#pragma once #include "compat.h" #include "macros_and_utils.h" // ################################################################################################# class UniqueKey { public: uintptr_t const storage{ 0 }; std::string_view debugName{}; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constexpr explicit UniqueKey(uint64_t val_, std::string_view const& debugName_ = {}) #if LUAJIT_FLAVOR() == 64 // building against LuaJIT headers for 64 bits, light userdata is restricted to 47 significant bits, because LuaJIT uses the other bits for internal optimizations : storage{ static_cast<uintptr_t>(val_ & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFull) } #else // LUAJIT_FLAVOR() : storage{ static_cast<uintptr_t>(val_) } #endif // LUAJIT_FLAVOR() , debugName{ debugName_ } { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constexpr UniqueKey(UniqueKey const& rhs_) = default; // debugName is irrelevant in comparisons inline constexpr std::weak_ordering operator<=>(UniqueKey const& rhs_) const { return storage <=> rhs_.storage; } inline constexpr auto operator==(UniqueKey const& rhs_) const { return storage == rhs_.storage; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool equals(lua_State* const L_, int const i_) const { return lua_touserdata(L_, i_) == std::bit_cast<void*>(storage); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void pushKey(lua_State* const L_) const { lua_pushlightuserdata(L_, std::bit_cast<void*>(storage)); } }; // ################################################################################################# class RegistryUniqueKey : public UniqueKey { public: using UniqueKey::UniqueKey; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void pushValue(lua_State* const L_) const { STACK_CHECK_START_REL(L_, 0); pushKey(L_); lua_rawget(L_, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); STACK_CHECK(L_, 1); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename OP> void setValue(lua_State* const L_, OP operation_) const { // Note we can't check stack consistency because operation is not always a push (could be insert, replace, whatever) pushKey(L_); // ... key operation_(L_); // ... key value lua_rawset(L_, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // ... } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename T> [[nodiscard]] T* readLightUserDataValue(lua_State* const L_) const { STACK_GROW(L_, 1); STACK_CHECK_START_REL(L_, 0); pushValue(L_); T* const value{ luaG_tolightuserdata<T>(L_, -1) }; // lightuserdata/nil lua_pop(L_, 1); STACK_CHECK(L_, 0); return value; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[nodiscard]] bool readBoolValue(lua_State* const L_) const { STACK_GROW(L_, 1); STACK_CHECK_START_REL(L_, 0); pushValue(L_); bool const value{ lua_toboolean(L_, -1) ? true : false }; // bool/nil lua_pop(L_, 1); STACK_CHECK(L_, 0); return value; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // equivalent to luaL_getsubtable [[nodiscard]] bool getSubTable(lua_State* const L_, int const narr_, int const nrec_) const { STACK_CHECK_START_REL(L_, 0); pushValue(L_); // L_: {}|nil if (!lua_isnil(L_, -1)) { LUA_ASSERT(L_, lua_istable(L_, -1)); STACK_CHECK(L_, 1); return true; // table already exists } lua_pop(L_, 1); // L_: // store a newly created table in the registry, but leave it on the stack too lua_createtable(L_, narr_, nrec_); // L_: {} setValue(L_, [](lua_State* L_) { lua_pushvalue(L_, -2); }); // L_: {} STACK_CHECK(L_, 1); return false; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void getSubTableMode(lua_State* const L_, std::string_view const& mode_) const { STACK_CHECK_START_REL(L_, 0); if (!getSubTable(L_, 0, 0)) { // L_: {} // Set its metatable if requested if (!mode_.empty()) { STACK_GROW(L_, 3); lua_createtable(L_, 0, 1); // L_: {} mt luaG_pushstring(L_, "__mode"); // L_: {} mt "__mode" luaG_pushstring(L_, mode_); // L_: {} mt "__mode" mode lua_rawset(L_, -3); // L_: {} mt lua_setmetatable(L_, -2); // L_: {} } } STACK_CHECK(L_, 1); } }; // #################################################################################################