL32.DLL'. Good. @REM @REM Lua for Windows: @REM Depends on KERNEL32.DLL and LUA5.1.DLL. Good? @set LUA_LIB=%LUA51% @if exist "%LUA_LIB%\lua5.1.lib" ( @echo. @echo *** @echo *** Using Lua from: %LUA51% @echo *** @echo. @goto LUA_LIB_OK ) @set LUA_LIB=%LUA51%\lib @if exist "%LUA_LIB%\lua5.1.lib" ( @echo. @echo *** @echo *** Using Lua from: %LUA51% @echo *** @echo. @goto LUA_LIB_OK ) @echo Cannot find %LUA51%\[lib\]lua5.1.lib @goto EXIT :LUA_LIB_OK @if "%VCINSTALLDIR%"=="" goto ERR_NOVC @REM @REM Win32 (Visual C++ 2005/08 Express) build commands @REM @REM MS itself has warnings in stdlib.h (4255), winbase.h (4668), several (4820, 4826) @REM 4054: "type cast from function pointer to data pointer" @REM 4127: "conditional expression is constant" @REM 4711: ".. selected for automatic inline expansion" @REM @set WARN=/Wall /wd4054 /wd4127 /wd4255 /wd4668 /wd4711 /wd4820 /wd4826 @REM /LDd: debug DLL @REM /O2 /LD: release DLL @REM @set FLAGS=/O2 /LD cl %WARN% %FLAGS% /I "%LUA51%\include" /Felanes\core.dll src\*.cpp "%LUA_LIB%\lua5.1.lib" @REM cl %WARN% %FLAGS% /I "%LUA51%\include" /Felanes\core.dll src\*.cpp "%LUA_LIB%\lua5.1.lib" /link /NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt @del lanes\core.lib @del lanes\core.exp @goto EXIT :CLEAN if exist lanes\*.dll del lanes\*.dll if exist delme del delme @goto EXIT :TEST @REM "make test" does not automatically build/update the dll. We're NOT a makefile. :! @REM "%LUA_EXE%" tests\basic.lua @IF errorlevel 1 goto EXIT "%LUA_EXE%" tests\fifo.lua @IF errorlevel 1 goto EXIT "%LUA_EXE%" tests\keeper.lua @IF errorlevel 1 goto EXIT "%LUA_EXE%" tests\fibonacci.lua @IF errorlevel 1 goto EXIT "%LUA_EXE%" tests\timer.lua @IF errorlevel 1 goto EXIT "%LUA_EXE%" tests\atomic.lua @IF errorlevel 1 goto EXIT "%LUA_EXE%" tests\cyclic.lua @IF errorlevel 1 goto EXIT "%LUA_EXE%" tests\recursive.lua @IF errorlevel 1 goto EXIT @goto EXIT :BASIC "%LUA_EXE%" tests\basic.lua @goto EXIT :FIFO "%LUA_EXE%" tests\fifo.lua @goto EXIT :KEEPER "%LUA_EXE%" tests\keeper.lua @goto EXIT :ATOMIC "%LUA_EXE%" tests\atomic.lua @goto EXIT :CYCLIC "%LUA_EXE%" tests\cyclic.lua @goto EXIT :TIMER "%LUA_EXE%" tests\timer.lua @goto EXIT :RECURSIVE "%LUA_EXE%" tests\recursive.lua @goto EXIT :FIBONACCI "%LUA_EXE%" tests\fibonacci.lua @goto EXIT :HANGTEST "%LUA_EXE%" tests\hangtest.lua @goto EXIT :REQUIRE "%LUA_EXE%" -e "require'lanes'" @goto EXIT REM --- REM NOTE: 'timeit' is a funny thing; it does _not_ work with quoted REM long paths, but it _does_ work without the quotes. I have no idea, REM how it knows the spaces in paths apart from spaces in between REM parameters. :LAUNCHTEST timeit %LUA_EXE% tests\launchtest.lua %2 %3 %4 @goto EXIT :PERFTEST timeit %LUA_EXE% tests\perftest.lua %2 %3 %4 @goto EXIT :PERFTEST-PLAIN timeit %LUA_EXE% tests\perftest.lua --plain %2 %3 %4 @goto EXIT :STRESS "%LUA_EXE%" tests\test.lua "%LUA_EXE%" tests\perftest.lua 100 "%LUA_EXE%" tests\perftest.lua 50 -prio=-1,0 "%LUA_EXE%" tests\perftest.lua 50 -prio=0,-1 "%LUA_EXE%" tests\perftest.lua 50 -prio=0,2 "%LUA_EXE%" tests\perftest.lua 50 -prio=2,0 @echo All seems okay! @goto EXIT REM --- :ERR_NOLUA @echo *** @echo *** Please set LUA51 to point to either LuaBinaries or @echo *** Lua for Windows directory. @echo *** @echo *** http://luabinaries.luaforge.net/download.html @echo *** lua5_1_2_Win32_dll8_lib @echo *** lua5_1_2_Win32_bin @echo *** @echo *** http://luaforge.net/frs/?group_id=377&release_id=1138 @echo *** @echo. @goto EXIT :ERR_NOVC @echo *** @echo *** VCINSTALLDIR not defined; please run 'setup-vc' @echo *** @echo. @goto EXIT :EXIT