#ifndef UNIVERSE_H
#define UNIVERSE_H

#include "lua.h"
#include "threading.h"
#include "macros_and_utils.h"

// forwards
struct s_DeepPrelude;
typedef struct s_DeepPrelude DeepPrelude;
struct s_Keepers;
typedef struct s_Keepers Keepers;
struct s_Lane;
typedef struct s_Lane Lane;

// ################################################################################################

* Do we want to activate full lane tracking feature? (EXPERIMENTAL)

// ################################################################################################

// everything we need to provide to lua_newstate()
struct AllocatorDefinition_s
    lua_Alloc allocF;
    void* allocUD;
typedef struct AllocatorDefinition_s AllocatorDefinition;

// mutex-protected allocator for use with Lua states that share a non-threadsafe allocator
struct ProtectedAllocator_s
    AllocatorDefinition definition;
    MUTEX_T lock;
typedef struct ProtectedAllocator_s ProtectedAllocator;

// ################################################################################################

// everything regarding the Lanes universe is stored in that global structure
// held as a full userdata in the master Lua state that required it for the first time
// don't forget to initialize all members in LG_configure()
struct s_Universe
    // for verbose errors
    bool_t verboseErrors;

    bool_t demoteFullUserdata;

    // before a state is created, this function will be called to obtain the allocator
    lua_CFunction provide_allocator;

    // after a state is created, this function will be called right after the bases libraries are loaded
    lua_CFunction on_state_create_func;

    // if allocator="protected" is found in the configuration settings, a wrapper allocator will protect all allocator calls with a mutex
    // contains a mutex and the original allocator definition
    ProtectedAllocator protected_allocator;

    AllocatorDefinition internal_allocator;

    Keepers* keepers;

    // Initialized by 'init_once_LOCKED()': the deep userdata Linda object
    // used for timers (each lane will get a proxy to this)
    volatile DeepPrelude* timer_deep;  // = NULL

    MUTEX_T tracking_cs;
    Lane* volatile tracking_first; // will change to TRACKING_END if we want to activate tracking

    MUTEX_T selfdestruct_cs;

    // require() serialization
    MUTEX_T require_cs;

    // Lock for reference counter inc/dec locks (to be initialized by outside code) TODO: get rid of this and use atomics instead!
    MUTEX_T deep_lock;
    MUTEX_T mtid_lock;

    lua_Integer last_mt_id;

    int debugspew_indent_depth;
#endif // USE_DEBUG_SPEW()

    Lane* volatile selfdestruct_first;
    // After a lane has removed itself from the chain, it still performs some processing.
    // The terminal desinit sequence should wait for all such processing to terminate before force-killing threads
    int volatile selfdestructing_count;
typedef struct s_Universe Universe;

Universe* universe_get( lua_State* L);
Universe* universe_create( lua_State* L);
void universe_store( lua_State* L, Universe* U);

#endif // UNIVERSE_H