/* * LINDA.C Copyright (c) 2018, Benoit Germain * * Linda deep userdata. */ /* =============================================================================== Copyright (C) 2018 benoit Germain Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =============================================================================== */ #include #include #include #include "threading.h" #include "compat.h" #include "tools.h" #include "universe.h" #include "keeper.h" #include "deep.h" #include "lanes_private.h" /* * Actual data is kept within a keeper state, which is hashed by the 's_Linda' * pointer (which is same to all userdatas pointing to it). */ struct s_Linda { DeepPrelude prelude; // Deep userdata MUST start with this header SIGNAL_T read_happened; SIGNAL_T write_happened; Universe* U; // the universe this linda belongs to ptrdiff_t group; // a group to control keeper allocation between lindas enum e_cancel_request simulate_cancel; char name[1]; }; #define LINDA_KEEPER_HASHSEED( linda) (linda->group ? linda->group : (ptrdiff_t)linda) static void* linda_id( lua_State*, DeepOp); static inline struct s_Linda* lua_toLinda( lua_State* L, int idx_) { struct s_Linda* linda = (struct s_Linda*) luaG_todeep( L, linda_id, idx_); luaL_argcheck( L, linda != NULL, idx_, "expecting a linda object"); return linda; } static void check_key_types( lua_State* L, int start_, int end_) { int i; for( i = start_; i <= end_; ++ i) { int t = lua_type( L, i); if( t == LUA_TBOOLEAN || t == LUA_TNUMBER || t == LUA_TSTRING || t == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA) { continue; } (void) luaL_error( L, "argument #%d: invalid key type (not a boolean, string, number or light userdata)", i); } } LUAG_FUNC( linda_protected_call) { int rc = LUA_OK; struct s_Linda* linda = lua_toLinda( L, 1); // acquire the keeper Keeper* K = keeper_acquire( linda->U->keepers, LINDA_KEEPER_HASHSEED(linda)); lua_State* KL = K ? K->L : NULL; // need to do this for 'STACK_CHECK' if( KL == NULL) return 0; // retrieve the actual function to be called and move it before the arguments lua_pushvalue( L, lua_upvalueindex( 1)); lua_insert( L, 1); // do a protected call rc = lua_pcall( L, lua_gettop( L) - 1, LUA_MULTRET, 0); // release the keeper keeper_release( K); // if there was an error, forward it if( rc != LUA_OK) { return lua_error( L); } // return whatever the actual operation provided return lua_gettop( L); } /* * bool= linda_send( linda_ud, [timeout_secs=-1,] [linda.null,] key_num|str|bool|lightuserdata, ... ) * * Send one or more values to a Linda. If there is a limit, all values must fit. * * Returns: 'true' if the value was queued * 'false' for timeout (only happens when the queue size is limited) * nil, CANCEL_ERROR if cancelled */ LUAG_FUNC( linda_send) { struct s_Linda* linda = lua_toLinda( L, 1); bool_t ret = FALSE; enum e_cancel_request cancel = CANCEL_NONE; int pushed; time_d timeout = -1.0; uint_t key_i = 2; // index of first key, if timeout not there bool_t as_nil_sentinel; // if not NULL, send() will silently send a single nil if nothing is provided if( lua_type( L, 2) == LUA_TNUMBER) // we don't want to use lua_isnumber() because of autocoercion { timeout = SIGNAL_TIMEOUT_PREPARE( lua_tonumber( L, 2)); ++ key_i; } else if( lua_isnil( L, 2)) // alternate explicit "no timeout" by passing nil before the key { ++ key_i; } as_nil_sentinel = equal_unique_key( L, key_i, NIL_SENTINEL); if( as_nil_sentinel) { // the real key to send data to is after the NIL_SENTINEL marker ++ key_i; } // make sure the key is of a valid type check_key_types( L, key_i, key_i); STACK_GROW( L, 1); // make sure there is something to send if( (uint_t)lua_gettop( L) == key_i) { if( as_nil_sentinel) { // send a single nil if nothing is provided push_unique_key( L, NIL_SENTINEL); } else { return luaL_error( L, "no data to send"); } } // convert nils to some special non-nil sentinel in sent values keeper_toggle_nil_sentinels( L, key_i + 1, eLM_ToKeeper); { bool_t try_again = TRUE; Lane* const s = get_lane_from_registry( L); Keeper* K = which_keeper( linda->U->keepers, LINDA_KEEPER_HASHSEED( linda)); lua_State* KL = K ? K->L : NULL; // need to do this for 'STACK_CHECK' if( KL == NULL) return 0; STACK_CHECK( KL, 0); for( ;;) { if( s != NULL) { cancel = s->cancel_request; } cancel = (cancel != CANCEL_NONE) ? cancel : linda->simulate_cancel; // if user wants to cancel, or looped because of a timeout, the call returns without sending anything if( !try_again || cancel != CANCEL_NONE) { pushed = 0; break; } STACK_MID( KL, 0); pushed = keeper_call( linda->U, KL, KEEPER_API( send), L, linda, key_i); if( pushed < 0) { break; } ASSERT_L( pushed == 1); ret = lua_toboolean( L, -1); lua_pop( L, 1); if( ret) { // Wake up ALL waiting threads SIGNAL_ALL( &linda->write_happened); break; } // instant timout to bypass the wait syscall if( timeout == 0.0) { break; /* no wait; instant timeout */ } // storage limit hit, wait until timeout or signalled that we should try again { enum e_status prev_status = ERROR_ST; // prevent 'might be used uninitialized' warnings if( s != NULL) { // change status of lane to "waiting" prev_status = s->status; // RUNNING, most likely ASSERT_L( prev_status == RUNNING); // but check, just in case s->status = WAITING; ASSERT_L( s->waiting_on == NULL); s->waiting_on = &linda->read_happened; } // could not send because no room: wait until some data was read before trying again, or until timeout is reached try_again = SIGNAL_WAIT( &linda->read_happened, &K->keeper_cs, timeout); if( s != NULL) { s->waiting_on = NULL; s->status = prev_status; } } } STACK_END( KL, 0); } if( pushed < 0) { return luaL_error( L, "tried to copy unsupported types"); } switch( cancel) { case CANCEL_SOFT: // if user wants to soft-cancel, the call returns lanes.cancel_error push_unique_key( L, CANCEL_ERROR); return 1; case CANCEL_HARD: // raise an error interrupting execution only in case of hard cancel return cancel_error( L); // raises an error and doesn't return default: lua_pushboolean( L, ret); // true (success) or false (timeout) return 1; } } /* * 2 modes of operation * [val, key]= linda_receive( linda_ud, [timeout_secs_num=-1], key_num|str|bool|lightuserdata [, ...] ) * Consumes a single value from the Linda, in any key. * Returns: received value (which is consumed from the slot), and the key which had it * [val1, ... valCOUNT]= linda_receive( linda_ud, [timeout_secs_num=-1], linda.batched, key_num|str|bool|lightuserdata, min_COUNT[, max_COUNT]) * Consumes between min_COUNT and max_COUNT values from the linda, from a single key. * returns the actual consumed values, or nil if there weren't enough values to consume * */ #define BATCH_SENTINEL "270e6c9d-280f-4983-8fee-a7ecdda01475" LUAG_FUNC( linda_receive) { struct s_Linda* linda = lua_toLinda( L, 1); int pushed, expected_pushed_min, expected_pushed_max; enum e_cancel_request cancel = CANCEL_NONE; keeper_api_t keeper_receive; time_d timeout = -1.0; uint_t key_i = 2; if( lua_type( L, 2) == LUA_TNUMBER) // we don't want to use lua_isnumber() because of autocoercion { timeout = SIGNAL_TIMEOUT_PREPARE( lua_tonumber( L, 2)); ++ key_i; } else if( lua_isnil( L, 2)) // alternate explicit "no timeout" by passing nil before the key { ++ key_i; } // are we in batched mode? { int is_batched; lua_pushliteral( L, BATCH_SENTINEL); is_batched = lua501_equal( L, key_i, -1); lua_pop( L, 1); if( is_batched) { // no need to pass linda.batched in the keeper state ++ key_i; // make sure the keys are of a valid type check_key_types( L, key_i, key_i); // receive multiple values from a single slot keeper_receive = KEEPER_API( receive_batched); // we expect a user-defined amount of return value expected_pushed_min = (int)luaL_checkinteger( L, key_i + 1); expected_pushed_max = (int)luaL_optinteger( L, key_i + 2, expected_pushed_min); // don't forget to count the key in addition to the values ++ expected_pushed_min; ++ expected_pushed_max; if( expected_pushed_min > expected_pushed_max) { return luaL_error( L, "batched min/max error"); } } else { // make sure the keys are of a valid type check_key_types( L, key_i, lua_gettop( L)); // receive a single value, checking multiple slots keeper_receive = KEEPER_API( receive); // we expect a single (value, key) pair of returned values expected_pushed_min = expected_pushed_max = 2; } } { bool_t try_again = TRUE; Lane* const s = get_lane_from_registry( L); Keeper* K = which_keeper( linda->U->keepers, LINDA_KEEPER_HASHSEED( linda)); if( K == NULL) return 0; for( ;;) { if( s != NULL) { cancel = s->cancel_request; } cancel = (cancel != CANCEL_NONE) ? cancel : linda->simulate_cancel; // if user wants to cancel, or looped because of a timeout, the call returns without sending anything if( !try_again || cancel != CANCEL_NONE) { pushed = 0; break; } // all arguments of receive() but the first are passed to the keeper's receive function pushed = keeper_call( linda->U, K->L, keeper_receive, L, linda, key_i); if( pushed < 0) { break; } if( pushed > 0) { ASSERT_L( pushed >= expected_pushed_min && pushed <= expected_pushed_max); // replace sentinels with real nils keeper_toggle_nil_sentinels( L, lua_gettop( L) - pushed, eLM_FromKeeper); // To be done from within the 'K' locking area // SIGNAL_ALL( &linda->read_happened); break; } if( timeout == 0.0) { break; /* instant timeout */ } // nothing received, wait until timeout or signalled that we should try again { enum e_status prev_status = ERROR_ST; // prevent 'might be used uninitialized' warnings if( s != NULL) { // change status of lane to "waiting" prev_status = s->status; // RUNNING, most likely ASSERT_L( prev_status == RUNNING); // but check, just in case s->status = WAITING; ASSERT_L( s->waiting_on == NULL); s->waiting_on = &linda->write_happened; } // not enough data to read: wakeup when data was sent, or when timeout is reached try_again = SIGNAL_WAIT( &linda->write_happened, &K->keeper_cs, timeout); if( s != NULL) { s->waiting_on = NULL; s->status = prev_status; } } } } if( pushed < 0) { return luaL_error( L, "tried to copy unsupported types"); } switch( cancel) { case CANCEL_SOFT: // if user wants to soft-cancel, the call returns CANCEL_ERROR push_unique_key( L, CANCEL_ERROR); return 1; case CANCEL_HARD: // raise an error interrupting execution only in case of hard cancel return cancel_error( L); // raises an error and doesn't return default: return pushed; } } /* * [true|lanes.cancel_error] = linda_set( linda_ud, key_num|str|bool|lightuserdata [, value [, ...]]) * * Set one or more value to Linda. * TODO: what do we do if we set to non-nil and limit is 0? * * Existing slot value is replaced, and possible queued entries removed. */ LUAG_FUNC( linda_set) { struct s_Linda* const linda = lua_toLinda( L, 1); int pushed; bool_t has_value = lua_gettop( L) > 2; // make sure the key is of a valid type (throws an error if not the case) check_key_types( L, 2, 2); { Keeper* K = which_keeper( linda->U->keepers, LINDA_KEEPER_HASHSEED( linda)); if( linda->simulate_cancel == CANCEL_NONE) { if( has_value) { // convert nils to some special non-nil sentinel in sent values keeper_toggle_nil_sentinels( L, 3, eLM_ToKeeper); } pushed = keeper_call( linda->U, K->L, KEEPER_API( set), L, linda, 2); if( pushed >= 0) // no error? { ASSERT_L( pushed == 0 || pushed == 1); if( has_value) { // we put some data in the slot, tell readers that they should wake SIGNAL_ALL( &linda->write_happened); // To be done from within the 'K' locking area } if( pushed == 1) { // the key was full, but it is no longer the case, tell writers they should wake ASSERT_L( lua_type( L, -1) == LUA_TBOOLEAN && lua_toboolean( L, -1) == 1); SIGNAL_ALL( &linda->read_happened); // To be done from within the 'K' locking area } } } else // linda is cancelled { // do nothing and return lanes.cancel_error push_unique_key( L, CANCEL_ERROR); pushed = 1; } } // must trigger any error after keeper state has been released return (pushed < 0) ? luaL_error( L, "tried to copy unsupported types") : pushed; } /* * [val] = linda_count( linda_ud, [key [, ...]]) * * Get a count of the pending elements in the specified keys */ LUAG_FUNC( linda_count) { struct s_Linda* linda = lua_toLinda( L, 1); int pushed; // make sure the keys are of a valid type check_key_types( L, 2, lua_gettop( L)); { Keeper* K = which_keeper( linda->U->keepers, LINDA_KEEPER_HASHSEED( linda)); pushed = keeper_call( linda->U, K->L, KEEPER_API( count), L, linda, 2); if( pushed < 0) { return luaL_error( L, "tried to count an invalid key"); } } return pushed; } /* * [val [, ...]] = linda_get( linda_ud, key_num|str|bool|lightuserdata [, count = 1]) * * Get one or more values from Linda. */ LUAG_FUNC( linda_get) { struct s_Linda* const linda = lua_toLinda( L, 1); int pushed; lua_Integer count = luaL_optinteger( L, 3, 1); luaL_argcheck( L, count >= 1, 3, "count should be >= 1"); luaL_argcheck( L, lua_gettop( L) <= 3, 4, "too many arguments"); // make sure the key is of a valid type (throws an error if not the case) check_key_types( L, 2, 2); { Keeper* K = which_keeper( linda->U->keepers, LINDA_KEEPER_HASHSEED( linda)); if( linda->simulate_cancel == CANCEL_NONE) { pushed = keeper_call( linda->U, K->L, KEEPER_API( get), L, linda, 2); if( pushed > 0) { keeper_toggle_nil_sentinels( L, lua_gettop( L) - pushed, eLM_FromKeeper); } } else // linda is cancelled { // do nothing and return lanes.cancel_error push_unique_key( L, CANCEL_ERROR); pushed = 1; } // an error can be raised if we attempt to read an unregistered function if( pushed < 0) { return luaL_error( L, "tried to copy unsupported types"); } } return pushed; } /* * [true] = linda_limit( linda_ud, key_num|str|bool|lightuserdata, int) * * Set limit to 1 Linda keys. * Optionally wake threads waiting to write on the linda, in case the limit enables them to do so */ LUAG_FUNC( linda_limit) { struct s_Linda* linda = lua_toLinda( L, 1); int pushed; // make sure we got 3 arguments: the linda, a key and a limit luaL_argcheck( L, lua_gettop( L) == 3, 2, "wrong number of arguments"); // make sure we got a numeric limit luaL_checknumber( L, 3); // make sure the key is of a valid type check_key_types( L, 2, 2); { Keeper* K = which_keeper( linda->U->keepers, LINDA_KEEPER_HASHSEED( linda)); if( linda->simulate_cancel == CANCEL_NONE) { pushed = keeper_call( linda->U, K->L, KEEPER_API( limit), L, linda, 2); ASSERT_L( pushed == 0 || pushed == 1); // no error, optional boolean value saying if we should wake blocked writer threads if( pushed == 1) { ASSERT_L( lua_type( L, -1) == LUA_TBOOLEAN && lua_toboolean( L, -1) == 1); SIGNAL_ALL( &linda->read_happened); // To be done from within the 'K' locking area } } else // linda is cancelled { // do nothing and return lanes.cancel_error push_unique_key( L, CANCEL_ERROR); pushed = 1; } } // propagate pushed boolean if any return pushed; } /* * (void) = linda_cancel( linda_ud, "read"|"write"|"both"|"none") * * Signal linda so that waiting threads wake up as if their own lane was cancelled */ LUAG_FUNC( linda_cancel) { struct s_Linda* linda = lua_toLinda( L, 1); char const* who = luaL_optstring( L, 2, "both"); // make sure we got 3 arguments: the linda, a key and a limit luaL_argcheck( L, lua_gettop( L) <= 2, 2, "wrong number of arguments"); linda->simulate_cancel = CANCEL_SOFT; if( strcmp( who, "both") == 0) // tell everyone writers to wake up { SIGNAL_ALL( &linda->write_happened); SIGNAL_ALL( &linda->read_happened); } else if( strcmp( who, "none") == 0) // reset flag { linda->simulate_cancel = CANCEL_NONE; } else if( strcmp( who, "read") == 0) // tell blocked readers to wake up { SIGNAL_ALL( &linda->write_happened); } else if( strcmp( who, "write") == 0) // tell blocked writers to wake up { SIGNAL_ALL( &linda->read_happened); } else { return luaL_error( L, "unknown wake hint '%s'", who); } return 0; } /* * lightuserdata= linda_deep( linda_ud ) * * Return the 'deep' userdata pointer, identifying the Linda. * * This is needed for using Lindas as key indices (timer system needs it); * separately created proxies of the same underlying deep object will have * different userdata and won't be known to be essentially the same deep one * without this. */ LUAG_FUNC( linda_deep) { struct s_Linda* linda= lua_toLinda( L, 1); lua_pushlightuserdata( L, linda); // just the address return 1; } /* * string = linda:__tostring( linda_ud) * * Return the stringification of a linda * * Useful for concatenation or debugging purposes */ static int linda_tostring( lua_State* L, int idx_, bool_t opt_) { struct s_Linda* linda = (struct s_Linda*) luaG_todeep( L, linda_id, idx_); if( !opt_) { luaL_argcheck( L, linda, idx_, "expecting a linda object"); } if( linda != NULL) { char text[128]; int len; if( linda->name[0]) len = sprintf( text, "Linda: %.*s", (int)sizeof(text) - 8, linda->name); else len = sprintf( text, "Linda: %p", linda); lua_pushlstring( L, text, len); return 1; } return 0; } LUAG_FUNC( linda_tostring) { return linda_tostring( L, 1, FALSE); } /* * string = linda:__concat( a, b) * * Return the concatenation of a pair of items, one of them being a linda * * Useful for concatenation or debugging purposes */ LUAG_FUNC( linda_concat) { // linda1? linda2? bool_t atLeastOneLinda = FALSE; // Lua semantics enforce that one of the 2 arguments is a Linda, but not necessarily both. if( linda_tostring( L, 1, TRUE)) { atLeastOneLinda = TRUE; lua_replace( L, 1); } if( linda_tostring( L, 2, TRUE)) { atLeastOneLinda = TRUE; lua_replace( L, 2); } if( !atLeastOneLinda) // should not be possible { return luaL_error( L, "internal error: linda_concat called on non-Linda"); } lua_concat( L, 2); return 1; } /* * table = linda:dump() * return a table listing all pending data inside the linda */ LUAG_FUNC( linda_dump) { struct s_Linda* linda = lua_toLinda( L, 1); ASSERT_L( linda->U == universe_get( L)); return keeper_push_linda_storage( linda->U, L, linda, LINDA_KEEPER_HASHSEED( linda)); } /* * table = linda:dump() * return a table listing all pending data inside the linda */ LUAG_FUNC( linda_towatch) { struct s_Linda* linda = lua_toLinda( L, 1); int pushed; ASSERT_L( linda->U == universe_get( L)); pushed = keeper_push_linda_storage( linda->U, L, linda, LINDA_KEEPER_HASHSEED( linda)); if( pushed == 0) { // if the linda is empty, don't return nil pushed = linda_tostring( L, 1, FALSE); } return pushed; } /* * Identity function of a shared userdata object. * * lightuserdata= linda_id( "new" [, ...] ) * = linda_id( "delete", lightuserdata ) * * Creation and cleanup of actual 'deep' objects. 'luaG_...' will wrap them into * regular userdata proxies, per each state using the deep data. * * tbl= linda_id( "metatable" ) * * Returns a metatable for the proxy objects ('__gc' method not needed; will * be added by 'luaG_...') * * string= linda_id( "module") * * Returns the name of the module that a state should require * in order to keep a handle on the shared library that exported the idfunc * * = linda_id( str, ... ) * * For any other strings, the ID function must not react at all. This allows * future extensions of the system. */ static void* linda_id( lua_State* L, DeepOp op_) { switch( op_) { case eDO_new: { struct s_Linda* s; size_t name_len = 0; char const* linda_name = NULL; unsigned long linda_group = 0; // should have a string and/or a number of the stack as parameters (name and group) switch( lua_gettop( L)) { default: // 0 break; case 1: // 1 parameter, either a name or a group if( lua_type( L, -1) == LUA_TSTRING) { linda_name = lua_tolstring( L, -1, &name_len); } else { linda_group = (unsigned long) lua_tointeger( L, -1); } break; case 2: // 2 parameters, a name and group, in that order linda_name = lua_tolstring( L, -2, &name_len); linda_group = (unsigned long) lua_tointeger( L, -1); break; } /* The deep data is allocated separately of Lua stack; we might no * longer be around when last reference to it is being released. * One can use any memory allocation scheme. * just don't use L's allocF because we don't know which state will get the honor of GCing the linda */ s = (struct s_Linda*) malloc( sizeof(struct s_Linda) + name_len); // terminating 0 is already included if( s) { s->prelude.magic.value = DEEP_VERSION.value; SIGNAL_INIT( &s->read_happened); SIGNAL_INIT( &s->write_happened); s->U = universe_get( L); s->simulate_cancel = CANCEL_NONE; s->group = linda_group << KEEPER_MAGIC_SHIFT; s->name[0] = 0; memcpy( s->name, linda_name, name_len ? name_len + 1 : 0); } return s; } case eDO_delete: { Keeper* K; struct s_Linda* linda = lua_touserdata( L, 1); ASSERT_L( linda); // Clean associated structures in the keeper state. K = keeper_acquire( linda->U->keepers, LINDA_KEEPER_HASHSEED( linda)); if( K && K->L) // can be NULL if this happens during main state shutdown (lanes is GC'ed -> no keepers -> no need to cleanup) { // hopefully this won't ever raise an error as we would jump to the closest pcall site while forgetting to release the keeper mutex... keeper_call( linda->U, K->L, KEEPER_API( clear), L, linda, 0); } keeper_release( K); // There aren't any lanes waiting on these lindas, since all proxies have been gc'ed. Right? SIGNAL_FREE( &linda->read_happened); SIGNAL_FREE( &linda->write_happened); free( linda); return NULL; } case eDO_metatable: { STACK_CHECK( L, 0); lua_newtable( L); // metatable is its own index lua_pushvalue( L, -1); lua_setfield( L, -2, "__index"); // protect metatable from external access lua_pushliteral( L, "Linda"); lua_setfield( L, -2, "__metatable"); lua_pushcfunction( L, LG_linda_tostring); lua_setfield( L, -2, "__tostring"); // Decoda __towatch support lua_pushcfunction( L, LG_linda_towatch); lua_setfield( L, -2, "__towatch"); lua_pushcfunction( L, LG_linda_concat); lua_setfield( L, -2, "__concat"); // protected calls, to ensure associated keeper is always released even in case of error // all function are the protected call wrapper, where the actual operation is provided as upvalue // note that this kind of thing can break function lookup as we use the function pointer here and there lua_pushcfunction( L, LG_linda_send); lua_pushcclosure( L, LG_linda_protected_call, 1); lua_setfield( L, -2, "send"); lua_pushcfunction( L, LG_linda_receive); lua_pushcclosure( L, LG_linda_protected_call, 1); lua_setfield( L, -2, "receive"); lua_pushcfunction( L, LG_linda_limit); lua_pushcclosure( L, LG_linda_protected_call, 1); lua_setfield( L, -2, "limit"); lua_pushcfunction( L, LG_linda_set); lua_pushcclosure( L, LG_linda_protected_call, 1); lua_setfield( L, -2, "set"); lua_pushcfunction( L, LG_linda_count); lua_pushcclosure( L, LG_linda_protected_call, 1); lua_setfield( L, -2, "count"); lua_pushcfunction( L, LG_linda_get); lua_pushcclosure( L, LG_linda_protected_call, 1); lua_setfield( L, -2, "get"); lua_pushcfunction( L, LG_linda_cancel); lua_setfield( L, -2, "cancel"); lua_pushcfunction( L, LG_linda_deep); lua_setfield( L, -2, "deep"); lua_pushcfunction( L, LG_linda_dump); lua_pushcclosure( L, LG_linda_protected_call, 1); lua_setfield( L, -2, "dump"); // some constants lua_pushliteral( L, BATCH_SENTINEL); lua_setfield( L, -2, "batched"); push_unique_key( L, NIL_SENTINEL); lua_setfield( L, -2, "null"); STACK_END( L, 1); return NULL; } case eDO_module: // linda is a special case because we know lanes must be loaded from the main lua state // to be able to ever get here, so we know it will remain loaded as long a the main state is around // in other words, forever. default: { return NULL; } } } /* * ud = lanes.linda( [name[,group]]) * * returns a linda object, or raises an error if creation failed */ LUAG_FUNC( linda) { int const top = lua_gettop( L); luaL_argcheck( L, top <= 2, top, "too many arguments"); if( top == 1) { int const t = lua_type( L, 1); luaL_argcheck( L, t == LUA_TSTRING || t == LUA_TNUMBER, 1, "wrong parameter (should be a string or a number)"); } else if( top == 2) { luaL_checktype( L, 1, LUA_TSTRING); luaL_checktype( L, 2, LUA_TNUMBER); } return luaG_newdeepuserdata( L, linda_id, 0); }