#if !defined __LANES_UNIQUEKEY_H__ #define __LANES_UNIQUEKEY_H__ 1 #include "compat.h" // Lua light userdata can hold a pointer. struct s_UniqueKey { void* value; }; typedef struct s_UniqueKey UniqueKey; #if LUAJIT_FLAVOR() == 64 // building against LuaJIT headers for 64 bits, light userdata is restricted to 47 significant bits, because LuaJIT uses the other bits for internal optimizations #define MAKE_UNIQUE_KEY( p_) ((void*)((ptrdiff_t)(p_) & 0x7fffffffffffull)) #else // LUAJIT_FLAVOR() #define MAKE_UNIQUE_KEY( p_) ((void*)(ptrdiff_t)(p_)) #endif // LUAJIT_FLAVOR() #define DECLARE_UNIQUE_KEY( name_) UniqueKey name_ #define DECLARE_CONST_UNIQUE_KEY( name_, p_) UniqueKey const name_ = { MAKE_UNIQUE_KEY( p_)} #define push_unique_key( L, key_) lua_pushlightuserdata( L, key_.value) #define equal_unique_key( L, i, key_) (lua_touserdata( L, i) == key_.value) #endif // __LANES_UNIQUEKEY_H__