#pragma once #include "macros_and_utils.h" #include "uniquekey.h" // ################################################################################################# // Lane cancellation request modes enum class CancelRequest { None, // no pending cancel request // TODO: add a Wake mode: user wants to wake the waiting lindas (in effect resulting in a timeout before the initial operation duration) Soft, // user wants the lane to cancel itself manually on cancel_test() Hard // user wants the lane to be interrupted (meaning code won't return from those functions) from inside linda:send/receive calls }; enum class CancelResult { Timeout, Cancelled }; enum class CancelOp { Invalid = -2, Hard = -1, Soft = 0, MaskCall = LUA_MASKCALL, MaskRet = LUA_MASKRET, MaskLine = LUA_MASKLINE, MaskCount = LUA_MASKCOUNT, }; // xxh64 of string "kCancelError" generated at https://www.pelock.com/products/hash-calculator static constexpr UniqueKey kCancelError{ 0x0630345FEF912746ull, "lanes.cancel_error" }; // 'raise_cancel_error' sentinel // ################################################################################################# [[nodiscard]] CancelRequest CheckCancelRequest(lua_State* L_); [[nodiscard]] CancelOp WhichCancelOp(std::string_view const& opString_); // ################################################################################################# [[noreturn]] static inline void raise_cancel_error(lua_State* const L_) { STACK_GROW(L_, 1); kCancelError.pushKey(L_); // special error value raise_lua_error(L_); } // ################################################################################################# LUAG_FUNC(cancel_test); LUAG_FUNC(thread_cancel);