-- -- REQUIRE.LUA -- -- Test that 'require' works from sublanes -- lanes = require "lanes" lanes.configure{with_timers = false} local function a_lane() print "IN A LANE" -- To require 'math' we still actually need to have it initialized for -- the lane. -- require "math" assert( math and math.sqrt ) assert( math.sqrt(4)==2 ) assert( lanes==nil ) local lanes = require "lanes" assert( lanes and lanes.gen ) local h= lanes.gen( { name = 'auto' }, function() return 42 end ) () local v= h[1] return v==42 end -- string and table for Lanes itself, package to be able to require in the lane, math for the actual work local gen= lanes.gen( "math,package,string,table", { name = 'auto', package={} },a_lane ) local h= gen() local ret= h[1] assert( ret==true ) print "TEST OK"