#pragma once #include "cancel.h" #include "deep.h" #include "universe.h" struct Keeper; // ################################################################################################# // xxh64 of string "kLindaBatched" generated at https://www.pelock.com/products/hash-calculator static constexpr UniqueKey kLindaBatched{ 0xB8234DF772646567ull, "linda.batched" }; // ################################################################################################# using LindaGroup = Unique; class Linda : public DeepPrelude // Deep userdata MUST start with this header { public: class KeeperOperationInProgress { private: Linda& linda; [[maybe_unused]] lua_State* const L; // just here for inspection while debugging public: KeeperOperationInProgress(Linda& linda_, lua_State* const L_) : linda{ linda_ } , L{ L_ } { [[maybe_unused]] int const _prev{ linda.keeperOperationCount.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_seq_cst) }; } public: ~KeeperOperationInProgress() { [[maybe_unused]] int const _prev{ linda.keeperOperationCount.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_seq_cst) }; } }; private: static constexpr size_t kEmbeddedNameLength = 24; using EmbeddedName = std::array; // depending on the name length, it is either embedded inside the Linda, or allocated separately std::variant nameVariant{}; // counts the keeper operations in progress std::atomic keeperOperationCount{}; public: std::condition_variable readHappened{}; std::condition_variable writeHappened{}; Universe* const U{ nullptr }; // the universe this linda belongs to int const keeperIndex{ -1 }; // the keeper associated to this linda CancelRequest cancelRequest{ CancelRequest::None }; public: [[nodiscard]] static void* operator new(size_t size_, Universe* U_) noexcept { return U_->internalAllocator.alloc(size_); } // always embedded somewhere else or "in-place constructed" as a full userdata // can't actually delete the operator because the compiler generates stack unwinding code that could call it in case of exception static void operator delete(void* p_, Universe* U_) { U_->internalAllocator.free(p_, sizeof(Linda)); } // this one is for us, to make sure memory is freed by the correct allocator static void operator delete(void* p_) { static_cast(p_)->U->internalAllocator.free(p_, sizeof(Linda)); } ~Linda(); Linda(Universe* U_, LindaGroup group_, std::string_view const& name_); Linda() = delete; // non-copyable, non-movable Linda(Linda const&) = delete; Linda(Linda const&&) = delete; Linda& operator=(Linda const&) = delete; Linda& operator=(Linda const&&) = delete; private: void freeAllocatedName(); void setName(std::string_view const& name_); public: [[nodiscard]] Keeper* acquireKeeper() const; [[nodiscard]] std::string_view getName() const; [[nodiscard]] bool inKeeperOperation() const { return keeperOperationCount.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst) != 0; } template [[nodiscard]] T obfuscated() const { // xxh64 of string "kObfuscator" generated at https://www.pelock.com/products/hash-calculator static constexpr UniqueKey kObfuscator{ 0x7B8AA1F99A3BD782ull }; return std::bit_cast(std::bit_cast(this) ^ kObfuscator.storage); }; void releaseKeeper(Keeper* keeper_) const; [[nodiscard]] static int ProtectedCall(lua_State* L_, lua_CFunction f_); [[nodiscard]] KeeperOperationInProgress startKeeperOperation(lua_State* const L_) { return KeeperOperationInProgress{ *this, L_ }; }; [[nodiscard]] Keeper* whichKeeper() const { return U->keepers.getKeeper(keeperIndex); } };