-- -- BASIC.LUA Copyright (c) 2007-08, Asko Kauppi <akauppi@gmail.com> -- -- Selftests for Lua Lanes -- -- To do: -- - ... -- local lanes = require "lanes" lanes.configure() require "assert" -- assert.fails() local lanes_gen= assert( lanes.gen ) local lanes_linda= assert( lanes.linda ) local tostring= assert( tostring ) local function PRINT(...) local str="" for i=1,select('#',...) do str= str..tostring(select(i,...)).."\t" end if io then io.stderr:write(str.."\n") end end ---=== Local helpers ===--- local tables_match -- true if 'a' is a subtable of 'b' -- local function subtable( a, b ) -- assert( type(a)=="table" and type(b)=="table" ) for k,v in pairs(b) do if type(v)~=type(a[k]) then return false -- not subtable (different types, or missing key) elseif type(v)=="table" then if not tables_match(v,a[k]) then return false end else if a[k] ~= v then return false end end end return true -- is a subtable end -- true when contents of 'a' and 'b' are identific -- tables_match= function( a, b ) return subtable( a, b ) and subtable( b, a ) end PRINT( "---=== Tasking (basic) ===---") local function task( a, b, c ) --error "111" -- testing error messages assert(hey) local v=0 for i=a,b,c do v= v+i end return v, hey end local task_launch= lanes_gen( "", { globals={hey=true} }, task ) -- base stdlibs, normal priority -- 'task_launch' is a factory of multithreaded tasks, we can launch several: local lane1= task_launch( 100,200,3 ) local lane2= task_launch( 200,300,4 ) -- At this stage, states may be "pending", "running" or "done" local st1,st2= lane1.status, lane2.status PRINT(st1,st2) assert( st1=="pending" or st1=="running" or st1=="done" ) assert( st2=="pending" or st2=="running" or st2=="done" ) -- Accessing results ([1..N]) pends until they are available -- PRINT("waiting...") local v1, v1_hey= lane1[1], lane1[2] local v2, v2_hey= lane2[1], lane2[2] PRINT( v1, v1_hey ) assert( v1_hey == true ) PRINT( v2, v2_hey ) assert( v2_hey == true ) assert( lane1.status == "done" ) assert( lane1.status == "done" ) PRINT( "---=== Tasking (cancelling) ===---") local task_launch2= lanes_gen( "", { cancelstep=100, globals={hey=true} }, task ) local N=999999999 local lane9= task_launch2(1,N,1) -- huuuuuuge... -- Wait until state changes "pending"->"running" -- local st local t0= os.time() while os.time()-t0 < 5 do st= lane9.status io.stderr:write( (i==1) and st.." " or '.' ) if st~="pending" then break end end PRINT(" "..st) if st=="error" then local _= lane9[0] -- propagate the error here end if st=="done" then error( "Looping to "..N.." was not long enough (cannot test cancellation)" ) end assert( st=="running" ) lane9:cancel() local t0= os.time() while os.time()-t0 < 5 do st= lane9.status io.stderr:write( (i==1) and st.." " or '.' ) if st~="running" then break end end PRINT(" "..st) assert( st == "cancelled" ) PRINT( "---=== Communications ===---") local function WR(...) io.stderr:write(...) end local chunk= function( linda ) local function receive() return linda:receive( "->" ) end local function send(...) linda:send( "<-", ... ) end WR( "Lane starts!\n" ) local v v=receive(); WR( v.." received\n" ); assert( v==1 ) v=receive(); WR( v.." received\n" ); assert( v==2 ) v=receive(); WR( v.." received\n" ); assert( v==3 ) send( 1,2,3 ); WR( "1,2,3 sent\n" ) send 'a'; WR( "'a' sent\n" ) send { 'a', 'b', 'c', d=10 }; WR( "{'a','b','c',d=10} sent\n" ) v=receive(); WR( v.." received\n" ); assert( v==4 ) WR( "Lane ends!\n" ) end local linda= lanes_linda() assert( type(linda) == "userdata" ) -- -- ["->"] master -> slave -- ["<-"] slave <- master local function PEEK() return linda:get("<-") end local function SEND(...) linda:send( "->", ... ) end local function RECEIVE() return linda:receive( "<-" ) end local t= lanes_gen("io",chunk)(linda) -- prepare & launch SEND(1); WR( "1 sent\n" ) SEND(2); WR( "2 sent\n" ) for i=1,100 do WR "." assert( PEEK() == nil ) -- nothing coming in, yet end SEND(3); WR( "3 sent\n" ) local a,b,c= RECEIVE(), RECEIVE(), RECEIVE() WR( a..", "..b..", "..c.." received\n" ) assert( a==1 and b==2 and c==3 ) local a= RECEIVE(); WR( a.." received\n" ) assert( a=='a' ) local a= RECEIVE(); WR( type(a).." received\n" ) assert( tables_match( a, {'a','b','c',d=10} ) ) assert( PEEK() == nil ) SEND(4) PRINT( "---=== Stdlib naming ===---") local function io_os_f() assert(io) assert(os) assert(print) return true end local f1= lanes_gen( "io,os", io_os_f ) -- any delimiter will do local f2= lanes_gen( "io+os", io_os_f ) local f3= lanes_gen( "io,os,base", io_os_f ) assert.fails( function() lanes_gen( "xxx", io_os_f ) end ) assert( f1()[1] ) assert( f2()[1] ) assert( f3()[1] ) PRINT( "---=== Comms criss cross ===---") -- We make two identical lanes, which are using the same Linda channel. -- local tc= lanes_gen( "io", function( linda, ch_in, ch_out ) local function STAGE(str) io.stderr:write( ch_in..": "..str.."\n" ) linda:send( nil, ch_out, str ) local v= linda:receive( nil, ch_in ) assert(v==str) end STAGE("Hello") STAGE("I was here first!") STAGE("So what?") end ) local linda= lanes_linda() local a,b= tc(linda, "A","B"), tc(linda, "B","A") -- launching two lanes, twisted comms local _= a[1],b[1] -- waits until they are both ready PRINT( "---=== Receive & send of code ===---") local upvalue="123" local function chunk2( linda ) assert( upvalue=="123" ) -- even when running as separate thread -- function name & line number should be there even as separate thread -- local info= debug.getinfo(1) -- 1 = us -- for k,v in pairs(info) do PRINT(k,v) end assert( info.nups == 2 ) -- one upvalue + PRINT assert( info.what == "Lua" ) --assert( info.name == "chunk2" ) -- name does not seem to come through assert( string.match( info.source, "^@.*basic.lua$" ) ) assert( string.match( info.short_src, "^.*basic.lua$" ) ) -- These vary so let's not be picky (they're there..) -- assert( info.linedefined > 200 ) -- start of 'chunk2' assert( info.currentline > info.linedefined ) -- line of 'debug.getinfo' assert( info.lastlinedefined > info.currentline ) -- end of 'chunk2' local func,k= linda:receive( "down" ) assert( type(func)=="function" ) assert( k=="down" ) func(linda) local str= linda:receive( "down" ) assert( str=="ok" ) linda:send( "up", function() return ":)" end, "ok2" ) end local linda= lanes.linda() local t2= lanes_gen( "debug,string,io", chunk2 )(linda) -- prepare & launch linda:send( "down", function(linda) linda:send( "up", "ready!" ) end, "ok" ) -- wait to see if the tiny function gets executed -- local s= linda:receive( "up" ) PRINT(s) assert( s=="ready!" ) -- returns of the 'chunk2' itself -- local f= linda:receive( "up" ) assert( type(f)=="function" ) local s2= f() assert( s2==":)" ) local ok2= linda:receive( "up" ) assert( ok2 == "ok2" ) PRINT( "---=== :join test ===---") -- NOTE: 'unpack()' cannot be used on the lane handle; it will always return nil -- (unless [1..n] has been read earlier, in which case it would seemingly -- work). local S= lanes_gen( "table", function(arg) aux= {} for i, v in ipairs(arg) do table.insert (aux, 1, v) end return unpack(aux) end ) h= S { 12, 13, 14 } -- execution starts, h[1..3] will get the return values local a,b,c,d= h:join() assert(a==14) assert(b==13) assert(c==12) assert(d==nil) -- io.stderr:write "Done! :)\n"