local lanes = require "lanes".configure{with_timers=false} local linda = lanes.linda() local coro = coroutine.create(function() end) local fun = function() print "fun" end local t_in = { [fun] = fun, fun = fun } -- send a string print( pcall(linda.send,linda, 'test', "oh boy")) -- send a table that contains a function print( pcall(linda.send,linda, 'test', t_in)) -- we are not allowed to send coroutines through a lanes -- however, this should raise an error, not hang the program... print( pcall(linda.send,linda, 'test', coro)) k,str = linda:receive('test') -- read the contents successfully sent print( str) -- "oh boy" k,t_out = linda:receive('test') -- read the contents successfully sent t_out.fun() -- "fun" -- linda:send( 'test', coro) print "SUCCESS"