-- -- ASSERT.LUA Copyright (c) 2006-07, <akauppi@gmail.com> -- -- Converting the Lua 'assert' function into a namespace table (without -- breaking compatibility with the basic 'assert()' calling). -- -- This module allows shorthand use s.a. 'assert.table()' for asserting -- variable types, and is also being used by Lua-super constraints system -- for testing function parameter & return types. -- -- All in all, a worthy module and could be part of Lua future versions. -- -- Note: the 'assert' table is available for your own assertions, too. Just add -- more functions s.a. 'assert.myobj()' to check for custom invariants. -- They will then be available for the constraints check, too. -- -- Author: <akauppi@gmail.com> -- --[[ /****************************************************************************** * Lua 5.1.1 support and extension functions (assert.lua) * * Copyright (C) 2006-07, Asko Kauppi. * * NOTE: This license concerns only the particular source file; not necessarily * the project with which it has been delivered (the project may have a more * restrictive license, s.a. [L]GPL). * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************************/ ]]-- local m= { _info= { MODULE= "Assert.* functions for constraints, and unit testing", AUTHOR= "akauppi@gmail.com", VERSION= 20070603, -- last change (yyyymmdd) LICENSE= "MIT/X11" } } -- Global changes: -- 'assert' redefined, in a backwards compatible way -- -- Module functions: -- none assert( type(assert) == "function" ) -- system assert function ----- -- Integer range: INT_MIN..INT_MAX -- local function try_maxint( n ) return (n > n-1) and n-1 -- false when outside the integer range end local INT_MAX= try_maxint( 2^64 ) or try_maxint( 2^32 ) or try_maxint( 2^24 ) or -- float (24-bit mantissa) assert( false ) local INT_MIN= -(INT_MAX+1) ---=== assert.*() ===--- local at_msg= "type assertion error" -- TBD: better messages, about that exact situation local av_msg= "value assertion error" -- void= _assert( val [, msg_str [, lev_uint]] ) -- local function _assert( cond, msg, lev ) -- original 'assert' provides no level override, so we use 'error'. -- if not cond then error( msg or "assertion failed!", (lev or 1)+1 ) end end -- Note: following code uses the _new_ 'assert()' by purpose, since it provides -- a level override (original doesn't) -- local function assert_v( v0 ) return function(v,msg) _assert( v == v0, msg or av_msg, 2 ) return v end end local function assert_t( str ) return function(v,msg) _assert( type(v) == str, msg or at_msg, 2 ) return v end end local function assert_t2( str ) return function(v,subtype,msg) local t,st= type(v) _assert( t==str and ((not subtype) or (st==subtype)), msg or at_msg, 2 ) return v end end assert= { __call= function(_,v,msg) -- plain 'assert()' (compatibility) if v then return v end _assert( v, msg, 2 ) end, -- Hopefully, Lua will allow use of 'nil', 'function' and other reserved words as table -- shortcuts in the future (5.1.1 does not). -- ["nil"]= assert_v( nil ), boolean= assert_t "boolean", table= assert_t2 "table", ["function"]= assert_t "function", userdata= assert_t2 "userdata", string= function( v, msg ) local s= tostring(v) _assert( s, msg or at_msg, 2 ) return v end, char= function( v, msg ) -- 'char' is _not_ doing int->string conversion _assert( type(v)=="string" and v:len()==1, msg or at_msg, 2 ) return v end, number= function( v, msg ) _assert( tonumber(v), msg or at_msg, 2 ) return v end, int= function( v, msg ) local n= tonumber(v) _assert( n and (n >= INT_MIN) and (n <= INT_MAX) and math.floor(n) == n, msg or at_msg, 2 ) return v end, uint= function( v, msg ) local n= tonumber(v) -- unsigned integer upper range is the same as integers' (there's no -- real unsigned within the Lua) _assert( n and (n >= 0) and (n <= INT_MAX) and math.floor(n) == n, msg or at_msg, 2 ) return v end, ['true']= assert_v( true ), ['false']= assert_v( false ), string_or_table= function( v, msg ) assert( tostring(v) or type(v)=="table", msg or at_msg, 2 ) return v end, number_or_string= function( v, msg ) assert( tonumber(v) or type(v)=="table", msg or at_msg, 2 ) return v end, any= function( v, msg ) assert( v ~= nil, msg or av_msg, 2 ) return v end, -- Range assertion, with extra parameters per instance -- -- Note: values may be of _any_ type that can do >=, <= comparisons. -- range= function( lo, hi ) _assert( lo and hi and lo <= hi, "Bad limits", 2 ) -- make sure the limits make sense (just once) return function(v,msg,lev) if ( (lo and v<lo) or (hi and v>hi) ) then msg= msg or "not in range: ("..(lo or "")..","..(hi or "")..")" _assert( false, msg, 2 ) end return v end end, -- Table contents assertion -- - no unknown (non-numeric) keys are allowed -- - numeric keys are ignored -- -- Constraints patch should point to this, when using the ":{ ... }" constraint. -- ["{}"]= function( tbl ) -- check all keys in 't' (including numeric, if any) that they do exist, -- and carry the right type -- local function subf1(v,t,msg,lev) _assert(lev) for k,f in pairs(t) do -- 'f' is an assert function, or subtable local ft= type(f) if ft=="function" then f( v[k], msg, lev+1 ) elseif ft=="table" then _assert( type(v[k])=="table", msg or "no subtable "..tostring(k), lev+1 ) subf1( v[k], f, msg, lev+1 ) else error( "Bad constraints table for '"..tostring(k).."'! (not a function)", lev+1 ) end end end -- check there are no other (non-numeric) keys in 'v' local function subf2(v,t,msg,lev) _assert(lev) for k,vv in pairs(v) do if type(k)=="number" then -- skip them elseif not t[k] then _assert( false, msg or "extra field: '"..tostring(k).."'", lev+1 ) elseif type(vv)=="table" then subf2( vv, t[k], msg, lev+1 ) end end end _assert( type(tbl)=="table", "Wrong parameter to assert['{}']" ) return function( v, msg, lev ) lev= (lev or 1)+1 _assert( type(v)=="table" ,msg, lev ) subf1( v, tbl, msg, lev ) subf2( v, tbl, msg, lev ) return v end end, -- ... } setmetatable( assert, assert ) assert.void= assert["nil"] ----- -- void= assert.fails( function [,err_msg_str] ) -- -- Special assert function, to make sure the call within it fails, and gives a -- specific error message (to be used in unit testing). -- function assert.fails( func_block, err_msg ) -- local st,err= pcall( func_block ) if st then _assert( false, "Block expected to fail, but didn't.", 2 ) elseif err_msg and err ~= err_msg then _assert( false, "Failed with wrong error message: \n".. "'"..err.."'\nexpected: '"..err_msg.."'", 2 ) end end ----- -- void= assert.failsnot( function [,err_msg_str] ) -- -- Similar to 'assert.fails' but expects the code to survive. -- function assert.failsnot( func_block, err_msg ) -- local st,err= pcall( func_block ) if not st then _assert( false, "Block expected NOT to fail, but did.".. (err and "\n\tError: '"..err.."'" or ""), 2 ) end end ----- -- void= assert.nilerr( function [,err_msg_str] ) -- -- Expects the function to return with 'nil,err' failure code, with -- optionally error string matching. Similar to --> 'assert.fails()' -- function assert.nilerr( func_block, err_msg ) -- local v,err= func_block() _assert( v==nil, "Expected to return nil, but didn't: "..tostring(v), 2 ) if err_msg and err ~= err_msg then _assert( false, "Failed with wrong error message: \n".. "'"..err.."'\nexpected: '"..err_msg.."'", 2 ) end end -- Sanity check -- assert( true ) assert.fails( function() assert( false ) end ) assert.fails( function() assert( nil ) end ) return m -- just info