#include #include #include "lua.h" #include "lauxlib.h" #include "lpcap.h" #include "lptypes.h" #include "lpvm.h" #include "lpprint.h" /* initial size for call/backtrack stack */ #if !defined(INITBACK) #define INITBACK MAXBACK #endif #define getoffset(p) (((p) + 1)->offset) static const Instruction giveup = {{IGiveup, 0, {0}}}; int charinset (const Instruction *i, const byte *buff, unsigned int c) { c -= i->i.aux2.set.offset; if (c >= ((unsigned int)i->i.aux2.set.size /* size in instructions... */ * (unsigned int)sizeof(Instruction) /* in bytes... */ * 8u)) /* in bits */ return i->i.aux1; /* out of range; return default value */ return testchar(buff, c); } /* ** Decode one UTF-8 sequence, returning NULL if byte sequence is invalid. */ static const char *utf8_decode (const char *o, int *val) { static const unsigned int limits[] = {0xFF, 0x7F, 0x7FF, 0xFFFFu}; const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char *)o; unsigned int c = s[0]; /* first byte */ unsigned int res = 0; /* final result */ if (c < 0x80) /* ascii? */ res = c; else { int count = 0; /* to count number of continuation bytes */ while (c & 0x40) { /* still have continuation bytes? */ int cc = s[++count]; /* read next byte */ if ((cc & 0xC0) != 0x80) /* not a continuation byte? */ return NULL; /* invalid byte sequence */ res = (res << 6) | (cc & 0x3F); /* add lower 6 bits from cont. byte */ c <<= 1; /* to test next bit */ } res |= (c & 0x7F) << (count * 5); /* add first byte */ if (count > 3 || res > 0x10FFFFu || res <= limits[count]) return NULL; /* invalid byte sequence */ s += count; /* skip continuation bytes read */ } *val = res; return (const char *)s + 1; /* +1 to include first byte */ } /* ** {====================================================== ** Virtual Machine ** ======================================================= */ typedef struct Stack { const char *s; /* saved position (or NULL for calls) */ const Instruction *p; /* next instruction */ int caplevel; } Stack; #define getstackbase(L, ptop) ((Stack *)lua_touserdata(L, stackidx(ptop))) /* ** Ensures the size of array 'capture' (with size '*capsize' and ** 'captop' elements being used) is enough to accomodate 'n' extra ** elements plus one. (Because several opcodes add stuff to the capture ** array, it is simpler to ensure the array always has at least one free ** slot upfront and check its size later.) */ /* new size in number of elements cannot overflow integers, and new size in bytes cannot overflow size_t. */ #define MAXNEWSIZE \ (((size_t)INT_MAX) <= (~(size_t)0 / sizeof(Capture)) ? \ ((size_t)INT_MAX) : (~(size_t)0 / sizeof(Capture))) static Capture *growcap (lua_State *L, Capture *capture, int *capsize, int captop, int n, int ptop) { if (*capsize - captop > n) return capture; /* no need to grow array */ else { /* must grow */ Capture *newc; unsigned int newsize = captop + n + 1; /* minimum size needed */ if (newsize < (MAXNEWSIZE / 3) * 2) newsize += newsize / 2; /* 1.5 that size, if not too big */ else if (newsize < (MAXNEWSIZE / 9) * 8) newsize += newsize / 8; /* else, try 9/8 that size */ else luaL_error(L, "too many captures"); newc = (Capture *)lua_newuserdata(L, newsize * sizeof(Capture)); memcpy(newc, capture, captop * sizeof(Capture)); *capsize = newsize; lua_replace(L, caplistidx(ptop)); return newc; } } /* ** Double the size of the stack */ static Stack *doublestack (lua_State *L, Stack **stacklimit, int ptop) { Stack *stack = getstackbase(L, ptop); Stack *newstack; int n = *stacklimit - stack; /* current stack size */ int max, newn; lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, MAXSTACKIDX); max = lua_tointeger(L, -1); /* maximum allowed size */ lua_pop(L, 1); if (n >= max) /* already at maximum size? */ luaL_error(L, "backtrack stack overflow (current limit is %d)", max); newn = 2 * n; /* new size */ if (newn > max) newn = max; newstack = (Stack *)lua_newuserdata(L, newn * sizeof(Stack)); memcpy(newstack, stack, n * sizeof(Stack)); lua_replace(L, stackidx(ptop)); *stacklimit = newstack + newn; return newstack + n; /* return next position */ } /* ** Interpret the result of a dynamic capture: false -> fail; ** true -> keep current position; number -> next position. ** Return new subject position. 'fr' is stack index where ** is the result; 'curr' is current subject position; 'limit' ** is subject's size. */ static int resdyncaptures (lua_State *L, int fr, int curr, int limit) { lua_Integer res; if (!lua_toboolean(L, fr)) { /* false value? */ lua_settop(L, fr - 1); /* remove results */ return -1; /* and fail */ } else if (lua_isboolean(L, fr)) /* true? */ res = curr; /* keep current position */ else { res = lua_tointeger(L, fr) - 1; /* new position */ if (res < curr || res > limit) luaL_error(L, "invalid position returned by match-time capture"); } lua_remove(L, fr); /* remove first result (offset) */ return res; } /* ** Add capture values returned by a dynamic capture to the list ** 'capture', nested inside a group. 'fd' indexes the first capture ** value, 'n' is the number of values (at least 1). The open group ** capture is already in 'capture', before the place for the new entries. */ static void adddyncaptures (const char *s, Capture *capture, int n, int fd) { int i; assert(capture[-1].kind == Cgroup && capture[-1].siz == 0); capture[-1].idx = 0; /* make group capture an anonymous group */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* add runtime captures */ capture[i].kind = Cruntime; capture[i].siz = 1; /* mark it as closed */ capture[i].idx = fd + i; /* stack index of capture value */ capture[i].s = s; } capture[n].kind = Cclose; /* close group */ capture[n].siz = 1; capture[n].s = s; } /* ** Remove dynamic captures from the Lua stack (called in case of failure) */ static int removedyncap (lua_State *L, Capture *capture, int level, int last) { int id = finddyncap(capture + level, capture + last); /* index of 1st cap. */ int top = lua_gettop(L); if (id == 0) return 0; /* no dynamic captures? */ lua_settop(L, id - 1); /* remove captures */ return top - id + 1; /* number of values removed */ } /* ** Opcode interpreter */ const char *match (lua_State *L, const char *o, const char *s, const char *e, Instruction *op, Capture *capture, int ptop) { Stack stackbase[INITBACK]; Stack *stacklimit = stackbase + INITBACK; Stack *stack = stackbase; /* point to first empty slot in stack */ int capsize = INITCAPSIZE; int captop = 0; /* point to first empty slot in captures */ int ndyncap = 0; /* number of dynamic captures (in Lua stack) */ const Instruction *p = op; /* current instruction */ stack->p = &giveup; stack->s = s; stack->caplevel = 0; stack++; lua_pushlightuserdata(L, stackbase); for (;;) { #if defined(DEBUG) printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printcaplist(capture, capture + captop); printf("s: |%s| stck:%d, dyncaps:%d, caps:%d ", s, (int)(stack - getstackbase(L, ptop)), ndyncap, captop); printinst(op, p); #endif assert(stackidx(ptop) + ndyncap == lua_gettop(L) && ndyncap <= captop); switch ((Opcode)p->i.code) { case IEnd: { assert(stack == getstackbase(L, ptop) + 1); capture[captop].kind = Cclose; capture[captop].s = NULL; return s; } case IGiveup: { assert(stack == getstackbase(L, ptop)); return NULL; } case IRet: { assert(stack > getstackbase(L, ptop) && (stack - 1)->s == NULL); p = (--stack)->p; continue; } case IAny: { if (s < e) { p++; s++; } else goto fail; continue; } case IUTFR: { int codepoint; if (s >= e) goto fail; s = utf8_decode (s, &codepoint); if (s && p[1].offset <= codepoint && codepoint <= utf_to(p)) p += 2; else goto fail; continue; } case ITestAny: { if (s < e) p += 2; else p += getoffset(p); continue; } case IChar: { if ((byte)*s == p->i.aux1 && s < e) { p++; s++; } else goto fail; continue; } case ITestChar: { if ((byte)*s == p->i.aux1 && s < e) p += 2; else p += getoffset(p); continue; } case ISet: { unsigned int c = (byte)*s; if (charinset(p, (p+1)->buff, c) && s < e) { p += 1 + p->i.aux2.set.size; s++; } else goto fail; continue; } case ITestSet: { unsigned int c = (byte)*s; if (charinset(p, (p + 2)->buff, c) && s < e) p += 2 + p->i.aux2.set.size; else p += getoffset(p); continue; } case IBehind: { int n = p->i.aux1; if (n > s - o) goto fail; s -= n; p++; continue; } case ISpan: { for (; s < e; s++) { unsigned int c = (byte)*s; if (!charinset(p, (p+1)->buff, c)) break; } p += 1 + p->i.aux2.set.size; continue; } case IJmp: { p += getoffset(p); continue; } case IChoice: { if (stack == stacklimit) stack = doublestack(L, &stacklimit, ptop); stack->p = p + getoffset(p); stack->s = s; stack->caplevel = captop; stack++; p += 2; continue; } case ICall: { if (stack == stacklimit) stack = doublestack(L, &stacklimit, ptop); stack->s = NULL; stack->p = p + 2; /* save return address */ stack++; p += getoffset(p); continue; } case ICommit: { assert(stack > getstackbase(L, ptop) && (stack - 1)->s != NULL); stack--; p += getoffset(p); continue; } case IPartialCommit: { assert(stack > getstackbase(L, ptop) && (stack - 1)->s != NULL); (stack - 1)->s = s; (stack - 1)->caplevel = captop; p += getoffset(p); continue; } case IBackCommit: { assert(stack > getstackbase(L, ptop) && (stack - 1)->s != NULL); s = (--stack)->s; if (ndyncap > 0) /* are there matchtime captures? */ ndyncap -= removedyncap(L, capture, stack->caplevel, captop); captop = stack->caplevel; p += getoffset(p); continue; } case IFailTwice: assert(stack > getstackbase(L, ptop)); stack--; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case IFail: fail: { /* pattern failed: try to backtrack */ do { /* remove pending calls */ assert(stack > getstackbase(L, ptop)); s = (--stack)->s; } while (s == NULL); if (ndyncap > 0) /* is there matchtime captures? */ ndyncap -= removedyncap(L, capture, stack->caplevel, captop); captop = stack->caplevel; p = stack->p; #if defined(DEBUG) printf("**FAIL**\n"); #endif continue; } case ICloseRunTime: { CapState cs; int rem, res, n; int fr = lua_gettop(L) + 1; /* stack index of first result */ cs.reclevel = 0; cs.L = L; cs.s = o; cs.ocap = capture; cs.ptop = ptop; n = runtimecap(&cs, capture + captop, s, &rem); /* call function */ captop -= n; /* remove nested captures */ ndyncap -= rem; /* update number of dynamic captures */ fr -= rem; /* 'rem' items were popped from Lua stack */ res = resdyncaptures(L, fr, s - o, e - o); /* get result */ if (res == -1) /* fail? */ goto fail; s = o + res; /* else update current position */ n = lua_gettop(L) - fr + 1; /* number of new captures */ ndyncap += n; /* update number of dynamic captures */ if (n == 0) /* no new captures? */ captop--; /* remove open group */ else { /* new captures; keep original open group */ if (fr + n >= SHRT_MAX) luaL_error(L, "too many results in match-time capture"); /* add new captures + close group to 'capture' list */ capture = growcap(L, capture, &capsize, captop, n + 1, ptop); adddyncaptures(s, capture + captop, n, fr); captop += n + 1; /* new captures + close group */ } p++; continue; } case ICloseCapture: { const char *s1 = s; assert(captop > 0); /* if possible, turn capture into a full capture */ if (capture[captop - 1].siz == 0 && s1 - capture[captop - 1].s < UCHAR_MAX) { capture[captop - 1].siz = s1 - capture[captop - 1].s + 1; p++; continue; } else { capture[captop].siz = 1; /* mark entry as closed */ capture[captop].s = s; goto pushcapture; } } case IOpenCapture: capture[captop].siz = 0; /* mark entry as open */ capture[captop].s = s; goto pushcapture; case IFullCapture: capture[captop].siz = getoff(p) + 1; /* save capture size */ capture[captop].s = s - getoff(p); /* goto pushcapture; */ pushcapture: { capture[captop].idx = p->i.aux2.key; capture[captop].kind = getkind(p); captop++; capture = growcap(L, capture, &capsize, captop, 0, ptop); p++; continue; } default: assert(0); return NULL; } } } /* }====================================================== */