-- -- TIMER.LUA -- -- Sample program for Lua Lanes -- -- On MSYS, stderr is buffered. In this test it matters. io.stderr:setvbuf "no" local lanes = require "lanes" lanes.configure( 1) local linda= lanes.linda() local function PRINT(str) io.stderr:write(str.."\n") end local T1= "1s" -- these keys can be anything... local T2= "5s" local step= {} lanes.timer( linda, T1, 1.0, 1.0 ) step[T1]= 1.0 PRINT( "\n*** Timers every second (not synced to wall clock) ***\n" ) local v_first local v_last= {} -- { [channel]= num } local T2_first_round= true local caught= {} -- { [T1]= bool, [T2]= bool } while true do io.stderr:write("waiting...\t") local v,channel= linda:receive( 6.0, T1,T2 ) assert( channel==T1 or channel==T2 ) caught[channel]= true io.stderr:write( ((channel==T1) and "" or "\t\t").. string.format("%.3f",v),"\n" ) assert( type(v)=="number" ) if v_last[channel] then if channel==T2 and T2_first_round then -- do not make measurements, first round is not 5secs due to wall clock adjustment T2_first_round= false else assert( math.abs(v-v_last[channel]- step[channel]) < 0.02 ) end end if not v_first then v_first= v elseif v-v_first > 3.0 and (not step[T2]) then PRINT( "\n*** Adding timers every 5 second (synced to wall clock) ***\n" ) -- The first event can be in the past (just cut seconds down to 5s) -- local date= os.date("*t") date.sec = date.sec - date.sec%5 lanes.timer( linda, T2, date, 5.0 ) step[T2]= 5.0 elseif v-v_first > 10 then -- exit condition break end v_last[channel]= v end -- Windows version had a bug where T2 timers were not coming through, at all. -- AKa 24-Jan-2009 -- assert( caught[T1] ) assert( caught[T2] ) PRINT( "\n*** Clearing timers ***\n" ) lanes.timer( linda, T1, 0 ) -- reset; no reoccuring ticks lanes.timer( linda, T2, 0 ) linda:receive( 0, T1 ) -- clear out; there could be one tick left linda:receive( 0, T2 ) assert( linda:get(T1) == nil ) assert( linda:get(T2) == nil ) PRINT "...making sure no ticks are coming..." local v= linda:receive( 1.5, T1,T2 ) -- should not get any assert(v==nil)