-- -- BASIC.LUA Copyright (c) 2007-08, Asko Kauppi <akauppi@gmail.com> -- -- Selftests for Lua Lanes -- -- To do: -- - ... -- local config = { with_timers = false, strip_functions = false, internal_allocator = "libc"} local require_lanes_result_1, require_lanes_result_2 = require "lanes".configure(config) print("require_lanes_result:", require_lanes_result_1, require_lanes_result_2) local lanes = require_lanes_result_1 local require_assert_result_1, require_assert_result_2 = require "assert" -- assert.fails() print("require_assert_result:", require_assert_result_1, require_assert_result_2) local lanes_gen= assert(lanes.gen) local lanes_linda= assert(lanes.linda) local tostring= assert(tostring) local function PRINT(...) local str="" for i=1,select('#',...) do str= str..tostring(select(i,...)).."\t" end if io then io.stderr:write(str.."\n") end end local SLEEP = function(...) local k, v = lanes.sleep(...) assert(k == nil and v == "timeout") end local gc_cb = function(name_, status_) PRINT(" ---> lane '" .. name_ .. "' collected with status '" .. status_ .. "'") end --gc_cb = nil ---=== Local helpers ===--- local tables_match -- true if 'a' is a subtable of 'b' -- local function subtable(a, b) -- assert(type(a)=="table" and type(b)=="table") for k,v in pairs(b) do if type(v)~=type(a[k]) then return false -- not subtable (different types, or missing key) elseif type(v)=="table" then if not tables_match(v,a[k]) then return false end else if a[k] ~= v then return false end end end return true -- is a subtable end -- true when contents of 'a' and 'b' are identical -- tables_match= function(a, b) return subtable(a, b) and subtable(b, a) end -- ################################################################################################## -- ################################################################################################## -- ################################################################################################## PRINT("\n\n", "---=== Tasking (basic) ===---", "\n\n") local function task(a, b, c) set_debug_threadname("task("..a..","..b..","..c..")") --error "111" -- testing error messages assert(hey) local v=0 for i=a,b,c do v= v+i end return v, hey end local task_launch= lanes_gen("", { globals={hey=true}, gc_cb = gc_cb}, task) -- base stdlibs, normal priority -- 'task_launch' is a factory of multithreaded tasks, we can launch several: local lane1= task_launch(100,200,3) local lane2= task_launch(200,300,4) -- At this stage, states may be "pending", "running" or "done" local st1,st2= lane1.status, lane2.status PRINT(st1,st2) assert(st1=="pending" or st1=="running" or st1=="done") assert(st2=="pending" or st2=="running" or st2=="done") -- Accessing results ([1..N]) pends until they are available -- PRINT("waiting...") local v1, v1_hey= lane1[1], lane1[2] local v2, v2_hey= lane2[1], lane2[2] PRINT(v1, v1_hey) assert(v1_hey == true) PRINT(v2, v2_hey) assert(v2_hey == true) assert(lane1.status == "done") assert(lane1.status == "done") lane1, lane2 = nil collectgarbage() -- ################################################################################################## -- ################################################################################################## -- ################################################################################################## PRINT("\n\n", "---=== Tasking (cancelling) ===---", "\n\n") local task_launch2= lanes_gen("", { globals={hey=true}, gc_cb = gc_cb}, task) local N=999999999 local lane9= task_launch2(1,N,1) -- huuuuuuge... -- Wait until state changes "pending"->"running" -- local st local t0= os.time() while os.time()-t0 < 5 do st= lane9.status io.stderr:write((i==1) and st.." " or '.') if st~="pending" then break end end PRINT(" "..st) if st=="error" then local _= lane9[0] -- propagate the error here end if st=="done" then error("Looping to "..N.." was not long enough (cannot test cancellation)") end assert(st=="running") -- when running under luajit, the function is JIT-ed, and the instruction count isn't hit, so we need a different hook lane9:cancel(jit and "line" or "count", 100) -- 0 timeout, hook triggers cancelslation when reaching the specified count local t0= os.time() while os.time()-t0 < 5 do st= lane9.status io.stderr:write((i==1) and st.." " or '.') if st~="running" then break end end PRINT(" "..st) assert(st == "cancelled", "st is '" .. st .. "' instead of 'cancelled'") -- cancellation of lanes waiting on a linda local limited = lanes.linda("limited") assert.fails(function() limited:limit("key", -1) end) assert.failsnot(function() limited:limit("key", 1) end) -- [[################################################ limited:send("key", "hello") -- saturate linda for k, v in pairs(limited:dump()) do PRINT("limited[" .. tostring(k) .. "] = " .. tostring(v)) end local wait_send = function() local a,b set_finalizer(function() print("wait_send", a, b) end) a,b = limited:send("key", "bybye") -- infinite timeout, returns only when lane is cancelled end local wait_send_lane = lanes.gen("*", wait_send)() repeat until wait_send_lane.status == "waiting" print "wait_send_lane is waiting" wait_send_lane:cancel() -- hard cancel, 0 timeout repeat until wait_send_lane.status == "cancelled" print "wait_send_lane is cancelled" --################################################]] local wait_receive = function() local k, v set_finalizer(function() print("wait_receive", k, v) end) k, v = limited:receive("dummy") -- infinite timeout, returns only when lane is cancelled end local wait_receive_lane = lanes.gen("*", wait_receive)() repeat until wait_receive_lane.status == "waiting" print "wait_receive_lane is waiting" wait_receive_lane:cancel() -- hard cancel, 0 timeout repeat until wait_receive_lane.status == "cancelled" print "wait_receive_lane is cancelled" --################################################]] local wait_receive_batched = function() local k, v1, v2 set_finalizer(function() print("wait_receive_batched", k, v1, v2) end) k, v1, v2 = limited:receive(limited.batched, "dummy", 2) -- infinite timeout, returns only when lane is cancelled end local wait_receive_batched_lane = lanes.gen("*", wait_receive_batched)() repeat until wait_receive_batched_lane.status == "waiting" print "wait_receive_batched_lane is waiting" wait_receive_batched_lane:cancel() -- hard cancel, 0 timeout repeat until wait_receive_batched_lane.status == "cancelled" print "wait_receive_batched_lane is cancelled" --################################################]] -- ################################################################################################## -- ################################################################################################## -- ################################################################################################## PRINT("\n\n", "---=== Communications ===---", "\n\n") local function WR(...) io.stderr:write(...) end local chunk= function(linda) local function receive() return linda:receive("->") end local function send(...) linda:send("<-", ...) end WR("chunk ", "Lane starts!\n") local k,v k,v=receive(); WR("chunk ", v.." received (expecting 1)\n"); assert(v==1) k,v=receive(); WR("chunk ", v.." received (expecting 2)\n"); assert(v==2) k,v=receive(); WR("chunk ", v.." received (expecting 3)\n"); assert(v==3) k,v=receive(); WR("chunk ", tostring(v).." received (expecting nil from __lanesignore)\n"); assert(v==nil) -- a table with __lanesignore was sent k,v=receive(); WR("chunk ", tostring(v).." received (expecting nil)\n"); assert(v==nil) send(4,5,6); WR("chunk ", "4,5,6 sent\n") send 'aaa'; WR("chunk ", "'aaa' sent\n") send(nil); WR("chunk ", "nil sent\n") send { 'a', 'b', 'c', d=10 }; WR("chunk ","{'a','b','c',d=10} sent\n") k,v=receive(); WR("chunk ", v.." received\n"); assert(v==4) local subT1 = { "subT1"} local subT2 = { "subT2"} send { subT1, subT2, subT1, subT2}; WR("chunk ", "{ subT1, subT2, subT1, subT2} sent\n") WR("chunk ", "Lane ends!\n") end local linda = lanes_linda("communications") assert(type(linda) == "userdata" and tostring(linda) == "Linda: communications") -- -- ["->"] master -> slave -- ["<-"] slave <- master WR "test linda:get/set..." linda:set("<->", "x", "y", "z") local x,y,z = linda:get("<->", 1) assert(x == "x" and y == nil and z == nil) local x,y,z = linda:get("<->", 2) assert(x == "x" and y == "y" and z == nil) local x,y,z = linda:get("<->", 3) assert(x == "x" and y == "y" and z == "z") local x,y,z,w = linda:get("<->", 4) assert(x == "x" and y == "y" and z == "z" and w == nil) local k, x = linda:receive("<->") assert(k == "<->" and x == "x") local k,y,z = linda:receive(linda.batched, "<->", 2) assert(k == "<->" and y == "y" and z == "z") linda:set("<->") local x,y,z,w = linda:get("<->", 4) assert(x == nil and y == nil and z == nil and w == nil) WR "ok\n" local function PEEK(...) return linda:get("<-", ...) end local function SEND(...) linda:send("->", ...) end local function RECEIVE() local k,v = linda:receive(1, "<-") return v end local comms_lane = lanes_gen("io", {gc_cb = gc_cb, name = "auto"}, chunk)(linda) -- prepare & launch SEND(1); WR("main ", "1 sent\n") SEND(2); WR("main ", "2 sent\n") SEND(3); WR("main ", "3 sent\n") SEND(setmetatable({"should be ignored"},{__lanesignore=true})); WR("main ", "__lanesignore table sent\n") for i=1,40 do WR "." SLEEP(0.0001) assert(PEEK() == nil) -- nothing coming in, yet end SEND(nil); WR("\nmain ", "nil sent\n") local a,b,c = RECEIVE(), RECEIVE(), RECEIVE() print("lane status: " .. comms_lane.status) if comms_lane.status == "error" then print(comms_lane:join()) else WR("main ", tostring(a)..", "..tostring(b)..", "..tostring(c).." received\n") end assert(a==4 and b==5 and c==6) local aaa = RECEIVE(); WR("main ", aaa.." received\n") assert(aaa=='aaa') local null = RECEIVE(); WR(tostring(null).." received\n") assert(null==nil) local out_t = RECEIVE(); WR(type(out_t).." received\n") assert(tables_match(out_t, {'a','b','c',d=10})) assert(PEEK() == nil) SEND(4) local complex_table = RECEIVE(); WR(type(complex_table).." received\n") assert(complex_table[1] == complex_table[3] and complex_table[2] == complex_table[4]) WR(table.concat({complex_table[1][1],complex_table[2][1],complex_table[3][1],complex_table[4][1]},", ")) WR("collectgarbage") comms_lane = nil collectgarbage() -- wait WR("waiting 1s") SLEEP(1) -- ################################################################################################## -- ################################################################################################## -- ################################################################################################## PRINT("\n\n", "---=== Stdlib naming ===---", "\n\n") local function dump_g(_x) set_debug_threadname "dump_g" assert(print) print("### dumping _G for '" .. _x .. "'") for k, v in pairs(_G) do print("\t" .. k .. ": " .. type(v)) end return true end local function io_os_f(_x) set_debug_threadname "io_os_f" assert(print) print("### checking io and os libs existence for '" .. _x .. "'") assert(io) assert(os) return true end local function coro_f(_x) set_debug_threadname "coro_f" assert(print) print("### checking coroutine lib existence for '" .. _x .. "'") assert(coroutine) return true end assert.fails(function() lanes_gen("xxx", {gc_cb = gc_cb}, io_os_f) end) local stdlib_naming_tests = { -- { "", dump_g}, -- { "coroutine", dump_g}, -- { "io", dump_g}, -- { "bit32", dump_g}, { "coroutine", coro_f}, { "*", io_os_f}, { "io,os", io_os_f}, { "io+os", io_os_f}, { "io,os,base", io_os_f}, } for _, t in ipairs(stdlib_naming_tests) do local f= lanes_gen(t[1], {gc_cb = gc_cb}, t[2]) -- any delimiter will do assert(f(t[1])[1]) end WR("collectgarbage") collectgarbage() -- ################################################################################################## -- ################################################################################################## -- ################################################################################################## PRINT("\n\n", "---=== Comms criss cross ===---", "\n\n") -- We make two identical lanes, which are using the same Linda channel. -- local tc= lanes_gen("io", {gc_cb = gc_cb}, function(linda, ch_in, ch_out) set_debug_threadname("criss cross " .. ch_in .. " -> " .. ch_out) local function STAGE(str) io.stderr:write(ch_in..": "..str.."\n") linda:send(nil, ch_out, str) local k,v= linda:receive(nil, ch_in) assert(v==str) end STAGE("Hello") STAGE("I was here first!") STAGE("So what?") end ) local linda= lanes_linda("criss cross") local a,b= tc(linda, "A","B"), tc(linda, "B","A") -- launching two lanes, twisted comms local _= a[1],b[1] -- waits until they are both ready WR("collectgarbage") a, b = nil collectgarbage() -- ################################################################################################## -- ################################################################################################## -- ################################################################################################## PRINT("\n\n", "---=== Receive & send of code ===---", "\n\n") local upvalue="123" local function chunk2(linda) assert(upvalue=="123") -- even when running as separate thread -- function name & line number should be there even as separate thread -- local info= debug.getinfo(1) -- 1 = us -- PRINT "debug.getinfo->" for k,v in pairs(info) do PRINT(k,v) end -- some assertions are adjusted depending on config.strip_functions, because it changes what we get out of debug.getinfo assert(info.nups == (_VERSION == "Lua 5.1" and 3 or 4), "bad nups") -- upvalue + config + PRINT + _ENV (Lua > 5.2 only) assert(info.what == "Lua", "bad what") --assert(info.name == "chunk2") -- name does not seem to come through assert(config.strip_functions and info.source=="=?" or string.match(info.source, "^@.*basic.lua$"), "bad info.source") assert(config.strip_functions and info.short_src=="?" or string.match(info.short_src, "^.*basic.lua$"), "bad info.short_src") -- These vary so let's not be picky (they're there..) -- assert(info.linedefined == 400, "bad linedefined") -- start of 'chunk2' assert(config.strip_functions and info.currentline==-1 or info.currentline > info.linedefined, "bad currentline") -- line of 'debug.getinfo' assert(info.lastlinedefined > info.currentline, "bad lastlinedefined") -- end of 'chunk2' local k,func= linda:receive("down") assert(type(func)=="function", "not a function") assert(k=="down") func(linda) local k,str= linda:receive("down") assert(str=="ok", "bad receive result") linda:send("up", function() return ":)" end, "ok2") end local linda= lanes.linda("linda") local t2= lanes_gen("debug,string,io", {gc_cb = gc_cb}, chunk2)(linda) -- prepare & launch linda:send("down", function(linda) linda:send("up", "ready!") end, "ok") -- wait to see if the tiny function gets executed -- local k,s= linda:receive(1, "up") if t2.status == "error" then print("t2 error: " , t2:join()) end PRINT(s) assert(s=="ready!") -- returns of the 'chunk2' itself -- local k,f= linda:receive("up") assert(type(f)=="function") local s2= f() assert(s2==":)") local k,ok2= linda:receive("up") assert(ok2 == "ok2") -- ################################################################################################## -- ################################################################################################## -- ################################################################################################## PRINT("\n\n", "---=== :join test ===---", "\n\n") -- NOTE: 'unpack()' cannot be used on the lane handle; it will always return nil -- (unless [1..n] has been read earlier, in which case it would seemingly -- work). local S= lanes_gen("table", {gc_cb = gc_cb}, function(arg) set_debug_threadname "join test lane" set_finalizer(function() end) aux= {} for i, v in ipairs(arg) do table.insert (aux, 1, v) end -- unpack was renamed table.unpack in Lua 5.2: cater for both! return (unpack or table.unpack)(aux) end) h= S { 12, 13, 14 } -- execution starts, h[1..3] will get the return values -- wait a bit so that the lane has a chance to set its debug name SLEEP(0.5) print("joining with '" .. h:get_debug_threadname() .. "'") local a,b,c,d= h:join() if h.status == "error" then print(h:get_debug_threadname(), "error: " , a, b, c, d) else print(h:get_debug_threadname(), a,b,c,d) assert(a==14) assert(b==13) assert(c==12) assert(d==nil) end local nameof_type, nameof_name = lanes.nameof(print) PRINT("name of " .. nameof_type .. " print = '" .. nameof_name .. "'") -- install a finalizer that gets called upon Lanes's internal Universe is GCed. -- that way, we print our message after anything that can be output by lanes that are still running at that point lanes.finally(function() io.stderr:write "\n=======================================\nTEST OK\n" end)