/* * LINDA.CPP Copyright (c) 2018-2024, Benoit Germain * * Linda deep userdata. */ /* =============================================================================== Copyright (C) 2018-2024 benoit Germain <bnt.germain@gmail.com> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =============================================================================== */ #include "_pch.h" #include "linda.h" #include "lane.h" #include "lindafactory.h" #include "tools.h" // ################################################################################################# // ################################################################################################# namespace { // ############################################################################################# // ############################################################################################# static void CheckKeyTypes(lua_State* const L_, int const start_, int const end_) { STACK_CHECK_START_REL(L_, 0); for (int const _i : std::ranges::iota_view{ start_, end_ + 1 }) { switch (LuaType const _t{ luaG_type(L_, _i) }) { case LuaType::BOOLEAN: case LuaType::NUMBER: case LuaType::STRING: break; case LuaType::USERDATA: if (!DeepFactory::IsDeepUserdata(L_, _i)) { raise_luaL_error(L_, "argument #%d: can't use non-deep userdata as a key", _i); } break; case LuaType::LIGHTUSERDATA: { static constexpr std::array<std::reference_wrapper<UniqueKey const>, 3> kKeysToCheck{ kLindaBatched, kCancelError, kNilSentinel }; for (UniqueKey const& _key : kKeysToCheck) { if (_key.equals(L_, _i)) { raise_luaL_error(L_, "argument #%d: can't use %s as a key", _i, _key.debugName.data()); break; } } } break; default: raise_luaL_error(L_, "argument #%d: invalid key type (not a boolean, string, number or light userdata)", _i); } } STACK_CHECK(L_, 0); } // ############################################################################################# /* * string = linda:__tostring( linda_ud) * * Return the stringification of a linda * * Useful for concatenation or debugging purposes */ template <bool OPT> [[nodiscard]] static int LindaToString(lua_State* const L_, int const idx_) { Linda* const _linda{ ToLinda<OPT>(L_, idx_) }; if (_linda != nullptr) { luaG_pushstring(L_, "Linda: "); std::string_view const _lindaName{ _linda->getName() }; if (!_lindaName.empty()) { luaG_pushstring(L_, _lindaName); } else { // obfuscate the pointer so that we can't read the value with our eyes out of a script luaG_pushstring(L_, "%p", _linda->obfuscated()); } lua_concat(L_, 2); return 1; } return 0; } // ############################################################################################# template <bool OPT> [[nodiscard]] static inline Linda* ToLinda(lua_State* const L_, int const idx_) { Linda* const _linda{ static_cast<Linda*>(LindaFactory::Instance.toDeep(L_, idx_)) }; if constexpr (!OPT) { luaL_argcheck(L_, _linda != nullptr, idx_, "expecting a linda object"); // doesn't return if linda is nullptr LUA_ASSERT(L_, _linda->U == Universe::Get(L_)); } return _linda; } // ############################################################################################# // ############################################################################################# } // namespace // ################################################################################################# // ################################################################################################# // ################################################################################################# // ################################################################################################# // #################################### Linda implementation ####################################### // ################################################################################################# // ################################################################################################# Linda::Linda(Universe* const U_, LindaGroup const group_, std::string_view const& name_) : DeepPrelude{ LindaFactory::Instance } , U{ U_ } , keeperIndex{ group_ % U_->keepers.getNbKeepers() } { setName(name_); } // ################################################################################################# Linda::~Linda() { freeAllocatedName(); } // ################################################################################################# Keeper* Linda::acquireKeeper() const { // can be nullptr if this happens during main state shutdown (lanes is being GC'ed -> no keepers) Keeper* const _keeper{ whichKeeper() }; if (_keeper) { _keeper->mutex.lock(); } return _keeper; } // ################################################################################################# void Linda::freeAllocatedName() { if (std::holds_alternative<std::string_view>(nameVariant)) { std::string_view& _name = std::get<std::string_view>(nameVariant); U->internalAllocator.free(const_cast<char*>(_name.data()), _name.size()); _name = {}; } } // ################################################################################################# std::string_view Linda::getName() const { if (std::holds_alternative<std::string_view>(nameVariant)) { std::string_view const& _name = std::get<std::string_view>(nameVariant); return _name; } if (std::holds_alternative<EmbeddedName>(nameVariant)) { char const* const _name{ std::get<EmbeddedName>(nameVariant).data() }; return std::string_view{ _name }; } return std::string_view{}; } // ################################################################################################# // used to perform all linda operations that access keepers int Linda::ProtectedCall(lua_State* const L_, lua_CFunction const f_) { Linda* const _linda{ ToLinda<false>(L_, 1) }; // acquire the keeper Keeper* const _keeper{ _linda->acquireKeeper() }; KeeperState const _K{ _keeper ? _keeper->K : nullptr }; if (_K == nullptr) return 0; // no GC allowed during the call, because we don't want to trigger collection of another linda // bound to the same keeper, as that would cause a deadlock when trying to acquire it while // doing LindaFactory::deleteDeepObjectInternal -> keeper_call(clear) lua_gc(L_, LUA_GCSTOP, 0); LUA_ASSERT_CODE(auto const _koip{ _linda->startKeeperOperation(L_) }); // if we didn't do anything wrong, the keeper stack should be clean LUA_ASSERT(L_, lua_gettop(_K) == 0); // push the function to be called and move it before the arguments lua_pushcfunction(L_, f_); lua_insert(L_, 1); // do a protected call LuaError const _rc{ lua_pcall(L_, lua_gettop(L_) - 1, LUA_MULTRET, 0) }; // whatever happens, the keeper state stack must be empty when we are done lua_settop(_K, 0); // restore normal GC operations lua_gc(L_, LUA_GCRESTART, 0); // release the keeper _linda->releaseKeeper(_keeper); // if there was an error, forward it if (_rc != LuaError::OK) { raise_lua_error(L_); } // return whatever the actual operation provided return lua_gettop(L_); } // ################################################################################################# void Linda::releaseKeeper(Keeper* const keeper_) const { if (keeper_) { // can be nullptr if we tried to acquire during shutdown assert(keeper_ == whichKeeper()); keeper_->mutex.unlock(); } } // ################################################################################################# void Linda::setName(std::string_view const& name_) { // keep default if (name_.empty()) { return; } // if we currently hold an allocated name, free it freeAllocatedName(); if (name_.size() <= kEmbeddedNameLength) { // grab our internal buffer EmbeddedName& _name = nameVariant.emplace<EmbeddedName>(); // copy the string in it memcpy(_name.data(), name_.data(), name_.size()); } else { // allocate an external buffer char* const _nameBuffer{ static_cast<char*>(U->internalAllocator.alloc(name_.size())) }; // copy the string in it memcpy(_nameBuffer, name_.data(), name_.size()); nameVariant.emplace<std::string_view>(_nameBuffer, name_.size()); } } // ################################################################################################# // ################################################################################################# // ########################################## Lua API ############################################## // ################################################################################################# // ################################################################################################# /* * (void) = linda_cancel( linda_ud, "read"|"write"|"both"|"none") * * Signal linda so that waiting threads wake up as if their own lane was cancelled */ LUAG_FUNC(linda_cancel) { Linda* const _linda{ ToLinda<false>(L_, 1) }; std::string_view const _who{ luaG_optstring(L_, 2, "both") }; // make sure we got 2 arguments: the linda and the cancellation mode luaL_argcheck(L_, lua_gettop(L_) <= 2, 2, "wrong number of arguments"); _linda->cancelRequest = CancelRequest::Soft; if (_who == "both") { // tell everyone writers to wake up _linda->writeHappened.notify_all(); _linda->readHappened.notify_all(); } else if (_who == "none") { // reset flag _linda->cancelRequest = CancelRequest::None; } else if (_who == "read") { // tell blocked readers to wake up _linda->writeHappened.notify_all(); } else if (_who == "write") { // tell blocked writers to wake up _linda->readHappened.notify_all(); } else { raise_luaL_error(L_, "unknown wake hint '%s'", _who); } return 0; } // ################################################################################################# #if LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 504 // linda:__close(err|nil) static LUAG_FUNC(linda_close) { [[maybe_unused]] Linda* const _linda{ ToLinda<false>(L_, 1) }; // L_: linda err|nil // do we have a uservalue? it contains a callback switch (lua_getiuservalue(L_, 1, 1)) { case LUA_TTABLE: // callable table case LUA_TUSERDATA: // callable userdata case LUA_TFUNCTION: // L_: linda err|nil on_close() lua_insert(L_, 1); // L_: on_close() linda err|nil lua_call(L_, lua_gettop(L_) - 1, 0); // L_: return 0; case LUA_TNONE: case LUA_TNIL: return 0; default: raise_luaL_error(L_, "Invalid __close handler"); } } #endif // LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 504 // ################################################################################################# /* * string = linda:__concat( a, b) * * Return the concatenation of a pair of items, one of them being a linda * * Useful for concatenation or debugging purposes */ LUAG_FUNC(linda_concat) { // L_: linda1? linda2? bool _atLeastOneLinda{ false }; // Lua semantics enforce that one of the 2 arguments is a Linda, but not necessarily both. if (LindaToString<true>(L_, 1)) { _atLeastOneLinda = true; lua_replace(L_, 1); } if (LindaToString<true>(L_, 2)) { _atLeastOneLinda = true; lua_replace(L_, 2); } if (!_atLeastOneLinda) { // should not be possible raise_luaL_error(L_, "internal error: linda_concat called on non-Linda"); } lua_concat(L_, 2); return 1; } // ################################################################################################# /* * [val] = linda_count( linda_ud, [key [, ...]]) * * Get a count of the pending elements in the specified keys */ LUAG_FUNC(linda_count) { static constexpr lua_CFunction _count{ +[](lua_State* const L_) { Linda* const _linda{ ToLinda<false>(L_, 1) }; // make sure the keys are of a valid type CheckKeyTypes(L_, 2, lua_gettop(L_)); Keeper* const _keeper{ _linda->whichKeeper() }; KeeperCallResult const _pushed{ keeper_call(_keeper->K, KEEPER_API(count), L_, _linda, 2) }; return OptionalValue(_pushed, L_, "tried to count an invalid key"); } }; return Linda::ProtectedCall(L_, _count); } // ################################################################################################# /* * lightuserdata= linda_deep( linda_ud ) * * Return the 'deep' userdata pointer, identifying the Linda. * * This is needed for using Lindas as key indices (timer system needs it); * separately created proxies of the same underlying deep object will have * different userdata and won't be known to be essentially the same deep one * without this. */ LUAG_FUNC(linda_deep) { Linda* const _linda{ ToLinda<false>(L_, 1) }; lua_pushlightuserdata(L_, _linda->obfuscated<void*>()); // just the address return 1; } // ################################################################################################# /* * table = linda:dump() * return a table listing all pending data inside the linda */ LUAG_FUNC(linda_dump) { static constexpr lua_CFunction _dump{ +[](lua_State* const L_) { Linda* const _linda{ ToLinda<false>(L_, 1) }; return Keeper::PushLindaStorage(*_linda, DestState{ L_ }); } }; return Linda::ProtectedCall(L_, _dump); } // ################################################################################################# /* * count, [val [, ...]]|nil,cancel_error = linda:get(key_num|str|bool|lightuserdata [, count = 1]) * * Get one or more values from Linda. */ LUAG_FUNC(linda_get) { static constexpr lua_CFunction _get{ +[](lua_State* const L_) { Linda* const _linda{ ToLinda<false>(L_, 1) }; lua_Integer const _count{ luaL_optinteger(L_, 3, 1) }; luaL_argcheck(L_, _count >= 1, 3, "count should be >= 1"); luaL_argcheck(L_, lua_gettop(L_) <= 3, 4, "too many arguments"); // make sure the key is of a valid type (throws an error if not the case) CheckKeyTypes(L_, 2, 2); KeeperCallResult _pushed; if (_linda->cancelRequest == CancelRequest::None) { Keeper* const _keeper{ _linda->whichKeeper() }; _pushed = keeper_call(_keeper->K, KEEPER_API(get), L_, _linda, 2); } else { // linda is cancelled // do nothing and return nil,lanes.cancel_error lua_pushnil(L_); kCancelError.pushKey(L_); _pushed.emplace(2); } // an error can be raised if we attempt to read an unregistered function return OptionalValue(_pushed, L_, "tried to copy unsupported types"); } }; return Linda::ProtectedCall(L_, _get); } // ################################################################################################# /* * [bool]|nil,cancel_error = linda:limit(key_num|str|bool|lightuserdata, [int]) * "unlimited"|number = linda:limit(key) * * Read or set limit to 1 Linda keys. * Optionally wake threads waiting to write on the linda, in case the limit enables them to do so * Limit can be 0 to completely block everything, "unlimited" to reset */ LUAG_FUNC(linda_limit) { static constexpr lua_CFunction _limit{ +[](lua_State* const L_) { Linda* const _linda{ ToLinda<false>(L_, 1) }; // make sure we got 2 or 3 arguments: the linda, a key and optionally a limit int const _nargs{ lua_gettop(L_) }; luaL_argcheck(L_, _nargs == 2 || _nargs == 3, 2, "wrong number of arguments"); // make sure we got a numeric limit, or "unlimited", (or nothing) bool const _unlimited{ luaG_tostring(L_, 3) == "unlimited" }; LindaLimit const _val{ _unlimited ? std::numeric_limits<LindaLimit::type>::max() : LindaLimit{ static_cast<LindaLimit::type>(luaL_optinteger(L_, 3, 0)) } }; if (_val < 0) { raise_luaL_argerror(L_, 3, "limit must be >= 0"); } // make sure the key is of a valid type CheckKeyTypes(L_, 2, 2); KeeperCallResult _pushed; if (_linda->cancelRequest == CancelRequest::None) { if (_unlimited) { LUA_ASSERT(L_, lua_gettop(L_) == 3 && luaG_tostring(L_, 3) == "unlimited"); // inside the Keeper, unlimited is signified with a -1 limit (can't use nil because of nil kNilSentinel conversions!) lua_pop(L_, 1); // L_: linda key lua_pushinteger(L_, -1); // L_: linda key nil } Keeper* const _keeper{ _linda->whichKeeper() }; _pushed = keeper_call(_keeper->K, KEEPER_API(limit), L_, _linda, 2); LUA_ASSERT(L_, _pushed.has_value() && (_pushed.value() == 2) && luaG_type(L_, -1) == LuaType::STRING); if (_nargs == 3) { // 3 args: setting the limit // changing the limit: no error, boolean value saying if we should wake blocked writer threads LUA_ASSERT(L_, luaG_type(L_, -2) == LuaType::BOOLEAN); // L_: bool string if (lua_toboolean(L_, -2)) { _linda->readHappened.notify_all(); // To be done from within the 'K' locking area } } else { // 2 args: reading the limit // reading the limit: a number >=0 or "unlimited" LUA_ASSERT(L_, luaG_type(L_, -2) == LuaType::NUMBER || luaG_tostring(L_, -2) == "unlimited"); } } else { // linda is cancelled // do nothing and return nil,lanes.cancel_error lua_pushnil(L_); kCancelError.pushKey(L_); _pushed.emplace(2); } // propagate returned values return _pushed.value(); } }; return Linda::ProtectedCall(L_, _limit); } // ################################################################################################# /* * 2 modes of operation * [val, key]= linda:receive([timeout_secs_num=nil], key_num|str|bool|lightuserdata [, ...] ) * Consumes a single value from the Linda, in any key. * Returns: received value (which is consumed from the slot), and the key which had it * [val1, ... valCOUNT]= linda_receive( linda_ud, [timeout_secs_num=-1], linda.batched, key_num|str|bool|lightuserdata, min_COUNT[, max_COUNT]) * Consumes between min_COUNT and max_COUNT values from the linda, from a single key. * returns the actual consumed values, or nil if there weren't enough values to consume */ LUAG_FUNC(linda_receive) { static constexpr lua_CFunction _receive{ +[](lua_State* const L_) { Linda* const _linda{ ToLinda<false>(L_, 1) }; int _key_i{ 2 }; // index of first key, if timeout not there std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> _until{ std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock>::max() }; if (luaG_type(L_, 2) == LuaType::NUMBER) { // we don't want to use lua_isnumber() because of autocoercion lua_Duration const _duration{ lua_tonumber(L_, 2) }; if (_duration.count() >= 0.0) { _until = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::steady_clock::duration>(_duration); } else { raise_luaL_argerror(L_, 2, "duration cannot be < 0"); } ++_key_i; } else if (lua_isnil(L_, 2)) { // alternate explicit "infinite timeout" by passing nil before the key ++_key_i; } keeper_api_t _selected_keeper_receive{ nullptr }; int _expected_pushed_min{ 0 }, _expected_pushed_max{ 0 }; // are we in batched mode? if (kLindaBatched.equals(L_, _key_i)) { // no need to pass linda.batched in the keeper state ++_key_i; // make sure the keys are of a valid type CheckKeyTypes(L_, _key_i, _key_i); // receive multiple values from a single slot _selected_keeper_receive = KEEPER_API(receive_batched); // we expect a user-defined amount of return value _expected_pushed_min = (int) luaL_checkinteger(L_, _key_i + 1); if (_expected_pushed_min < 1) { raise_luaL_argerror(L_, _key_i + 1, "bad min count"); } _expected_pushed_max = (int) luaL_optinteger(L_, _key_i + 2, _expected_pushed_min); // don't forget to count the key in addition to the values ++_expected_pushed_min; ++_expected_pushed_max; if (_expected_pushed_min > _expected_pushed_max) { raise_luaL_argerror(L_, _key_i + 2, "batched min/max error"); } } else { // make sure the keys are of a valid type CheckKeyTypes(L_, _key_i, lua_gettop(L_)); // receive a single value, checking multiple slots _selected_keeper_receive = KEEPER_API(receive); // we expect a single (value, key) pair of returned values _expected_pushed_min = _expected_pushed_max = 2; } Lane* const _lane{ kLanePointerRegKey.readLightUserDataValue<Lane>(L_) }; Keeper* const _keeper{ _linda->whichKeeper() }; KeeperState const _K{ _keeper ? _keeper->K : nullptr }; if (_K == nullptr) return 0; CancelRequest _cancel{ CancelRequest::None }; KeeperCallResult _pushed{}; STACK_CHECK_START_REL(_K, 0); for (bool _try_again{ true };;) { if (_lane != nullptr) { _cancel = _lane->cancelRequest; } _cancel = (_cancel != CancelRequest::None) ? _cancel : _linda->cancelRequest; // if user wants to cancel, or looped because of a timeout, the call returns without sending anything if (!_try_again || _cancel != CancelRequest::None) { _pushed.emplace(0); break; } // all arguments of receive() but the first are passed to the keeper's receive function _pushed = keeper_call(_K, _selected_keeper_receive, L_, _linda, _key_i); if (!_pushed.has_value()) { break; } if (_pushed.value() > 0) { LUA_ASSERT(L_, _pushed.value() >= _expected_pushed_min && _pushed.value() <= _expected_pushed_max); _linda->readHappened.notify_all(); break; } if (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() >= _until) { break; /* instant timeout */ } // nothing received, wait until timeout or signalled that we should try again { Lane::Status _prev_status{ Lane::Error }; // prevent 'might be used uninitialized' warnings if (_lane != nullptr) { // change status of lane to "waiting" _prev_status = _lane->status; // Running, most likely LUA_ASSERT(L_, _prev_status == Lane::Running); // but check, just in case _lane->status = Lane::Waiting; LUA_ASSERT(L_, _lane->waiting_on == nullptr); _lane->waiting_on = &_linda->writeHappened; } // not enough data to read: wakeup when data was sent, or when timeout is reached std::unique_lock<std::mutex> _guard{ _keeper->mutex, std::adopt_lock }; std::cv_status const _status{ _linda->writeHappened.wait_until(_guard, _until) }; _guard.release(); // we don't want to unlock the mutex on exit! _try_again = (_status == std::cv_status::no_timeout); // detect spurious wakeups if (_lane != nullptr) { _lane->waiting_on = nullptr; _lane->status = _prev_status; } } } STACK_CHECK(_K, 0); if (!_pushed.has_value()) { raise_luaL_error(L_, "tried to copy unsupported types"); } switch (_cancel) { case CancelRequest::None: { int const _nbPushed{ _pushed.value() }; if (_nbPushed == 0) { // not enough data in the linda slot to fulfill the request, return nil, "timeout" lua_pushnil(L_); luaG_pushstring(L_, "timeout"); return 2; } return _nbPushed; } case CancelRequest::Soft: // if user wants to soft-cancel, the call returns nil, kCancelError lua_pushnil(L_); kCancelError.pushKey(L_); return 2; case CancelRequest::Hard: // raise an error interrupting execution only in case of hard cancel raise_cancel_error(L_); // raises an error and doesn't return default: raise_luaL_error(L_, "internal error: unknown cancel request"); } } }; return Linda::ProtectedCall(L_, _receive); } // ################################################################################################# /* * bool= linda:linda_send([timeout_secs=nil,] key_num|str|bool|lightuserdata, ...) * * Send one or more values to a Linda. If there is a limit, all values must fit. * * Returns: 'true' if the value was queued * 'false' for timeout (only happens when the queue size is limited) * nil, kCancelError if cancelled */ LUAG_FUNC(linda_send) { static constexpr lua_CFunction _send{ +[](lua_State* const L_) { Linda* const _linda{ ToLinda<false>(L_, 1) }; int _key_i{ 2 }; // index of first key, if timeout not there std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> _until{ std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock>::max() }; if (luaG_type(L_, 2) == LuaType::NUMBER) { // we don't want to use lua_isnumber() because of autocoercion lua_Duration const _duration{ lua_tonumber(L_, 2) }; if (_duration.count() >= 0.0) { _until = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::steady_clock::duration>(_duration); } else { raise_luaL_argerror(L_, 2, "duration cannot be < 0"); } ++_key_i; } else if (lua_isnil(L_, 2)) { // alternate explicit "infinite timeout" by passing nil before the key ++_key_i; } // make sure the key is of a valid type CheckKeyTypes(L_, _key_i, _key_i); STACK_GROW(L_, 1); // make sure there is something to send if (lua_gettop(L_) == _key_i) { raise_luaL_error(L_, "no data to send"); } bool _ret{ false }; CancelRequest _cancel{ CancelRequest::None }; KeeperCallResult _pushed; { Lane* const _lane{ kLanePointerRegKey.readLightUserDataValue<Lane>(L_) }; Keeper* const _keeper{ _linda->whichKeeper() }; KeeperState const _K{ _keeper ? _keeper->K : nullptr }; if (_K == nullptr) return 0; STACK_CHECK_START_REL(_K, 0); for (bool _try_again{ true };;) { if (_lane != nullptr) { _cancel = _lane->cancelRequest; } _cancel = (_cancel != CancelRequest::None) ? _cancel : _linda->cancelRequest; // if user wants to cancel, or looped because of a timeout, the call returns without sending anything if (!_try_again || _cancel != CancelRequest::None) { _pushed.emplace(0); break; } STACK_CHECK(_K, 0); _pushed = keeper_call(_K, KEEPER_API(send), L_, _linda, _key_i); if (!_pushed.has_value()) { break; } LUA_ASSERT(L_, _pushed.value() == 1); _ret = lua_toboolean(L_, -1) ? true : false; lua_pop(L_, 1); if (_ret) { // Wake up ALL waiting threads _linda->writeHappened.notify_all(); break; } // instant timout to bypass the wait syscall if (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() >= _until) { break; /* no wait; instant timeout */ } // storage limit hit, wait until timeout or signalled that we should try again { Lane::Status _prev_status{ Lane::Error }; // prevent 'might be used uninitialized' warnings if (_lane != nullptr) { // change status of lane to "waiting" _prev_status = _lane->status; // Running, most likely LUA_ASSERT(L_, _prev_status == Lane::Running); // but check, just in case _lane->status = Lane::Waiting; LUA_ASSERT(L_, _lane->waiting_on == nullptr); _lane->waiting_on = &_linda->readHappened; } // could not send because no room: wait until some data was read before trying again, or until timeout is reached std::unique_lock<std::mutex> _guard{ _keeper->mutex, std::adopt_lock }; std::cv_status const status{ _linda->readHappened.wait_until(_guard, _until) }; _guard.release(); // we don't want to unlock the mutex on exit! _try_again = (status == std::cv_status::no_timeout); // detect spurious wakeups if (_lane != nullptr) { _lane->waiting_on = nullptr; _lane->status = _prev_status; } } } STACK_CHECK(_K, 0); } if (!_pushed.has_value()) { raise_luaL_error(L_, "tried to copy unsupported types"); } switch (_cancel) { case CancelRequest::Soft: // if user wants to soft-cancel, the call returns nil, kCancelError lua_pushnil(L_); kCancelError.pushKey(L_); return 2; case CancelRequest::Hard: // raise an error interrupting execution only in case of hard cancel raise_cancel_error(L_); // raises an error and doesn't return default: if (_ret) { lua_pushboolean(L_, _ret); // true (success) return 1; } else { // not enough room in the Linda slot to fulfill the request, return nil, "timeout" lua_pushnil(L_); luaG_pushstring(L_, "timeout"); return 2; } } } }; return Linda::ProtectedCall(L_, _send); } // ################################################################################################# /* * (boolean,string)|(nil,lanes.cancel_error) = linda:set(key_num|str|bool|lightuserdata [, value [, ...]]) * * Set one or more value to Linda. Ignores limits. * * Existing slot value is replaced, and possible queued entries removed. */ LUAG_FUNC(linda_set) { static constexpr lua_CFunction _set{ +[](lua_State* const L_) { Linda* const _linda{ ToLinda<false>(L_, 1) }; bool const _has_data{ lua_gettop(L_) > 2 }; // make sure the key is of a valid type (throws an error if not the case) CheckKeyTypes(L_, 2, 2); KeeperCallResult _pushed; if (_linda->cancelRequest == CancelRequest::None) { Keeper* const _keeper{ _linda->whichKeeper() }; _pushed = keeper_call(_keeper->K, KEEPER_API(set), L_, _linda, 2); if (_pushed.has_value()) { // no error? LUA_ASSERT(L_, _pushed.value() == 2 && luaG_type(L_, -1) == LuaType::STRING && luaG_type(L_, -2) == LuaType::BOOLEAN); if (_has_data) { // we put some data in the slot, tell readers that they should wake _linda->writeHappened.notify_all(); // To be done from within the 'K' locking area } if (lua_toboolean(L_, -2)) { // the key was full, but it is no longer the case, tell writers they should wake _linda->readHappened.notify_all(); // To be done from within the 'K' locking area } } } else { // linda is cancelled // do nothing and return nil,lanes.cancel_error lua_pushnil(L_); kCancelError.pushKey(L_); _pushed.emplace(2); } // must trigger any error after keeper state has been released return OptionalValue(_pushed, L_, "tried to copy unsupported types"); } }; return Linda::ProtectedCall(L_, _set); } // ################################################################################################# LUAG_FUNC(linda_tostring) { return LindaToString<false>(L_, 1); } // ################################################################################################# #if HAVE_DECODA_SUPPORT() /* * table/string = linda:__towatch() * return a table listing all pending data inside the linda, or the stringified linda if empty */ LUAG_FUNC(linda_towatch) { Linda* const _linda{ ToLinda<false>(L_, 1) }; int _pushed{ Keeper::PushLindaStorage(*_linda, DestState{ L_ }) }; if (_pushed == 0) { // if the linda is empty, don't return nil _pushed = LindaToString<false>(L_, 1); } return _pushed; } #endif // HAVE_DECODA_SUPPORT() // ################################################################################################# namespace { namespace local { static luaL_Reg const sLindaMT[] = { #if LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 504 { "__close", LG_linda_close }, #endif // LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 504 { "__concat", LG_linda_concat }, { "__tostring", LG_linda_tostring }, #if HAVE_DECODA_SUPPORT() { "__towatch", LG_linda_towatch }, // Decoda __towatch support #endif // HAVE_DECODA_SUPPORT() { "cancel", LG_linda_cancel }, { "count", LG_linda_count }, { "deep", LG_linda_deep }, { "dump", LG_linda_dump }, { "get", LG_linda_get }, { "limit", LG_linda_limit }, { "receive", LG_linda_receive }, { "send", LG_linda_send }, { "set", LG_linda_set }, { nullptr, nullptr } }; } // namespace local } // namespace // it's somewhat awkward to instanciate the LindaFactory here instead of lindafactory.cpp, // but that's necessary to provide s_LindaMT without exposing it outside linda.cpp. /*static*/ LindaFactory LindaFactory::Instance{ local::sLindaMT }; // ################################################################################################# // ################################################################################################# /* * ud = lanes.linda( [name[,group[,close_handler]]]) * * returns a linda object, or raises an error if creation failed */ LUAG_FUNC(linda) { static constexpr int kLastArg{ LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 504 ? 3 : 2}; int const _top{ lua_gettop(L_) }; luaL_argcheck(L_, _top <= kLastArg, _top, "too many arguments"); int _closeHandlerIdx{}; int _nameIdx{}; int _groupIdx{}; for (int const _i : std::ranges::iota_view{ 1, _top + 1 }) { switch (luaG_type(L_, _i)) { #if LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 504 // to-be-closed support starts with Lua 5.4 case LuaType::FUNCTION: luaL_argcheck(L_, _closeHandlerIdx == 0, _i, "More than one __close handler"); _closeHandlerIdx = _i; break; case LuaType::USERDATA: case LuaType::TABLE: luaL_argcheck(L_, _closeHandlerIdx == 0, _i, "More than one __close handler"); luaL_argcheck(L_, luaL_getmetafield(L_, _i, "__call") != 0, _i, "__close handler is not callable"); lua_pop(L_, 1); // luaL_getmetafield() pushed the field, we need to pop it _closeHandlerIdx = _i; break; #endif // LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 504 case LuaType::STRING: luaL_argcheck(L_, _nameIdx == 0, _i, "More than one name"); _nameIdx = _i; break; case LuaType::NUMBER: luaL_argcheck(L_, _groupIdx == 0, _i, "More than one group"); _groupIdx = _i; break; default: luaL_argcheck(L_, false, _i, "Bad argument type (should be a string, a number, or a callable type)"); } } int const _nbKeepers{ Universe::Get(L_)->keepers.getNbKeepers() }; if (!_groupIdx) { luaL_argcheck(L_, _nbKeepers < 2, 0, "Group is mandatory in multiple Keeper scenarios"); } else { int const _group{ static_cast<int>(lua_tointeger(L_, _groupIdx)) }; luaL_argcheck(L_, _group >= 0 && _group < _nbKeepers, _groupIdx, "Group out of range"); } // done with argument checking, let's proceed if constexpr (LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 504) { // make sure we have kMaxArgs arguments on the stack for processing, with name, group, and handler, in that order lua_settop(L_, kLastArg); // L_: a b c // If either index is 0, lua_settop() adjusted the stack with a nil in slot kLastArg lua_pushvalue(L_, _closeHandlerIdx ? _closeHandlerIdx : kLastArg); // L_: a b c close_handler lua_pushvalue(L_, _groupIdx ? _groupIdx : kLastArg); // L_: a b c close_handler group lua_pushvalue(L_, _nameIdx ? _nameIdx : kLastArg); // L_: a b c close_handler group name lua_replace(L_, 1); // L_: name b c close_handler group lua_replace(L_, 2); // L_: name group c close_handler lua_replace(L_, 3); // L_: name group close_handler // if we have a __close handler, we need a uservalue slot to store it int const _nuv{ _closeHandlerIdx ? 1 : 0 }; LindaFactory::Instance.pushDeepUserdata(DestState{ L_ }, _nuv); // L_: name group close_handler linda if (_closeHandlerIdx != 0) { lua_replace(L_, 2); // L_: name linda close_handler lua_setiuservalue(L_, 2, 1); // L_: name linda } // depending on whether we have a handler or not, the stack is not in the same state at this point // just make sure we have our Linda at the top LUA_ASSERT(L_, ToLinda<true>(L_, -1)); return 1; } else { // no to-be-closed support // ensure we have name, group in that order on the stack if (_nameIdx > _groupIdx) { lua_insert(L_, 1); // L_: name group } LindaFactory::Instance.pushDeepUserdata(DestState{ L_ }, 0); // L_: name group linda return 1; } }