local lanes = require "lanes" .configure{ with_timers = false, track_lanes = true} local SLEEP = function(...) local k, v = lanes.sleep(...) assert(k == nil and v == "timeout") end print "hello" local track = function( title_, expected_count_) print( title_) local count = 0 local threads = lanes.threads() for k, v in pairs(threads) do print( k, v.name, v.status) count = count + 1 end assert(count == expected_count_, "unexpected active lane count " .. count .. " ~= " .. expected_count_) print( "\n") return threads end local sleeper = function( name_, seconds_) -- no set_finalizer in main thread if set_finalizer then set_finalizer(function() print("Finalizing '" .. name_ .. "'") end) end -- print( "entering '" .. name_ .. "'") local lanes = require "lanes" -- no lane_threadname in main thread if lane_threadname then -- print( "lane_threadname('" .. name_ .. "')") lane_threadname( name_) end -- suspend the lane for the specified duration lanes.sleep(seconds_) -- print( "exiting '" .. name_ .. "'") end -- sleeper( "main", 1) -- the generator local g = lanes.gen( "*", { name = 'auto' }, sleeper) -- start a forever-waiting lane (nil timeout) local forever = g( "forever", 'indefinitely') -- start a lane that will last 2 seconds local ephemeral1 = g( "two_seconds", 2) -- give a bit of time to reach the linda waiting call SLEEP(0.1) -- list the known lanes (both should be living lanes) local threads = track( "============= START", 2) -- two_seconds forever assert(threads[1].status == 'waiting' and threads[2].status == 'waiting') -- wait until ephemeral1 has completed SLEEP(2.1) local threads = track( "============= two_seconds dead", 2) -- two_seconds forever assert(threads[1].status == 'done' and threads[2].status == 'waiting') -- start another lane that will last 2 seconds, with the same name local ephemeral2 = g( "two_seconds", 2) -- give a bit of time to reach the linda waiting call SLEEP( 0.1) -- list the known lanes -- we should have 3 lanes local threads = track( "============= ANOTHER", 3) -- two_seconds #2 two_seconds #1 forever assert(threads[1].status == 'waiting' and threads[2].status == 'done' and threads[3].status == 'waiting') -- this will collect all lane handles. -- since ephemeral1 has completed, it is no longer tracked, but the other 2 should still be forever = nil ephemeral1 = nil ephemeral2 = nil collectgarbage() -- list the known lanes local threads = track( "============= AFTER COLLECTGARBAGE", 2) -- two_seconds #2 forever assert(threads[1].status == 'waiting' and threads[2].status == 'waiting') -- wait a bit more for ephemeral2 to exit, so that we get to have a free-running lane terminate itself before shutdown SLEEP(3) print "============= AFTER WAITING" -- this is printed after Universe shutdown terminates the only remaining lane, 'forever' lanes.finally(function() print "TEST OK" end)