/* -- -- KEEPER.CPP -- -- Keeper state logic -- -- This code is read in for each "keeper state", which are the hidden, inter- -- mediate data stores used by Lanes inter-state communication objects. -- -- Author: Benoit Germain <bnt.germain@gmail.com> -- -- C implementation replacement of the original keeper.lua -- --[[ =============================================================================== Copyright (C) 2011-2024 Benoit Germain <bnt.germain@gmail.com> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =============================================================================== ]]-- */ #include "_pch.h" #include "keeper.h" #include "intercopycontext.h" #include "lane.h" #include "linda.h" #include "state.h" // There is a table at _R[kLindasRegKey] (aka LindasDB) // This table contains entries of the form [Linda*] = {KeysDB...} // Each KeysDB contains entries of the form [key] = KeyUD // where key is a key used in the Lua Linda API to exchange data, and KeyUD is a full userdata with a table uservalue // the table uservalue is the actual fifo, where elements are added and removed. namespace { // ################################################################################################# // ################################################################################################# // ############################################ KeyUD ############################################## // ################################################################################################# // ################################################################################################# // the full userdata associated to a given Linda key to store its contents class KeyUD { private: static constexpr int kContentsTableIndex{ 1 }; public: int first{ 1 }; int count{ 0 }; int limit{ -1 }; // a fifo full userdata has one uservalue, the table that holds the actual fifo contents [[nodiscard]] static void* operator new([[maybe_unused]] size_t size_, KeeperState L_) noexcept { return luaG_newuserdatauv<KeyUD>(L_, 1); } // always embedded somewhere else or "in-place constructed" as a full userdata // can't actually delete the operator because the compiler generates stack unwinding code that could call it in case of exception static void operator delete([[maybe_unused]] void* p_, [[maybe_unused]] KeeperState L_) { LUA_ASSERT(L_, !"should never be called"); } [[nodiscard]] bool changeLimit(int limit_); [[nodiscard]] static KeyUD* Create(KeeperState K_); [[nodiscard]] static KeyUD* GetPtr(KeeperState K_, int idx_); void peek(KeeperState K_, int count_) const; // keepercall_get [[nodiscard]] int pop(KeeperState K_, int minCount_, int maxCount_); // keepercall_receive[_batched] void prepareAccess(KeeperState K_, int idx_) const; [[nodiscard]] bool push(KeeperState K_, int count_); // keepercall_send [[nodiscard]] bool reset(KeeperState K_); }; // ################################################################################################# bool KeyUD::changeLimit(int const limit_) { bool const _newSlackAvailable{ ((limit >= 0) && (count >= limit)) // then: the key was full if limited and count exceeded the previous limit && ((limit_ < 0) || (count < limit_)) // now: the key is not full if unlimited or count is lower than the new limit }; // set the new limit limit = limit_; return _newSlackAvailable; } // ################################################################################################# // in: nothing // out: { first = 1, count = 0, limit = -1} KeyUD* KeyUD::Create(KeeperState const K_) { STACK_GROW(K_, 2); STACK_CHECK_START_REL(K_, 0); KeyUD* const _key{ new (K_) KeyUD{} }; STACK_CHECK(K_, 1); lua_newtable(K_); lua_setiuservalue(K_, -2, kContentsTableIndex); STACK_CHECK(K_, 1); return _key; } // ################################################################################################# KeyUD* KeyUD::GetPtr(KeeperState const K_, int idx_) { return luaG_tofulluserdata<KeyUD>(K_, idx_); } // ################################################################################################# // in: fifo // out: bool ... // pops the fifo, push bool + as much data as is available (up to the specified count) without consuming it // bool is true if the requested count was served, else false void KeyUD::peek(KeeperState const K_, int const count_) const { STACK_CHECK_START_ABS(K_, 1); LUA_ASSERT(K_, KeyUD::GetPtr(K_, -1) == this); // K_: KeyUD if (count <= 0) { // no data is available lua_pop(K_, 1); // K_: lua_pushinteger(K_, 0); // K_: 0 return; } // read <count_> value off the fifo, if possible prepareAccess(K_, -1); // K_: fifo int const _count{ std::min(count_, count) }; lua_pushinteger(K_, _count); // K_: fifo _count lua_insert(K_, 1); // K_: _count fifo STACK_CHECK(K_, 2); STACK_GROW(K_, _count); for (int const _i : std::ranges::iota_view{ 1, _count }) { // push val2 to valN lua_rawgeti(K_, 2, first + _i); // K_: _count fifo val2..N } lua_rawgeti(K_, 2, first); // push val1 // K_: _count fifo val2..N val1 lua_replace(K_, 2); // replace fifo by val1 to get the output properly ordered // K_: _count val1..N STACK_CHECK(K_, 1 + _count); } // ################################################################################################# // in: fifo // out: remove the fifo table from the stack, push as many items as required on the stack (function assumes they exist in sufficient number) int KeyUD::pop(KeeperState const K_, int const minCount_, int const maxCount_) { if (count < minCount_) { // pop ourselves, return nothing lua_pop(K_, 1); // K_: ... this return 0; } int const _popCount{ std::min(count, maxCount_) }; LUA_ASSERT(K_, KeyUD::GetPtr(K_, -1) == this); // K_: ... this prepareAccess(K_, -1); // K_: ... fifo int const _fifo_idx{ lua_gettop(K_) }; // each iteration pushes a value on the stack! STACK_GROW(K_, _popCount + 2); // skip first item, we will push it last for (int const _i : std::ranges::iota_view{ 1, _popCount }) { int const _at{ first + _i }; // push item on the stack lua_rawgeti(K_, _fifo_idx, _at); // K_: ... fifo val // remove item from the fifo lua_pushnil(K_); // K_: ... fifo val nil lua_rawseti(K_, _fifo_idx, _at); // K_: ... fifo val } // now process first item lua_rawgeti(K_, _fifo_idx, first); // K_: ... fifo vals val lua_pushnil(K_); // K_: ... fifo vals val nil lua_rawseti(K_, _fifo_idx, first); // K_: ... fifo vals val lua_replace(K_, _fifo_idx); // K_: ... vals // avoid ever-growing indexes by resetting each time we detect the fifo is empty int const _new_count{ count - _popCount }; first = (_new_count == 0) ? 1 : (first + _popCount); count = _new_count; return _popCount; } // ################################################################################################# // expects 'this' at the specified index // replaces it by its uservalue on the stack (the table holding the fifo values) void KeyUD::prepareAccess(KeeperState const K_, int const idx_) const { int const _idx{ luaG_absindex(K_, idx_) }; LUA_ASSERT(K_, KeyUD::GetPtr(K_, idx_) == this); // we can replace the key userdata in the stack without fear of it being GCed, there are other references around lua_getiuservalue(K_, _idx, kContentsTableIndex); lua_replace(K_, _idx); } // ################################################################################################# // in: expect this val... on top of the stack // out: nothing, removes all pushed values from the stack bool KeyUD::push(KeeperState const K_, int const count_) { int const _fifoIdx{ luaG_absindex(K_, -1 - count_) }; LUA_ASSERT(K_, KeyUD::GetPtr(K_, _fifoIdx) == this); // K_: this val... if (limit >= 0 && count + count_ > limit) { // not enough room return false; } prepareAccess(K_, _fifoIdx); // K_: fifo val... int const _start{ first + count - 1 }; // pop all additional arguments, storing them in the fifo for (int const _i : std::ranges::reverse_view{ std::ranges::iota_view{ 1, count_ + 1 } }) { // store in the fifo the value at the top of the stack at the specified index, popping it from the stack lua_rawseti(K_, _fifoIdx, _start + _i); } count += count_; // all values are, gone, only our fifo remains, we can remove it lua_pop(K_, 1); // K_: return true; } // ################################################################################################# // expects 'this' on top of the stack bool KeyUD::reset(KeeperState const K_) { LUA_ASSERT(K_, KeyUD::GetPtr(K_, -1) == this); STACK_CHECK_START_REL(K_, 0); bool const _wasFull{ (limit > 0) && (count >= limit) }; // empty the KeyUD: replace uservalue with a virgin table, reset counters, but leave limit unchanged! lua_newtable(K_); // K_: KeysDB key val... KeyUD {} lua_setiuservalue(K_, -2, kContentsTableIndex); // K_: KeysDB key val... KeyUD first = 1; count = 0; STACK_CHECK(K_, 0); return _wasFull; } // ################################################################################################# // ################################################################################################# // in: linda_ud expected at stack slot idx // out: the KeysDB table of the linda is pushed at the top of the stack // xxh64 of string "kLindasRegKey" generated at https://www.pelock.com/products/hash-calculator static constexpr RegistryUniqueKey kLindasRegKey{ 0x3AE0D5243A88B962ull }; static void PushKeysDB(KeeperState const K_, int const idx_) { STACK_GROW(K_, 5); STACK_CHECK_START_REL(K_, 0); int const _idx{ luaG_absindex(K_, idx_) }; kLindasRegKey.pushValue(K_); // K_: ... LindasDB lua_pushvalue(K_, _idx); // K_: ... LindasDB linda lua_rawget(K_, -2); // K_: ... LindasDB KeysDB STACK_CHECK(K_, 2); if (lua_isnil(K_, -1)) { lua_pop(K_, 1); // K_: ... LindasDB // add a new KeysDB table for this linda lua_newtable(K_); // K_: ... LindasDB KeysDB lua_pushvalue(K_, _idx); // K_: ... LindasDB KeysDB linda lua_pushvalue(K_, -2); // K_: ... LindasDB KeysDB linda KeysDB lua_rawset(K_, -4); // K_: ... LindasDB KeysDB } lua_remove(K_, -2); // K_: ... KeysDB STACK_CHECK(K_, 1); } } // namespace // ################################################################################################# // ################################################################################################# // ######################################## keepercall_XXX ######################################### // ################################################################################################# // ################################################################################################# // in: linda [, key [, ...]] int keepercall_count(lua_State* const L_) { KeeperState const _K{ L_ }; switch (lua_gettop(_K)) { // no key is specified: return a table giving the count of all known keys case 1: // _K: linda PushKeysDB(_K, 1); // _K: linda KeysDB lua_newtable(_K); // _K: linda KeysDB out lua_replace(_K, 1); // _K: out KeysDB lua_pushnil(_K); // _K: out KeysDB nil while (lua_next(_K, 2)) { // _K: out KeysDB key KeyUD KeyUD* const _key{ KeyUD::GetPtr(_K, -1) }; lua_pop(_K, 1); // _K: out KeysDB key lua_pushvalue(_K, -1); // _K: out KeysDB key key lua_pushinteger(_K, _key->count); // _K: out KeysDB key key count lua_rawset(_K, -5); // _K: out KeysDB key } // when loop is done, lua_next() pushes nothing // _K: out KeysDB lua_pop(_K, 1); // _K: out break; // 1 key is specified: return its count case 2: // _K: linda key PushKeysDB(_K, 1); // _K: linda key KeysDB lua_replace(_K, 1); // _K: KeysDB key lua_rawget(_K, -2); // _K: KeysDB KeyUD|nil if (lua_isnil(_K, -1)) { // the key is unknown // _K: KeysDB nil lua_remove(_K, -2); // _K: nil } else { // the key is known // _K: KeysDB KeyUD KeyUD* const _key{ KeyUD::GetPtr(_K, -1) }; lua_pushinteger(_K, _key->count); // _K: KeysDB KeyUD count lua_replace(_K, -3); // _K: count KeyUD lua_pop(_K, 1); // _K: count } break; // a variable number of keys is specified: return a table of their counts default: // _K: linda keys... key#1 lua_pushvalue(_K, 2); // duplicate the first key of the list // _K: linda keys... key#1 PushKeysDB(_K, 1); // _K: linda keys... key#1 KeysDB lua_newtable(_K); // _K: linda keys... key#1 KeysDB out lua_replace(_K, 1); // _K: out keys... key#1 KeysDB lua_replace(_K, 2); // the list of keys is the same, but for key#1 moved at the end // _K: out KeysDB keys... while (lua_gettop(_K) > 2) { lua_pushvalue(_K, -1); // _K: out KeysDB keys... key lua_rawget(_K, 2); // _K: out KeysDB keys... KeyUD|nil KeyUD* const _key{ KeyUD::GetPtr(_K, -1) }; lua_pop(_K, 1); // _K: out KeysDB keys... if (_key != nullptr) { // the key is known lua_pushinteger(_K, _key->count); // _K: out KeysDB keys... count lua_rawset(_K, 1); // _K: out KeysDB keys... } else { // the key is unknown lua_pop(_K, 1); // _K: out KeysDB keys... } } // all keys are exhausted // _K: out KeysDB lua_pop(_K, 1); // _K: out } LUA_ASSERT(_K, lua_gettop(_K) == 1); return 1; } // ################################################################################################# // in: linda // not part of the linda public API, only used for cleanup at linda GC int keepercall_destruct(lua_State* const L_) { STACK_GROW(L_, 3); STACK_CHECK_START_REL(L_, 0); // LindasDB[linda] = nil kLindasRegKey.pushValue(L_); // L_: linda LindasDB lua_pushvalue(L_, 1); // L_: linda LindasDB linda lua_pushnil(L_); // L_: linda LindasDB linda nil lua_rawset(L_, -3); // L_: linda LindasDB lua_pop(L_, 1); // L_: linda STACK_CHECK(L_, 0); return 0; } // ################################################################################################# // in: linda_ud key [count] // out: bool + at most <count> values int keepercall_get(lua_State* const L_) { KeeperState const _K{ L_ }; int _count{ 1 }; if (lua_gettop(_K) == 3) { // _K: linda key count _count = static_cast<int>(lua_tointeger(_K, 3)); // linda:get() made sure _count >= 1 lua_pop(_K, 1); // _K: linda key } PushKeysDB(_K, 1); // _K: linda key KeysDB lua_replace(_K, 1); // _K: KeysDB key lua_rawget(_K, 1); // _K: KeysDB KeyUD lua_remove(_K, 1); // _K: KeyUD KeyUD const* const _key{ KeyUD::GetPtr(_K, -1) }; if (_key != nullptr) { _key->peek(_K, _count); // _K: N val... } else { // no fifo was ever registered for this key, or it is empty lua_pop(_K, 1); // _K: lua_pushinteger(_K, 0); // _K: 0 } LUA_ASSERT(_K, lua_isnumber(_K, 1)); return lua_gettop(_K); } // ################################################################################################# // in: linda key [n|nil] // out: true or nil int keepercall_limit(lua_State* const L_) { KeeperState const _K{ L_ }; int const _limit{ static_cast<int>(luaL_optinteger(_K, 3, -1)) }; // -1 if we read nil because the argument is absent lua_settop(_K, 2); // _K: linda key PushKeysDB(_K, 1); // _K: linda key KeysDB lua_replace(_K, 1); // _K: KeysDB key lua_pushvalue(_K, -1); // _K: KeysDB key key lua_rawget(_K, -3); // _K: KeysDB key KeyUD|nil KeyUD* _key{ KeyUD::GetPtr(_K, -1) }; if (_key == nullptr) { // _K: KeysDB key nil lua_pop(_K, 1); // _K: KeysDB key _key = KeyUD::Create(_K); // _K: KeysDB key KeyUD lua_rawset(_K, -3); // _K: KeysDB } // remove any clutter on the stack lua_settop(_K, 0); // _K: // return true if we decide that blocked threads waiting to write on that key should be awakened // this is the case if we detect the key was full but it is no longer the case lua_pushboolean(_K, _key->changeLimit(_limit) ? 1 : 0); // _K: bool return 1; } // ################################################################################################# // in: linda, key [, key]? // out: (key, val) or nothing int keepercall_receive(lua_State* const L_) { KeeperState const _K{ L_ }; int const _top{ lua_gettop(_K) }; PushKeysDB(_K, 1); // _K: linda keys... KeysDB lua_replace(_K, 1); // _K: KeysDB keys... for (int const _keyIdx : std::ranges::iota_view{ 2, _top + 1 }) { lua_pushvalue(_K, _keyIdx); // _K: KeysDB keys... key[i] lua_rawget(_K, 1); // _K: KeysDB keys... KeyUD KeyUD* const _key{ KeyUD::GetPtr(_K, -1) }; if (_key != nullptr) { // it's fine to attempt a read on a key that wasn't yet written to int const _popped{ _key->pop(_K, 1, 1) }; // _K: KeysDB keys... val if (_popped > 0) { lua_replace(_K, 1); // _K: val keys... lua_settop(_K, _keyIdx); // _K: val keys... key[i] if (_keyIdx != 2) { lua_replace(_K, 2); // _K: val key[i] keys... lua_settop(_K, 2); // _K: val key[i] } lua_insert(_K, 1); // _K: key val return 2; } } lua_settop(_K, _top); // _K: data keys... } // nothing to receive return 0; } // ################################################################################################# // in: linda key mincount [maxcount] int keepercall_receive_batched(lua_State* const L_) { KeeperState const _K{ L_ }; // linda:receive() made sure that _min_count > 0 and _max_count > _min_count int const _min_count{ static_cast<int>(lua_tointeger(_K, 3)) }; int const _max_count{ static_cast<int>(luaL_optinteger(_K, 4, _min_count)) }; lua_settop(_K, 2); // _K: linda key lua_insert(_K, 1); // _K: key linda PushKeysDB(_K, 2); // _K: key linda KeysDB lua_remove(_K, 2); // _K: key KeysDB lua_pushvalue(_K, 1); // _K: key KeysDB key lua_rawget(_K, 2); // _K: key KeysDB KeyUD lua_remove(_K, 2); // _K: key KeyUD KeyUD* const _key{ KeyUD::GetPtr(_K, -1) }; if (_key == nullptr || _key->pop(_K, _min_count, _max_count) == 0) { // _K: [key val...]|crap // Lua will adjust the stack for us when we return return 0; } else { // return whatever remains on the stack at that point: the key and the values we pulled from the fifo return lua_gettop(_K); } } // ################################################################################################# // in: linda, key, ... // out: true|false int keepercall_send(lua_State* const L_) { KeeperState const _K{ L_ }; int const _n{ lua_gettop(_K) - 2 }; STACK_CHECK_START_REL(_K, 0); // _K: linda key val... PushKeysDB(_K, 1); // _K: linda key val... KeysDB // get the fifo associated to this key in this linda, create it if it doesn't exist lua_pushvalue(_K, 2); // _K: linda key val... KeysDB key lua_rawget(_K, -2); // _K: linda key val... KeysDB KeyUD|nil if (lua_isnil(_K, -1)) { lua_pop(_K, 1); // _K: linda key val... KeysDB std::ignore = KeyUD::Create(KeeperState{ _K }); // _K: linda key val... KeysDB KeyUD // KeysDB[key] = KeyUD lua_pushvalue(_K, 2); // _K: linda key val... KeysDB KeyUD key lua_pushvalue(_K, -2); // _K: linda key val... KeysDB KeyUD key KeyUD lua_rawset(_K, -4); // _K: linda key val... KeysDB KeyUD } lua_replace(_K, 2); // _K: linda KeyUD val... KeysDB lua_pop(_K, 1); // _K: linda KeyUD val... STACK_CHECK(_K, 0); KeyUD* const _key{ KeyUD::GetPtr(_K, 2) }; if (_key && _key->push(_K, _n)) { // not enough room? lua_settop(_K, 0); // _K: lua_pushboolean(_K, 1); // _K: true } else { // don't send anything lua_settop(_K, 0); // _K: lua_pushboolean(_K, 0); // _K: false } return 1; } // ################################################################################################# // in: linda key [val...] // out: true if the linda was full but it's no longer the case, else false int keepercall_set(lua_State* const L_) { KeeperState const _K{ L_ }; bool _should_wake_writers{ false }; STACK_GROW(_K, 6); // retrieve KeysDB associated with the linda PushKeysDB(_K, 1); // _K: linda key val... KeysDB lua_replace(_K, 1); // _K: KeysDB key val... // make sure we have a value on the stack if (lua_gettop(_K) == 2) { // _K: KeysDB key lua_pushvalue(_K, -1); // _K: KeysDB key key lua_rawget(_K, 1); // _K: KeysDB key KeyUD|nil // empty the KeyUD for the specified key: replace uservalue with a virgin table, reset counters, but leave limit unchanged! KeyUD* const _key{ KeyUD::GetPtr(_K, -1) }; if (_key != nullptr) { // might be nullptr if we set a nonexistent key to nil // _K: KeysDB key KeyUD if (_key->limit < 0) { // KeyUD limit value is the default (unlimited): we can totally remove it lua_pop(_K, 1); // _K: KeysDB key lua_pushnil(_K); // _K: KeysDB key nil lua_rawset(_K, -3); // _K: KeysDB } else { lua_remove(_K, -2); // KeyUD::reset expects KeyUD at the top // _K: KeysDB KeyUD // we create room if the KeyUD was full but it is no longer the case _should_wake_writers = _key->reset(_K); } } } else { // set/replace contents stored at the specified key? int const _count{ lua_gettop(_K) - 2 }; // number of items we want to store lua_pushvalue(_K, 2); // _K: KeysDB key val... key lua_rawget(_K, 1); // _K: KeysDB key val... KeyUD|nil KeyUD* _key{ KeyUD::GetPtr(_K, -1) }; if (_key == nullptr) { // can be nullptr if we store a value at a new key // KeysDB key val... nil // no need to wake writers in that case, because a writer can't wait on an inexistent key lua_pop(_K, 1); // _K: KeysDB key val... _key = KeyUD::Create(KeeperState{ _K }); // _K: KeysDB key val... KeyUD lua_pushvalue(_K, 2); // _K: KeysDB key val... KeyUD key lua_pushvalue(_K, -2); // _K: KeysDB key val... KeyUD key KeyUD lua_rawset(_K, 1); // _K: KeysDB key val... KeyUD } else { // _K: KeysDB key val... KeyUD // the KeyUD exists, we just want to update its contents // we create room if the KeyUD was full but we didn't refill it to the brim with new data _should_wake_writers = _key->reset(_K) && (_count < _key->limit); } // replace the key with the KeyUD in the stack lua_replace(_K, -2 - _count); // _K: KeysDB KeyUD val... [[maybe_unused]] bool const _pushed{ _key->push(_K, _count) }; // _K: KeysDB } // stack isn't the same here depending on what we did before, but that's not a problem lua_pushboolean(_K, _should_wake_writers ? 1 : 0); // _K: ... bool return 1; } // ################################################################################################# /* * Call a function ('func_name') in the keeper state, and pass on the returned * values to 'L'. * * 'linda': deep Linda pointer (used only as a unique table key, first argument) * 'starting_index': first of the rest of arguments (none if 0) * * Returns: number of return values (pushed to 'L'), unset in case of error */ KeeperCallResult keeper_call(KeeperState K_, keeper_api_t func_, lua_State* L_, Linda* linda_, int starting_index_) { KeeperCallResult _result; int const _args{ starting_index_ ? (lua_gettop(L_) - starting_index_ + 1) : 0 }; // L: ... args... K_: int const _top_K{ lua_gettop(K_) }; // if we didn't do anything wrong, the keeper stack should be clean LUA_ASSERT(L_, _top_K == 0); STACK_GROW(K_, 2); lua_pushcclosure(K_, func_, 0); // L: ... args... K_: func_ lua_pushlightuserdata(K_, linda_); // L: ... args... K_: func_ linda if ( (_args == 0) || (InterCopyContext{ linda_->U, DestState{ K_ }, SourceState{ L_ }, {}, {}, {}, LookupMode::ToKeeper, {} }.interCopy(_args) == InterCopyResult::Success) ) { // L: ... args... K_: func_ linda args... lua_call(K_, 1 + _args, LUA_MULTRET); // L: ... args... K_: result... int const _retvals{ lua_gettop(K_) - _top_K }; // note that this can raise a lua error while the keeper state (and its mutex) is acquired // this may interrupt a lane, causing the destruction of the underlying OS thread // after this, another lane making use of this keeper can get an error code from the mutex-locking function // when attempting to grab the mutex again (WINVER <= 0x400 does this, but locks just fine, I don't know about pthread) if ( (_retvals == 0) || (InterCopyContext{ linda_->U, DestState{ L_ }, SourceState{ K_ }, {}, {}, {}, LookupMode::FromKeeper, {} }.interMove(_retvals) == InterCopyResult::Success) ) { // L: ... args... result... K_: result... _result.emplace(_retvals); } } // whatever happens, restore the stack to where it was at the origin lua_settop(K_, _top_K); // L: ... args... result... K_: // don't do this for this particular function, as it is only called during Linda destruction, and we don't want to raise an error, ever if (func_ != KEEPER_API(destruct)) [[unlikely]] { // since keeper state GC is stopped, let's run a step once in a while if required int const _gc_threshold{ linda_->U->keepers.gc_threshold }; if (_gc_threshold == 0) [[unlikely]] { lua_gc(K_, LUA_GCSTEP, 0); } else if (_gc_threshold > 0) [[likely]] { int const _gc_usage{ lua_gc(K_, LUA_GCCOUNT, 0) }; if (_gc_usage >= _gc_threshold) { lua_gc(K_, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0); int const _gc_usage_after{ lua_gc(K_, LUA_GCCOUNT, 0) }; if (_gc_usage_after > _gc_threshold) [[unlikely]] { raise_luaL_error(L_, "Keeper GC threshold is too low, need at least %d", _gc_usage_after); } } } } return _result; } // ################################################################################################# // ################################################################################################# // ########################################## Keeper ############################################### // ################################################################################################# // ################################################################################################# void* Keeper::operator new[](size_t size_, Universe* U_) noexcept { // size_ is the memory for the element count followed by the elements themselves return U_->internalAllocator.alloc(size_); } // ################################################################################################# // can't actually delete the operator because the compiler generates stack unwinding code that could call it in case of exception void Keeper::operator delete[](void* p_, Universe* U_) { U_->internalAllocator.free(p_, *static_cast<size_t*>(p_) * sizeof(Keeper) + sizeof(size_t)); } // ################################################################################################# // only used by linda:dump() and linda:__towatch() for debugging purposes int Keeper::PushLindaStorage(Linda& linda_, DestState const L_) { Keeper* const _keeper{ linda_.whichKeeper() }; KeeperState const _K{ _keeper ? _keeper->K : nullptr }; if (_K == nullptr) { return 0; } STACK_GROW(_K, 4); STACK_CHECK_START_REL(_K, 0); kLindasRegKey.pushValue(_K); // _K: LindasDB L_: lua_pushlightuserdata(_K, &linda_); // _K: LindasDB linda L_: lua_rawget(_K, -2); // _K: LindasDB KeysDB L_: lua_remove(_K, -2); // _K: KeysDB L_: if (!lua_istable(_K, -1)) { // possible if we didn't send anything through that linda lua_pop(_K, 1); // _K: L_: STACK_CHECK(_K, 0); return 0; } // move data from keeper to destination state STACK_GROW(L_, 5); STACK_CHECK_START_REL(L_, 0); lua_newtable(L_); // _K: KeysDB L_: out InterCopyContext _c{ linda_.U, L_, SourceState{ _K }, {}, {}, {}, LookupMode::FromKeeper, {} }; lua_pushnil(_K); // _K: KeysDB nil L_: out while (lua_next(_K, -2)) { // _K: KeysDB key KeyUD L_: out KeyUD* const _key{ KeyUD::GetPtr(_K, -1) }; _key->prepareAccess(_K, -1); // _K: KeysDB key fifo L_: out lua_pushvalue(_K, -2); // _K: KeysDB key fifo key L_: out if (_c.interMove(1) != InterCopyResult::Success) { // _K: KeysDB key fifo L_: out key raise_luaL_error(L_, "Internal error reading Keeper contents"); } STACK_CHECK(L_, 2); lua_newtable(L_); // _K: KeysDB key fifo L_: out key keyout if (_c.interMove(1) != InterCopyResult::Success) { // _K: KeysDB key L_: out key keyout fifo raise_luaL_error(L_, "Internal error reading Keeper contents"); } // keyout.first lua_pushinteger(L_, _key->first); // _K: KeysDB key L_: out key keyout fifo first STACK_CHECK(L_, 5); lua_setfield(L_, -3, "first"); // _K: KeysDB key L_: out key keyout fifo // keyout.count lua_pushinteger(L_, _key->count); // _K: KeysDB key L_: out key keyout fifo count STACK_CHECK(L_, 5); lua_setfield(L_, -3, "count"); // _K: KeysDB key L_: out key keyout fifo // keyout.limit lua_pushinteger(L_, _key->limit); // _K: KeysDB key L_: out key keyout fifo limit STACK_CHECK(L_, 5); lua_setfield(L_, -3, "limit"); // _K: KeysDB key L_: out key keyout fifo // keyout.fifo lua_setfield(L_, -2, "fifo"); // _K: KeysDB key L_: out key keyout // out[key] = keyout lua_rawset(L_, -3); // _K: KeysDB key L_: out STACK_CHECK(L_, 1); } // _K: KeysDB L_: out STACK_CHECK(L_, 1); lua_pop(_K, 1); // _K: L_: out STACK_CHECK(_K, 0); return 1; } // ################################################################################################# // ################################################################################################# // ########################################## Keepers ############################################## // ################################################################################################# // ################################################################################################# void Keepers::DeleteKV::operator()(Keeper* const k_) const { for (Keeper& _k : std::views::counted(k_, count)) { _k.~Keeper(); } U->internalAllocator.free(k_, count * sizeof(Keeper)); } // ################################################################################################# void Keepers::close() { if (isClosing.test_and_set(std::memory_order_release)) { assert(false); // should never close more than once in practice return; } if (std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(keeper_array)) { return; } auto _closeOneKeeper = [](Keeper& keeper_) { lua_State* const _K{ std::exchange(keeper_.K, KeeperState{ nullptr }) }; if (_K) { lua_close(_K); } return _K ? true : false; }; if (std::holds_alternative<Keeper>(keeper_array)) { _closeOneKeeper(std::get<Keeper>(keeper_array)); } else { KV& _kv = std::get<KV>(keeper_array); // NOTE: imagine some keeper state N+1 currently holds a linda that uses another keeper N, and a _gc that will make use of it // when keeper N+1 is closed, object is GCed, linda operation is called, which attempts to acquire keeper N, whose Lua state no longer exists // in that case, the linda operation should do nothing. which means that these operations must check for keeper acquisition success // which is early-outed with a keepers->nbKeepers null-check size_t const _nbKeepers{ std::exchange(_kv.nbKeepers, 0) }; for (size_t const _i : std::ranges::iota_view{ size_t{ 0 }, _nbKeepers }) { if (!_closeOneKeeper(_kv.keepers[_i])) { // detected partial init: destroy only the mutexes that got initialized properly break; } } } keeper_array.emplace<std::monostate>(); } // ################################################################################################# [[nodiscard]] Keeper* Keepers::getKeeper(int idx_) { if (isClosing.test(std::memory_order_acquire)) { return nullptr; } if (std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(keeper_array)) { return nullptr; } if (std::holds_alternative<Keeper>(keeper_array)) { return &std::get<Keeper>(keeper_array); } return &std::get<KV>(keeper_array).keepers.get()[idx_]; } // ################################################################################################# [[nodiscard]] int Keepers::getNbKeepers() const { if (isClosing.test(std::memory_order_acquire)) { return 0; } if (std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(keeper_array)) { return 0; } if (std::holds_alternative<Keeper>(keeper_array)) { return 1; } return static_cast<int>(std::get<KV>(keeper_array).nbKeepers); } // ################################################################################################# /* * Initialize keeper states * * If there is a problem, returns nullptr and pushes the error message on the stack * else returns the keepers bookkeeping structure. * * Note: Any problems would be design flaws; the created Lua state is left * unclosed, because it does not really matter. In production code, this * function never fails. * settings table is expected at position 1 on the stack */ void Keepers::initialize(Universe& U_, lua_State* L_, int const nbKeepers_, int const gc_threshold_) { gc_threshold = gc_threshold_; auto _initOneKeeper = [U = &U_, L = L_, gc_threshold = gc_threshold](Keeper& keeper_, int const i_) { STACK_CHECK_START_REL(L, 0); // note that we will leak K if we raise an error later KeeperState const _K{ state::CreateState(U, L, "keeper") }; // L_: settings _K: if (_K == nullptr) { raise_luaL_error(L, "out of memory while creating keeper states"); } keeper_.K = _K; // Give a name to the state luaG_pushstring(_K, "Keeper #%d", i_ + 1); // L_: settings _K: "Keeper #n" if constexpr (HAVE_DECODA_SUPPORT()) { lua_pushvalue(_K, -1); // _K: "Keeper #n" Keeper #n" lua_setglobal(_K, "decoda_name"); // L_: settings _K: "Keeper #n" } kLaneNameRegKey.setValue(_K, [](lua_State* L_) { lua_insert(L_, -2); }); // _K: STACK_CHECK_START_ABS(_K, 0); // copy the universe pointer in the keeper itself Universe::Store(_K, U); STACK_CHECK(_K, 0); // make sure 'package' is initialized in keeper states, so that we have require() // this because this is needed when transferring deep userdata object luaL_requiref(_K, LUA_LOADLIBNAME, luaopen_package, 1); // L_: settings _K: package lua_pop(_K, 1); // L_: settings _K: STACK_CHECK(_K, 0); tools::SerializeRequire(_K); STACK_CHECK(_K, 0); // copy package.path and package.cpath from the source state if (luaG_getmodule(L, LUA_LOADLIBNAME) != LuaType::NIL) { // L_: settings package _K: // when copying with mode LookupMode::ToKeeper, error message is pushed at the top of the stack, not raised immediately InterCopyContext _c{ U, DestState{ _K }, SourceState{ L }, {}, SourceIndex{ luaG_absindex(L, -1) }, {}, LookupMode::ToKeeper, {} }; if (_c.interCopyPackage() != InterCopyResult::Success) { // L_: settings ... error_msg _K: // if something went wrong, the error message is at the top of the stack lua_remove(L, -2); // L_: settings error_msg raise_lua_error(L); } } lua_pop(L, 1); // L_: settings _K: STACK_CHECK(L, 0); STACK_CHECK(_K, 0); // attempt to call on_state_create(), if we have one and it is a C function // (only support a C function because we can't transfer executable Lua code in keepers) // will raise an error in L_ in case of problem U->callOnStateCreate(_K, L, LookupMode::ToKeeper); // _R[kLindasRegKey] = {} kLindasRegKey.setValue(_K, [](lua_State* L_) { lua_newtable(L_); }); STACK_CHECK(_K, 0); // configure GC last if (gc_threshold >= 0) { lua_gc(_K, LUA_GCSTOP, 0); } }; switch (nbKeepers_) { case 0: break; case 1: keeper_array.emplace<Keeper>(); _initOneKeeper(std::get<Keeper>(keeper_array), 0); break; default: KV& _kv = keeper_array.emplace<KV>( std::unique_ptr<Keeper[], DeleteKV>{ new(&U_) Keeper[nbKeepers_], DeleteKV{ &U_, nbKeepers_ } }, nbKeepers_ ); for (int const _i : std::ranges::iota_view{ 0, nbKeepers_ }) { _initOneKeeper(_kv.keepers[_i], _i); } } }