#pragma once #include "uniquekey.h" class Universe; enum class LookupMode { LaneBody, // send the lane body directly from the source to the destination lane. keep this one first so that it's the value we get when we default-construct ToKeeper, // send a function from a lane to a keeper state FromKeeper // send a function from a keeper state to a lane }; enum class FuncSubType { Bytecode, Native, FastJIT }; [[nodiscard]] FuncSubType luaG_getfuncsubtype(lua_State* L_, int _i); // ################################################################################################# [[nodiscard]] int luaG_nameof(lua_State* L_); void populate_func_lookup_table(lua_State* L_, int i_, char const* name_); // ################################################################################################# // xxh64 of string "kConfigRegKey" generated at https://www.pelock.com/products/hash-calculator static constexpr RegistryUniqueKey kConfigRegKey{ 0x608379D20A398046ull }; // registry key to access the configuration // xxh64 of string "kLookupRegKey" generated at https://www.pelock.com/products/hash-calculator static constexpr RegistryUniqueKey kLookupRegKey{ 0xBF1FC5CF3C6DD47Bull }; // registry key to access the lookup database