#ifndef __LANES_DEEP_H__
#define __LANES_DEEP_H__ 1

 * public 'deep' API to be used by external modules if they want to implement Lanes-aware userdata
 * said modules will have to link against lanes (it is not really possible to separate the 'deep userdata' implementation from the rest of Lanes)

#include "lua.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "uniquekey.h"

// forwards
struct s_Universe;
typedef struct s_Universe Universe;

#if !defined LANES_API // when deep is compiled standalone outside Lanes
#if (defined PLATFORM_WIN32) || (defined PLATFORM_POCKETPC)
#define LANES_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define LANES_API
#endif // (defined PLATFORM_WIN32) || (defined PLATFORM_POCKETPC)
#endif // LANES_API

enum eLookupMode
    eLM_LaneBody, // send the lane body directly from the source to the destination lane
    eLM_ToKeeper, // send a function from a lane to a keeper state
    eLM_FromKeeper // send a function from a keeper state to a lane
typedef enum eLookupMode LookupMode;

enum eDeepOp
typedef enum eDeepOp DeepOp;

typedef void* (*luaG_IdFunction)( lua_State* L, DeepOp op_);

// ################################################################################################

// fnv164 of string "DEEP_VERSION_2" generated at https://www.pelock.com/products/hash-calculator

// should be used as header for full userdata
struct s_DeepPrelude
    DECLARE_UNIQUE_KEY( magic); // must be filled by the Deep userdata idfunc that allocates it on eDO_new operation
    // when stored in a keeper state, the full userdata doesn't have a metatable, so we need direct access to the idfunc
    luaG_IdFunction idfunc;
    // data is destroyed when refcount is 0
    volatile int refcount;
typedef struct s_DeepPrelude DeepPrelude;

char const* push_deep_proxy( Universe* U, lua_State* L, DeepPrelude* prelude, int nuv_, LookupMode mode_);
void free_deep_prelude( lua_State* L, DeepPrelude* prelude_);

extern LANES_API int luaG_newdeepuserdata( lua_State* L, luaG_IdFunction idfunc, int nuv_);
extern LANES_API void* luaG_todeep( lua_State* L, luaG_IdFunction idfunc, int index);

#endif // __LANES_DEEP_H__