#pragma once #include "threading.h" #include "deep.h" #include "macros_and_utils.h" // forwards struct Universe; // ################################################################################################ #ifdef _DEBUG void luaG_dump( lua_State* L); #endif // _DEBUG // ################################################################################################ void push_registry_subtable_mode( lua_State* L, UniqueKey key_, const char* mode_); void push_registry_subtable( lua_State* L, UniqueKey key_); enum e_vt { VT_NORMAL, VT_KEY, VT_METATABLE }; bool inter_copy_one(Universe* U, lua_State* L2, int L2_cache_i, lua_State* L, int i, enum e_vt vt, LookupMode mode_, char const* upName_); // ################################################################################################ int luaG_inter_copy_package( Universe* U, lua_State* L, lua_State* L2, int package_idx_, LookupMode mode_); int luaG_inter_copy(Universe* U, lua_State* L, lua_State* L2, int n, LookupMode mode_); int luaG_inter_move(Universe* U, lua_State* L, lua_State* L2, int n, LookupMode mode_); int luaG_nameof( lua_State* L); void populate_func_lookup_table( lua_State* L, int _i, char const* _name); void initialize_allocator_function( Universe* U, lua_State* L); // ################################################################################################ // crc64/we of string "CONFIG_REGKEY" generated at http://www.nitrxgen.net/hashgen/ static constexpr UniqueKey CONFIG_REGKEY{ 0x31cd24894eae8624ull }; // registry key to access the configuration // crc64/we of string "LOOKUP_REGKEY" generated at http://www.nitrxgen.net/hashgen/ static constexpr UniqueKey LOOKUP_REGKEY{ 0x5051ed67ee7b51a1ull }; // registry key to access the lookup database