local lpeg = require"lpeglabel" local R, S, P, V = lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.P, lpeg.V local C, Cc, Ct, Cmt = lpeg.C, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cmt local T, Lc = lpeg.T, lpeg.Lc -- The `labels` table contains the list of labels that we will be using -- as well as the corresponding error message for each label, which will -- be used in our error reporting later on. local labels = { {"NoExp", "no expression found"}, {"Extra", "extra characters found after the expression"}, {"ExpTerm", "expected a term after the operator"}, {"ExpExp", "expected an expression after the parenthesis"}, {"MisClose", "missing a closing ')' after the expression"}, } -- The `labelindex` function gives us the index of a label in the -- `labels` table, which serves as the integer representation of the label. -- We need this because LPegLabel requires us to use integers for the labels. local function labelindex(labname) for i, elem in ipairs(labels) do if elem[1] == labname then return i end end error("could not find label: " .. labname) end -- The `errors` table will hold the list of errors recorded during parsing local errors = {} -- The `expect` function takes a pattern and a label and returns a pattern -- that throws the specified label if the original pattern fails to match. -- Before throwing the label, it records the label to be thrown along with -- the position of the failure (index in input string) into the `errors` table. local function expect(patt, labname) local i = labelindex(labname) function recorderror(input, pos) table.insert(errors, {i, pos}) return true end return patt + Cmt("", recorderror) * T(i) end local num = R("09")^1 / tonumber local op = S("+-*/") -- The `compute` function takes an alternating list of numbers and -- operators and computes the result of applying the operations -- to the numbers in a left to right order (no operator precedence). local function compute(tokens) local result = tokens[1] for i = 2, #tokens, 2 do if tokens[i] == '+' then result = result + tokens[i+1] elseif tokens[i] == '-' then result = result - tokens[i+1] elseif tokens[i] == '*' then result = result * tokens[i+1] elseif tokens[i] == '/' then result = result / tokens[i+1] else error('unknown operation: ' .. tokens[i]) end end return result end -- Our grammar is a simple arithmetic expression of integers that -- does not take operator precedence into account but allows grouping -- via parenthesis. We have incorporated some error recovery startegies -- to our grammar so that it may resume parsing even after encountering -- an error, which allows us to report more errors. local g = P { "Exp", Exp = Ct(V"Term" * (C(op) * V"OpRecov")^0) / compute; -- `OpRecov` handles missing terms/operands by returning a dummy (zero). OpRecov = Lc(V"Operand", Cc(0), labelindex("ExpTerm")); Operand = expect(V"Term", "ExpTerm"); Term = num + V"Group"; -- `Group` handles missing closing parenthesis by simply ignoring it. -- Like all the others, the error is still recorded of course. Group = "(" * V"InnerExp" * Lc(expect(")", "MisClose"), P"", labelindex("MisClose")); -- `InnerExp` handles missing expressions by skipping to the next closing -- parenthesis. A dummy (zero) is returned in place of the expression. InnerExp = Lc(expect(V"Exp", "ExpExp"), (P(1) - ")")^0 * Cc(0), labelindex("ExpExp")); } g = expect(g, "NoExp") * expect(-P(1), "Extra") -- The `eval` function takes an input string to match against the grammar -- we've just defined. If the input string matches, then the result of the -- computation is returned, otherwise we return the error messages and -- positions of all the failures encountered. local function eval(input) local result, label, suffix = g:match(input) if #errors == 0 then return result else local out = {} for i, err in ipairs(errors) do local pos = err[2] local msg = labels[err[1]][2] table.insert(out, "syntax error: " .. msg .. " (at index " .. pos .. ")") end errors = {} return nil, table.concat(out, "\n") end end print(eval "98-76*(54/32)") --> 37.125 print(eval "(1+1-1*2/2") --> syntax error: missing a closing ')' after the expression (at index 11) print(eval "(1+)-1*(2/2)") --> syntax error: expected a term after the operator (at index 4) print(eval "(1+1)-1*(/2)") --> syntax error: expected an expression after the parenthesis (at index 10) print(eval "1+(1-(1*2))/2x") --> syntax error: extra chracters found after the expression (at index 14) print(eval "-1+(1-(1*2))/2") --> syntax error: no expression found (at index 1) print(eval "(1+1-1*(2/2+)-():") --> syntax error: expected a term after the operator (at index 13) --> syntax error: expected an expression after the parenthesis (at index 16) --> syntax error: missing a closing ')' after the expression (at index 17) --> syntax error: extra characters found after the expression (at index 17)