-- -- APPENDUD.LUA -- -- Lanes version for John Belmonte's challenge on Lua list (about finalizers): -- -- -- Needs Lanes >= 2.0.3 -- local lanes = require "lanes" local _tab = { beginupdate = function (this) print('tab.beginupdate') end; endupdate = function (this) print('tab.endupdate') end; } local _ud = { lock = function (this) print('ud.lock') end; unlock = function (this) print('ud.unlock') end; 1,2,3,4,5; } -- -- This sample is with the 'finalize/guard' patch applied (new keywords): -- --function appendud(tab, ud) -- tab:beginupdate() finalize tab:endupdate() end -- ud:lock() finalize ud:unlock() end -- for i = 1,#ud do -- tab[#tab+1] = ud[i] -- end --end function appendud(tab, ud) io.stderr:write "Starting " tab:beginupdate() set_finalizer( function() tab:endupdate() end ) ud:lock() set_finalizer( function() ud:unlock() end ) for i = 1,#ud do tab[#tab+1] = ud[i] end io.stderr:write "Ending " return tab -- need to return 'tab' since we're running in a separate thread -- ('tab' is passed over lanes by value, not by reference) end local t,err= lanes.gen( "base,io", { name = 'auto'}, appendud )( _tab, _ud ) -- create & launch a thread assert(t) assert(not err) -- test -- print("t:join()") a,b,c = t[1],t[2],t[3] -- Need to explicitly wait for the thread, since 'ipairs()' does not --a,b,c = t:join() -- Need to explicitly wait for the thread, since 'ipairs()' does not -- value the '__index' metamethod (wouldn't it be cool if it did..?) print(a,b,c) -- print("io.stderr:write(t[1])") -- io.stderr:write(t[1]) _ = t[0] print(_)