-- -- KEEPER.LUA -- -- Keeper state logic -- -- This code is read in for each "keeper state", which are the hidden, inter- -- mediate data stores used by Lanes inter-state communication objects. -- -- Author: Asko Kauppi -- --[[ =============================================================================== Copyright (C) 2008-10 Asko Kauppi Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =============================================================================== ]]-- -- unique key instead of 'nil' in queues -- assert( nil_sentinel ) -- We only need to have base and table libraries (and io for debugging) -- local table_remove= assert( table.remove ) local table_concat= assert( table.concat ) --[[ local function WR(...) if io then io.stderr:write( table_concat({...},'\t').."\n" ) end end local function DEBUG(title,ud,key) assert( title and ud and key ) local data,incoming,_= tables(ud) local s= tostring(data[key]) for _,v in ipairs( incoming[key] or {} ) do s= s..", "..tostring(v) end WR( "*** "..title.." ("..tostring(key).."): ", s ) end --]] ----- -- Actual data store -- -- { [linda_deep_ud]= { key= val [, ...] } -- ... -- } -- local _data= {} ----- -- Entries queued for use when the existing 'data[ud][key]' entry is consumed. -- -- { [linda_deep_ud]= { key= { val [, ... } [, ...] } -- ... -- } -- local _incoming= {} ----- -- Length limits (if any) for queues -- -- 0: don't queue values at all; ':send()' waits if the slot is not vacant -- N: allow N values to be queued (slot itself + N-1); wait if full -- nil: no limits, '_incoming' may grow endlessly -- local _limits= {} ----- -- data_tbl, incoming_tbl, limits_tbl = tables( linda_deep_ud ) -- -- Gives appropriate tables for a certain Linda (creates them if needed) -- local function tables( ud ) -- tables are created either all or nothing -- if not _data[ud] then _data[ud]= {} _incoming[ud]= {} _limits[ud]= {} end return _data[ud], _incoming[ud], _limits[ud] end ----- -- bool= send( linda_deep_ud, key, ... ) -- -- Send new data (1..N) to 'key' slot. This send is atomic; all the values -- end up one after each other (this is why having possibility for sending -- multiple values in one call is deemed important). -- -- If the queue has a limit, values are sent only if all of them fit in. -- -- Returns: 'true' if all the values were placed -- 'false' if sending would exceed the queue limit (wait & retry) -- function send( ud, key, ... ) local data,incoming,limits= tables(ud) local n= select('#',...) if n==0 then return true end -- nothing to send -- Initialize queue for all keys that have been used with ':send()' -- if incoming[key]==nil then incoming[key]= {} end local len= data[key] and 1+#incoming[key] or 0 local m= limits[key] if m and len+n > m then return false -- would exceed the limit; try again later end for i=1,n do local val= select(i,...) -- 'nil' in the data replaced by sentinel if val==nil then val= nil_sentinel end if len==0 then data[key]= val len= 1 else incoming[key][len]= val len= len+1 end end return true end ----- -- [val, key]= receive( linda_deep_ud, key [, ...] ) -- -- Read any of the given keys, consuming the data found. Keys are read in -- order. -- function receive( ud, ... ) local data,incoming,_= tables(ud) for i=1,select('#',...) do local key= select(i,...) local val= data[key] if val~=nil then if incoming[key] and incoming[key][1]~=nil then -- pop [1] from 'incoming[key]' into the actual slot data[key]= table_remove( incoming[key], 1 ) else data[key]= nil -- empty the slot end if val==nil_sentinel then val= nil end return val, key end end --return nil end ----- -- = limit( linda_deep_ud, key, uint ) -- function limit( ud, key, n ) local _,_,limits= tables(ud) limits[key]= n end ----- -- void= set( linda_deep_ud, key, [val] ) -- function set( ud, key, val ) local data,incoming,_= tables(ud) -- Setting a key to 'nil' really clears it; only queing uses sentinels. -- data[key]= val incoming[key]= nil end ----- -- [val]= get( linda_deep_ud, key ) -- function get( ud, key ) local data,_,_= tables(ud) local val= data[key] if val==nil_sentinel then val= nil end return val end ----- -- void= clear( linda_deep_ud ) -- -- Clear the data structures used for a Linda (at its destructor) -- function clear( ud ) _data[ud]= nil _incoming[ud]= nil _limits[ud]= nil end