local lanes = require "lanes" .configure{ with_timers = false, track_lanes = true} local wait do local linda = lanes.linda() wait = function( seconds_) linda:receive( seconds_, "dummy_key") end end print "hello" local track = function( title_) print( title_) for k, v in pairs( lanes.threads()) do print( k, v.name, v.status) end print( "\n") end local sleeper = function( name_, seconds_) -- print( "entering '" .. name_ .. "'") local lanes = require "lanes" -- no set_debug_threadname in main thread if set_debug_threadname then -- print( "set_debug_threadname('" .. name_ .. "')") set_debug_threadname( name_) end -- suspend the lane for the specified duration with a failed linda read wait( seconds_) -- print( "exiting '" .. name_ .. "'") end -- sleeper( "main", 1) -- the generator local g = lanes.gen( "*", sleeper) -- start a forever-waiting lane (nil timeout) g( "forever") -- start a lane that will last 2 seconds g( "two_seconds", 2) -- give a bit of time to reach the linda waiting call wait( 0.1) -- list the known lanes track( "============= START") -- wait until "two_seconds has completed" wait(2.1) track( "============= two_seconds dead") -- this will collect the completed lane (and remove it from the tracking queue) -- collectgarbage() -- track( "============= two_seconds dead (after collectgarbage)") -- start another lane that will last 2 seconds, with the same name g( "two_seconds", 2) -- give a bit of time to reach the linda waiting call wait( 0.1) -- list the known lanes track( "============= ANOTHER") print "done"