#!/usr/bin/env lua -- require"strict" -- just to be pedantic local m = require"lpeg" -- for general use local a, b, c, d, e, f, g, p, t -- compatibility with Lua 5.2 local unpack = rawget(table, "unpack") or unpack local loadstring = rawget(_G, "loadstring") or load local any = m.P(1) local space = m.S" \t\n"^0 local function checkeq (x, y, p) if p then print(x,y) end if type(x) ~= "table" then assert(x == y) else for k,v in pairs(x) do checkeq(v, y[k], p) end for k,v in pairs(y) do checkeq(v, x[k], p) end end end local mt = getmetatable(m.P(1)) local allchar = {} for i=0,255 do allchar[i + 1] = i end allchar = string.char(unpack(allchar)) assert(#allchar == 256) local function cs2str (c) return m.match(m.Cs((c + m.P(1)/"")^0), allchar) end local function eqcharset (c1, c2) assert(cs2str(c1) == cs2str(c2)) end print"General tests for LPeg library" assert(type(m.version) == "string") print(m.version) assert(m.type("alo") ~= "pattern") assert(m.type(io.input) ~= "pattern") assert(m.type(m.P"alo") == "pattern") -- tests for some basic optimizations assert(m.match(m.P(false) + "a", "a") == 2) assert(m.match(m.P(true) + "a", "a") == 1) assert(m.match("a" + m.P(false), "b") == nil) assert(m.match("a" + m.P(true), "b") == 1) assert(m.match(m.P(false) * "a", "a") == nil) assert(m.match(m.P(true) * "a", "a") == 2) assert(m.match("a" * m.P(false), "a") == nil) assert(m.match("a" * m.P(true), "a") == 2) assert(m.match(#m.P(false) * "a", "a") == nil) assert(m.match(#m.P(true) * "a", "a") == 2) assert(m.match("a" * #m.P(false), "a") == nil) assert(m.match("a" * #m.P(true), "a") == 2) assert(m.match(m.P(1)^0, "abcd") == 5) assert(m.match(m.S("")^0, "abcd") == 1) -- tests for locale do assert(m.locale(m) == m) local t = {} assert(m.locale(t, m) == t) local x = m.locale() for n,v in pairs(x) do assert(type(n) == "string") eqcharset(v, m[n]) end end assert(m.match(3, "aaaa")) assert(m.match(4, "aaaa")) assert(not m.match(5, "aaaa")) assert(m.match(-3, "aa")) assert(not m.match(-3, "aaa")) assert(not m.match(-3, "aaaa")) assert(not m.match(-4, "aaaa")) assert(m.P(-5):match"aaaa") assert(m.match("a", "alo") == 2) assert(m.match("al", "alo") == 3) assert(not m.match("alu", "alo")) assert(m.match(true, "") == 1) local digit = m.S"0123456789" local upper = m.S"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" local lower = m.S"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" local letter = m.S"" + upper + lower local alpha = letter + digit + m.R() eqcharset(m.S"", m.P(false)) eqcharset(upper, m.R("AZ")) eqcharset(lower, m.R("az")) eqcharset(upper + lower, m.R("AZ", "az")) eqcharset(upper + lower, m.R("AZ", "cz", "aa", "bb", "90")) eqcharset(digit, m.S"01234567" + "8" + "9") eqcharset(upper, letter - lower) eqcharset(m.S(""), m.R()) assert(cs2str(m.S("")) == "") eqcharset(m.S"\0", "\0") eqcharset(m.S"\1\0\2", m.R"\0\2") eqcharset(m.S"\1\0\2", m.R"\1\2" + "\0") eqcharset(m.S"\1\0\2" - "\0", m.R"\1\2") eqcharset(m.S("\0\255"), m.P"\0" + "\255") -- charset extremes local word = alpha^1 * (1 - alpha)^0 assert((word^0 * -1):match"alo alo") assert(m.match(word^1 * -1, "alo alo")) assert(m.match(word^2 * -1, "alo alo")) assert(not m.match(word^3 * -1, "alo alo")) assert(not m.match(word^-1 * -1, "alo alo")) assert(m.match(word^-2 * -1, "alo alo")) assert(m.match(word^-3 * -1, "alo alo")) local eos = m.P(-1) assert(m.match(digit^0 * letter * digit * eos, "1298a1")) assert(not m.match(digit^0 * letter * eos, "1257a1")) b = { [1] = "(" * (((1 - m.S"()") + #m.P"(" * m.V(1))^0) * ")" } assert(m.match(b, "(al())()")) assert(not m.match(b * eos, "(al())()")) assert(m.match(b * eos, "((al())()(é))")) assert(not m.match(b, "(al()()")) assert(not m.match(letter^1 - "for", "foreach")) assert(m.match(letter^1 - ("for" * eos), "foreach")) assert(not m.match(letter^1 - ("for" * eos), "for")) function basiclookfor (p) return m.P { [1] = p + (1 * m.V(1)) } end function caplookfor (p) return basiclookfor(p:C()) end assert(m.match(caplookfor(letter^1), " 4achou123...") == "achou") a = {m.match(caplookfor(letter^1)^0, " two words, one more ")} checkeq(a, {"two", "words", "one", "more"}) assert(m.match( basiclookfor((#m.P(b) * 1) * m.Cp()), " ( (a)") == 7) a = {m.match(m.C(digit^1 * m.Cc"d") + m.C(letter^1 * m.Cc"l"), "123")} checkeq(a, {"123", "d"}) -- bug in LPeg 0.12 (nil value does not create a 'ktable') assert(m.match(m.Cc(nil), "") == nil) a = {m.match(m.C(digit^1 * m.Cc"d") + m.C(letter^1 * m.Cc"l"), "abcd")} checkeq(a, {"abcd", "l"}) a = {m.match(m.Cc(10,20,30) * 'a' * m.Cp(), 'aaa')} checkeq(a, {10,20,30,2}) a = {m.match(m.Cp() * m.Cc(10,20,30) * 'a' * m.Cp(), 'aaa')} checkeq(a, {1,10,20,30,2}) a = m.match(m.Ct(m.Cp() * m.Cc(10,20,30) * 'a' * m.Cp()), 'aaa') checkeq(a, {1,10,20,30,2}) a = m.match(m.Ct(m.Cp() * m.Cc(7,8) * m.Cc(10,20,30) * 'a' * m.Cp()), 'aaa') checkeq(a, {1,7,8,10,20,30,2}) a = {m.match(m.Cc() * m.Cc() * m.Cc(1) * m.Cc(2,3,4) * m.Cc() * 'a', 'aaa')} checkeq(a, {1,2,3,4}) a = {m.match(m.Cp() * letter^1 * m.Cp(), "abcd")} checkeq(a, {1, 5}) t = {m.match({[1] = m.C(m.C(1) * m.V(1) + -1)}, "abc")} checkeq(t, {"abc", "a", "bc", "b", "c", "c", ""}) -- bug in 0.12 ('hascapture' did not check for captures inside a rule) do local pat = m.P{ 'S'; S1 = m.C('abc') + 3, S = #m.V('S1') -- rule has capture, but '#' must ignore it } assert(pat:match'abc' == 1) end -- bug: loop in 'hascaptures' do local p = m.C(-m.P{m.P'x' * m.V(1) + m.P'y'}) assert(p:match("xxx") == "") end -- test for small capture boundary for i = 250,260 do assert(#m.match(m.C(i), string.rep('a', i)) == i) assert(#m.match(m.C(m.C(i)), string.rep('a', i)) == i) end -- tests for any*n and any*-n for n = 1, 550, 13 do local x_1 = string.rep('x', n - 1) local x = x_1 .. 'a' assert(not m.P(n):match(x_1)) assert(m.P(n):match(x) == n + 1) assert(n < 4 or m.match(m.P(n) + "xxx", x_1) == 4) assert(m.C(n):match(x) == x) assert(m.C(m.C(n)):match(x) == x) assert(m.P(-n):match(x_1) == 1) assert(not m.P(-n):match(x)) assert(n < 13 or m.match(m.Cc(20) * ((n - 13) * m.P(10)) * 3, x) == 20) local n3 = math.floor(n/3) assert(m.match(n3 * m.Cp() * n3 * n3, x) == n3 + 1) end -- true values assert(m.P(0):match("x") == 1) assert(m.P(0):match("") == 1) assert(m.C(0):match("x") == "") assert(m.match(m.Cc(0) * m.P(10) + m.Cc(1) * "xuxu", "xuxu") == 1) assert(m.match(m.Cc(0) * m.P(10) + m.Cc(1) * "xuxu", "xuxuxuxuxu") == 0) assert(m.match(m.C(m.P(2)^1), "abcde") == "abcd") p = m.Cc(0) * 1 + m.Cc(1) * 2 + m.Cc(2) * 3 + m.Cc(3) * 4 -- test for alternation optimization assert(m.match(m.P"a"^1 + "ab" + m.P"x"^0, "ab") == 2) assert(m.match((m.P"a"^1 + "ab" + m.P"x"^0 * 1)^0, "ab") == 3) assert(m.match(m.P"ab" + "cd" + "" + "cy" + "ak", "98") == 1) assert(m.match(m.P"ab" + "cd" + "ax" + "cy", "ax") == 3) assert(m.match("a" * m.P"b"^0 * "c" + "cd" + "ax" + "cy", "ax") == 3) assert(m.match((m.P"ab" + "cd" + "ax" + "cy")^0, "ax") == 3) assert(m.match(m.P(1) * "x" + m.S"" * "xu" + "ay", "ay") == 3) assert(m.match(m.P"abc" + "cde" + "aka", "aka") == 4) assert(m.match(m.S"abc" * "x" + "cde" + "aka", "ax") == 3) assert(m.match(m.S"abc" * "x" + "cde" + "aka", "aka") == 4) assert(m.match(m.S"abc" * "x" + "cde" + "aka", "cde") == 4) assert(m.match(m.S"abc" * "x" + "ide" + m.S"ab" * "ka", "aka") == 4) assert(m.match("ab" + m.S"abc" * m.P"y"^0 * "x" + "cde" + "aka", "ax") == 3) assert(m.match("ab" + m.S"abc" * m.P"y"^0 * "x" + "cde" + "aka", "aka") == 4) assert(m.match("ab" + m.S"abc" * m.P"y"^0 * "x" + "cde" + "aka", "cde") == 4) assert(m.match("ab" + m.S"abc" * m.P"y"^0 * "x" + "ide" + m.S"ab" * "ka", "aka") == 4) assert(m.match("ab" + m.S"abc" * m.P"y"^0 * "x" + "ide" + m.S"ab" * "ka", "ax") == 3) assert(m.match(m.P(1) * "x" + "cde" + m.S"ab" * "ka", "aka") == 4) assert(m.match(m.P(1) * "x" + "cde" + m.P(1) * "ka", "aka") == 4) assert(m.match(m.P(1) * "x" + "cde" + m.P(1) * "ka", "cde") == 4) assert(m.match(m.P"eb" + "cd" + m.P"e"^0 + "x", "ee") == 3) assert(m.match(m.P"ab" + "cd" + m.P"e"^0 + "x", "abcd") == 3) assert(m.match(m.P"ab" + "cd" + m.P"e"^0 + "x", "eeex") == 4) assert(m.match(m.P"ab" + "cd" + m.P"e"^0 + "x", "cd") == 3) assert(m.match(m.P"ab" + "cd" + m.P"e"^0 + "x", "x") == 1) assert(m.match(m.P"ab" + "cd" + m.P"e"^0 + "x" + "", "zee") == 1) assert(m.match(m.P"ab" + "cd" + m.P"e"^1 + "x", "abcd") == 3) assert(m.match(m.P"ab" + "cd" + m.P"e"^1 + "x", "eeex") == 4) assert(m.match(m.P"ab" + "cd" + m.P"e"^1 + "x", "cd") == 3) assert(m.match(m.P"ab" + "cd" + m.P"e"^1 + "x", "x") == 2) assert(m.match(m.P"ab" + "cd" + m.P"e"^1 + "x" + "", "zee") == 1) assert(not m.match(("aa" * m.P"bc"^-1 + "aab") * "e", "aabe")) assert(m.match("alo" * (m.P"\n" + -1), "alo") == 4) -- bug in 0.12 (rc1) assert(m.match((m.P"\128\187\191" + m.S"abc")^0, "\128\187\191") == 4) assert(m.match(m.S"\0\128\255\127"^0, string.rep("\0\128\255\127", 10)) == 4*10 + 1) -- optimizations with optional parts assert(m.match(("ab" * -m.P"c")^-1, "abc") == 1) assert(m.match(("ab" * #m.P"c")^-1, "abd") == 1) assert(m.match(("ab" * m.B"c")^-1, "ab") == 1) assert(m.match(("ab" * m.P"cd"^0)^-1, "abcdcdc") == 7) assert(m.match(m.P"ab"^-1 - "c", "abcd") == 3) p = ('Aa' * ('Bb' * ('Cc' * m.P'Dd'^0)^0)^0)^-1 assert(p:match("AaBbCcDdBbCcDdDdDdBb") == 21) -- bug in 0.12.2 -- p = { ('ab' ('c' 'ef'?)*)? } p = m.C(('ab' * ('c' * m.P'ef'^-1)^0)^-1) s = "abcefccefc" assert(s == p:match(s)) pi = "3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510" assert(m.match(m.Cs((m.P"1" / "a" + m.P"5" / "b" + m.P"9" / "c" + 1)^0), pi) == m.match(m.Cs((m.P(1) / {["1"] = "a", ["5"] = "b", ["9"] = "c"})^0), pi)) print"+" -- tests for capture optimizations assert(m.match((m.P(3) + 4 * m.Cp()) * "a", "abca") == 5) t = {m.match(((m.P"a" + m.Cp()) * m.P"x")^0, "axxaxx")} checkeq(t, {3, 6}) -- tests for numbered captures p = m.C(1) assert(m.match(m.C(m.C(p * m.C(2)) * m.C(3)) / 3, "abcdefgh") == "a") assert(m.match(m.C(m.C(p * m.C(2)) * m.C(3)) / 1, "abcdefgh") == "abcdef") assert(m.match(m.C(m.C(p * m.C(2)) * m.C(3)) / 4, "abcdefgh") == "bc") assert(m.match(m.C(m.C(p * m.C(2)) * m.C(3)) / 0, "abcdefgh") == 7) a, b, c = m.match(p * (m.C(p * m.C(2)) * m.C(3) / 4) * p, "abcdefgh") assert(a == "a" and b == "efg" and c == "h") -- test for table captures t = m.match(m.Ct(letter^1), "alo") checkeq(t, {}) t, n = m.match(m.Ct(m.C(letter)^1) * m.Cc"t", "alo") assert(n == "t" and table.concat(t) == "alo") t = m.match(m.Ct(m.C(m.C(letter)^1)), "alo") assert(table.concat(t, ";") == "alo;a;l;o") t = m.match(m.Ct(m.C(m.C(letter)^1)), "alo") assert(table.concat(t, ";") == "alo;a;l;o") t = m.match(m.Ct(m.Ct((m.Cp() * letter * m.Cp())^1)), "alo") assert(table.concat(t[1], ";") == "1;2;2;3;3;4") t = m.match(m.Ct(m.C(m.C(1) * 1 * m.C(1))), "alo") checkeq(t, {"alo", "a", "o"}) -- tests for groups p = m.Cg(1) -- no capture assert(p:match('x') == 'x') p = m.Cg(m.P(true)/function () end * 1) -- no value assert(p:match('x') == 'x') p = m.Cg(m.Cg(m.Cg(m.C(1)))) assert(p:match('x') == 'x') p = m.Cg(m.Cg(m.Cg(m.C(1))^0) * m.Cg(m.Cc(1) * m.Cc(2))) t = {p:match'abc'} checkeq(t, {'a', 'b', 'c', 1, 2}) p = m.Ct(m.Cg(m.Cc(10), "hi") * m.C(1)^0 * m.Cg(m.Cc(20), "ho")) t = p:match'' checkeq(t, {hi = 10, ho = 20}) t = p:match'abc' checkeq(t, {hi = 10, ho = 20, 'a', 'b', 'c'}) -- non-string group names p = m.Ct(m.Cg(1, print) * m.Cg(1, 23.5) * m.Cg(1, io)) t = p:match('abcdefghij') assert(t[print] == 'a' and t[23.5] == 'b' and t[io] == 'c') -- test for error messages local function checkerr (msg, f, ...) local st, err = pcall(f, ...) assert(not st and m.match({ m.P(msg) + 1 * m.V(1) }, err)) end checkerr("rule '1' may be left recursive", m.match, { m.V(1) * 'a' }, "a") checkerr("rule '1' used outside a grammar", m.match, m.V(1), "") checkerr("rule 'hiii' used outside a grammar", m.match, m.V('hiii'), "") checkerr("rule 'hiii' undefined in given grammar", m.match, { m.V('hiii') }, "") checkerr("undefined in given grammar", m.match, { m.V{} }, "") checkerr("rule 'A' is not a pattern", m.P, { m.P(1), A = {} }) checkerr("grammar has no initial rule", m.P, { [print] = {} }) -- grammar with a long call chain before left recursion p = {'a', a = m.V'b' * m.V'c' * m.V'd' * m.V'a', b = m.V'c', c = m.V'd', d = m.V'e', e = m.V'f', f = m.V'g', g = m.P'' } checkerr("rule 'a' may be left recursive", m.match, p, "a") -- Bug in peephole optimization of LPeg 0.12 (IJmp -> ICommit) -- the next grammar has an original sequence IJmp -> ICommit -> IJmp L1 -- that is optimized to ICommit L1 p = m.P { (m.P {m.P'abc'} + 'ayz') * m.V'y'; y = m.P'x' } assert(p:match('abcx') == 5 and p:match('ayzx') == 5 and not p:match'abc') do print "testing large dynamic Cc" local lim = 2^16 - 1 local c = 0 local function seq (n) if n == 1 then c = c + 1; return m.Cc(c) else local m = math.floor(n / 2) return seq(m) * seq(n - m) end end p = m.Ct(seq(lim)) t = p:match('') assert(t[lim] == lim) checkerr("too many", function () p = p / print end) checkerr("too many", seq, lim + 1) end do -- nesting of captures too deep local p = m.C(1) for i = 1, 300 do p = m.Ct(p) end checkerr("too deep", p.match, p, "x") end -- tests for non-pattern as arguments to pattern functions p = { ('a' * m.V(1))^-1 } * m.P'b' * { 'a' * m.V(2); m.V(1)^-1 } assert(m.match(p, "aaabaac") == 7) p = m.P'abc' * 2 * -5 * true * 'de' -- mix of numbers and strings and booleans assert(p:match("abc01de") == 8) assert(p:match("abc01de3456") == nil) p = 'abc' * (2 * (-5 * (true * m.P'de'))) assert(p:match("abc01de") == 8) assert(p:match("abc01de3456") == nil) p = { m.V(2), m.P"abc" } * (m.P{ "xx", xx = m.P"xx" } + { "x", x = m.P"a" * m.V"x" + "" }) assert(p:match("abcaaaxx") == 7) assert(p:match("abcxx") == 6) -- a large table capture t = m.match(m.Ct(m.C('a')^0), string.rep("a", 10000)) assert(#t == 10000 and t[1] == 'a' and t[#t] == 'a') print('+') -- bug in 0.10 (rechecking a grammar, after tail-call optimization) m.P{ m.P { (m.P(3) + "xuxu")^0 * m.V"xuxu", xuxu = m.P(1) } } local V = m.V local Space = m.S(" \n\t")^0 local Number = m.C(m.R("09")^1) * Space local FactorOp = m.C(m.S("+-")) * Space local TermOp = m.C(m.S("*/")) * Space local Open = "(" * Space local Close = ")" * Space local function f_factor (v1, op, v2, d) assert(d == nil) if op == "+" then return v1 + v2 else return v1 - v2 end end local function f_term (v1, op, v2, d) assert(d == nil) if op == "*" then return v1 * v2 else return v1 / v2 end end G = m.P{ "Exp", Exp = V"Factor" * (FactorOp * V"Factor" % f_factor)^0; Factor = V"Term" * (TermOp * V"Term" % f_term)^0; Term = Number / tonumber + Open * V"Exp" * Close; } G = Space * G * -1 for _, s in ipairs{" 3 + 5*9 / (1+1) ", "3+4/2", "3+3-3- 9*2+3*9/1- 8"} do assert(m.match(G, s) == loadstring("return "..s)()) end -- test for grammars (errors deep in calling non-terminals) g = m.P{ [1] = m.V(2) + "a", [2] = "a" * m.V(3) * "x", [3] = "b" * m.V(3) + "c" } assert(m.match(g, "abbbcx") == 7) assert(m.match(g, "abbbbx") == 2) -- tests for \0 assert(m.match(m.R("\0\1")^1, "\0\1\0") == 4) assert(m.match(m.S("\0\1ab")^1, "\0\1\0a") == 5) assert(m.match(m.P(1)^3, "\0\1\0a") == 5) assert(not m.match(-4, "\0\1\0a")) assert(m.match("\0\1\0a", "\0\1\0a") == 5) assert(m.match("\0\0\0", "\0\0\0") == 4) assert(not m.match("\0\0\0", "\0\0")) -- tests for predicates assert(not m.match(-m.P("a") * 2, "alo")) assert(m.match(- -m.P("a") * 2, "alo") == 3) assert(m.match(#m.P("a") * 2, "alo") == 3) assert(m.match(##m.P("a") * 2, "alo") == 3) assert(not m.match(##m.P("c") * 2, "alo")) assert(m.match(m.Cs((##m.P("a") * 1 + m.P(1)/".")^0), "aloal") == "a..a.") assert(m.match(m.Cs((#((#m.P"a")/"") * 1 + m.P(1)/".")^0), "aloal") == "a..a.") assert(m.match(m.Cs((- -m.P("a") * 1 + m.P(1)/".")^0), "aloal") == "a..a.") assert(m.match(m.Cs((-((-m.P"a")/"") * 1 + m.P(1)/".")^0), "aloal") == "a..a.") -- fixed length do -- 'and' predicate using fixed length local p = m.C(#("a" * (m.P("bd") + "cd")) * 2) assert(p:match("acd") == "ac") p = #m.P{ "a" * m.V(2), m.P"b" } * 2 assert(p:match("abc") == 3) p = #(m.P"abc" * m.B"c") assert(p:match("abc") == 1 and not p:match("ab")) p = m.P{ "a" * m.V(2), m.P"b"^1 } checkerr("pattern may not have fixed length", m.B, p) p = "abc" * (m.P"b"^1 + m.P"a"^0) checkerr("pattern may not have fixed length", m.B, p) end p = -m.P'a' * m.Cc(1) + -m.P'b' * m.Cc(2) + -m.P'c' * m.Cc(3) assert(p:match('a') == 2 and p:match('') == 1 and p:match('b') == 1) p = -m.P'a' * m.Cc(10) + #m.P'a' * m.Cc(20) assert(p:match('a') == 20 and p:match('') == 10 and p:match('b') == 10) -- look-behind predicate assert(not m.match(m.B'a', 'a')) assert(m.match(1 * m.B'a', 'a') == 2) assert(not m.match(m.B(1), 'a')) assert(m.match(1 * m.B(1), 'a') == 2) assert(m.match(-m.B(1), 'a') == 1) assert(m.match(m.B(250), string.rep('a', 250)) == nil) assert(m.match(250 * m.B(250), string.rep('a', 250)) == 251) -- look-behind with an open call checkerr("pattern may not have fixed length", m.B, m.V'S1') checkerr("too long to look behind", m.B, 260) B = #letter * -m.B(letter) + -letter * m.B(letter) x = m.Ct({ (B * m.Cp())^-1 * (1 * m.V(1) + m.P(true)) }) checkeq(m.match(x, 'ar cal c'), {1,3,4,7,9,10}) checkeq(m.match(x, ' ar cal '), {2,4,5,8}) checkeq(m.match(x, ' '), {}) checkeq(m.match(x, 'aloalo'), {1,7}) assert(m.match(B, "a") == 1) assert(m.match(1 * B, "a") == 2) assert(not m.B(1 - letter):match("")) assert((-m.B(letter)):match("") == 1) assert((4 * m.B(letter, 4)):match("aaaaaaaa") == 5) assert(not (4 * m.B(#letter * 5)):match("aaaaaaaa")) assert((4 * -m.B(#letter * 5)):match("aaaaaaaa") == 5) -- look-behind with grammars assert(m.match('a' * m.B{'x', x = m.P(3)}, 'aaa') == nil) assert(m.match('aa' * m.B{'x', x = m.P('aaa')}, 'aaaa') == nil) assert(m.match('aaa' * m.B{'x', x = m.P('aaa')}, 'aaaaa') == 4) -- bug in 0.9 assert(m.match(('a' * #m.P'b'), "ab") == 2) assert(not m.match(('a' * #m.P'b'), "a")) assert(not m.match(#m.S'567', "")) assert(m.match(#m.S'567' * 1, "6") == 2) -- tests for Tail Calls p = m.P{ 'a' * m.V(1) + '' } assert(p:match(string.rep('a', 1000)) == 1001) -- create a grammar for a simple DFA for even number of 0s and 1s -- -- ->1 <---0---> 2 -- ^ ^ -- | | -- 1 1 -- | | -- V V -- 3 <---0---> 4 -- -- this grammar should keep no backtracking information p = m.P{ [1] = '0' * m.V(2) + '1' * m.V(3) + -1, [2] = '0' * m.V(1) + '1' * m.V(4), [3] = '0' * m.V(4) + '1' * m.V(1), [4] = '0' * m.V(3) + '1' * m.V(2), } assert(p:match(string.rep("00", 10000))) assert(p:match(string.rep("01", 10000))) assert(p:match(string.rep("011", 10000))) assert(not p:match(string.rep("011", 10000) .. "1")) assert(not p:match(string.rep("011", 10001))) -- this grammar does need backtracking info. local lim = 10000 p = m.P{ '0' * m.V(1) + '0' } checkerr("stack overflow", m.match, p, string.rep("0", lim)) m.setmaxstack(2*lim) checkerr("stack overflow", m.match, p, string.rep("0", lim)) m.setmaxstack(2*lim + 4) assert(m.match(p, string.rep("0", lim)) == lim + 1) -- this repetition should not need stack space (only the call does) p = m.P{ ('a' * m.V(1))^0 * 'b' + 'c' } m.setmaxstack(200) assert(p:match(string.rep('a', 180) .. 'c' .. string.rep('b', 180)) == 362) m.setmaxstack(100) -- restore low limit -- tests for optional start position assert(m.match("a", "abc", 1)) assert(m.match("b", "abc", 2)) assert(m.match("c", "abc", 3)) assert(not m.match(1, "abc", 4)) assert(m.match("a", "abc", -3)) assert(m.match("b", "abc", -2)) assert(m.match("c", "abc", -1)) assert(m.match("abc", "abc", -4)) -- truncate to position 1 assert(m.match("", "abc", 10)) -- empty string is everywhere! assert(m.match("", "", 10)) assert(not m.match(1, "", 1)) assert(not m.match(1, "", -1)) assert(not m.match(1, "", 0)) print("+") -- tests for argument captures checkerr("invalid argument", m.Carg, 0) checkerr("invalid argument", m.Carg, -1) checkerr("invalid argument", m.Carg, 2^18) checkerr("absent extra argument #1", m.match, m.Carg(1), 'a', 1) assert(m.match(m.Carg(1), 'a', 1, print) == print) x = {m.match(m.Carg(1) * m.Carg(2), '', 1, 10, 20)} checkeq(x, {10, 20}) assert(m.match(m.Cmt(m.Cg(m.Carg(3), "a") * m.Cmt(m.Cb("a"), function (s,i,x) assert(s == "a" and i == 1); return i, x+1 end) * m.Carg(2), function (s,i,a,b,c) assert(s == "a" and i == 1 and c == nil); return i, 2*a + 3*b end) * "a", "a", 1, false, 100, 1000) == 2*1001 + 3*100) -- tests for Lua functions t = {} s = "" p = m.P(function (s1, i) assert(s == s1); t[#t + 1] = i; return nil end) * false s = "hi, this is a test" assert(m.match(((p - m.P(-1)) + 2)^0, s) == string.len(s) + 1) assert(#t == string.len(s)/2 and t[1] == 1 and t[2] == 3) assert(not m.match(p, s)) p = mt.__add(function (s, i) return i end, function (s, i) return nil end) assert(m.match(p, "alo")) p = mt.__mul(function (s, i) return i end, function (s, i) return nil end) assert(not m.match(p, "alo")) t = {} p = function (s1, i) assert(s == s1); t[#t + 1] = i; return i end s = "hi, this is a test" assert(m.match((m.P(1) * p)^0, s) == string.len(s) + 1) assert(#t == string.len(s) and t[1] == 2 and t[2] == 3) t = {} p = m.P(function (s1, i) assert(s == s1); t[#t + 1] = i; return i <= s1:len() and i end) * 1 s = "hi, this is a test" assert(m.match(p^0, s) == string.len(s) + 1) assert(#t == string.len(s) + 1 and t[1] == 1 and t[2] == 2) p = function (s1, i) return m.match(m.P"a"^1, s1, i) end assert(m.match(p, "aaaa") == 5) assert(m.match(p, "abaa") == 2) assert(not m.match(p, "baaa")) checkerr("invalid position", m.match, function () return 2^20 end, s) checkerr("invalid position", m.match, function () return 0 end, s) checkerr("invalid position", m.match, function (s, i) return i - 1 end, s) checkerr("invalid position", m.match, m.P(1)^0 * function (_, i) return i - 1 end, s) assert(m.match(m.P(1)^0 * function (_, i) return i end * -1, s)) checkerr("invalid position", m.match, m.P(1)^0 * function (_, i) return i + 1 end, s) assert(m.match(m.P(function (s, i) return s:len() + 1 end) * -1, s)) checkerr("invalid position", m.match, m.P(function (s, i) return s:len() + 2 end) * -1, s) assert(not m.match(m.P(function (s, i) return s:len() end) * -1, s)) assert(m.match(m.P(1)^0 * function (_, i) return true end, s) == string.len(s) + 1) for i = 1, string.len(s) + 1 do assert(m.match(function (_, _) return i end, s) == i) end p = (m.P(function (s, i) return i%2 == 0 and i end) * 1 + m.P(function (s, i) return i%2 ~= 0 and i + 2 <= s:len() and i end) * 3)^0 * -1 assert(p:match(string.rep('a', 14000))) -- tests for Function Replacements f = function (a, ...) if a ~= "x" then return {a, ...} end end t = m.match(m.C(1)^0/f, "abc") checkeq(t, {"a", "b", "c"}) t = m.match(m.C(1)^0/f/f, "abc") checkeq(t, {{"a", "b", "c"}}) t = m.match(m.P(1)^0/f/f, "abc") -- no capture checkeq(t, {{"abc"}}) t = m.match((m.P(1)^0/f * m.Cp())/f, "abc") checkeq(t, {{"abc"}, 4}) t = m.match((m.C(1)^0/f * m.Cp())/f, "abc") checkeq(t, {{"a", "b", "c"}, 4}) t = m.match((m.C(1)^0/f * m.Cp())/f, "xbc") checkeq(t, {4}) t = m.match(m.C(m.C(1)^0)/f, "abc") checkeq(t, {"abc", "a", "b", "c"}) g = function (...) return 1, ... end t = {m.match(m.C(1)^0/g/g, "abc")} checkeq(t, {1, 1, "a", "b", "c"}) t = {m.match(m.Cc(nil,nil,4) * m.Cc(nil,3) * m.Cc(nil, nil) / g / g, "")} t1 = {1,1,nil,nil,4,nil,3,nil,nil} for i=1,10 do assert(t[i] == t1[i]) end -- bug in 0.12.2: ktable with only nil could be eliminated when joining -- with a pattern without ktable assert((m.P"aaa" * m.Cc(nil)):match"aaa" == nil) t = {m.match((m.C(1) / function (x) return x, x.."x" end)^0, "abc")} checkeq(t, {"a", "ax", "b", "bx", "c", "cx"}) t = m.match(m.Ct((m.C(1) / function (x,y) return y, x end * m.Cc(1))^0), "abc") checkeq(t, {nil, "a", 1, nil, "b", 1, nil, "c", 1}) -- tests for Query Replacements assert(m.match(m.C(m.C(1)^0)/{abc = 10}, "abc") == 10) assert(m.match(m.C(1)^0/{a = 10}, "abc") == 10) assert(m.match(m.S("ba")^0/{ab = 40}, "abc") == 40) t = m.match(m.Ct((m.S("ba")/{a = 40})^0), "abc") checkeq(t, {40}) assert(m.match(m.Cs((m.C(1)/{a=".", d=".."})^0), "abcdde") == ".bc....e") assert(m.match(m.Cs((m.C(1)/{f="."})^0), "abcdde") == "abcdde") assert(m.match(m.Cs((m.C(1)/{d="."})^0), "abcdde") == "abc..e") assert(m.match(m.Cs((m.C(1)/{e="."})^0), "abcdde") == "abcdd.") assert(m.match(m.Cs((m.C(1)/{e=".", f="+"})^0), "eefef") == "..+.+") assert(m.match(m.Cs((m.C(1))^0), "abcdde") == "abcdde") assert(m.match(m.Cs(m.C(m.C(1)^0)), "abcdde") == "abcdde") assert(m.match(1 * m.Cs(m.P(1)^0), "abcdde") == "bcdde") assert(m.match(m.Cs((m.C('0')/'x' + 1)^0), "abcdde") == "abcdde") assert(m.match(m.Cs((m.C('0')/'x' + 1)^0), "0ab0b0") == "xabxbx") assert(m.match(m.Cs((m.C('0')/'x' + m.P(1)/{b=3})^0), "b0a0b") == "3xax3") assert(m.match(m.P(1)/'%0%0'/{aa = -3} * 'x', 'ax') == -3) assert(m.match(m.C(1)/'%0%1'/{aa = 'z'}/{z = -3} * 'x', 'ax') == -3) assert(m.match(m.Cs(m.Cc(0) * (m.P(1)/"")), "4321") == "0") assert(m.match(m.Cs((m.P(1) / "%0")^0), "abcd") == "abcd") assert(m.match(m.Cs((m.P(1) / "%0.%0")^0), "abcd") == "a.ab.bc.cd.d") assert(m.match(m.Cs((m.P("a") / "%0.%0" + 1)^0), "abcad") == "a.abca.ad") assert(m.match(m.C("a") / "%1%%%0", "a") == "a%a") assert(m.match(m.Cs((m.P(1) / ".xx")^0), "abcd") == ".xx.xx.xx.xx") assert(m.match(m.Cp() * m.P(3) * m.Cp()/"%2%1%1 - %0 ", "abcde") == "411 - abc ") assert(m.match(m.P(1)/"%0", "abc") == "a") checkerr("invalid capture index", m.match, m.P(1)/"%1", "abc") checkerr("invalid capture index", m.match, m.P(1)/"%9", "abc") p = m.C(1) p = p * p; p = p * p; p = p * p * m.C(1) / "%9 - %1" assert(p:match("1234567890") == "9 - 1") assert(m.match(m.Cc(print), "") == print) -- too many captures (just ignore extra ones) p = m.C(1)^0 / "%2-%9-%0-%9" assert(p:match"01234567890123456789" == "1-8-01234567890123456789-8") s = string.rep("12345678901234567890", 20) assert(m.match(m.C(1)^0 / "%9-%1-%0-%3", s) == "9-1-" .. s .. "-3") -- string captures with non-string subcaptures p = m.Cc('alo') * m.C(1) / "%1 - %2 - %1" assert(p:match'x' == 'alo - x - alo') checkerr("invalid capture value (a boolean)", m.match, m.Cc(true) / "%1", "a") -- long strings for string capture l = 10000 s = string.rep('a', l) .. string.rep('b', l) .. string.rep('c', l) p = (m.C(m.P'a'^1) * m.C(m.P'b'^1) * m.C(m.P'c'^1)) / '%3%2%1' assert(p:match(s) == string.rep('c', l) .. string.rep('b', l) .. string.rep('a', l)) print"+" -- accumulator capture function f (x) return x + 1 end assert(m.match(m.Cf(m.Cc(0) * m.C(1)^0, f), "alo alo") == 7) assert(m.match(m.Cc(0) * (m.C(1) % f)^0, "alo alo") == 7) t = {m.match(m.Cf(m.Cc(1,2,3), error), "")} checkeq(t, {1}) p = m.Cf(m.Ct(true) * m.Cg(m.C(m.R"az"^1) * "=" * m.C(m.R"az"^1) * ";")^0, rawset) t = p:match("a=b;c=du;xux=yuy;") checkeq(t, {a="b", c="du", xux="yuy"}) -- errors in fold capture -- no initial capture checkerr("no initial value", m.match, m.Cf(m.P(5), print), 'aaaaaa') -- no initial capture (very long match forces fold to be a pair open-close) checkerr("no initial value", m.match, m.Cf(m.P(500), print), string.rep('a', 600)) -- errors in accumulator capture -- no initial capture checkerr("no previous value", m.match, m.P(5) % print, 'aaaaaa') -- no initial capture (very long match forces fold to be a pair open-close) checkerr("no previous value", m.match, m.P(500) % print, string.rep('a', 600)) -- tests for loop checker local function isnullable (p) checkerr("may accept empty string", function (p) return p^0 end, m.P(p)) end isnullable(m.P("x")^-4) assert(m.match(((m.P(0) + 1) * m.S"al")^0, "alo") == 3) assert(m.match((("x" + #m.P(1))^-4 * m.S"al")^0, "alo") == 3) isnullable("") isnullable(m.P("x")^0) isnullable(m.P("x")^-1) isnullable(m.P("x") + 1 + 2 + m.P("a")^-1) isnullable(-m.P("ab")) isnullable(- -m.P("ab")) isnullable(# #(m.P("ab") + "xy")) isnullable(- #m.P("ab")^0) isnullable(# -m.P("ab")^1) isnullable(#m.V(3)) isnullable(m.V(3) + m.V(1) + m.P('a')^-1) isnullable({[1] = m.V(2) * m.V(3), [2] = m.V(3), [3] = m.P(0)}) assert(m.match(m.P{[1] = m.V(2) * m.V(3), [2] = m.V(3), [3] = m.P(1)}^0, "abc") == 3) assert(m.match(m.P""^-3, "a") == 1) local function find (p, s) return m.match(basiclookfor(p), s) end local function badgrammar (g, expected) local stat, msg = pcall(m.P, g) assert(not stat) if expected then assert(find(expected, msg)) end end badgrammar({[1] = m.V(1)}, "rule '1'") badgrammar({[1] = m.V(2)}, "rule '2'") -- invalid non-terminal badgrammar({[1] = m.V"x"}, "rule 'x'") -- invalid non-terminal badgrammar({[1] = m.V{}}, "rule '(a table)'") -- invalid non-terminal badgrammar({[1] = #m.P("a") * m.V(1)}, "rule '1'") -- left-recursive badgrammar({[1] = -m.P("a") * m.V(1)}, "rule '1'") -- left-recursive badgrammar({[1] = -1 * m.V(1)}, "rule '1'") -- left-recursive badgrammar({[1] = -1 + m.V(1)}, "rule '1'") -- left-recursive badgrammar({[1] = 1 * m.V(2), [2] = m.V(2)}, "rule '2'") -- left-recursive badgrammar({[1] = 1 * m.V(2)^0, [2] = m.P(0)}, "rule '1'") -- inf. loop badgrammar({ m.V(2), m.V(3)^0, m.P"" }, "rule '2'") -- inf. loop badgrammar({ m.V(2) * m.V(3)^0, m.V(3)^0, m.P"" }, "rule '1'") -- inf. loop badgrammar({"x", x = #(m.V(1) * 'a') }, "rule '1'") -- inf. loop badgrammar({ -(m.V(1) * 'a') }, "rule '1'") -- inf. loop badgrammar({"x", x = m.P'a'^-1 * m.V"x"}, "rule 'x'") -- left recursive badgrammar({"x", x = m.P'a' * m.V"y"^1, y = #m.P(1)}, "rule 'x'") assert(m.match({'a' * -m.V(1)}, "aaa") == 2) assert(m.match({'a' * -m.V(1)}, "aaaa") == nil) -- good x bad grammars m.P{ ('a' * m.V(1))^-1 } m.P{ -('a' * m.V(1)) } m.P{ ('abc' * m.V(1))^-1 } m.P{ -('abc' * m.V(1)) } badgrammar{ #m.P('abc') * m.V(1) } badgrammar{ -('a' + m.V(1)) } m.P{ #('a' * m.V(1)) } badgrammar{ #('a' + m.V(1)) } m.P{ m.B{ m.P'abc' } * 'a' * m.V(1) } badgrammar{ m.B{ m.P'abc' } * m.V(1) } badgrammar{ ('a' + m.P'bcd')^-1 * m.V(1) } -- simple tests for maximum sizes: local p = m.P"a" for i=1,14 do p = p * p end p = {} for i=1,100 do p[i] = m.P"a" end p = m.P(p) -- strange values for rule labels p = m.P{ "print", print = m.V(print), [print] = m.V(_G), [_G] = m.P"a", } assert(p:match("a")) -- initial rule g = {} for i = 1, 10 do g["i"..i] = "a" * m.V("i"..i+1) end g.i11 = m.P"" for i = 1, 10 do g[1] = "i"..i local p = m.P(g) assert(p:match("aaaaaaaaaaa") == 11 - i + 1) end print "testing back references" checkerr("back reference 'x' not found", m.match, m.Cb('x'), '') checkerr("back reference 'b' not found", m.match, m.Cg(1, 'a') * m.Cb('b'), 'a') p = m.Cg(m.C(1) * m.C(1), "k") * m.Ct(m.Cb("k")) t = p:match("ab") checkeq(t, {"a", "b"}) p = m.P(true) for i = 1, 10 do p = p * m.Cg(1, i) end for i = 1, 10 do local p = p * m.Cb(i) assert(p:match('abcdefghij') == string.sub('abcdefghij', i, i)) end t = {} function foo (p) t[#t + 1] = p; return p .. "x" end p = m.Cg(m.C(2) / foo, "x") * m.Cb"x" * m.Cg(m.Cb('x') / foo, "x") * m.Cb"x" * m.Cg(m.Cb('x') / foo, "x") * m.Cb"x" * m.Cg(m.Cb('x') / foo, "x") * m.Cb"x" x = {p:match'ab'} checkeq(x, {'abx', 'abxx', 'abxxx', 'abxxxx'}) checkeq(t, {'ab', 'ab', 'abx', 'ab', 'abx', 'abxx', 'ab', 'abx', 'abxx', 'abxxx'}) -- tests for match-time captures p = m.P'a' * (function (s, i) return (s:sub(i, i) == 'b') and i + 1 end) + 'acd' assert(p:match('abc') == 3) assert(p:match('acd') == 4) local function id (s, i, ...) return true, ... end do -- run-time capture in an end predicate (should discard its value) local x = 0 function foo (s, i) x = x + 1 return true, x end local p = #(m.Cmt("", foo) * "xx") * m.Cmt("", foo) assert(p:match("xx") == 2) end assert(m.Cmt(m.Cs((m.Cmt(m.S'abc' / { a = 'x', c = 'y' }, id) + m.R'09'^1 / string.char + m.P(1))^0), id):match"acb98+68c" == "xyb\98+\68y") p = m.P{'S', S = m.V'atom' * space + m.Cmt(m.Ct("(" * space * (m.Cmt(m.V'S'^1, id) + m.P(true)) * ")" * space), id), atom = m.Cmt(m.C(m.R("AZ", "az", "09")^1), id) } x = p:match"(a g () ((b) c) (d (e)))" checkeq(x, {'a', 'g', {}, {{'b'}, 'c'}, {'d', {'e'}}}); x = {(m.Cmt(1, id)^0):match(string.rep('a', 500))} assert(#x == 500) local function id(s, i, x) if x == 'a' then return i, 1, 3, 7 else return nil, 2, 4, 6, 8 end end p = ((m.P(id) * 1 + m.Cmt(2, id) * 1 + m.Cmt(1, id) * 1))^0 assert(table.concat{p:match('abababab')} == string.rep('137', 4)) local function ref (s, i, x) return m.match(x, s, i - x:len()) end assert(m.Cmt(m.P(1)^0, ref):match('alo') == 4) assert((m.P(1) * m.Cmt(m.P(1)^0, ref)):match('alo') == 4) assert(not (m.P(1) * m.Cmt(m.C(1)^0, ref)):match('alo')) ref = function (s,i,x) return i == tonumber(x) and i, 'xuxu' end assert(m.Cmt(1, ref):match'2') assert(not m.Cmt(1, ref):match'1') assert(m.Cmt(m.P(1)^0, ref):match'03') function ref (s, i, a, b) if a == b then return i, a:upper() end end p = m.Cmt(m.C(m.R"az"^1) * "-" * m.C(m.R"az"^1), ref) p = (any - p)^0 * p * any^0 * -1 assert(p:match'abbbc-bc ddaa' == 'BC') do -- match-time captures cannot be optimized away local touch = 0 f = m.P(function () touch = touch + 1; return true end) local function check(n) n = n or 1; assert(touch == n); touch = 0 end assert(m.match(f * false + 'b', 'a') == nil); check() assert(m.match(f * false + 'b', '') == nil); check() assert(m.match( (f * 'a')^0 * 'b', 'b') == 2); check() assert(m.match( (f * 'a')^0 * 'b', '') == nil); check() assert(m.match( (f * 'a')^-1 * 'b', 'b') == 2); check() assert(m.match( (f * 'a')^-1 * 'b', '') == nil); check() assert(m.match( ('b' + f * 'a')^-1 * 'b', '') == nil); check() assert(m.match( (m.P'b'^-1 * f * 'a')^-1 * 'b', '') == nil); check() assert(m.match( (-m.P(1) * m.P'b'^-1 * f * 'a')^-1 * 'b', '') == nil); check() assert(m.match( (f * 'a' + 'b')^-1 * 'b', '') == nil); check() assert(m.match(f * 'a' + f * 'b', 'b') == 2); check(2) assert(m.match(f * 'a' + f * 'b', 'a') == 2); check(1) assert(m.match(-f * 'a' + 'b', 'b') == 2); check(1) assert(m.match(-f * 'a' + 'b', '') == nil); check(1) end c = '[' * m.Cg(m.P'='^0, "init") * '[' * { m.Cmt(']' * m.C(m.P'='^0) * ']' * m.Cb("init"), function (_, _, s1, s2) return s1 == s2 end) + 1 * m.V(1) } / 0 assert(c:match'[==[]]====]]]]==]===[]' == 18) assert(c:match'[[]=]====]=]]]==]===[]' == 14) assert(not c:match'[[]=]====]=]=]==]===[]') -- old bug: optimization of concat with fail removed match-time capture p = m.Cmt(0, function (s) p = s end) * m.P(false) assert(not p:match('alo')) assert(p == 'alo') -- ensure that failed match-time captures are not kept on Lua stack do local t = {__mode = "kv"}; setmetatable(t,t) local c = 0 local function foo (s,i) collectgarbage(); assert(next(t) == "__mode" and next(t, "__mode") == nil) local x = {} t[x] = true c = c + 1 return i, x end local p = m.P{ m.Cmt(0, foo) * m.P(false) + m.P(1) * m.V(1) + m.P"" } p:match(string.rep('1', 10)) assert(c == 11) end -- Return a match-time capture that returns 'n' captures local function manyCmt (n) return m.Cmt("a", function () local a = {}; for i = 1, n do a[i] = n - i end return true, unpack(a) end) end -- bug in 1.0: failed match-time that used previous match-time results do local x local function aux (...) x = #{...}; return false end local res = {m.match(m.Cmt(manyCmt(20), aux) + manyCmt(10), "a")} assert(#res == 10 and res[1] == 9 and res[10] == 0) end -- bug in 1.0: problems with math-times returning too many captures if _VERSION >= "Lua 5.2" then local lim = 2^11 - 10 local res = {m.match(manyCmt(lim), "a")} assert(#res == lim and res[1] == lim - 1 and res[lim] == 0) checkerr("too many", m.match, manyCmt(2^15), "a") end p = (m.P(function () return true, "a" end) * 'a' + m.P(function (s, i) return i, "aa", 20 end) * 'b' + m.P(function (s,i) if i <= #s then return i, "aaa" end end) * 1)^0 t = {p:match('abacc')} checkeq(t, {'a', 'aa', 20, 'a', 'aaa', 'aaa'}) do print"testing large grammars" local lim = 1000 -- number of rules local t = {} for i = 3, lim do t[i] = m.V(i - 1) -- each rule calls previous one end t[1] = m.V(lim) -- start on last rule t[2] = m.C("alo") -- final rule local P = m.P(t) -- build grammar assert(P:match("alo") == "alo") t[#t + 1] = m.P("x") -- one more rule... checkerr("too many rules", m.P, t) end print "testing UTF-8 ranges" do -- a few typical UTF-8 ranges local p = m.utfR(0x410, 0x44f)^1 / "cyr: %0" + m.utfR(0x4e00, 0x9fff)^1 / "cjk: %0" + m.utfR(0x1F600, 0x1F64F)^1 / "emot: %0" + m.utfR(0, 0x7f)^1 / "ascii: %0" + m.utfR(0, 0x10ffff) / "other: %0" p = m.Ct(p^0) * -m.P(1) local cyr = "ждюя" local emot = "\240\159\152\128\240\159\153\128" -- 😀🙀 local cjk = "专举乸" local ascii = "alo" local last = "\244\143\191\191" -- U+10FFFF local s = cyr .. "—" .. emot .. "—" .. cjk .. "—" .. ascii .. last t = (p:match(s)) assert(t[1] == "cyr: " .. cyr and t[2] == "other: —" and t[3] == "emot: " .. emot and t[4] == "other: —" and t[5] == "cjk: " .. cjk and t[6] == "other: —" and t[7] == "ascii: " .. ascii and t[8] == "other: " .. last and t[9] == nil) -- failing UTF-8 matches and borders assert(not m.match(m.utfR(10, 0x2000), "\9")) assert(not m.match(m.utfR(10, 0x2000), "\226\128\129")) assert(m.match(m.utfR(10, 0x2000), "\10") == 2) assert(m.match(m.utfR(10, 0x2000), "\226\128\128") == 4) end do -- valid and invalid code points local p = m.utfR(0, 0x10ffff)^0 assert(p:match("汉字\128") == #"汉字" + 1) assert(p:match("\244\159\191") == 1) assert(p:match("\244\159\191\191") == 1) assert(p:match("\255") == 1) -- basic errors checkerr("empty range", m.utfR, 1, 0) checkerr("invalid code point", m.utfR, 1, 0x10ffff + 1) end do -- back references (fixed width) -- match a byte after a CJK point local p = m.B(m.utfR(0x4e00, 0x9fff)) * m.C(1) p = m.P{ p + m.P(1) * m.V(1) } -- search for 'p' assert(p:match("ab д 专X x") == "X") -- match a byte after a hebrew point local p = m.B(m.utfR(0x5d0, 0x5ea)) * m.C(1) p = m.P(#"ש") * p assert(p:match("שX") == "X") checkerr("fixed length", m.B, m.utfR(0, 0x10ffff)) end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tests for 're' module ------------------------------------------------------------------- print"testing 're' module" local re = require "re" local match, compile = re.match, re.compile assert(match("a", ".") == 2) assert(match("a", "''") == 1) assert(match("", " ! . ") == 1) assert(not match("a", " ! . ")) assert(match("abcde", " ( . . ) * ") == 5) assert(match("abbcde", " [a-c] +") == 5) assert(match("0abbc1de", "'0' [a-c]+ '1'") == 7) assert(match("0zz1dda", "'0' [^a-c]+ 'a'") == 8) assert(match("abbc--", " [a-c] + +") == 5) assert(match("abbc--", " [ac-] +") == 2) assert(match("abbc--", " [-acb] + ") == 7) assert(not match("abbcde", " [b-z] + ")) assert(match("abb\"de", '"abb"["]"de"') == 7) assert(match("abceeef", "'ac' ? 'ab' * 'c' { 'e' * } / 'abceeef' ") == "eee") assert(match("abceeef", "'ac'? 'ab'* 'c' { 'f'+ } / 'abceeef' ") == 8) assert(re.match("aaand", "[a]^2") == 3) local t = {match("abceefe", "( ( & 'e' {} ) ? . ) * ")} checkeq(t, {4, 5, 7}) local t = {match("abceefe", "((&&'e' {})? .)*")} checkeq(t, {4, 5, 7}) local t = {match("abceefe", "( ( ! ! 'e' {} ) ? . ) *")} checkeq(t, {4, 5, 7}) local t = {match("abceefe", "(( & ! & ! 'e' {})? .)*")} checkeq(t, {4, 5, 7}) assert(match("cccx" , "'ab'? ('ccc' / ('cde' / 'cd'*)? / 'ccc') 'x'+") == 5) assert(match("cdx" , "'ab'? ('ccc' / ('cde' / 'cd'*)? / 'ccc') 'x'+") == 4) assert(match("abcdcdx" , "'ab'? ('ccc' / ('cde' / 'cd'*)? / 'ccc') 'x'+") == 8) assert(match("abc", "a <- (. a)?") == 4) b = "balanced <- '(' ([^()] / balanced)* ')'" assert(match("(abc)", b)) assert(match("(a(b)((c) (d)))", b)) assert(not match("(a(b ((c) (d)))", b)) b = compile[[ balanced <- "(" ([^()] / balanced)* ")" ]] assert(b == m.P(b)) assert(b:match"((((a))(b)))") local g = [[ S <- "0" B / "1" A / "" -- balanced strings A <- "0" S / "1" A A -- one more 0 B <- "1" S / "0" B B -- one more 1 ]] assert(match("00011011", g) == 9) local g = [[ S <- ("0" B / "1" A)* A <- "0" / "1" A A B <- "1" / "0" B B ]] assert(match("00011011", g) == 9) assert(match("000110110", g) == 9) assert(match("011110110", g) == 3) assert(match("000110010", g) == 1) s = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" assert(match(s, "'a'^3") == 4) assert(match(s, "'a'^0") == 1) assert(match(s, "'a'^+3") == s:len() + 1) assert(not match(s, "'a'^+30")) assert(match(s, "'a'^-30") == s:len() + 1) assert(match(s, "'a'^-5") == 6) for i = 1, s:len() do assert(match(s, string.format("'a'^+%d", i)) >= i + 1) assert(match(s, string.format("'a'^-%d", i)) <= i + 1) assert(match(s, string.format("'a'^%d", i)) == i + 1) end assert(match("01234567890123456789", "[0-9]^3+") == 19) assert(match("01234567890123456789", "({....}{...}) -> '%2%1'") == "4560123") t = match("0123456789", "{| {.}* |}") checkeq(t, {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"}) assert(match("012345", "{| (..) -> '%0%0' |}")[1] == "0101") assert(match("abcdef", "( {.} {.} {.} {.} {.} ) -> 3") == "c") assert(match("abcdef", "( {:x: . :} {.} {.} {.} {.} ) -> 3") == "d") assert(match("abcdef", "( {:x: . :} {.} {.} {.} {.} ) -> 0") == 6) assert(not match("abcdef", "{:x: ({.} {.} {.}) -> 2 :} =x")) assert(match("abcbef", "{:x: ({.} {.} {.}) -> 2 :} =x")) eqcharset(compile"[]]", "]") eqcharset(compile"[][]", m.S"[]") eqcharset(compile"[]-]", m.S"-]") eqcharset(compile"[-]", m.S"-") eqcharset(compile"[az-]", m.S"a-z") eqcharset(compile"[-az]", m.S"a-z") eqcharset(compile"[a-z]", m.R"az") eqcharset(compile"[]['\"]", m.S[[]['"]]) eqcharset(compile"[^]]", any - "]") eqcharset(compile"[^][]", any - m.S"[]") eqcharset(compile"[^]-]", any - m.S"-]") eqcharset(compile"[^]-]", any - m.S"-]") eqcharset(compile"[^-]", any - m.S"-") eqcharset(compile"[^az-]", any - m.S"a-z") eqcharset(compile"[^-az]", any - m.S"a-z") eqcharset(compile"[^a-z]", any - m.R"az") eqcharset(compile"[^]['\"]", any - m.S[[]['"]]) -- tests for comments in 're' e = compile[[ A <- _B -- \t \n %nl .<> <- -> -- _B <- 'x' --]] assert(e:match'xy' == 2) -- tests for 're' with pre-definitions defs = {digits = m.R"09", letters = m.R"az", _=m.P"__"} e = compile("%letters (%letters / %digits)*", defs) assert(e:match"x123" == 5) e = compile("%_", defs) assert(e:match"__" == 3) e = compile([[ S <- A+ A <- %letters+ B B <- %digits+ ]], defs) e = compile("{[0-9]+'.'?[0-9]*} -> sin", math) assert(e:match("2.34") == math.sin(2.34)) e = compile("'pi' -> math", _G) assert(e:match("pi") == math.pi) e = compile("[ ]* 'version' -> _VERSION", _G) assert(e:match(" version") == _VERSION) function eq (_, _, a, b) return a == b end c = re.compile([[ longstring <- '[' {:init: '='* :} '[' close close <- ']' =init ']' / . close ]]) assert(c:match'[==[]]===]]]]==]===[]' == 17) assert(c:match'[[]=]====]=]]]==]===[]' == 14) assert(not c:match'[[]=]====]=]=]==]===[]') c = re.compile" '[' {:init: '='* :} '[' (!(']' =init ']') .)* ']' =init ']' !. " assert(c:match'[==[]]===]]]]==]') assert(c:match'[[]=]====]=][]==]===[]]') assert(not c:match'[[]=]====]=]=]==]===[]') assert(re.find("hi alalo", "{:x:..:} =x") == 4) assert(re.find("hi alalo", "{:x:..:} =x", 4) == 4) assert(not re.find("hi alalo", "{:x:..:} =x", 5)) assert(re.find("hi alalo", "{'al'}", 5) == 6) assert(re.find("hi aloalolo", "{:x:..:} =x") == 8) assert(re.find("alo alohi x x", "{:word:%w+:}%W*(=word)!%w") == 11) -- re.find discards any captures local a,b,c = re.find("alo", "{.}{'o'}") assert(a == 2 and b == 3 and c == nil) local function match (s,p) local i,e = re.find(s,p) if i then return s:sub(i, e) end end assert(match("alo alo", '[a-z]+') == "alo") assert(match("alo alo", '{:x: [a-z]+ :} =x') == nil) assert(match("alo alo", "{:x: [a-z]+ :} ' ' =x") == "alo alo") assert(re.gsub("alo alo", "[abc]", "x") == "xlo xlo") assert(re.gsub("alo alo", "%w+", ".") == ". .") assert(re.gsub("hi, how are you", "[aeiou]", string.upper) == "hI, hOw ArE yOU") s = 'hi [[a comment[=]=] ending here]] and [=[another]]=]]' c = re.compile" '[' {:i: '='* :} '[' (!(']' =i ']') .)* ']' { =i } ']' " assert(re.gsub(s, c, "%2") == 'hi and =]') assert(re.gsub(s, c, "%0") == s) assert(re.gsub('[=[hi]=]', c, "%2") == '=') assert(re.find("", "!.") == 1) assert(re.find("alo", "!.") == 4) function addtag (s, i, t, tag) t.tag = tag; return i, t end c = re.compile([[ doc <- block !. block <- (start {| (block / { [^<]+ })* |} end?) => addtag start <- '<' {:tag: [a-z]+ :} '>' end <- '' ]], {addtag = addtag}) x = c:match[[ hihellobuttotheend]] checkeq(x, {tag='x', 'hi', {tag = 'b', 'hello'}, 'but', {'totheend'}}) -- test for folding captures c = re.compile([[ S <- (number (%s+ number)*) ~> add number <- %d+ -> tonumber ]], {tonumber = tonumber, add = function (a,b) return a + b end}) assert(c:match("3 401 50") == 3 + 401 + 50) -- tests for look-ahead captures x = {re.match("alo", "&(&{.}) !{'b'} {&(...)} &{..} {...} {!.}")} checkeq(x, {"", "alo", ""}) assert(re.match("aloalo", "{~ (((&'al' {.}) -> 'A%1' / (&%l {.}) -> '%1%1') / .)* ~}") == "AallooAalloo") -- bug in 0.9 (and older versions), due to captures in look-aheads x = re.compile[[ {~ (&(. ([a-z]* -> '*')) ([a-z]+ -> '+') ' '*)* ~} ]] assert(x:match"alo alo" == "+ +") -- valid capture in look-ahead (used inside the look-ahead itself) x = re.compile[[ S <- &({:two: .. :} . =two) {[a-z]+} / . S ]] assert(x:match("hello aloaLo aloalo xuxu") == "aloalo") p = re.compile[[ block <- {| {:ident:space*:} line ((=ident !space line) / &(=ident space) block)* |} line <- {[^%nl]*} %nl space <- '_' -- should be ' ', but '_' is simpler for editors ]] t= p:match[[ 1 __1.1 __1.2 ____1.2.1 ____ 2 __2.1 ]] checkeq(t, {"1", {"1.1", "1.2", {"1.2.1", "", ident = "____"}, ident = "__"}, "2", {"2.1", ident = "__"}, ident = ""}) -- nested grammars p = re.compile[[ s <- a b !. b <- ( x <- ('b' x)? ) a <- ( x <- 'a' x? ) ]] assert(p:match'aaabbb') assert(p:match'aaa') assert(not p:match'bbb') assert(not p:match'aaabbba') -- testing groups t = {re.match("abc", "{:S <- {:.:} {S} / '':}")} checkeq(t, {"a", "bc", "b", "c", "c", ""}) t = re.match("1234", "{| {:a:.:} {:b:.:} {:c:.{.}:} |}") checkeq(t, {a="1", b="2", c="4"}) t = re.match("1234", "{|{:a:.:} {:b:{.}{.}:} {:c:{.}:}|}") checkeq(t, {a="1", b="2", c="4"}) t = re.match("12345", "{| {:.:} {:b:{.}{.}:} {:{.}{.}:} |}") checkeq(t, {"1", b="2", "4", "5"}) t = re.match("12345", "{| {:.:} {:{:b:{.}{.}:}:} {:{.}{.}:} |}") checkeq(t, {"1", "23", "4", "5"}) t = re.match("12345", "{| {:.:} {{:b:{.}{.}:}} {:{.}{.}:} |}") checkeq(t, {"1", "23", "4", "5"}) -- testing pre-defined names assert(os.setlocale("C") == "C") function eqlpeggsub (p1, p2) local s1 = cs2str(re.compile(p1)) local s2 = string.gsub(allchar, "[^" .. p2 .. "]", "") -- if s1 ~= s2 then print(#s1,#s2) end assert(s1 == s2) end eqlpeggsub("%w", "%w") eqlpeggsub("%a", "%a") eqlpeggsub("%l", "%l") eqlpeggsub("%u", "%u") eqlpeggsub("%p", "%p") eqlpeggsub("%d", "%d") eqlpeggsub("%x", "%x") eqlpeggsub("%s", "%s") eqlpeggsub("%c", "%c") eqlpeggsub("%W", "%W") eqlpeggsub("%A", "%A") eqlpeggsub("%L", "%L") eqlpeggsub("%U", "%U") eqlpeggsub("%P", "%P") eqlpeggsub("%D", "%D") eqlpeggsub("%X", "%X") eqlpeggsub("%S", "%S") eqlpeggsub("%C", "%C") eqlpeggsub("[%w]", "%w") eqlpeggsub("[_%w]", "_%w") eqlpeggsub("[^%w]", "%W") eqlpeggsub("[%W%S]", "%W%S") re.updatelocale() -- testing nested substitutions x string captures p = re.compile[[ text <- {~ item* ~} item <- macro / [^()] / '(' item* ')' arg <- ' '* {~ (!',' item)* ~} args <- '(' arg (',' arg)* ')' macro <- ('apply' args) -> '%1(%2)' / ('add' args) -> '%1 + %2' / ('mul' args) -> '%1 * %2' ]] assert(p:match"add(mul(a,b), apply(f,x))" == "a * b + f(x)") rev = re.compile[[ R <- (!.) -> '' / ({.} R) -> '%2%1']] assert(rev:match"0123456789" == "9876543210") -- testing error messages in re local function errmsg (p, err) checkerr(err, re.compile, p) end errmsg('aaaa', "rule 'aaaa'") errmsg('a', 'outside') errmsg('b <- a', 'undefined') errmsg("x <- 'a' x <- 'b'", 'already defined') errmsg("'a' -", "near '-'") print"OK"