#pragma once #include "deep.h" #include "macros_and_utils.h" // forwards class Universe; // ################################################################################################# void push_registry_subtable_mode(lua_State* L, RegistryUniqueKey key_, const char* mode_); void push_registry_subtable(lua_State* L, RegistryUniqueKey key_); enum class VT { NORMAL, // keep this one first so that it's the value we get when we default-construct KEY, METATABLE }; enum class InterCopyResult { Success, NotEnoughValues, Error }; // ################################################################################################# using CacheIndex = Unique; using SourceIndex = Unique; class InterCopyContext { public: Universe* const U; DestState const L2; SourceState const L1; CacheIndex const L2_cache_i; SourceIndex L1_i; // that one can change when we reuse the context VT vt; // that one can change when we reuse the context LookupMode const mode; char const* name; // that one can change when we reuse the context private: // for use in copy_cached_func void copy_func() const; void lookup_native_func() const; // for use in inter_copy_function void copy_cached_func() const; [[nodiscard]] bool lookup_table() const; // for use in inter_copy_table void inter_copy_keyvaluepair() const; [[nodiscard]] bool push_cached_metatable() const; // for use in inter_copy_userdata [[nodiscard]] bool copyclone() const; [[nodiscard]] bool copydeep() const; // copying a single Lua stack item [[nodiscard]] bool inter_copy_boolean() const; [[nodiscard]] bool inter_copy_function() const; [[nodiscard]] bool inter_copy_lightuserdata() const; [[nodiscard]] bool inter_copy_nil() const; [[nodiscard]] bool inter_copy_number() const; [[nodiscard]] bool inter_copy_string() const; [[nodiscard]] bool inter_copy_table() const; [[nodiscard]] bool inter_copy_userdata() const; public: [[nodiscard]] bool inter_copy_one() const; [[nodiscard]] InterCopyResult inter_copy_package() const; [[nodiscard]] InterCopyResult inter_copy(int n_) const; [[nodiscard]] InterCopyResult inter_move(int n_) const; }; // ################################################################################################# [[nodiscard]] int luaG_nameof(lua_State* L); void populate_func_lookup_table(lua_State* L, int _i, char const* _name); void initialize_allocator_function(Universe* U, lua_State* L); // ################################################################################################# // xxh64 of string "kConfigRegKey" generated at https://www.pelock.com/products/hash-calculator static constexpr RegistryUniqueKey kConfigRegKey{ 0x608379D20A398046ull }; // registry key to access the configuration // xxh64 of string "kLookupRegKey" generated at https://www.pelock.com/products/hash-calculator static constexpr RegistryUniqueKey kLookupRegKey{ 0xBF1FC5CF3C6DD47Bull }; // registry key to access the lookup database