#pragma once #include "allocator.h" #include "keeper.h" #include "lanesconf.h" #include "tracker.h" #include "uniquekey.h" // ################################################################################################# // forwards enum class CancelOp; struct DeepPrelude; class Lane; // ################################################################################################# // mutex-protected allocator for use with Lua states that share a non-threadsafe allocator class ProtectedAllocator : public lanes::AllocatorDefinition { private: std::mutex mutex; [[nodiscard]] static void* protected_lua_Alloc(void* ud_, void* ptr_, size_t osize_, size_t nsize_) { ProtectedAllocator* const allocator{ static_cast<ProtectedAllocator*>(ud_) }; std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard{ allocator->mutex }; return allocator->allocF(allocator->allocUD, ptr_, osize_, nsize_); } public: // we are not like our base class: we can't be created inside a full userdata (or we would have to install a metatable and __gc handler to destroy ourselves properly) [[nodiscard]] static void* operator new(size_t size_, lua_State* L_) noexcept = delete; static void operator delete(void* p_, lua_State* L_) = delete; AllocatorDefinition makeDefinition() { return AllocatorDefinition{ version, protected_lua_Alloc, this }; } void installIn(lua_State* L_) { lua_setallocf(L_, protected_lua_Alloc, this); } void removeFrom(lua_State* L_) { // remove the protected allocator, if any if (allocF != nullptr) { // install the non-protected allocator lua_setallocf(L_, allocF, allocUD); } } }; // ################################################################################################# // xxh64 of string "kUniverseLightRegKey" generated at https://www.pelock.com/products/hash-calculator static constexpr RegistryUniqueKey kUniverseLightRegKey{ 0x48BBE9CEAB0BA04Full }; // ################################################################################################# // everything regarding the Lanes universe is stored in that global structure // held as a full userdata in the master Lua state that required it for the first time class Universe { public: static constexpr char const* kFinally{ "finally" }; // update lanes.lua if the name changes! #ifdef PLATFORM_LINUX // Linux needs to check, whether it's been run as root bool const sudo{ geteuid() == 0 }; #else bool const sudo{ false }; #endif // PLATFORM_LINUX // for verbose errors bool verboseErrors{ false }; bool stripFunctions{ true }; // before a state is created, this function will be called to obtain the allocator lua_CFunction provideAllocator{ nullptr }; // after a state is created, this function will be called right after the bases libraries are loaded std::variant<std::nullptr_t, uintptr_t, lua_CFunction> onStateCreateFunc; // if allocator="protected" is found in the configuration settings, a wrapper allocator will protect all allocator calls with a mutex // contains a mutex and the original allocator definition ProtectedAllocator protectedAllocator; lanes::AllocatorDefinition internalAllocator; Keepers keepers; // Initialized by 'init_once_LOCKED()': the deep userdata Linda object // used for timers (each lane will get a proxy to this) DeepPrelude* timerLinda{ nullptr }; LaneTracker tracker; // Protects modifying the selfdestruct chain std::mutex selfdestructMutex; // require() serialization std::recursive_mutex requireMutex; // metatable unique identifiers std::atomic<lua_Integer> nextMetatableId{ 1 }; #if USE_DEBUG_SPEW() std::atomic<int> debugspewIndentDepth{ 0 }; #endif // USE_DEBUG_SPEW() Lane* volatile selfdestructFirst{ nullptr }; // After a lane has removed itself from the chain, it still performs some processing. // The terminal desinit sequence should wait for all such processing to terminate before force-killing threads std::atomic<int> selfdestructingCount{ 0 }; public: [[nodiscard]] static void* operator new([[maybe_unused]] size_t size_, lua_State* L_) noexcept { return luaG_newuserdatauv<Universe>(L_, 0); }; // can't actually delete the operator because the compiler generates stack unwinding code that could call it in case of exception static void operator delete([[maybe_unused]] void* p_, [[maybe_unused]] lua_State* L_) {} // nothing to do, as nothing is allocated independently Universe(); ~Universe() = default; // non-copyable, non-movable Universe(Universe const&) = delete; Universe(Universe&&) = delete; Universe& operator=(Universe const&) = delete; Universe& operator=(Universe&&) = delete; void callOnStateCreate(lua_State* const L_, lua_State* const from_, LookupMode const mode_); [[nodiscard]] static Universe* Create(lua_State* L_); [[nodiscard]] static inline Universe* Get(lua_State* L_); void initializeAllocatorFunction(lua_State* L_); static int InitializeFinalizer(lua_State* L_); void initializeOnStateCreate(lua_State* const L_); lanes::AllocatorDefinition resolveAllocator(lua_State* const L_, std::string_view const& hint_) const; static inline void Store(lua_State* L_, Universe* U_); void terminateFreeRunningLanes(lua_State* L_, lua_Duration shutdownTimeout_, CancelOp op_); }; // ################################################################################################# inline Universe* Universe::Get(lua_State* L_) { STACK_CHECK_START_REL(L_, 0); Universe* const _universe{ kUniverseLightRegKey.readLightUserDataValue<Universe>(L_) }; STACK_CHECK(L_, 0); return _universe; } // ################################################################################################# inline void Universe::Store(lua_State* L_, Universe* U_) { // TODO: check if we actually ever call Store with a null universe LUA_ASSERT(L_, !U_ || Universe::Get(L_) == nullptr); STACK_CHECK_START_REL(L_, 0); kUniverseLightRegKey.setValue(L_, [U = U_](lua_State* L_) { U ? lua_pushlightuserdata(L_, U) : lua_pushnil(L_); }); STACK_CHECK(L_, 0); } // ################################################################################################# LUAG_FUNC(universe_gc);